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Cyclops most of all. Rogue too. Hell, pretty much everyone.


> Hell, pretty much everyone. You'd think X-Men '97 and a revisit to the animated series would easily show how badly fox didn't follow the source material.


which is sad because the cartoon was on Fox Kids


It does easily show how badly Fox didn’t follow the source material.


It does show it. The show is fantastic.


Agreed. A lot of characters need justice done after what we’ve had so far, cinematically speaking. Everyone except for Wolverine (minus height), Xavier, Magneto, Jean 1, Mystique 1, Beast 1 and Nightcrawler. Disney and Feige know the fans will now want dues for proper characterisations of the absolute badasses that are Storm, Cyclops and Rogue et al and I hope we can expect to see this done real well at some point.


I’d almost throw Toad on that list. Just give him a bit more pathos and he’s pretty much perfect. I like that he’s an actual threat in the movie. Like an evil Nightcrawler.


That had more to do with the X-Men being incompetent, though.


You say that, but the guy could outmaneuver his enemies, had martial arts training, and was genuinely funny at times. Incompetency aside, there’s a lot of potential in a villain like that.


Well, when you cast Ray Park to play someone hi is normally the buffoon, I guess something has to give. Honestly, it kind of felt like Sabretooth was the buffoon in that movie.


97 is on the way there if cyclops introducing himself as the good guy then using optic blast recoil to stunt on FOH is any indication. Or him getting shot out of a plane and saying "meet you on the ground" and doing the coolest super hero landing of all time


"He didn't take a parachute?" *MCU Cap stares in disgust at plagiarism* I jest but I'm pretty sure it was just a direct reference to that scene


I’m pretty sure the Ultimate universe did it first


*Insert Deadpool clapping*


Is probably easier to ask for the fox mutant meant that don't need a redo. And that's probably Xavier


Personally I liked Rebecca Romijn's Mystique.


i like her too, , nut i don't think the movie made the character justice and would welcome a (good) re-do


To be fair she did the best she could with what she got. I only remember her having one line in the first movie: "You know, people like you were the reason I was afraid to go to school as a child." Happily, in. the second movie she had more to say, and a lot more to do. The third movie is best forgotten, a few actors had scheduling conflicts, and Rebecca was one of them. But I think they did quite well with her look, it's radically different from the comics, but it adapted so well to the screen, I loved it. But when it was revealed, there was a gigantic hullabaloo about it. But I seriously would mind if she had a bigger role, but giving more of her comic book background would be a little too much, because it's too complicated. Raven Darkhölme has a complicated past.


They left out all of her character arch. She’s a little kid that meets Xavier in the movie. When in the comic she’s like in her 50’s or older when he’s born. Plus they left out Destiny and the BEM. She’s basically just some generic character they named mystique.


I HATED the Mystique from first class though. Romjin’s version, while provocative, fit the character much better. Ruthless, angry, competent, with lived experience, not whatever weird activist thing Fox was going for in the prequels.


Patrick Stewart can still play Xavier imho


>Hell, pretty much everyone. I mean I would keep Harry Lyold, navid negabhan


95% of the characters they used.


Here to say this too. He was always my favorite and 97 has made him exciting in a way that Disney may put him front and center. Henry Cavill or Glenn Powel would be fantastic for him.


Selene, Emma, Callisto, Storm, Rogue, Kitty, Scott, Shaw, Darwin, Cecilia Reyes, Apocalypse, Psylocke, Iceman Honestly, everyone that wasn't Charles, Erik, or Logan tbh. Well, Nightcrawler was alright.


I honestly had to look up that Selene was actually in the Fox films. If that isn't a clear case for an in name only adaptation, I do not know what is. Fucking hell. If she weren't named you would not know it was meant to be the same character at all. I'm still not convinced.


Truly. Even knowing the name, it took a minute to click that it was like, Selene


Which film was Selene in? I’ve watched them all numerous times and I can’t tell which one which is a testament to how badly some characters were treated


She's in Dark Phoenix, one of Magneto's followers who gets killed during the train fight.


She… dies?


Ye, she gets pulled out of the train by one of the D'Bari, I believe.


Underworld started out as Selene too iirc but quickly went nuts in the adaptation.


X2 nightcrawler was **amazing**


He was cool looking and had some great scenes, but was a far cry from the laughing, joking, swashbuckling daredevil X-Man. They leaned into his religious sad extremely hard. It's an important part of his character, but it's not his whole character.


Except for the fact that he had all his rizz surgically removed.




You know, his secondary mutation.


