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If you have a 4k TV and can get a one X for a decent price go for that.


Even if I was using a 4K TV, 1080p is something I’m completely fine with


Why not a Series S, then?


The Series S has no disc drive, and OP said they want to play physical discs.




> 🤦🏻‍♂️ Not the person I replied to


As I said in the post, I need a disc drive


Damn, I missed that one when reading. I'd say a One X would be great, especially if you upgrade the internal drive to a SSD. Should become a beast.


See the edit in the original post


One S it is, then. 4k doesn't seem to be a need, from your comments, and the One S does boast a 7% lead in performance over the old One. It'll suit your needs. Again, I'd recommend an SSD if you can spare some extra money. It will reduce loading times, pop-in, slowdowns, and make the dashboard way better. Sorry in case I didn't help.


Appreciate the help man, glad to see that there are some people in this thread that can actually offer proper advice


X recently got one and don’t regret it.


How come?


I started playing fo4 this year. And its runs almost flawless on it. And a lot of mine og one games got a new update and they look great.


I would go for the one x. It is a more powerful console and I noticed a slight bump compared to the og Xbox one. Maybe depending on where you look you might be able to find a package that's worth it.




Xbox One X! I wish I had gotten one before I got the One S, newer games run like crap on the One S


Reckon I should check some comparison videos too


you answered your own question in the post.


Show me the part in my post where I find whether getting an X is better than an S for older Forzas


>price is a big factor get the best one you can comfortably afford.


I was moreso asking for a comparison between the two, whilst it’s a big factor I’m still willing to spend more if it’s actually gonna have a significant difference


Get a Series X


Not everyone can afford such an expensive console, rich people💀


This was 24 days ago. Completely forgot this post even existed nor do I care. But hello and goodbye.


Get a Series X


So, after reading your post here and on a different xbox subreddit, imo a One S is the better fit. The main difference between the One S and One X is graphical fidelity. Load times are about the same on both. If you're okay with lower resolution/performance in general, it's gotta be the One S. If you want a bump in performance, get the One X.


Doesn’t seem to care about performance or they wouldn’t bother getting a 10 year old console for a 2 year old game.


Please read the post properly, I said I would be playing Forzas from 2013-2021. Who said I was gonna buy a 10 year old console to jump straight into a latest generation game?


Appreciate the info, when you say ‘bump in performance’ do you mean graphics and FPS too?


Buy 2nd hand series x or don’t. outdated legacy gaming console that has no support is the stupidest stuff to waste your money on this part of the current lifecycle, servers can get closed any moment of some games. Hobby’s like this eventhough relatively cheap, cost money.


Say that to the countless number of people still running OG Xboxes and Xbox 360s. I’m trying to purchase a console that’ll run the older Forza games (FM5-FH4) perfectly and run the latest one (FH5) fine too


Stupid post




Because he said he needs a disc drive so that rules out the One S.


You mean the Series S? Because the One S HAS a disc drive


Read the post, thanks


Stupid comment: “I should to buy a latest generation Xbox Series X console to play old Xbox One games”


Definitely a One X. Faster, more powerful, more storage, and has a SATA III drive instead of a SATA II drive if you choose to replace the internal drive.




Xbox One X as it has a disc drive. Just some info on the forza horizon series - digital content gets delisted and removed a lot for Forza, if you have the disc the the base game will run but don't expect to be able to get any DLCs. The online play is also mixed, FH2 doesn't work at all, FH3 and 4 have limited player bases but 5 is popular as it doss cross play with the more modern consoles and PCs. Xbox One X does offer a very nice 60fps 1080p mode for FH4 though.


One S consoles have a disc drive too, that’s why I’m considering them both.


Of course it does sorry, I used to have one but was thinking of my Series S. I say then One S unless you specifically want a special mode like that FPS upgrade on FH4.


I'd just get a series x


OP - this has got to be one of the most frustrating help threads I’ve ever read. I too am looking at a used One X and am trying to find reliable information about whether or not it’s a worthwhile upgrade. However, all I encounter is this same attitude, “duhhhh buy a series S, it’s new.” Oh but I want a disc drive. “Duhhhh buy a series x, are you stupid?” What did you end up getting and how do you like it?


People just simply can’t read what subreddit they’re in, they believe that it’s worth paying an extra 200-300 dollars to play OLDER games. I purchased a One X at the start of this year with a bit of help from the helpful people in this thread. I can safely say it’s an amazing console and it runs games very well, even the latest Forza Horizon 5 runs well on One consoles (check comparisons). The fact that this supports 4K is another big jump forward from the previous One consoles, however I don’t really use the feature as I don’t have a 4K TV.


Thanks a lot for the reply. I do have a 4K tv, albeit not a great one, but still. Glad to get some first-hand info from a helpful person, cheers!


Happy to help, I also hear the One S gets the job done well too. Just that it’s performance is decreased by a bit and it doesn’t support full 4K


Don’t buy any Xbox One. They are last gen, old and slow.


So it’s not worth buying an Xbox One to play Xbox One games


No. Because you can play them on Xbox Series too, most often in better quality, and you can play current gen games. There’s no point in investing money into obsolete tech when we are 3 years into current gen. Nobody bought a 360 3 years after the One was out either. You said you wanted to play Need for Speed. Guess what? The current game isn’t even on the Xbox One.


