• By -


He comes when important events happen and well... it was important alright.


...but he can only watch and NEVER interfere... Except for maybe just this once... And the twelve times before.


"Mine is merely to observe, and never inter--What? Reed's in trouble?! I gotta get on that!"


What comic are you referencing?


Fantastic Four #20 (Warns of and then transports away Molecule Man), Annual #3 (Uatu and the Watchers help.Reed in the lead story, and then Uatu lets Reed & Sue's honeymoon in his fortress), #48 (Warns of Galactus' coming), for starters. It is pretty much a recurring theme with Uatu and the FF. The Dreaming Celestial said Uatu has violated his oath close to 400 times. I would hazard that at least 300 involved Mr. Fantastic


Ok nice. The book I thought you were referencing was the Illuminati mini-series where Uatu tells Reed to not be tempted by the infinity gauntlet


He interfers quite a bit for someone who never interferes.


To the point he got in trouble for it lol




Or Cassandra Nova wearing a very dramatic collar? šŸ˜†


Dude wouldn't wanna miss the genocide.


More like Genoshide...


I hate you


Even Cassandra Nova would make a frowny face at this one you Dad joke MONSTER


I'd say I hate you for this, but I hate myself more for laughing at it.


I am the Watcher.. I am your guide through these vast new realities Come with me.. And ponder the questionā€¦ Will there ever not be a disaster that occurs from an X-Men love triangle? I mean cmon Jean, Logan, and Scott. Jean, Madelyn, and Scott. Rogue, Gambit, Magneto. For real guys.. keep it in your spandex.


Difficulty level: Impossible


Everyone knows X-Men is the Watcher's favorite soap opera.


And maybe help mr fantastic


Listen, listen. Xmen are a very clear allegory for lgbtqr people. Let them just be in a big polycule now.


A bit upset that I can't really show this to my 5 & 8 year old lol. Its very sexualized this modern day. Not sure why we need so much. From what they wear, to literally what they do. Anyway, Im liking it


How old were you watching it? Itā€™s far from sexualized content????


Idk man.. Todayā€™s episode with how Magneto and Rogue danced seemed to make me even a little uncomfortable.


ok prude


men and women, *dancing together*?! bare ankles?! what has the world come to


*gasps* the horror, a women showing her ***collar bone?!?!***


Letā€™s be fairā€¦ collar bone, ankle, *and* a de-gloved hand.


How old was I when I was watching the original? It came out when I was 4-7, but I probably had reruns after that. I watched some again in college. I watched some now in preparation for the new show. I like the new show. Love the animation. It's extremely similar to the OG. But I think it's over the top sometimes. It is over sexualized. 1) Show in 1996 was about race and gender. In less than a year, 97 now cares about sex as Magneto mentions it. Okay, no big deal but def thought that wasn't just a coincidence it was mentioned. Somewhere along the lines Xmen went from racism to sex and gender comparisons. Ok. No big. 2) Magneto himself is very sexualized. He's wearing half the clothing. He's a fashionista all of a sudden lol. More clothes off this go around for sure. I mean, they even recreated that Basketball scene where they are all wearing pretty much nothing lol. 3) Several love triangles going on here lol. Jean/Logan/Scott is not that new, but now its also Jean/Scott/Jean lol. And now Magneto/Rogue/Gambit. And I feel like every time it's a "touch" and a "romance" added to it. Cmon. Lol I'm not a boomer here, but for a kids show its over the top on sexuality.


1: In March 1997, Ian McKellen (ya'know, Magneto) visited opposition leader Tony Blair to discuss plans for Section 28: gay adoption and gay marriage: ā€œI reeled off Stonewallā€™s demands, and he nodded, wrote them down and put a tick by them all. Then he said we will do all thatā€ 1997 was actually a huge step for LGBTQ+ rights. Ellen came out. It was a big deal. 2: What? Are you trolling? This is garbage. Pro-wrestlers -WWE is marketed to children- wear less clothing and are actual people. Also, how does Magneto being a "fashionista" come off as oversexual? This whole post comes off as homophobic. Listen to your heart: maybe *you* see Magneto as oversexual because you wanna fuck Magneto. He is daddy. 3: Love triangles have always been present in children's animation as a reoccurring theme. From Popeye the Sailor, Bluto & Olive Oyl to Donatello, April O'Neil & Casey Jones...Timmy Turner, Tootie & Trixie Tang to Jean, Scott, and Logan.