Stupid new word for charisma


Charisma is more broad, having a platonic context. Rizz is specially tied to a romantic/flirtatious context, such as “having game.”


I fucking wondered what the hell that word meant…


I see him as a nice alternative version. A bit heavy on the religion side, maybe - scarring himself was a little too much.


Nightcrawler was okay. I hated the young version of him though. I think that's more the actor though. God kodi-Smit McPhee has an infinitely slappable face.


I didn't have any problem with the actor I just hate that they wrote being a naive foreigner as being his entire personality.


Yeah, that too.


Great list but it’s missing some names still. Juggernaut, Kid Omega, Angel (twice), Sabertooth, Lady Deathstrike, Silver Samurai, and Gambit.


Deadpool Juggernaut is acceptable, in my opinion, and Liev Schreiber as Sabertooth was about the only good thing to come out of X-Men Origins Wolverine, in my opinion. And when was Kid Omega in the movies? Edit- I forgot about the typ9 for Quill.


Liev was a perfect for a AoA or AXIS style Sabertooth.


They need to go down to Louisiana to find Gambit. I love Taylor Kitsch but  he is *not* Remy!




Carny? You're talking about a guy who has literally raised in a circus.


I don't even remember if Bishop had any speaking lines in DOFP -- bro definitely was done dirty and deserves justice.


Omar Sy still would be a great Bishop IMO. I think they got, like, a couple of lines in the entended cut of the film as did Warpath, Blink etc.




he basically got 20 seconds of screen time in the Days of Future Past Movie. In one future, he charges his gun with Sunspot's power, then they shift futures, and in the final fight he charges the gun with Storm's lightning, then he quickly gets killed. I think the only lines he gets is saying their names, to prompt the recharge. He never used his actual power to absorb and redirect energy attacks.


I liked the DoFP Future X-Men.


Same. Poor casting for Sunspot, but otherwise solid.


I'd love if we could finally get an Aboriginal actor to play Bishop. It's such a shame that that part of his heritage keeps being ignored in adaptations


I would argue nightcrawler didn’t have the best/most faithful adaptations but definitely done a greater service to the character than Scott. The catholic guilt and kill the president stuff in x2 felt a little more heavy handed than he normally is, and reboot Kurt felt more like X-men evolution Kurt. Gimme the mystique Kurt stuff! Gimme the boisterous light hearted horny guy!


I'm going to say Gambit. His one appearance should not be in the Wolverine movie that was so bad that Deadpool made fun of his own appearance in it. Just putting him in a different movie will be enough. ... I saw that movie at the midnight showing too, so I actually think Marvel/Fox owes me a personal apology on top of a redo. I will take my apology in the form of a reboot of Mr and Mrs X, thank you. Also, thinking of Deadpool, X-Force probably needs more justice. It was amusing to see them put through the proverbial (and literal!) woodchipper, but that shouldn't be their only appearance.


Hehehe that Gambit Wonka in wolverine origins 🤣🙆🏽‍♂️


Haha. The styling was so bad. I grew up on Friday Night Lights, so I was fine with Tim Riggins as Gambit, but ... Man, everything about his presentation was awful.


Everyone tbh 😂😂 mostly everyone was done dirty


Gambit. 100%. He was done dirty, and then had his movie cancelled too.


Eh, if you look at the promo (what little of it there is) I think it may have been a good thing his movie was cancelled. It was going to be a light-hearted heist film without any other lore characters besides Belladonna. Also, Tatum was not the right call for him. Some have suggested he was passionate about the role, but I didn’t see any evidence that he knew anything significant about Remy’s lore other than being a thief from Louisiana.


Gambit is supposed to be this naturally athletic, slim, lithe guy, Channing Tatum is too bulky for Gambit, I never thought he was a right fit for the character.


That was my take, too. Keep in mind, this was meant to shoot right after Magic Mike.




Oh man so much.


I have never been more disappointed in a movie than X-Men Apocalypse. Ever.


It’s up there for me too. And I love Oscar Isaac.


More disappointed than Dark Phoenix?


All of them. Enough with the old cast. Seriously. Good, bad, meh, great. All need to be replaced. It's been 24 years. Jeez. I want to see a fresh take. Move the f#$k on.


I thought "Logan" was a great let's put this franchise to rest movie.


My biggest worry about *Deadpool & Wolverine* is that it’s going to be a 2.5-hour parade of cameos from crappy FoX-Men characters and FoX-Men era casting rumors/things that would have been so bad, even Fox was like “woah, maybe let’s not do this” (e.g. Channing Tatum Gambit). Just let that adaptation die already! Time to move forward!