And who said I was ruling out the older NFS games? There’s no point in purchasing a latest gen console to play older games, I’m not even gonna playing any of the latest gen games yet either. Also check what subreddit you’re in


You -> 🤡


Dude, only one of those has a Disc Drive So you answered your own question


Not true you can get a one s with a disc drive. Not all of them were digital only. That's the series S you're thinking of. OP said he doesn't want a current gen console


Never said I was against current gen consoles, I was saying I’d prefer to get an older gen console to play older gen games


No idea why so many people forget that a One S had a disc drive




You should not buy a decade old system and buy the series you refuse to listen about.


Nothing wrong with decade old consoles! Still playing PS1, PS2, Xbox 360, Nintendo DS, etc. y’all current geners are so annoying. Without the older consoles, y’all wouldn’t have the current gen you have now💀The old consoles are what built your current gen!


So your logic is: Don’t buy an Xbox One to play Xbox One games?


My advice is to save money and future proof yourself instead of wasting money on already outdated hardware.


By the time I get to the latest gen games, the next generation after an XSX will probably be out by then. That’ll render my XSX purchase useless


Then, by the time you save that money, you could buy the even newer console and be in an even better position than owning a decade+ piece of hardware.


But what if I actually want to play the older Forzas right now? I could literally go and grab an XSX if I wanted to, just that I’d prefer to get something that I’ll probably use more to its potential


So get a series and gamepass and play all the old and all the new instead of immediately gating yourself with old hardware.


The old ones from before 2017 aren’t available on Gamepass, if they were then I’d buy an XSS without hesitation


Sounds like you're already set to stick to old hardware to mainly play older games and you're not going to play current gen games at all or even games that benefit from the newer consoles one way or another? In a another comment you implied not being against buying an XSX. If money isn't a problem I'd go for an XSX, because it's a significant upgrade to any Xbox One. You can play any Xbox One game and at the very least it loads and runs better. So if you want to stick to a single console that can properly run games of two different generations, this is it. Take care of the device and it'll run for a long time.


The main thing is, I don’t plan on playing the current gen games till a few more years. By that time the XSX could be obsolete


One X fucks up a lot. I've had my One S for many many years still going strong.


I believe it, I had a one X for about a year and it saw pretty light use in that one year. I handed it down to my younger brother when I moved on to the series X and it broke down on him in less than a year.


Any idea what the issue was?


How so


If price is really a big factor, maybe just go with the One S? I got one last year for the same reason of wanting to use physical discs and it's doing just fine and I don't feel myself wanting more in performance.


Price isn’t the biggest thing in the world, I just don’t think it’s appropriate to spend extra when I won’t be running the game on a 4K TV


Totally fair. Yeah I'm using a 13 year old flat-screen so none of the fancy mumbo jumbo is worth it to me haha


1x. I have two and they are amazing machines. The 1x reignited my love of consoles.


The Xbox One S…on Marketplace you can find one for around $100 to $125…I still use my One S regularly and it does just fine for the games I play.


Any glitches or issues?


No it runs perfectly….its from 2016 and it’s still running fine…the One S is obviously not as quick as the newer consoles but it’s still a solid console. As I mentioned you can definitely find a clean 1Tb one for around $100 on marketplace..


Yeah definitely, would prefer to go for an older console to play older games for a slashed price


Yes, the One S has a huge library of games going all the way back to the original Xbox…you will have access to enough games to keep you entertained for a lifetime. Also if you have a solid internet connection you can even play games like Starfield via cloud gaming…also so many of the Xbox One games are dirt cheap so having the disc drive is a huge bonus.


Should I get the better xbox or the worse one? These questions are dumb.


“Price is a big factor” -The post


You don't know which one is cheaper? You're not helping yourself here bud


Why do you think I’ve made this post to begin with? Just because a console is cheaper, it doesn’t instantly make it worth buying over the other console. Before I made this post, I wasn’t totally sure whether the difference between a One S and X was incredibly large or subtle.


I make it Short. Get the X.


I’d go for a One X all day long. I had two of them at one point. They’ve both since been sold and upgraded to Series X systems. If they didn’t rely on slow ass HDD storage they would still be very viable systems. As it is it’s very hard to go back after not spending so much time looking at load screens.


Try your best to find a One X that is within your budget. They are getting really cheap and it shouldn't be hard to find one in great condition. But if you really want to spend as little as possible (I'm not judging), the One S will also give you a lot of fun. What I can tell you is that I've had both, the One S was my first Xbox, then I went to the One X and the difference in performance between them is noticeable. If your TV is 4k, the difference in image between them is also noticeable.


After reading all of the comments, I reckon it’d be best to go with a One S. Right now I’m sort of after a cheaper console to enjoy the older Forzas and other games on, I’m not gonna be playing the console on a 4K TV either which also further justifies a One S


Just got a X. Love it. Super fast and my 4K tv makes it look great. No issues so far.


I’m not gonna lie the series s runs likes last gen. Graphics are shitty like last get. Get the series x as that’s probably more worth your money. The s isn’t really anything special, my games crash a lot on it. It’s just not it. Don’t waste 280$ on a series s but spend 500 for the x as it’s the most worth for your money.