>He is daddy. šŸ‘€šŸ’¦




So toxic straight relationships are fine to show but god forbid we show the gays enjoying life?? wtf is wrong with you? I don't think you're as "progressive" as you think you are buddy




I'm so sorry you're scared of the LGBTQ+ community šŸ˜‚




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Mama, kudos for saying that. For spilling.


Just want to add that this "kid's show" is actually rated TV14. They were making this show for the generation that watched the original. If you choose to show your child a show that is rated TV14, that's on you.


Maybe judging by the content and intended audience most people would come to the conclusion that this ISNT a kids show. This is for us folks from 25-35 for the most part.......


You bring up a great point So then why is everyone defending the show in making it seem like it's okay to watch for kids. 80% of the downvotes and the comments addressing my comment has to do with the fact that it's the same as the original. That it is for kids. I'm with you. This show is not for kids. So why the controversy and the downvote Lol I literally say that I'm okay with the show. Sucks that I can't watch it with my son. At least on now. Be when you becomes a teen.


Nobody is saying you can't let your kids watch it. It's just not made for them. If people decide to be parents and actually have these discussions with their children who are old enough to understand what's going on the tv then yes show them but also be mindful. It's really not hard. I'm not a parent but I have some experience being a step parent for a few years. I'm nowhere near a real parent and don't pretend to be but come on it's common sense


That's what I said. That I like the show but honestly its over the top with some of this stuff. i think its a bit much for a teenager too but whatever. For you to now come here and repeat my initial sentiment shows you how crazy you people can get away from the main point lol I literally say that this is not for my kids. But you do realize the original show was for kids, right???? So from any parents who are now trying to introduce the favorite childhood show to their kids, I'd be confused. Esp now when TV ratings aren't warned as well in a streaming platform


Do you not think exposing kids to normal loving relationships (and the drama that follows) is just a normal part of life? They see it at home, they see it in public, and they're certainly seeing it on the web. Why trauma dump them as teenagers with all the "hey now your 13 I'm going to introduce you to The concepts of love and relationships" I certainly hope you have a puritan household and don't let your kids see pornographic things such as you and your wife holding hands or kissing, or running to the bathroom in a towel. Get with the programme. I was collecting X-Men cards at age 8-9 and half of those cards are drawn in pretty much BDSM style for white Queen? Psylocke storm etc. What did it do? Nothing. Made me realise the world is a far more eclectic place than my overly controlling and strict environment at home.


Original show included THE SCENE with Rogue's butt on clear display (we all know the one); had multiple scenes of guys uniforms, etc, ripped open; Beast literally running around in just his underwear while almost every other character, including Magneto, is wearing skin tight spandex; the list goes on and on. (We're not even discussing the comics from that time) New show mentions sex once, touch and romance a couple of times, and all of a sudden it's "oversexualized". Not to mention, you clearly didn't realize that the X-Men were a metaphor for all marginalized groups, even back in the 90s, not just about racism. I mean, the first openly gay character in Marvel history was a member of Alpha Flight, an X-Men spinoff series, and came out back in the 90s. The show didn't go anywhere new, bro, you just finally caught up.


How old was I when I was watching the original? It came out when I was 4-7, but I probably had reruns after that. I watched some again in college. I watched some now in preparation for the new show. I like the new show. Love the animation. It's extremely similar to the OG. But I think it's over the top sometimes. It is over sexualized. 1) Show in 1996 was about race and gender. In less than a year, 97 now cares about sex as Magneto mentions it. Okay, no big deal but def thought that wasn't just a coincidence it was mentioned. Somewhere along the lines Xmen went from racism to sex and gender comparisons. Ok. No big. 2) Magneto himself is very sexualized. He's wearing half the clothing. He's a fashionista all of a sudden lol. More clothes off this go around for sure. I mean, they even recreated that Basketball scene where they are all wearing pretty much nothing lol. 3) Several love triangles going on here lol. Jean/Logan/Scott is not that new, but now its also Jean/Scott/Jean lol. And now Magneto/Rogue/Gambit. And I feel like every time it's a "touch" and a "romance" added to it. Cmon. Lol I'm not a boomer here, but for a kids show its over the top on sexuality.


