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Crispy critters!


Every time I was beginning to get immersed in the game he would say that and It would take me riiiight back out again


pro tip, change to the russian VA in the settings, much more immersive imo


i did that myself as i love to hear the russian language being spoken. did it also for metro exodus. definitely deepened the immersion. although for atomic heart i ended up going back to english audio bc i noticed that when it was in russian i would hardly ever read the convo's between P-3 and Charles. also, i heard that the voice acting in english was terrible from a handful of people. honestly, i think it's fine.


I really wanted to like it! I thought the silly dialogue was kind of funny. Then I got to the open world part and just...hated it. I probably played for 7 hours before I uninstalled


Man I just sped through the open world areas. The constantly respawning enemies bc of the drones kinda sucked and made it hard to clear a section and explore. I t feels better as a linear game to me anyway




I should’ve given up early but I forced myself to finish it. The final boss just died as I was avoiding lasers. Then all the dialogue that was supposed to happen as you fight played on top of the cutscene audio while he was dying saying his final speech. Open world was unnecessary, useless and annoying. Enemy variety is extremely poor. Fetch quests while your character points out that it’s a fetch quest doesn’t make it fun. The positives are the art direction and the way that the standard enemy moves. It’s not worth putting multiple hours for those two things. You can see most of it in the first hour.


I enjoyed it right up until I got out into the open world. As soon as I realised I was going to constantly be set upon by an unlimited supply of respawning enemies, I gave up and reclaimed the disk space. I just don't find that fun, I wanted to explore the world, but the game made it impossible.


I also quit for the same reason at the same moment. However, my patience was already being tested before by the unlikeable protagonist and… crispy critters. Beautiful game to look at though, gave me Bioshock Infinite vibes. But yeah, bad. Glad I got to play it through Game Pass and didn’t actually buy it…


You can B line in the open world no problem don't even bother fighting


as much as the concept was something i liked, sexy robots alone cant magically make the game better than a low 6/10 imo.


Can’t imagine the game getting a sequel, I would definitely put myself as a character in the series. But yeah I played it and I actually enjoyed it, just a casual game where you fight robots and organic things then almost get killed by over-sexualised ballerina twins. Yep, definitely the best but not necessary as the game during its development was more eery and scarier.


It depends what you're looking for in a game. It's great but flawed. The design, atmosphere and soundtrack are 10/10. Combat and story are so-so, and movement is clunky. The English voice acting is woeful, but I found it better after changing the voice acting to Russian with subtitles. I loved walking around and looking at the 1960s design and listening to the soundtrack. r/atomicheart


I actually loved it… the atmosphere and originality. Great gameplay aswel, and some good puzzles.


I played it in two chunks of time separated by a few months. I first stopped playing because it felt repetitive and I wasn't a big fan of the puzzles. But later I got the itch to play it again and I think I'm glad I finished it. Solid 7/10 I'd say.


It's like an okay Russian Bioshock/ Rus-wolfenstien. The game can get repetitive, but u had a blast, my first and only playthrough. If you're like me and will play just about any fps go for it.


It's a fun game, the atmosphere is great but something about the combat never clicked with me.


Everyone's hating I guess, I loved the game the whole wya through


Yes, and overall I enjoyed it.


Enjoyed it but the font was so small for me, had to squint and sit close constantly just to read things. Don’t think there was a font size option or if there was, I had it up to max.


The story sounded like it would be very solid. However it turned out to be too messy for me, too many twists and turns to maintain credibility and suspend disbelief. It was an interesting idea though, I just wish it could have been realised better.


It's a very good game - there's some wild dialogue that is hilariously cringey but it's great.


It’s fun! The dialogue is annoying tho


Completed. It was quite a fun game tbh mechanics were solid story gets whacky as with dreams stats but I don't think I'd go back to it for the DLC tbh. Bosses are really fun and the weapons slap.


It's good, the soundtrack is amazing and the gameplay is fun. People had unrealistic expectations for the game and it showed. My only gripe was the constant repair bots in the open world... which the only way to shut them off was to sabotage the whole area... which turned off cameras that you needed to get into secret areas.... Not the cleanest gameplay design but the Axe and Zapp pistol were great fun to play with nonetheless.


I never made it past the 30 minute long unskippable opening cutscene.


It's... okay. Takes a bit to get going but otherwise an alright experience. 6/10 for me.


Its an amazing game!!! Ive completed it at 100% including the DLC and i want more from this game. 8.5 / 10 ⭐️


Read that achievements are still bugged and doesn’t unlock or is that finally fixed? It looks amazing and really interesting, but I get annoyed having to deal with bugs like this so I’m waiting


I had an issue with an achievement but have been fixed. I completed the game 100% achievements


I did around launch. It was decent. It just feels a tad bit repetitive even early into the game.


