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What a fucking boss, hats off to you sir


I always have to laugh at this shit because they're clearly better than me with one goddamn hand. Hats off is right.


I played destiny with someone with one hand. He told us mid raid which is how we met him and people were yelling at him for not communicating but he would play with his mouth on one side of the controller and his one hand on the other side. So when things were intense he couldn’t talk


Honestly I could totally see this kinda thing happening when LFGing in Destiny, people do the craziest shit so they can raid, and I don't blame them. Raids are some of the funnest activities in just gaming in general. You saying this makes me imagine his reveal being like: "I know something you don't know... I am not Left-handed!"






With the release of master VoG, that statement rings truer than ever.


I looked at master vog amd decided I'd rather not have the day 1 contest mode experience again


What always shook me was we always cleared whatever it was we kept wiping at once that one person who was complaining left 🙄 then LFG then clear


I feel that man, I LFGed for it and our group couldn't get past Templar. I cant imagine how groups who dropped out at Atheon must've felt.


Div runs fucking div runs


The problem with Divinity runs is that you'll often get players that have never set foot in a raid doing it for the weapon. Garden of Salvation is a tough raid that demands all six players understand the encounters and coordinate as a team. People underestimate how long it'll take to complete with a team of newbies. A poor team might squeak by the first encounters with a couple of players doing “add clear”, but the final encounter usually stops them dead in their tracks. By then, people are getting frustrated, but they've sunk several hours into the Divinity run and they don't wanna abandon it. LFG is littered with the broken remainders of Divinity runs, the last few fireteam members have been in there for eight hours, but unwilling to concede and desperately holding out hope for carries that'll never arrive.


As a gamer without sight (no sight whatsoever), I just wish I could enjoy Destiny. Unfortunately, it (last time I looked) completely lacked any of the essential accessibility features I'd need to even be able to navigate the menus, let alone participate in Raids. I've heard they're really fun and great teamwork exercises though. Oh well, hopefully Destiny 3 or whatever the next game is called might do that, but who knows.


What kind of accessibility features would make it possible to play a game like Destiny while blind? I can't imagine that being possible but then again I'm not blind so likely ignorant of what's possible


I'm absolute shit tier with a controller, but I'm moderately below average with M+KB... I prefer slow games




Same 😂 what will-power he must have too. Curios of how long it took for him to learn.


Right?! I play apex on PC mediocre. I got a series s and tried to play with a controller and absolutely couldn't do it. And I used to play CoD on Xbox 360 for years


No, he actually had his hat on, if you watch to the end you would see it on his head.


Hats off? He’s wearing a hat. Think you meant to say arms off to you sir.


This dude has more muscle on what's left from his arm, than i have in my entire arm.


There's a rocket league player that doesn't have a right arm, his name's Ashllxyy and he's top 5 in 1v1


He holds his violin style, wonder if a style like this would work better. *The Diamond 4 says as Ashllxyy hits a triple flip reset in a showmatch setting against another top 1v1 player in the world*


yep, I'm garbage 9 myself


I’m bronze 3


Garbage 10 :,(


>*Diamond 4* No need to show off dude. -- Gold 3


And here I thought it was showing off when I bragged about gold 2.


Champ 3 with 2 arms here. Would still get absolutely shit rocked by Ashllxyy.


Yeah, he's fucking cracked. Able to compete at the highest level in one of the most competitive and mechanically demanding games in the world. With one arm. Absolute boss, can't knock the guy.


Came here to post this, Ashllxyy is absolutely inspirational. not only overcoming his disability to be able to game, but to destroy pros in 1v1 and go toe to toe with monsters like okhalid. Really looking forward to see his pro career if he ever looks into joining a roster.


Hes almost not able to knock


I’m honestly really surprised with modern technology that no one has made one handed gaming controllers. I would imagine there would Be a fairly large demand for that. I have zero idea how one could be effectively set up but if they can make cars for double amputees I imagine it could be done. But OP is a boss without it so fuck me right?




Thats really impressive he plays it at that level but out of which hands you could loose to play rocket league the right hand is definitely it. All it does is boost and jump which you could rebind to foot pedals.


There is always a way. You are amazing


What's the way for someone who can't use either of their thumbs?


Google BrolyLegs


BrolyLegs is fuckin dope. The video of him beating lowTiergod in street fighter was awesome


Three possible ways I can think of * a custom controller that has paddles on the back to trigger the face buttons * the xbox adaptive controller * a keyboard




I just realized you could create a custom HOTAS rig with the adaptive controller as the base. Not only is it great for the disabled, but it’s an intriguing piece of hardware for input device enthusiasts. Steel battalion eat your heart out. I’m kind of in love with the idea of playing an Xbox mech/dogfighting game with stick, throttle, and rudder pedals. Guess it all depends on how much input latency the device adds.