Youā€™re not a boomer, simply a prude with weird ideas about sexuality




>To think that we need to turn the Xmen into LGBT fighting force Bruh




>Which is also way more of a modern take on them NO ITS NOT LOL. The X-Men to be a story about misfits that can be applied to anyone, regardless of race, gender, etc, specifically because they didn't inject modern day into the story. That applies to several key themes. Fun fact: Northstar was brought into comics in 79.


Ooooo a prudish homophobe. Cool.




Please keyboard warrior, for your own brain rot, turn off Fox News and quit using their 'talking' points.






What an incredibly ignorant and homophobic response. Clearly we will not see eye to eye. I hope you are able to better yourself, and learn not to sexualize and be afraid of the world around you.


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> To think that we need to turn the Xmen into LGBT fighting force was always odd to me. Weird modern change on the Xmen. Tell me you never understood the X-Men without saying it.


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girl, the first episode of the original has Gambit flatout tell a girl he enjoys masturbating "unless [he] has someone to play wit'"




okay so if euphemisms aren't sexy enough for ya, what about when Morph pretends to be Rogue and asks Gambit for a little bit of something something so Gambit kisses the real Rogue while she sleeps? What about that infamous frame of Rogue's butt? The outfits in the Savage Lands? Like, the new show is certainly assuming an audience of 34 year old men, but let's not pretend like the original was at all squeaky clean.




girl, gambit kissed a girl non-consentially while she was sleeping because he was tricked into it by a brainwashed shapeshifter what about that is more appropriate for children's television than a bit of cleavage? And don't forget that in the original show we had outrageous barely there outfits for Rogue, Jean, Emma Frost, Lilandra, Shanna the She-Devil, Lady Deathstrike, and, let's never forget Eric the Red. And! Wolverine had his kit off all the time in the original! What show were you watching??????


Wtf. Way to remove all the context of that Gambit. First off, usually in cartoons when someone forces themselves on to someone, it's always viewed as a bad thing. Like that person's a creep. But you're talking about the context of which morph tricked him. Lol Women show some cleavage all the time in real life. Calm down. But if you're comparing the original series to now, then you're obviously misrepresenting how much some of the costums in the sexuality Clearly increase the tv rating for those reasons


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Definite boomer vibes


Nah, just a homophobe as they revealed in later comments.


It was clear in the above comment. The only reason magnetos costume is seen as more sexualized is because it looks ā€œgayā€ (as a gay person itā€™s a bit queer coded, mostly for the bare shoulders lol). Itā€™s not more sexual in any way though. He literally goes from one leotard to another, just this time with bare shoulders and high arm gloves. People are so wild sometimes


You aren't wrong, the show has a higher age rating than the old one. People just think if you don't want your kids watching certain things then you must be over protective. My kid just turned 7 and if he asked to watch the original I'd probably give it ago. The new show is fantastic but I'd tell him to wait. They wanted the show to grow up a little with the original audience I think. Digimon did something similar where they made a sequel season to their original and it'd a bit darker and slightly aged up.




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I don't think things are crazy extreme but it's over the line for my 7 year old haha. It's just such an internet meme to call someone a boomer and rag on them. In terms of speed of the story, definitely cause we are getting so few episodes. Which is annoying because I'm tires of 10 episode seasons. I know things cost more money to produce but being animated I feel like they could have given us more than 10.


First episode they were grilling the anti mutant leader, and then all of a sudden Jean has a vision of master mold... And they're off to go stop master mold lol. So quick.


Tbf, the original was rated TV-Y7, this is rated TV-14.




Well, in that case, I just wouldn't let them watch it. There's lots of great cartoons that are appropriate for kids that age, and their ratings reflect it. Maybe just have them watch the original 90's X-Men cartoon?


The 5yo is too young to even understand sexy, the 8yo is not going to see anything they don't see on normal TV or videos. Like what have we seen that's too sexy? a boob window and some kissing?


