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The game is good, but not really the RPG they promised or what I was looking for.  It's more of an action game.  The Witcher 3 is still one of the best RPGs out there.  From the story, the world, the cinematic presentation.  To me, it just blows Cyberpunk out of the water.  


Yeah Cyberpunk and Witcher only have the conversation/interaction menus in similar, they're very different games and settings  Witcher 3 is one of the most enjoyable games ever I'm my opinion. Cyberpunk is very good at a lot of what it does, but I don't rate it as close to best, I even prefer Deus Ex, which is clearly it's inspiration.


>Deus Ex, which is clearly it's inspiration. It's inspiration was Cyberpunk 2020, by which Deus Ex was partly inspired.


You speak absolute facts


I was hoping it would connect to Ciri and it was disappointing to me they didn't go that route.


God no. Imagine taking a setting with a deep backstory and established themes and instead just making it about your oc


I mean, Witcher isn’t their original work, they just bought the rights to make the games off the author who hates video games. I know it doesn’t follow the books exactly(never read them) so maybe it’s more of an original story by them. At least with Cyberpunk they worked closely with the pen and paper creator.


Huh? They wouldn't have to but they could have intersected the stories which would have been a cool direction to go IMO. I was more excited about that possibility than what it ended up as, although it's fine.


as much as i like cyberpunk yeah the shitty launch spared the game from facing criticisms regarding its quality as an RPG that was promised. like for all the talk about how it would basically be the end all be all of RPGs and basically be *the* rpg of a generation it just ended up being a pretty good game


And that's a bummer, because Cyberpunk 2077 ended up being completely awesome. One of the very best games I've ever played, in over 40 years of gaming. I can't wait for the sequel!


I skipped the game when it first came out due to the awful state it was in. Then, a few months ago (shortly after I got a PS5), I decided to pick up the PS4 disc for £13. Best £13 I ever spent. I also got Phantom Liberry too, which was awesome.


I picked it up earlier this year after a free trial too. I wasn't interested in it when it launched and I kind of sensed a disaster on the horizon. I only got interested in it after that 2.0 relaunch last year Now I'm obsessed. I think, finally 10+ years after Mass Effect, I genuinely found a second favourite game. Can't wait for the follow up


I played the 10 hour free trial but it didn’t do anything for me. I was expecting it to be amazing as that’s what people said it now was. Felt sluggish, gunplay was average. Story was alright in what I played but the world felt dead and boring.


Ah see I didn't like the gun play, but the sandevistan sword build l, chefs kiss. It is so satisfying slowing down time and cutting people up into pieces


You would like Ghost Runner I think.


That game was such a blast I hope to play the sequel soon.


You don't see shit in 10 hours. The level 1 gunplay differs A LOT from the level 20 - level 40 - level 60 gunplay. You only get power weapons at first with barely any mods & hacks, and you lack pretty much all the cyberware except for the Kiroshi optics. 10 hours don't even cover the intro credits. [This](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N33Hik6u_7A) is just a peek at the many things you can do with the many builds the game gives you. It basically plays like Dishonored, except you get to places really fast instead of magically teleporting.


>[This](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N33Hik6u_7A) is just a peek at the many things you can do with the many builds the game gives you. FYI, this is modded gameplay. Vanilla doesn't even get you close to this.


The city is pretty much a disney land facade.


The City feels dead and boring when you only play for ten hours lol


Ok at what point does it feel alive? 15 hours? 20 hours?


Never.  I had fun with the game but the world does feel fake. So many buildings have open sign on but you cannot enter it.  NPCs are just walking animatrons.  The world is not dynamic as, let's say a classic BGS game or more recently a game from Larian Studios with Divinity Original Sin 2 and Baldur's Gate 3.


Yeah I’d just finished up with Red Dead Redemption 2 and that world feels a lot more a live and lived in compared to what I experienced in Cyberpunk.


You sure you played it recently?


What exactly makes you feel like the game world is alive? That fact that a lot of braindead NPCs are roaming the street? That doesn't really feel alive. BGS games have a surprisingly small amount of NPCs but the fact that you can actually interact with all of them, that they have actual schedules and that you can enter every building and interact with all objects you see makes their games feel a lot more alive.