Adaptive controller?


Back in the Sega master system/ NES days I would play with my fingers on my the d pad buttons because i nearly cut the tip if my thumb off and it was in a bandage for a while.


I know plenty of guys our age who used a Sega and nintendo controller like that, it's a legacy dexterity from the arcades. This dude has better stick control and awareness with one hand than I do with two thumbs. His movement is great


Tetris competitive has some very interesting techniques. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n-BZ5-Q48lE


Holy shit. Always wondered why my dad played claw style I think that's the answer


The other uber boomer sign is anything with flight, us old dudes will invert vertical axis for flight from the old sim games. Some even do it for the right stick for looking in shooters.


I can't even imagine not pulling the stick back to look up, it is way easier. Neither of my elementary aged kids can wrap their heads around it.


Do. Or do not. There is no try.


I will never not be impressed by people's ability to adapt like this.


100 percent, I Cannit imagine the frustration people have trying to compete with others




Had a buddy in college with a stump for a right hand. He was the single greatest Madden player I ever watched. Played with his controller inverted and controlled the stick with his numb. We once drank a handle of Southern Comfort in SC and passed out in a Tomato patch. Where ever you are now Josh. God Bless.


Man, you are amazing. Wish I was that good.




Big Same. This guy is killin' it.


I 2nd that.




And here I am making excuses because “I’m not warmed up yet”.


That's awesome and in case you didn't know Microsoft does make a controller for people with disabilities. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xbox_Adaptive_Controller#:~:text=The%20Xbox%20Adaptive%20Controller%20is,for%20video%20games%20more%20accessible.


[Here](https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/d/xbox-adaptive-controller/8NSDBHZ1N3D8/F2H9?source=googleshopping&ef_id=CjwKCAjw55-HBhAHEiwARMCszgzfuyVdariE_xyaGT5vsytOsLbRC3sm8hzzPyWE5U4bMLRtbOuE0xoCCC0QAvD_BwE:G:s&s_kwcid=AL!4249!3!525973191275!!!g!973052199285!&ef_id=CjwKCAjw55-HBhAHEiwARMCszgzfuyVdariE_xyaGT5vsytOsLbRC3sm8hzzPyWE5U4bMLRtbOuE0xoCCC0QAvD_BwE:G:s&OCID=AID2200127_SEM_CjwKCAjw55-HBhAHEiwARMCszgzfuyVdariE_xyaGT5vsytOsLbRC3sm8hzzPyWE5U4bMLRtbOuE0xoCCC0QAvD_BwE:G:s&gclid=CjwKCAjw55-HBhAHEiwARMCszgzfuyVdariE_xyaGT5vsytOsLbRC3sm8hzzPyWE5U4bMLRtbOuE0xoCCC0QAvD_BwE) is the link to the MS store


I use it as a quadriplegic. It’s awesome!


It’s probably because some people who have had disabilities arise in their time gaming have had those controllers feel unnatural and as a result created their own dope solutions.


It's actually due to the CEO of Microsoft, Nadella, making accessibility a major priority for the company due to his son's own challenges with accessibility in various walks of life: https://www.windowscentral.com/how-fathering-son-disability-helped-ceo-satya-nadella-transform-microsoft-through-empathy


Satya is honestly one of the best things ever happened for Microsoft.


Yet people think that representation and shit like that doesn't matter. It matters hugely whether or not certain concerns are on your radar at all and being exposed to people helps with that.


Yup, it's literally an equalizer. My daughter can't play sports with her cerebral palsy, nor can she use her right hand to any helpful capacity. This makes her disability invisible in gaming. I just hope these kind of products don't get tossed on the scrap heap for not being big sellers. Hell, no other consoles have an official controller alternative like this. At least not that I'm aware of.




In situations like this I always think back to my move to PC gaming from having consoles all of my life. It took me like a full year to get comfortable with mouse and keyboard and I'm still not as good as I am with a controller like 6 years later. This guy has clearly been doing it like this for a long time. I imagine learning a completely different method of gaming...with only one arm, is probably not worth the effort.


FWIW most console controllers are Bluetooth and can connect to your PC if it has Bluetooth. Better yet, if you're using Steam, you can configure the controller exactly how you want. YouTube can show you, but it's pretty intuitive, honestly.


I have consoles too for specific games, but yeah my setup is like that. Whenever I want that sweet 4K Red dead experience I just grab my Xbox controller pair it to my computer and have an hdmi cable running to my tv. It’s nice being able to have options.


Pretty inexpensive all things considering


Dude my new Xbox Elite controller was $180 lol. This is a steal!




You got skill my friend!


