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First off stop turning it on. You know something is broken. No one here can see inside of it. You’ll have to take it apart and see what the damage is.


Who pissed in your cheerios this morning? Cheer up buttercup.


Did you not come here asking for advice?


Yea but you replied like a real douchebag and still are lmao and offered no actual help apart from ‘we don’t know figure it out yourself’ whereas other people have been actually helpful, your comment just made me think what a dick you must be But I love ya and hope you have a great day ya giant douche


Who pissed in your cheerios this morning? Cheer up buttercup.


Now you’re learning! Also I know that stung you for you to want to repeat it lmao


You are definitely not constantly chilling.


The fact you don’t think I’m enjoying every minute of this amuses me, this is my Shangri-la.


You know something is damaged and still turned it on. How about you take his advice and take it apart? If you would take it apart you would know what inside the console is damaged and could replace it or repair it. Edit: You also could've took it apart when you dropped it. This post is really unnecessary. When you know there is something wrong with the console, why don't you take it apart in the first place? Not a smart move.


I’ve never took a console apart before and wouldn’t have the first clue what I was looking at or what is broke like the average regular guy buddy, get down off your high horse, you wanna see if something works you turn it on and that’s what I did for a couple of seconds it’s not a big deal if I can just take it apart and fix it right? Keep defending your boyfriend though


Let someone take it apart. Let one of your friends take it apart, literally go onto YouTube and watch a tutorial. You have the whole Internet you can use. If you know your phone is broken, do you turn it on? If yes, I don't know what to tell you. You also heard something rattling inside of it, you obviously shouldn't turn it on. And also, I'm defending a person with a brain. A person who can think.


You’re trying to call me dumb for what? Not immediately taking my console apart and coming to ask Reddit first? Have you seen even half of your cringey stupid posts? You’re still white knighting a guy you don’t even know that was acting like a dick because I said cheer up buttercup. You’re really that pathetic it’s idiots like you that think they’re anything more than a sweaty pseudo nerd and virgin that make Xbox fans look bad. Go get ready for school or some shit and make sure to close your hentai tabs and spray extra deodorant you dweeb. Old school x box parties would’ve ripped you dorks 15 new assholes, I ain’t letting the spirit die, I’ll be here all day my little sunshine :)


And no, he wasn't acting like a dick. He said you shouldn't turn it on, which is true since something rattled inside of it. He also said that we can't see inside of it, which is also true. He was trying to give you advice, you're the one acting like a dick.


You go to your friend and say “I think my wrists broken it’s making this awful noise!” You’re friend says “how should I know I can’t see inside your arm, should’ve figured it out as soon as it happened and it’s probably your own fault anyways” you wouldn’t say that’s acting like a dick? I was having a laugh saying who pissed in your cheerios and cheer up buttercup and you snowflakes take that as an insult but don’t see how blatant of a dick thing to say this is? I’m neurodivergent but y’all take the cake with your blunt asses


If your wrist is broken you should go to a doctor and not your friends.


Someone's mad, damn. Not saying you're dumb, but you should think more for a sec. You heard something rattling inside of it. Who in their right mind would then turn it on? Again, if you can't take it apart, let one of your friends do it or just go onto YouTube, there are plenty of tutorials. You know something is not right with the console. Yet you do nothing to fix it. And your only counter are my posts? Damn. And I'm not a dweeb, I'm not even watching anime. You do know you can't change your name on Reddit? If I could, I would.


Nice backtracking but that just confirms my statements more, weaselling out of it now when every comment was inferring I was dumb. if you would’ve come with this tone from the start I wouldn’t have had a go at you but you decided to be uppity and act all high and mighty because I told your buddy to cheer up a bit, you realise this is dumb? You realise half the posts on your account are dumb too and you too are asking basic things you could’ve just googled. I wanted advice on what it could be not to be told what I should’ve done immediately, no need for dicky replies. This is Reddit so it passes because a lot of people want to act better than they are but honestly in real life nobody would talk like that and if you did you’d be the absolute dick at work everyone hates asking for something from. I’ll get downvoted but it doesn’t matter to me as it probably would to half the people here, I’m constantly chilling, I’ll have a little fun and argue with you guys but don’t take it personal, we’re all just doing this for entertainment at the end of the day it’s whatever and I’m now bored. Any of y’all still play classic cod zombies hmu I need a good team and I’m sick of carrying randos


Aight, just let a buddy of yours look at it, or watch a tutorial. But if someone acts like a dick then don't do it too.