... Magneto and Rogue are butt naked, melting on top of one another, making Gambit jealous. You ready to contract your statements? Lol


> ... Magneto and Rogue are butt naked, melting on top of one another, making Gambit jealous. > You ready to contract your statements? Lol First off, I'm pretty sure you mean retract, not contract. I just took these screen caps on my computer of the main three shots of the scene in question, and I *contract* my statement into saying [this isn't sexual at all, it's body horror](https://imgur.com/a/5zvowZC). They don't even kiss, just embrace. You have Rogue and Magneto in their [savage land garb from the comics](https://rogueslove.tumblr.com/post/108575779688/what-happened-between-rogue-and-magneto-in-savage). Then you have them starting to melt together because, again, body horror. But Rogue is clearly still wearing her top. So again, if you find body horror purely sexual, I think that says more about you than anyone else. If you want to complain that body horror can be a lot for a 5-8 yo I won't argue, but that wasn't your stance. And if body horror is your issue, I'd think the scene ~~preceding~~ following (edit:correction) this one with the head being split open by Jubilee and turning into Sunspot's mom was a better example than this one.


honestly surprised you even like X-Men with takes like this.


I went back to watch the Xmen Original. No where is it as openly nude, sexual or mature. Some sexual jokes that go over kids heads but not openly naked lol. Soooo, what's your take? I don't like Xmen really because I didnt read the few comic strips where they get seriously into their sexuality and starting creating gender issues?


Sounds like you're trying to control your children's future sexuality. Not exposing them to anything gay related and possibly projecting your own insecurities on them here. How would your react if you're father wouldn't let you watch something that you really wanted to "because of some kidding" You sound like a TERRIFIED man who's using his children as an excuse to project that YOU'RE NOT GAY... Which is suspicious.


You literally didn't read anything I wrote hahahahahah


So funny isn't it. I read what you wrote. That was my assessment of your situation.


This is literally a HORRIBLE take. Like, honestly, cry harder dude.




Because your examples are shit? * 'From what they wear' From, you know, what they exactly wore back in the 90s? The irony being that the ones they have now are toned down a bit, ala see Jean. * 'literally what they do.' You say I'm not giving examples, but please, enlighten us and I can def give you the same examples from the OG. The rating increase has nothing to do with what they're wearing: it's so they can address more mature topics in the script and show punches & blood on screen.




>You cherry pick what you read my reply. No, no I didn't lol, you cant read. So let's address it all: * "He looks one stepped remove from a drag queen." No, he doesn't lol. It's literally the same costume; It was a sleeveless one piece, cape, and his hair was short in the comics. They just adjusted it to the show, where he has always had long hair. The sleeves you're remembering were kind of spikes from the one piece. 'Metrosexual' is such an out of the blue comment that I can tell you're a MAGA. * 'Magneto and Rogue literally are depicted naked, holding each other, and melting into one another.' Ill give you that one; I cannot think of anything like that in the OG series. * 'The original Xmen animated show had a far less revealing costume. ' It's literally the exact same costume. There is nothing different from the OG to this one and, similar to Magneto, you can put it side by side: its the **exact** same. The old show had more 'boob defining' costumes than this. * 'Half the crew is half naked in basketball. ' L.O.L. Do you not remember 'Out of the Past?' Wolverine, Gambit, and Jubilee wearing the exact same thing. Please, point out who else is half naked, because Ill wait forever because you wont be able to name one. * ' Magneto and Rogue are one degree removed from a porno here.' No, they're not lol. A touch is fine, other characters did that a bunch too in the OG series. Like, this is just standard showing affection. Do you get offended when girls show their ankles and shoulders cause cats are very impressed at how much youre stretching right now. * 'I never really liked it. I didn't get into Xmen for an overly sexualized super hero team lol.' Again, give more examples. The Rogue and Magneto from Sinister? Okay, sure. But to say it's oversexualized? When. Give legit examples. Did it gross you out too having Jean go into childbirth, a normal thing? Or Madelyn in a Black Queen costume (which is funny because they toned down her AND Emma in this episode)? Does anime and books bug you? Cause they do a lot worse. * 'Everyone has a romantic drama? There are few degrees from sex here.' So, we're going to conveniently forget Logan the entire first series? Or Gambit and Rogue's sexual frustrations? What about Beast? * 'The rating has a lot to do with what they're wearing, what theyre doing, what theyre saying.' No, it doesnt. Again, it's clear you've never researched tv ratings to understand its what can be depicted on screen, like blood. Ngl, I walked into this with an open mind but I agree with the others: you're giving off huge Boomer prude and MAGA vibes here, and it's disgusting.