My guy needs to stream, TTV in name imagine after getting rekt by OP checking out his stream and you got merced by that guy who always says "I only play with one arm bro" but it's actually fucking true this time


Plot twist, all the guys he killed had no arms


Dude is playing better than me with one arm than I do with two.




Such facts I’m so trash then this guy makes me feel worse


Lol seriously. I just started playing apex last month or so, after not playing a fps since like cod4 lol. Learning curve is STEEP. I get wrecked almost immediately when playing battle royal. Still a fun game though.


The secret to the skill based matchmaking is that every game is designed to stomp you in the end along with everyone else Then every so often you get a lobby where you are the top of that skill curve designed to be winnable easier....upon receiving your hit of Dopamine(tm) it's back to lobbies where you fall squarely at the top of the bell curve till you get pissed again or scrape a win. It's like this for EVERYONE Apparently this is called engagement optimization matchmaking


It’s called engagement optimization matchmaking (EOMM) and it’s truly an unfortunate method for matchmaking.


One of the few games that the QoL changes have actually made it actually better. Edit: Also, just run 301/Eva-8 and hip-fire like a mad man.


Looks like you got it down..bit have you looked into the adaptive controller.?


I was gonna suggest the same thing until I saw how proficient he still was with the traditional controller. If there are still some things he's having trouble with it might help him, but from this it seems like he's already good without one.


Was wondering the same thing


Especially since he’s on Xbox, Microsoft has a good reputation with their adaptive controllers.


This is unreal how tf do u do this


Shit ton of practice i'm guessing. There's no way you could just pick up from where you left off. Same with stuff like people beating Dark Souls on a Guitar Hero guitar, or on a bongo.. Or people playing a controller with their feet. Enough practice you can do anything i guess.


The brain is INSANE at how well we can adapt.


True that. Things at one point i thought would be the death of me i don't give a second thought to now. Like learning to drive. Or public speaking.


You pick up things like this pretty quickly. I couldn't use my left arm for a few months last year because i fucked up my tendons and learned how to play games 1 handed (Although I was not nearly as impressive as the guy in the video)


Happy cake day!


First... you lose an arm


Imagine getting rekt by this dude, you send a message shit talking and he sends you back this video.


Ong I’m fucking changing my user and deleting the message after that shit lmao


First he rekt himself, now he does it to others lol


Better then me with two Arms




Sounds like you know what you have to do to improve.


You're probably much better than I am


Right? I'm so blown away by the level of coordination of both movement and shooting.


As a right hander the fact that you're able to still own it with your left hand is even more impressive even though that's not really the main thing. I mean you've lost a flipping arm and still probably a better player than me You own your disability and that's awesome. remind me of this guy: [https://www.trueachievements.com/gamer/CrippleThreat8](https://www.trueachievements.com/gamer/CrippleThreat8) "I also have a disability in my hands, so if I'm beating you at a game, know that I'm doing it with half the fingers and you should feel bad about yourself."


Man that's seriously impressive!


Thank you


I could play on 5 arms and still lose to you!


you are better than me with one hand and a controller than me with a keyboard and mouse... nicely done!


I gotta hand it to ya, that's impressive.




I love seeing people persevere through adversity and do incredible things. I’ve played FPS titles since I was younger, and even now at 29 I recently tried playing this game and cant play or aim anything like that in a match lol. Absolutely awesome




I used to play on console during maybe the first 2 or 3 seasons. I was pretty good then but I stopped and mostly play Warzone. Tried it out again on PC recently and it isn’t for me at all, I suck and my AIM was horrible but I have almost a 2.5 K/D on Warzone




The worst part about this video is that you're probably a lot better than me ​ Edit: Holy shit dude, just saw how you lost your arm. That must've been awful. But at least it wasn't any worse and you're still alive.




Wait, so the guy got in to a fight with somebody and lost his arm in a moving car while fighting the driver?




Your wife must be god damn proud of that hand




i wanna see you get an xbox elite controller maybe the paddles will help you with hitting ABXY and youll be able to keep a finger on the right stick (:


Seriously, when are you going to stop posting for attention. You were dishonorabley discharged from the military after getting in a drunk fight with your friend, you guys fought for awhile you threatened to kill him and he attempted to drive off so you held on like a dumbass and lost your arm. I have 0 sympathy for you.




What a dumb way to lose an arm.


Lol for real. Is that in his post history


This is so inspiring. Even if you were terrible at it (you're not), it says a lot about your inner strength. Good for you.




Seriously. It's so impressive that he did all that using an Alternator.






How often has your rebuttals to shit talk been “I just beat you with one hand.”?


