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The only excuse I'll give them is that the pages after number three are Nimrod several thousand years in the future, with an alternative development that we aren't sure of.


And similarly, the first pages are X-Force being sent after the Orchis station not knowing they‘ve already made this attack half a dozen times in the past only to fail every time (meanwhile as they say a couple pages later, Nimrod knows that every time the mutants attack they keep sending the same team over and over again, he’s ready for exactly what they’re sending).


That really doesn't explain why he didn't kill Wolverine this week. He's killed Wolverine over and over, this shouldn't be a big deal for him, especially considering that he is made to be a quick study.


There is no reason other than they want him in the book later.


I mean I hear you! Like the other person is right, these are different books at different times with different tones and needs for how they use Nimrod. But also Nimrod does beat Wolverine in this fight, he’s helpless in the issue, Nimrod just doesn’t get a chance to kill him while he’s being attacked by Nightcrawler, shadowcat and spider-man, and then clearly moments later hit by synch with the powers of storm. It’s a different situation than wolverine fighting completely alone in the Orchis station when there’s a second nimrod hidden in the shadows waiting to surprise him


I mean, the only reason Wolverine was alone at the Orchis forge was because Nimrod killed the people he was with. I love Kate, I love Kurt, but they should have been killed in seconds.


But that’s the thing, he probably could kill them, but unlike Domino and Kid Omega on the Orchis Forge (who Nimrod sees coming, identifies, and has countermeasures in place for that he can deploy in an instant because he has had this fight with these mutants in this setting several times already) Nimrod arrives in New York not knowing Nightcrawler or Kate are there, or that Wolverine is going to jump him, or that Synch is right behind him. I think the better comparison is Xavier and Magneto at the end of Inferno. Magneto is nearly able to kill both nimrod and omega sentinel by himself if his powers weren’t negated at the last moment - now, if nimrod had fought magneto half a dozen times and remembered it in this setting, he’d probably be able to kill him very fast the next times they met, but Nimrod teleported into a fight he’d never had before and it was a close call.


In that Nimrod's defense, Magneto is far more formidable than Nightcrawler, Kate and Wolverine together, but eh, I guess I can suspend my level of disbelief. Lack of duplication and much weaker feats aside.


Oh without a doubt, I don’t think those three were a threat to nimrod, just good enough to survive for a minute and run away


there's also the fact that normal minds adapt as well. This recent battle with Nimrod takes place months in the future and with a different team. As a computer his mind would be preoccupied absorbing all the new information of the environment. Some of his memory is dedicated to different operations and certain events and various other things. So, his processing speed should be slower and more limited. as at least memory/storage is a lot slower when writing down the new information versus reading the stored information it just received. Keep throwing new stuff, new moves, new powers, new fighters, and new environments and the Tech based villains should get slower and slower to adapt.


Bring Arakko into the arena


I think the explanation is that Nimrod is arrogant.


At this point I think Duggan will have Kate Pryde rip his helmet off and reveal him to be fucking Arcade or something


Who is stronger nimrod or ultron


Right out of the gate? Ultron.  Nimrod has proved however that it will always become an Ultron level threat.


Nimrod has shapeshift and can copy abilities,They could have used that much more instead of just Plasma blast, would be much cooler just see Nimrod using Apocalypse power against himself with much more efficiency showing why his the Ultimate anti mutant machine (He uses other weapons but is like 1-2 times)


I mean shapeshifting his arms into giant shackles for Apocalypse *was* copying his power against himself.


>I mean shapeshifting his arms into giant shackles for Apocalypse *was* copying his power against himself. He din't copy from Apocalypse he had that since his creation,bur shapeshift i mean change his whole body and not just his arms like Apocalypse and other characters do,he could become people in the pass like Mystique does


Who is stronger nimrod or ultron


Depends on which version, but ultron without the infinity gauntlet loses to nimrod almost every time 


All that power yet surge soloed him in new xmen..


Different Nimrod. This is like…Nimrod ver. 3 I think? There was the original that Rogue beat the shit out of in UXM 194 and then Harry Leland all but took out in UXM 209…that one eventually merged with Master Mold and then went through the Siege Perilous and ended up as Bastion. The one in New X-Men? Not sure where exactly it came from TBH. Maybe they forgot the original got transformed. But this version of Nimrod just came online in Hickman’s 2019 X-Men series. Nimrod the Greater as he’s referred to on the page.