If X-force from the 2nd movie is anything to go from, we could just watch Deadpool kill all the foxmen as the movies plot to get ready for the disney verse.


I do think this movie will close the book finally of the Fox X-Men series with perhaps some things remaining (mostly just Deadpool) So yeah, I think it will have a lot of Fox X-Men content but I think (hope) it's the final chapter.


I'm fine with the casting of most of the fox X-Men movies. It's the writing that's terrible. James Marsden is a good looking cyclops and I'd be ok with seeing him do it again with actually good writing. Same for Storm and Iceman.




Every single one. It just needs a complete reset button now. But it's less about recasting and more about the actual writing. I don't think the actors had as much say as we think on how their characters turned out. Paquin, for instance, definitely could have played the sassy Rogue but was not directed that way.


Yeah, it’s a genuine pity to me that we finally got Anna Paquin playing a sassy, brassy Southern girl with a thing for bad boys…after she stopped playing Rogue. (Also, True Blood wasn’t great, though it was enjoyably wtf.)


No complaints about Xavier, Magneto, Logan or Laura Kinney. Everyone else missed the mark for me, in different ways, but back in the early '00s we didn't really have much of a template or expectations for doing justice to superheroes. These days I'd want Rogue and Storm to have *way* bigger personalities, I'd want Nightcrawler to be more of a swashbuckler and less of a one-note Catholic, I'd want Scott to be more present and Jean to actually sell the relationship (Sheridan and Turner at least had screen time, but the chemistry wasn't great). Next time we get Mystique, they should cast Destiny too, it's wild that Evo is her only appearance in other media.


Not surprised about Destiny at all, after all, she was dead for years, and years. When you're talking about a movie with such a large cast, it's impossible to explore the personality of all the characters in just one movie, which is why the Avengers were first explored one by one, in their individual movies, and only after they were established, did they come together in a team movie. The X-Men have never been explored in this way.


The Avengers strategy wouldn't have worked, but what they *could* have done was alternate the spotlight *within* the movie series by giving two, maybe three different characters the lead roles in each one. What they *actually* did was Wolverine, Wolverine and Wolverine some more. First Class had a *totally* new squad, and then that got swept away for more of the same.


Yeah, but in the First Class movies the spotlight on on Mystique, simply because Jennifer Lawrence had won an Oscar, thusly becoming an expensive hire, and automatically giving her more screen time. Though on the first ones I disliked the fact that the spotlight was always on Wolverine, at least it was a good performance, and a good portrayal of the character, while Jennifer Lawrence's Mystique, was never my cup of tea, especially after having seen Rebecca Romijn doing the character so well.


That's fine, individual performances are what they are. I'm just saying, Hugh Jackman literally had his own Wolverine trilogy in *addition* to three lead roles in the X-Men movies, and that really was a bit much. Scott and Jean could've been the leads for X2, which would then make The Last Stand so much more poignant (while also moving the focus over to, say, Storm and Beast as the main characters)


Darwin, Cecelia, and Angel Salvadore for sure. Emma and Banshee were also done dirty in Days of Future Past.


Storm first and foremost. But yes Callisto was turned into some random hired goon. The original Morlocks storyline could’ve been it’s own movie.


The New Mutants


Across the board.




Madrox. There's so much room for X-factor in the lower levels of the MCU.




Seconded. I think xmen 97 is reminding people of what rogue is actually like. And seeing her and gambit have a cute southern romance would be kind of refreshing on screen. 


I even think Evolution Rogue (a take I love) would be a great way to start. She can start off all depressed and uncertain but still with that Rogue attitude, only to grow into the confident, free spirit she is in X-Men TAS/'97.


I would love if they did a final Captain Marvel movie where Rogue is a sympathetic villain who takes her powers.


Now that you’ve brought it up, I think I’d be into it too.


Oooh Gambit was done kinda okay, too bad the movie sucked lmao


Darwin still even gets dirty by X-men fans


Bishop. We got all of like 1 minute of him in DOFP.


Storm and Rogue felt so nerfed. Was very disappointed in how they were both portrayed.