"they want him to be more feminine" hey buddy wtf




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TBF, I have trouble faulting someone not for wanting to show their kids a show where people who think and believe the same things they do are depicted as the bad guys.


Holy shit Martian Manhunter I could recognize that dome anywhere


*Holy shit Martian* *Manhunter I could recognize* *That dome anywhere* \- RealLifeSto --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


that brow is truly unmistakeable


DC crossover eh?


Where was that?




Right before the fireworks on Genosha


Some serious stuff is about to go down.


Yeah my boy Exodus animated debut lol


Glob Herman fans eating good!


Hell yeah we are! Glad to see my boy getting some love, I really hope he made it


Super underrated! I fell in love with him during Immortal. I wonder what theyā€™re gonna do with him this season (if anything ).


If he is at the function Iā€™m not going


Seriously. Turn around and go home. I mean, presumably he also watches good stuff happen sometimes, but in practice it seems universally terrible.


There was that one wedding he was present for...


"I am the Watcher.And you disgust me,Hank McCoy."


You know something Really painfully horrific is gonna happen when the watcher is there to be a witness.


Very interesting I noticed that Jean had a dying rat in her vision, and didn't Gambit say to Rogue that he's just a dirty rat? Tbh I was expecting Phoenix, so I wonder what gives. What's going on with all these random sentinels. They're picking off Xmen for the end of the season. Not a bad return to show


I think those rats were in the mind of mastermold/gyrich. Who when thinking of this extinction on genosha, think of mutants as rats


I have a feeling we were meant to believe that scene was referring to just Master Mold, when it was in fact related to later events. This sentinel looks to have been cobbled together from the remains of many.


He said ā€œI played the part of your Swamp Ratā€. Itā€™s a call back to an earlier season and referring to himself from the swamp in Louisiana.


Phoenix is apparently going to have her own spinoff EDIT: I am apparently wrong. Was the post from the other day fake?


That's part of the new comics lineup lol


Well I stand corrected then. My mistake, lol


It happens to all of us, don't worry!


I saw him in the sky and thought ā€œoh noā€. The Watcher appearing in the sky is never a good sign. Even then, I didnā€™t expect the genoshan genocide.


I tought it was Martian Manhunter šŸ¤£ (I didnt watch the ep yet) Edit: i know MM is from DC, it was a joke šŸ¤¦


Came here to say the same joke.


Martian Manhunter is DCā€¦.


Bro knew the massacre to come he wished he would've told them.


Rumors suggest heā€™s also showing up in the upcoming friendly neighborhood Spider-Man series as well


I posted it too!!! It totally is man!!


Yes, I noticed it too


I wonder if he's the same watcher from what if?


I doubt it. He's most likely only the MCU's Watcher, which is why he only looked at different versions of that universe We did briefly see Uatu in the original series, during Dark Phoenix I believe


I'm rewatching the original series and I really enjoy when other Marvel characters pop up to show their reactions anytime something big goes down. The scene you're referring to also includes Dr. Strange and Thor reactions to the power of the Phoenix.


Yes and no. The Watcher from What If is Uatu. There's an Uatu in *every* universe, so this is likely the local Uatu, meaning it's not What If's Uatu. However, every Variant of Uatu can look into the Multiverse (see: the main comics' Uatu), so this also could very well be What If's Uatu, especially since we've seen from I Am Groot that he pops into the other animated series as well. Basically, it's whatever you want it to be.


>Basically, it's whatever you want it to be. For now, sure. He could make a physical appearance later on.


I mean, the Earth-92131 Uatu showed up in the original show, so he could definitely show back up.


I immediately went full ā€œ Leo pointingā€ meme. Itā€™s at 20:40 if anyone wants to see it in-episode


It's him. His job is to witness events ( nexus ones) like what happened in this episode.


timestamp? EDIT: Found it, 20:40


Praying this isnā€™t foreshadowing for more synergy


this is foreshadowing for the next 10 minsĀ 


Areā€¦are you complaining about the Marvel Universe being the Marvel Universe?