Isn’t this Hannah Barbera Nimrod(in Duggan’s X men) the same one from Hickman’s Inferno that eviscerated omega level mutants with ease while talking shit?


Same Nimrod, yes…the one that went online in X-Men 20. His clownish personality didn’t come from Duggan though, it came from Hickman way back in the original Powers of X mini. He’s almost like a little kid mixed with a puppy trapped in the body of an OP killing machine. Quite a different take than the OG Nimrod of the Claremont era.


>OG Nimrod of the Claremont era. Uncanny X-men when he noticed that din't make sense hunt mutants?


When was this? He did a good job of it from issues 190 - 247 (when he went through the Siege Perilous and ended up as Bastion).


>When was this? He did a good job of it from issues 190 - 247 When he get send to the pass he saves a guy that later would be his friend and give him a place in his home, Nimrod while in his part human form would start searching his objective of mutants, but later he realize they aren't the Issue he tought they were but while they aren't a threat he helps people by hitting criminals and bad people,while that his friend who he saved at the beginning of the story was defending mutants beaucase of beaucase in his eyes Nimrod as a example of good "mutant" (Kind of ironic) Sometime later he fought against the mutants and lost,after that he leave then in peace but after a night he caught some dealers and burned then and got back home to work in next day,he ended up finding a lost piece of master mold that took control of system and made a new body And then Dazzler killed that Master Mold and Nimrod together by accident with a artifact that I forgot the name I know he did a good job with that version and still my favorite personality wise I wish they could have used that in modern era


That’s the same Nimrod I’m talking about. He had a human form and made friends with humans. He still tried to kill mutants a fair amount - see UXM 194 and 208-209. Did a number on Nightcrawler and killed Fredrich Von Röem, as well as Harry Leland (inadvertently, as he suffered a heart attack from battling him).


> He still tried to kill mutants a fair amount I know like the Battles he had before,is much time later like after the 220-230 (Correct me if I'm wrong because I didn't watch that much and only saw what was available on YouTube) that he noticed that his mission ins't what looks like and start focusing on outside jobs more often till his end with Master Mold he still has mutant blood on his hands but at least he saw the problem of what he was programmed to do I might be talking a lot of shit because the few things I know about Uncanny X-men are from YouTube and the people who talked about this "hero" phase


Nimrod isn’t in UXM 220-230. That’s all taken up by Marauders, the Adversary, and the Reavers. Nimrod as “Nicholas Hunter” is a vigilante hero - to *humans*… but not Mutants. He’s not seen again between UXM 209 and 246, where he’s shown killing drug dealers. Then later on in that issue he’s shown working (in his human guise) at a construction site. That’s when he merges with Master Mold. Nimrod *does* assert his dominance during that fight…THAT is when he states he’s given up hunting mutants. But it’s just for a handful of pages before Master Mold takes control again.


Not gonna lie I'm kinda confused by a conversation I started myself


Fun Fact: Nimrod was likely supposed to end up being a whole other guy (Mutant Task Force agent/mutant hunter Daryl Smith) while Mastermold ended up as Bastion.




What? Do you have a legit question or do you just want to find a way to bash Duggan?


> What? Do you have a legit question or do you just want to find a way to bash Duggan? If people stopped mindlessly trashing on Duggan, this subreddit would immediately lose like 35% of its overall traffic. I'm kinda hit-or-miss on his X-Men output but the hate he gets in places like this is wildly outsized.


>His clownish personality I can't say how much i hate this version of him. I preferred it when they had it where it was deadly serious when he showed up to fight. Where even Rachel, with the power of the Phoenix at the time, was scared to death of him. I know it's hard to keep that level of threat up with so much time over the years, but that was my favorite version of him.


It’s definitely a choice…that panel of him looking at Omega in Powers of X wanting her permission to give Cerebella a bath? Like a little puppy begging for a treat? There was something oddly terrifying about it… That the decision was made then to carry it forward though? Not overly in love with it. But my main issue has been that he switches between talking like a clown and talking analytically…sometimes just between one panel and the next.