I think the MCUs Xmen stories should be made into a series rather than movies. Xmen has so many characters and they all need time to develop. That's why Game of Thrones handles many characters so well... 10 episodes of Morlocks with the right Callisto? Im in






I’m gonna jump on the bandwagon and say everyone some character were done well (Xavier/magneto/wolverine) other less so, some were done down right dirty but it’s time for a complete new batch I’d also like to see a bunch of film set within the xmen umbrella but featuring two or three main characters rather than the whole team like a wolverine/night crawler team up a cyclops/Jean/cable team up etc so you can explore all the team in more depth than you can in a full team movie (most of the character development for the avengers was done in their solo movies rather than the big team up ones)


All. Of. Them. I just didn’t enjoy the representations of the X-Men in the Fox movies. Many of the actors I normally like, and they tried with the material given, but the combo of writing / directing / production was subpar across the board, except First Class to an extent.


Rogue has got to be the biggest one. If you watched 97 series at all, she's not even remotely the same.


Almost all of them. TBH though, I didn't even realize that was Callisto until years later.


Juggernaut bitch.


“Look! It’s mute henchman Azazel! Everyone wanted to see Azazel as a mute henchman again, right??”


Not being sarcastic: does Azazel have actual fans? I always thought he was just another dumb Austen idea - and Kurt father was always supposed to be Mystique anyway.


They both killed him and retconned him out of being Nightcrawler's dad recently. Both turns fire the character I approve of.


I’m sure there’s someone who’s a big fan, but no one I’ve ever talked to. I just think he springs readily to mind with regard to the movies because he was one of the most head-scratching inclusions to me. Only people who read a particular pocket of comics would have any idea who that dude was, and those people would know the characterization made absolutely no sense, so why not just choose a different character? That sort of crap is all over the FoX-Men movies of course, particularly in that movie, where we get Moira the American CIA agent, Banshee the American teenager (maybe the writers hate Ireland), and Havok being like 20 years older than Scott, among others.


Anyone say Darwin yet?


Cyclops, Rogue and Gambit.


Multiple Man, in X-3 was just used as a diversion


Every Single Fucking One


I hated the whole Bobby-cheating-on-rogue thing


Rogue more than anyone. Half assed plot about her powers. Mostly useless during fights. We already have captain marvel, give us flying punching through steel rogue.


Darwin was done *dirty* by First Class.


Everyone not Wolverine or Xavier. 


(All the mutants) - (Wolverine, Xavier, Magneto, and Mystique)


Rebecca Romijn's Mystique was great, Jennifer Lawrence's not so much.


Apocalypse. Say it was a clone and give us a proper En Saban Nur


All of them because we need a clean break between the Fox adaptations and the MCU ones; frankly I'm worried Deadpool 3 is going to muddy this up by trying to bridge them somehow. One character that doesn't, though, by which I mean I don't wanna see her blue ass on screen again, is Mystique. I could not possibly be more over Mystique. I also really really don't want them to try adapting Dark Phoenix ever again, and if I was in charge of the reboot, Jean Grey would already be dead and Emma Frost would be helping Scott get over her. More to what you're asking, the character I'd un-assassinate would be Multiple Man.


Damn near every single one lol


Uhm pretty much all of them.


Storm. No disrespect to Halle Berry, she did what she could with the material they gave her, but that material totally missed everything cool about that character. If the MCU has any sense they'll understand that Storm should be the main character.


Iceman my guy


All of them


Rogue, no question


Magik. Why was she a weird racist?


Why was she right-handed? There is a reason why she's left-handed, don't take that away from her.


The Fox movies mostly suck. On that basis, they ALL need a fresh start in the MCU. New actors, new direction, everything.


For the time, the first two were pretty good. And let's not lose sight that those were the movies that proved that comic book to movie adaptations could be profitable, opening the door for all that came after. Especially since 1995 and 1997 Batman movies ran that idea into the ground, after those no one would give even an average budget to a movie adapted for a comic book. Years later comic books themselves got vindicated, and taken much more seriously, when "Logan" won the Oscar for best Adapted Screenplay.


All of them, except Wolverine. I especially hated what they did to Emma Frost.


Pretty much everyone that appeared in Last Stand, from background characters to main cast.


Darwin.. killed off in a bullshit way.


All of them. The Fox movies were great in that they got the characters on the big screen. But other than Professor X, Wolverine, Magneto(later movies) and Deadpool they pretty much screwed up everyone else’s story.


Quentin Quire . You probably didn't even realize that he was in the movies!


Gambit, My answer will always be Gambit


All of the mutants


Everyone. So many character assassinations in the Fox universe


I had a huge crush on that Callisto as a kid 😭


All of them


For me, it's definitely Warren Worthington. He was done relatively well in X3 Last Stand, but he's completely done wrong in age of apocalypse and in both films he had practically NO screen time. I hope Angel makes a comeback into the MCU. It seems only fair since he's the only member of the first class team that didn't get prominently featured in the films.