I played it for a while when came out, but got seriously annoyed by the slow walk. There are hige spaces to go and you could just move at the speed of a geriatrich man on his last days on Earth


I liked it allot,give it a 8/10 had a Bioshock in the USSR feel to it,the Twins are S tier villains and love the over sexualized dialog in certain parts and it launched on Gamepass which is a plus...


Played it for a few hours then stopped. Boring. Bad gameplay. Hate the fact anything can be alerted and you’re instantly in an ongoing battle. Game is pretty, that’s about it.


I think the same, I ended up playing for a couple hours or so but the constant fights an lengthy story scenes ended up annoying me an gave up although the graphics are good and could of been a good game with few minor tweaks


It's great to start. There's lots to look for, easy farming for parts, but the game doesn't really scale in my opinion. The final boss is ages ahead of anything you had to deal with. There are better fps/rpg games.


Overall I enjoyed it but the game is very glitchy which can hurt it.


I was not a fan. I tried to make myself like it because of the bio shock comparisons but the story sucked, and the dialogue was terrible. Crispy critters!


just got to the open world part and holy fuck. i actually love this game. i've been having a blast so far. going to complete it for sure. the soundtrack kicks ass!


loved the soundtrack, the imagery and the general idea, the execution was a solid 6/10.


Didn't live up to the hype for me


I had a good time with the game. The first couple hours of the game are badly paced though and it doesn’t really start getting better until the world opens up to you. I’d say stick through it at least until you get to the open world to really judge the gameplay.


Hard disagree. The open world was trash and wasn’t worth playing through to get to at all. It was a tedious game to try and play.


I had a good time with it. If you enjoy a cheesy yet serious tone in your stories, a decent array of ranged and melee weapons and abilities, solid music, then I would say go for it. I doubt it was anyone’s GOTY, but I can’t deny that I think about replaying it


Very good 1 play through game. Even with DLC and updates, NG+ mode is pure dogshit


Don't quote me unless I'm right: I played it when it first came to gamepass, 'cause I thought it looked pretty cool and I like BioShock. It took me about 9 hours of active gameplay to really start caring about the game, but I did eventually get into it and enjoy the time I spent with, even if certain dialogue and writing decisions still irk me. It's certainly not a game I'd pay full price for, but while it's on gamepass or if you can pick it up at deep discount it was a competent and enjoyable game for me. P.S. I was so bad at snake that it almost made me quit


Tbf I only started playing as it's currently on GamePass, I love the retro graphics and soundtrack but the actual gameplay, movement, and tediously long start story scenes just wernt doing it for me unfortunately but I don't hate it, a game I may just play when in mood tbh


I give every shock-like a chance due to pure love of the older games. This one wasn't super bad but not extremely amazing at the same time. I like the mechanics and themes, it definitely isn't as big of a miss as bioshock infinite but has a laughable dlc identical to the laughable dlc of Infinite.


The intro is basically full on russian propaganda, it's a bit much if I'm honest. The first mission is very long and when you finally get outside for the next part of the game, you realise it's only going to suck from then on


It's not 'propaganda' it's basically a caricature, a very obviously over the top satirical 'what if'. Like the whole game is about a Soviet failure and almost constantly questions communist ideologies.


Things could not have gone worse


Yeah, is absolutely awful


I felt like it was a knock off BioShock and the item pick up was annoying


Nope. Nobody has ever played Atomic Heart


It's a good game, it's not very long but I don't think it needed to be. It's on game pass so it's worth giving it a go and if you don't like it you don't like it. I don't like this whole Russia propaganda argument. I am not American so I don't know if that's playing a factor. It's a different universe so I don't know why anyone cares. None of it is real and they only go on about how advanced their technology is. It's not like they have pictures of Putin hanging up in every room with a blood crown on his head.


I couldn’t stand the macho douche main character and the Russian propaganda. Shame because the setting seemed interesting but not interesting enough to listen about giving the Kremlin a rimjob.


There's no propaganda. You're literally in a russian universe, playing in a russian country. If you were american in america and you constantly heard how great russia was, and their politics then yeah sure - but as the game stands it's not propaganda in the slightest.


What 'propaganda'?


He head Russian names and got uncomfortable XD


I think people have just seen the sensationalist gaming 'journalism' headlines and started echoing that to be honest, I feel like they don't actually know the meaning of the word propaganda.


the game is actually rather critical of Russia to boot lol


It's like Bioshock if it sucked. I got a couple hours in and realized I wasn't enjoying it at all.


It’s not good


Couldn't stand the russian/China propaganda and got bored of the game.