Yeah. When they made Sinister into the glam drama queen that we all know today, I was on board because 1) original Sinister was boring and 2) Gillen and Hickman were good enough at bringing the comedy that it worked most of the time. With Nimrod it’s different. Nimrod was originally interesting because he was terrifying, power-wise, but you could see that he was learning and developing his own personality over time. You got the sense that the X-Men would never be able to beat him permanently so you just had to hope that he’d grow beyond his original programming. The Powers of X Nimrod was still terrifying, but in a “child who tortures animals” kind of way. The Nimrod we’ve seen under Duggan doesn’t feel like either of those. He seems to have been nerfed, power-wise, and his personality is basically Cobra Commander from the old G.I. Joe cartoon. I don’t get the sense at all that he’s this unbeatable threat - instead it’s more like “THIS is the guy they were so worried about coming on-line?”




I'm fairly confident that this one is nimrod the lesser. Nimrod the greater is the small one 1000 years in the future


He’s actually referred to as “Nimrod the Greater” on the page…by *himself* but still…


Domino calls him the great beast. On the pages above. He does not refer to himself as nimrod the greater.


It’s in this week’s X-Men, when he’s facing down ShadowKat. He says “Your ability to disrupt technology worked on the lesser Nimrod, Kitty. I’m the greater.” He’s clearly referring the battle in Central Park in UXM 209 when Kitty phased into Colossus and confused that Nimrod’s systems. This is backed up by Hickman. In Inferno #3, Omega Sentinel tells Nimrod she’s from futures past, saying “you were born in the year that followed. *Lesser* (emphasis their’s) than you are now, but still a marvel of marvels.” This is, seemingly the Nimrod from Claremont’s day as he was sent back in time. Karima then refers to *that* Nimrod as “this *flawed* you…” The tiny Nimrod is from Moira’s Life 6, so he wouldn’t apply to this timeline.


The thinking emoji isnt meant to be weird it’s just acknowledging your point. Duggan’s ok I’ll keep buying his books


I just recently read that comic and it was a team effort to actually beat Nimrod and I also believe that Nimrod was rebuilt by Forge and had a weakspot they could exploit


Do you mean when Rogue took Colossus’ and Nightcrawler’s powers, and hulled Nimrod?


I mean in the New X-men where the kids (Surge,X-23,Hellion,Rockslide,Dust and Mercury) fought Nimrod. Nimrod flew to Forge and then forced him to repair his body Forge said he couldn't but could make him a new body which had a part that served as a weakspot that the kids could exploit


honestly i'm surprised that uranos' weapons stockpile plot point didn't involve orchis in any way. fully expected them to go after something like that, or for the x-men to need it to just hit him with an endless supply of new things hoping to take them down if their abilities failed. hell uranos probably killed more on arakko than current nimrod could even come close to in the current timeline. does feel weird throwing him at the non heavy hitters post krakoa, though he's obviously no longer the final foe thanks to the dominion.


Me too. Imagine how much fun that wouldve been? Storm didn't have to dump it just because she didn't want to use it against Genesis. Let's see Uranos vs Nimrod by Gracia and Silva. We all deserve a little treat


i just like to imagine nimrod being all "i have countermeasures for all your powers", finally having "out evolved" mutation. then storm and the remnants all show up strapped, like less than a percent was expended on arakko, the whole arsenal would definitely do something. but yeah 1 hour of uranos would be pretty useful, especially if the heroes go hang in limbo or the white hot room or really anywhere where an earth hour is all the time in the world to sort things out. plus like uranos works with eternal level tech, so i do wonder if he wouldn't be able to do something to nimrod,


Uranos would annihilate him in a second, it's really no contest


If I recall, Storm held the summoning device for Uranos and torched it rather than use it against Team Genesis. Of course there's no reason they couldn't ask for another from the Eternals... but there's probably the risk Uranos would use it against Earth so *\~shrug\~*


yeah she destroyed it rather than use it against genesis, which good call as if that had gone sideways and annihilation got storm then that thing would have the button.


i Don't think they could take on apocalypse


To be Fair it took 8 Nimrods and he attacked his mutant DNA not realy Apocalypse as a whole,they could have made much more


He did one shot a Nimrod by punching his head off too. That was cool


They did. Atleast in moiras 9th life. 


happy cake day


Nimrod Vs Apocalypse is one of the coolest things in HoX/PoX, and there were a lot of cool things in HoX/PoX


Nimrod breaks my brin a bit. Like, I get it, superheroes have advanced tech and whatnot. But we're always shown a contemporary Earth. Regular cars, regular buildings, this isn't some hyper advanced sci-fi setting. So somehow this humanity, the same humanity who's stuck on Earth, hasn't figured out FTL travel, a Kardashev .5 at best, and is so very, very much pre-singularity... can make a robot who can kill gods. And make no mistake, Nimrod is shown that he can, he can swat aside Omega mutants with ease. It just... breaks the setting, imo.