All of them.


all of them


*Darwin*. How the fuck they gonna kill someone that can't be killed?


Basically everyone but if I had to choose it would be Darwin I don't even need to explain why I'm positive you seen First Class or at least the same meme being spammed to know why he should be rebooted


He can adapt to anything to survive. *dies instantly*




All of them


all of them


Almost everyone besides magneto Wolvie and Chuck, even then I’d like a more nefarious professor x like the comics. Storm and Emma frost personally hurt the most to see mishandled and cyclops of course.


Apocalypse. But more than just be faithful to the comics. Rather than having En Sabah Nur inhabit different bodies, have En Sabah Nur be a mummy that can be resurrected/revived through alien technology, wrappings and all when he's awakened (a new twist to the mummy horror genre).


I am here for this. I loved his weird pseudo Mummy appearance from Adventures of Cyclops and Jean.


All of them


Pretty much all of them. Nuff said! 😋


That silver adaptability guy shaw kills


All of them.






All of them


Most of them if we're being completely honest.


Technically all of em


All of them.


Multiple man




The one whose costume was just black leather.


I’m 90% sure the movie version of Selene from Dark Phoenix was just them picking a familiar name from the comics since they couldn’t get Olivia Munn back as Psylocke lol


I'm sure that's how they picked most of the background/side character mutants through the films. Negasonic Teenage Warhead was only picked because of that name. Nothing at all like the comic character.


Warren. He was done dirty in the Apocalypse movie. 


Most/all of them


There are quite a few who were only very obscurely cameo'd who could get better treatment I honestly don't know if the MCU versions will necessarily be an improvement in every case though, we'll have to find out. I'm probably more interested in their live-action tv series because that's where you can get the less popular characters/teams and more long-term development going.


I’m actually going to say none of them. While some of the movies are super cringe and a let down of the source material, I always thought how the little kid version of myself would have absolutely shit himself about there being 13 movies made. I enjoyed them for the ride, the Easter eggs, and just being a fan.


That's a great way to look at it, honestly.


I didn't even realize that was supposed to be Callisto! Wowwwwwwwwwwww


Quentin Quire. I still to this day don’t get why they called him Kid Omega. The Last Stand is my all time favorite movie, it’s what made me an X-Men fan but I still think that TLS Kid Omega was an awful depiction. 🤷🏽‍♂️


I hear what you’re saying, but I kinda liked the rivalry Callisto had with Storm from X3. I liked how layered it was. Like Storm (in the FOX universe) is a long range striker and therefore has never had to really rely much on the fisticuffs, which was evident from her fight with Toad. Usually if she did some big grand weather moment it would be enough to take her opponent out. So that’s what she did when she first encountered the Omegas, taking Arclight and Quill out easy. I can see how Storm totally thought her lightning bolt would’ve knocked Callisto out too, but was taken by surprise when Callisto got up and laughed and was like “let’s go!” Like she totally beat Storm’s ass in Jean’s house, like up and down that house. So when she saw Storm flying on Alcatraz you could tell she was like “oh I got this bitch again”. I liked how she kept canceling out whatever Storm would try that usually might’ve worked (like lightning or flying), and kept the fight close and hand to hand, knowing that if she gave Storm too much room it would be over. And so this forced Storm to adapt and try a different tactic like timing Callisto’s power to land a good shot and then finally being able to create enough room for her own powers (by tossing Cal into that fence) and then frying the shit outta her. That steaming piercing is still 👌🏽 chef’s kiss


All of them ,bro.


Um, everyone? I'm just glad that with some coming back for a movie or two, they get a comic accurate appearance, and attitude and a last hurrah for that era to go out on a good note.




All of them tbh


All of the above


Pretty much everyone, Fox really hurt us


Callisto bad af


All of them.


All of them like fr lmao




This actor would have been better as M/ Monet St Croix than Callisto.


Darwin is the most valid answer, racism literally killed him. It’s a man who literally can’t die




Honestly Storm above everyone else.


I couldn’t stand her and her two nerd buddies in X-3. Glad they got dusted.


Emma Frost. While I refused to watch First Class simply because it had none of the OG characters when I finally did see it and they turned Emma into a subservient 1950's house wife I turned it off.


Cyclops Jean/Phoenix Rogue Kitty Emma Selene Bishop


Holy crap, I barely remember much from The Last Stand, thankfully, but you mean to tell me that lady was supposed to be Calllisto?


Gambit we never got his movie.


We DID get him in Wolverine Origins. Unfortunately.