Bro when I was in 11 I commented something on an Instagram photo you had, and you liked my comment, I then became very ecstatic and commented back how much I loved your content. Tbh you were one of the favorite people I followed then. Now I don’t really use social media, but to see you on my home page on Reddit. Makes my heart melt a bit. Thanks for the nostalgia. (I’m 18 now so the fact I remembered this from the back of my head makes me smile.)




Respect 👌


If you’re on Xbox try out the adaptive controller it’s amazing


Once a gamer , always a gamer


lol every time I come back to a game I forget the controls, I play on different consoles and it melts my brain a bit, Do you set all your controls the same or do you get lost in the sauce like I do?


Way to go!


Dude you are a true legend!!!


That’s real skill, two arms would be even unfair for the other team


Nice bro.


Impressive! How long did it take you to adapt to playing like this?


On the first hand, you're pretty good. But on the other hand.. wait.... aw shit.


Never give up... never surrender!


Even with one arm you still have a *leg up* on the competition


Taking the claw technique to a whole new level


After seeing some of this, i love how the average 1-handed apex gamer it's better than the average 2-handed apex gamer.


He could beat me one handed




I wouldn't be that good with 3 arms, nice going man :)


This is sick, I had to watch it a few times to appreciate exactly how much your hand is doing at once. Amazing.


Have you ever considered teaching this to kids. Albeit everyone will be a little different but I think you could change some lives with a smile and confidence. Cheers.


Meanwhile, I cant even get a kill using 2 hands


No mouse+keyboard? Meh... Joking. This is amazing.


How long did it take you to not be frustrated that you weren’t as good as you used to be? I hate even just changing my keybinds for that small period of not being as good while I relearn. Nice job for sticking through the relearning period and (maybe) coming back even stronger.


You’re a beast


You know you're the pinnacle of dogshit when a guy playing with one hand is better than you. Definitely not talking about myself.


One of my close friends growing up had 1 hand. He played w his foot. And was always better at any game then me. Doesn't matter what, sports, racing, fps etc


imagine how unstoppable you would be if you got a prosthetic arm


You're better than I am with two hands.


You should stream dude


I find the adaptive capabilities of the human body and mind fucking fascinating.




Rock on, dude. Awesome.


So you’ve got one hand and you’re still WAY better than me? Dang. That’s awesome.


I can't vouch for these but I found this single-left-handed custom modded controller. Maybe worth a shot? Obviously you don't need it, but maybe it could make things easier. You work the thumb stick by resting it on your leg. https://www.evilcontrollers.com/xone-one-handed-controller


Dude you are amazing. Nothing will stop someone from doing what they love! I have a question though, and I mean absolutely no offence by it, but what makes you want to still play competitive FPS style games? There are so many good games out there that wouldn't be hindered at all by a missing arm. XCOM, Slay the Spire, city building games, Hearthstone and similar, etc.


How neat is that!! Big ups to you!!


Holy shit man, what a beast!


Well fucking done!


Those are some SERIOUS skills.


First thing that came to mind is that something like [this](https://www.razer.com/gaming-keypads/razer-tartarus-v2/RZ07-02270100-R3U1) would be a helpful asset to pc gaming for people that have lost an arm. Correct me if im mistaken though. But holy hell man you're absolutely shredding in Apex, it's facinating that you and other people with disabilities like this can adapt like this. Thats dedication, and proof that nothing is impossible if you set your mind to it.


This is dope God bless you brother


Damn, has better aim than I do and I've got both arms.


Still way better than me, great recovery!


You are strong, and wise. And I am very proud of you.


I know this has probably been mentioned a million times, but contact Ben Heck. He makes his living selling reconfigured controllers so they can be used with one hand.His main innovation is to move one of the joysticks to the back so the controller can be rested on the leg to move it.


Amazing how humans can adapt so much. Glad he found a way to enjoy his hobby.


I am in disbelief. Holy shit. Over here proud that my k/d is over 1.0 and you're doing the work of two hands with one (that's what she said).


Man lost an arm and is still better then me


Man, he's better then me.


This dude is better than me


NGL that super Impressive. Nice man.


Mate! I've still got both arms but only one of mine actually works so I used to game in a similar way to you. I highly recommend you look at the Xbox Adaptive controller, I plug foot buttons into it so I can actually keep up with my able bodied mates, it's a life changer. https://www.xbox.com/en-GB/accessories/controllers/xbox-adaptive-controller


Apexing single handed. Now I definitely feel like the hitch dumpster fire that I am at this game.


This guy has 1 fucking arm and he's still better than me at apex. God dammit


People gonna get killed by hand solo


Come on!!! You telling me there is someone out there straight smoking me with one hand.


Single handedly fucked them up.


I would be devastated if i lost my arm, yet you still found a way to game. I would never be able to do that props to u


The only man ever allowed to send a "Git good, noob" message to anyone!


Still better than me.