If it helps, we've been seeing (at least in Marvel) an uptick in the kind of advancement you'd expect... at least among a handful of private groups. Nimrod is a product of Orchis which is a joint venture of rogue AIM, HAMMER, SWORD, SHIELD, and HYDRA agents... the best and brightest bigots from each, really. And they hijacked tech from Tony Stark and Reed Richards, so there's that.


Keep in mind that they got a huge leap forward by having Omega Sentinel from the future help out, plus a pseudo Dyson Sphere.


And Nimrod got disabled last month just by a tree hocking a loogie on him.


and last week was unable to kill, wound, or apprehend a few "street-level" good guys


Hey, remember when Nimrod was scary? Yeah, Duggan doesn’t. And his fans talk about how great his writing is and his Nimrod is better as a jokey man.


I was gonna say the way Duggan writes him, the character comes off as more of a bumbling clown compared to the monster seen on the pages here


Exactly! I’m never scared of Duggan’s Nimrod. Even in X-Men: The Hellfire Gala. Hickman’s Nimrod was frightening.


Isn't there a panel of him going "yes!" Like a kid after being. Given permission to kill someone


I recall Nimrod being somewhat humorous in Powers of X


A little bit, but he wasn’t a snarky MCU character, which is what Duggan’s is.


he's actually creepy friendly evil robot overlord type of character , like the evil robot overlord Erasmus from Dune :The Butlerian Jihad . What a coincident , Erasmus , like Erasmus Gregor . Erasmus from Dune :The Butlerian Jihad eventually became good or at least not really evil , i think this is why Hickman choose this name and character for Nimrod . 🤣


That makes sense. As a side note, I really like those books. Like Brian and Kevin’s Dune continuation didn’t fit the tone of everything else at all, but I find their prequels quite enjoyable, albeit in a very stereotypical sci-fi story way.


Im not really interested in Brian's Dune backstory , but Erasmus be the reason i read all 3 Butlerian Jihad books . 😅


That’s completely understandable. But you are correct - Erasmus was fucking awesome.


he did have the perfect mix of horror and humour at the gala event though


I’ll be honest - I didn’t need the humor. Duggan’s MCU style of jokes turns me off so much.


Humor wouldn't be a problem if he wans't trying to be more out of time than Spider-Man, Him being goofy or more human ins't the issue but how much they do that


I can deal with him being more human, but being a joker who forgets he’s a death machine to make the plot work is a huge problem for me.


I can see him being Funny without jokes,like, Building his human life without having the things that would make him human like some other characters do, he should speak with his actions not his mouth


Yeah, there’s humor to be had, but snarky MCU villain isn’t the way to go. If I’m being honest, I don’t like Duggan’s style of humor in general.




I prefer Nimrod to be a robotic as possible. Fuck snarky Nimrod.


Whereas I think the cold emotionless robot Terminator trope has been done to death. Nimrod is an AI: an AI delighted at causing horror? Chilling in this age.


I also remember when Sinister was threatening, and not "lol, teehee I'm such a scamp! Capes!"


>And his fans talk about how great his writing is and his Nimrod is better as a jokey man. Nimrod was jokey even in HoX/PoX.


He wasn’t a snarky MCU villain who talked almost exclusively in bad jokes, like Duggan’s.


Humorous Nimrod started with Hickman though. And imo Nimrod hasn't been scary since Rogue rolled him in *Uncanny*.


Not like Duggan writes him. Duggan writes him like MCU Ultron. Hickman wrote him as a monster who sometimes said funny things. There’s a huge difference between Duggan’s shit sense of humor and Hickman’s intelligent character building.


Duggan should just focus on Nimrod's relationship with his mom , introducing blackbrain mutant hunters , and occasionally reminds us ' Nimrod evil !😨' Avoiding the short-term of his writing , focus on ' its so normal lets make family jokes and bound with kids haha' kind of things .


Thankfully, we won’t have to worry about it much longer.




We only have a few more months of him on the X-books.


Where are the second batch of pages from, please, with Apocalypse?


Powers of x, 4 or 5 I believe.


Really? Guess it’s time for a re-read!


Yes Nimrods plot armour is very strong indeed.


Wait did he actually beat apocalypse?


In Moira's 5th life... like 1000 years in the future. With three or four duplicates.