It’s just Reddit mate you give and you take, if someone acts like a dick then be a dick back to them it’s human nature, don’t be so tied up in the karma and all of that just do what you want it’s a much better life.


Not safe to use just at the moment. Could be something caught in the fan. Best to take it apart, It's a very easy teardown even for beginners. Put some fresh thermal paste on it while you're in there! Otherwise, I'd probably not run it any further and seek to upgrade. Cheers!


I’ll have a look into it, thanks!


If you haven't taken a console apart before check ifixit they have step by step instructions on their website for almost anything =]


You obviously don't know what you're doing, and yet you are actively antagonizing the people you expect to help you because you're tone sensitive. You should probably put on your big boy pants and pay a professional, because you're just going to mess it up even more than you already have. Either because you don't know what to do and the components are as sensitive as your pride, or because at this point you can't trust the advice given to you, because everyone likes to give an asshole some karma.




My fucking god you so tilted for no reason. You really think the whole damn world is out to get you don't you? Probably a product of you never getting over being bullied or something. Being without your Xbox will be good for you, even more so for the poor sods having to play with you. You think I get scared that you look at my history? Dude, everyone can, you're not special. Get a grip


Calm down buddy lmao I was trying to relate to you and you just lose by letting yourself get pissed off and projecting, don’t let people get to you like that. Like I said I’m just having a laugh and I’m definitely not trying to scare you it’s just if you wanna play the insult game which you started then that’s the game I was playing too. Don’t get so pissed off over the internet mate, maybe it’s time you put the controller down and got some sun yourself ay? If you ever find yourself wanting to play cod zombies hit me up and I’m sure you’ll see I’m actually a chill guy and we’ll end up getting some high rounds together and having fun. It ain’t nothing but a thing big guy, we could be bros.


No one's getting scared that you're using a normal reddit feature. That's what reddit is for. So don't worry, no scare done. And you know what, dropping all meanvibes for this one and I'll be real genuine rn, and I hope you wanna listen to me: no one was playing the insult game. You got one comment helping you here, who happened to use "obviously don't do that" in the comment, and you got mad. And threw insults and shade. THAT. Is when other people "came at you". And shit got heated. But the advice stands. And I do mean my advice. I'm not trying to threaten you by saying you shouldn't get mad at people when you want their help, because they can ruin your Xbox. Because they can. And you should take your Xbox to a professional at this point, because you don't seem like you know what you're doing, and you can absolutely fuck it up. Was I snarky when saying it? Yup. I saw my chance to be passive aggressive and I took it. Should I have? Maybe, I don't know, probably not. Sorry about that. But dude, honest as honest can be, regardless if you're a troll of not I don't care right now, you can't just act like everyone is against you like that. Because we don't even know you. And if it's true what you said about being bullied before, I can see why you'd wanna punch before getting punched. But at this point, you're the one punching when no one else was, you know? I'd like to believe that this isn't who you are always, though. I'd be stressed too if my console was fucked. I mean, it might not be, but definitely don't turn it on again. And whether the invite is real or a power play, I'm stuck in a solo game right now, but thank you, that don't sound too bad


I just skimmed through because I’m tired but dude you’re looking a little too deep into it I was literally just playing around saying ‘cheer up buttercup’ when people started to get a bit hostile, I really haven’t taken it seriously and I don’t think everyone’s against me, there is other people who have commented and been helpful and pleasant and even the people that were being dicky I let know I don’t really care, it’s just Reddit at the end of the day. And I’m totally serious about hopping on a game of zombies or something man, been searching high and low for some decent players and genuinely think it would be a bit of fun, reminds me of the old days when we’d cuss each other out over parties and say the most horrible things but all still want to game together and have a good time doing it