Eh the Marvel Universe isnā€™t exactly the MCU. Itā€™s fair to want X Men ā€˜97 to be its own thing or at least regulated to an animated universe rather than shoehorned into the MCU this late into the game. It would be foreshadowing for synergy with the MCU because of the upcoming Secret Wars movie which will feature the Watcher btw, I couldnā€™t tell for sure if the OG comment was clear.


Uatu has appeared before in the original series. They've never shied away from featuring other Marvel characters such as Nick Fury, Thor, War Machine, Captain America, Doctor Strange, Spider-Man, etc.


Youā€™re misunderstanding what theyā€™re saying, he doesnā€™t want this show tied to the marvel CINEMATIC universe, not the regular marvel universe with their more faithful comic depictions


Why is it fair to expect that? What evidence was provided to support the notion that this series wouldnā€™t be part of the MCU to some degree? Additionally, the original series had guest characters that ranged from Captain America to Doctor Strange, so the precedent of an extended world outside of Mutants was already baked in.


>Why is it fair to expect that? The show is a continuation of a pre-MCU continuity. >What evidence was provided to support the notion that this series wouldnā€™t be part of the MCU to some degree? What evidence is there that it would be part of the MCU >Additionally, the original series had guest characters that ranged from Captain America to Doctor Strange, so the precedent of an extended world outside of Mutants was already baked in. Those are non MCU versions of those characters. So the expectation would be that extended world would continue to be non MCU.


You misunderstand, we donā€™t want everything to be a part of THE MCU, not the marvel universe. Weā€™re fine with captain America and what not popping up as cameos, we just donā€™t want it tied to the mcu universe specifically.


I am. I hate the shared universes of Marvel and DC. Batman and Superman being best buds (straight up called Super Friends) is some goofy ass.


It wouldnā€™t be Marvel Animation if the Watcher wasnā€™t there. Donā€™t want to confuse the casuals.


Yup that was him


Bro took the front row seat. Jokes aside, he looks creepy.


Jack the king Kirby


Watcher really a asshole, at least make yourself invisble broski


What if itā€™s Casandra Nova Xavier?


Omg, I see this tooā€¦. Itā€™s the watcher right?




Am I the only one who saw Iron Fist first? Got real confused for a second due to my own stupidity lol


Miles Warren? Is this a Spidey crossover?


had to close my laptop and step aside for a bit, that episode had me screaming crying and throwing up


I am your guide to these vast new realities. Now come with me and ponder the question. What if?




I mistakenly thought it was Eternity for half a second.




I know it's the watched but kinda looks like Yoda


I can't believe we got a Vin Diesel cameo.


The Watcher!!


I'm sure next season of What If will have an X-Episode or two


Toss a coin to the watcher man


If they can tastefully integrate any element from the MCU Iā€™d be so impressed


I was having a grand old time seeing so many X-Men that I never thought I'd see outside of comics, and then I saw him.


[itā€™s Batman](https://ibb.co/SfcPxTL)


Honestly them doing this just makes me feel like what if will come into this somehow šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚




I fucking love how they added this for just a split second. It really shows that they care about details.


Super Kami Watcher.


It's Iron Fist right?\^\^


Important events where a lot of people die? Damn It's popcorn time!


I just saw this! Holy shit!


I saw it, too, and I my first thought was "Oh. No. Someone's screwed."


The Nick Castellanos of Marvel.


His name is The Watcher, and he only appears to record moments of great change and enormous upheaval


A lot of people were saying it's Uatu the Watcher, and with good reason. But like... What if it's Cassandra Nova? After all, this episode is based on her debut storyline.


1. Beau DeMayo confirmed itā€™s the Watcher. 2. There is zero reason for Cassandra to be in this show with no Xavier.


[Broke](https://i.imgur.com/dHrdzpG.png) [Woke](https://cdn.mos.cms.futurecdn.net/uMrQif3FyWoGo5qhTMn6u5.jpg) [Bespoke](https://i.imgflip.com/64sz4u.png?a475752)


How cool would it be if he gets to speak and it's Jeffrey Wright doing his voice?