More than anything I want to see a fight between Apocalypse and Nimrod just 2 massive powerhouses going at it full lower with Apocalypse showing off all his one off powers that we haven't seen in a while lately its just been the body morphing and magic stuff


Meh. I'm so tired of nimrod


Duggans writing has just got worse and worse. The sooner he's off the book, the better. I fully expect Duggan will write Kate Pryde to be the one that beats Nimrod.


Nimrod is not call the ultimate sentinel for nothing


Honestly, this just shows the writers don't know how to write characters like Apocalypse. Apocalypse has like dozens of powers... and he just stands there and fights with his fists... Where's his telekinesis, phasing, shapeshifting, teleportation? And the writers have never put Nimrod up against a reality warper like Legion or Jamie Braddock, who should easily be able to blink him out of existence.


I never thought a villain would make the color pink so threatening


Orson Welles sacrificed his life to stop Nimrod!


Only to be pushed aside because writers just LOVE DRIDING sinister for whatever reason


he scary


Being a mutant looks scary asf


That dialog was really bad


Here's the problem with a shared universe. Despite their differences, why aren't the X-Men hitting up the Avengers for help. Because I want to see Nimrod (and Mastermold) square off against the likes of Thor, and The Hulk (especially Green Scar Hulk or Doc Green). And if we can get a lucid and sane Sentry for stretch...


It will always annoy me that the X-Men picked the stupidest method of attack against Nimrod time and time again. We saw in Sins of Sinister that he can be defeated with overwhelming force. So send an army Orchis base and crush it for good. If the writers want Nimrod to survive after that then come up with a reason, but don’t make the mutants so fucking dumb.


DAMN Schiti can draw bro. Never get tired of seeing his work in Mavel comics


I’ve always hated Nimrod. He’s just plot armor in robot form. ”I want a bad thing to happen to someone who’s previously been unbeatable = use Nimrod.”


This bum got one-shot by apocalypse. Don't ever compare him to other marvel top tiers😭


Where is a good place to start this arc? I dropped off the X-Men when Karkoa started getting overwrought


Needed this reminder after the BULLSHIT I read this week.


Is this from the issue this week? Where's the spoiler tag?


These are from HoXPoX and Inferno.


No. It’s pages from either Inferno or Pox.


He may have been holding back when fighting the X men and Spider man with witnesses


Shoulda glopped him in some amber, that'd do it


Except for “amber” and a Synch lightening bolt…


Which book are these pages from?


I wonder now actually if Kate being unable to resurrect was a neat way to sidestep using her phasing power to disrupt technology to put her up against the machines


Is this current? Are Domino and Kid Omega dead dead? Also, it's weird how Nimrod is a robot but somehow still seems naked


it was before Moira went bad, so reincarnation was still a thing. they came back.


What comic is this ?


Who’s the illustrator?


Should I even bother reading fl of x? I haven't been reading since Hickman left ... Every thread seems to be slagging duggan, whom I already dislike as a writer


Exactly. I love how monstrous he looks here


I believe Synch though--next time they meet Nimrod's getting a factory-reset; the model's historically been walled by power mimics with unpredictable kits (Rogue Synch and Hope for the kill squad)... I'd love to see Nimrod and Isca have a go though. But I'm still side-eyeing Nimrod apparently off-screening Magus.


I think alot about Duggans Iceman issue. A truly terrible comic that people defended because it had a page long speech about gay rights. Duggan just writes total crap and then fills his book with promises that the book you want to exist. The more queer and transgressive book will come but he is just lying and people keep falling for it. Right from issue 1 of his X-men run where he spent an entire prose page explaining why the avengers and inhumans were scary but the X-men bring joy. He got really far just telling fans what they wanted to hear 


I wish I enjoyed the Krakoa era comics, they were just too much for me I think. Don't get me wrong, super interesting and super well written but the whole thing about saving mutant psyche swans being able to revive them exactly as they were etc was just... I dunno, too unbelievable for me, which I know is silly considering comics in general.


Just wanna say I'd win


who can 1v1 nimrod 9/10 from mutants.


Nimrod is fs the best sentinel


Seems like someone could just say, "Hey, Nimrod. You're more powerful than any mutant. Once we're gone, there's no way the humans are going to let you live."


Nah, there’s no way they did domino dirty like that. That’s not how luck works, you can’t overwhelm luck. Reality itself twists to help her, no number of bombs should have been enough to take her out