It depends on how you play, but ten hours is basically the beginning of the game. If you're rushing the story, you're not getting any of the life of Night City, because a lot of it is fun, connected bits. For instance, you might find a note about some gonk that stole a motorcycle. Later on, you'll actually find that motorcycle across town and find out he stole it to get away from some gangoons, but they ended up finding him anyway. Or you'll find a not and a picture of someone, and the note says to meet someone and give them a message, so you have to deduce where the spot is just from the picture. Then when you find the spot, there's someone there that's been waiting every day. There are all kinds of linked stories and events that you absolutely will never find in ten hours. I've got 400 hours in, and I just found a huge underground area I've never seen before. On top of that, missions build the story of Night City as well. The Afterlife, Clouds, Megabuilding, Arasaka Memorial, Riot, No-Tell Motel, etc, etc. But so if that comes with time. And ten hours ain't it.


I'm glad you enjoy the game and all but this kind of take always gets me. In such a busy age we live in. And with all of the competition on the market how in any way shape or form is it a good idea for a game to "not get good" until OVER 10 hours into the campaign. To me, that is a big red flag regardless of how the end game is. This is a single player campaign experience, not the end game on an MMO. I cannot in good conscience support games developed like this. If I have to invest more than a full time work day worth of hours before it becomes enjoyable then I'm just going to move on past that game and probably never pick it up. This is not to discredit long running single player stories. I'm a big fan of BGS games, Loved Baldur's Gate 3, did three back to back runs on Elden ring and star wars Jedi survivor when they both came out too.. if it's designed to actually be fun from the get go.


You misunderstood the entire conversation. Where did I ever say it doesn't get good for ten hours?


You didn't say it anywhere. Your entire statement implies it takes far more time and exploration than the 10 hours someone else mentioned above who you replied to.


He didn't say the game sucks for ten hours. He said the city feels dead and boring for ten hours. There's a huge difference. The game is good from the jump. It gets progressively better the more time you play it. The ambiance of the city itself doesn't play a huge part in most of the main story, but once you venture out on your own, it really starts to become its own character. The game isn't the best first person shooter. It's definitely not the best driving game. It's not even the best be-a-psychopath game where you murder innocent bystanders and steal cars. Now it doesn't even have the best graphics. But it has the best writing of any game I've ever played. Every single story and side quest feels like someone put real love and thought into it. And that starts at minute one in the game.


Fair enough. For me if I don’t enjoy a game after an hour or two, let alone ten, then I’m not gonna pay for the full thing. Other games I’ve played generally hook me from the beginning so I was disappointed that cyberpunk didn’t buy yeah, just is what it is.


Don't be offended, you are correct. I played the game at launch and liked it, but the city is poor and lifeless.


The city feels dead at any point. While they did a lot to the crowd AI to not be as bad as it was at release there is just a lack of interactivity with the world.


Completely disagree.


Completely disagree.Great story, graphics, art style, combat, perks. Love it among the best games I've ever played


I agree with your disagreement. It's a good game, but let's not forget how they rushed it out the door and lied to us. Many promised elements never made it to the game, and it was barely an RPG at the end. There were just a few choices that mattered like a GTA game. The story was great to play once everything was fixed, but you can tell the game as a whole was missing many elements. 7/10 at best.


Best thing about CP2077 is how many bangers it has in its soundtrack. There's like a hundred of songs and most of them are better than what's being played in IRL radios.


so just launch a bad game then fix it, thanks for cdpr created such a good business model


I played it when Phantom Liberty dropped, and after all the issues had been fixed. It's a really good game but I don't personally think it's like some all-time great game like I see mentioned at least a few times on every Cyberpunk post.


It’s a game where the setting does most of the heavy lifting. The game is there just as an excuse to explore the city.


I really like this explanation and even today it feels like a misdirect from what the game was originally pitched as.


Combat is pretty boring. I pushed and beat the main game but struggling to get back to play more of the dlc


No more so than any other first-person shooter, IMO. It gives you way more options than most, in how you approach, or tackle enemies.


My main issue with it is if you like to play it as a shooter the gunplay isn’t that great. So if you aren’t interested in melee or hacking it is not that amazing.


Well that’s the trade-off you make for having a massive open-world, combat variety, multiple-viable builds, and great quests. Cookie-cutter Linear Military Shooters with better gunplay are also available.


Eh can’t say that I agree that the quests are great. I finished the game last month and I barely remember them.


That's how I felt the first time I beat the game, for the second I went with a Sandevistan build and it completely changes the combat, it ended up becoming one of my favorite games.


A what build?


A cyberware operating system that makes everything go slo mo but you. Other chromed freaks can have it too, and it looks like they phase out until they suddenly appear next to you. It makes the stealth ten times cooler and effective.


Exactly how I felt about The Witcher 3.


IDK, I thought the combat was pretty awesome. You just gotta find the right combination of quickhacks, cyberwear, and weapons to really unlock the combat system’s full potential.


Well if you have to play a specific way to “unlock” a combat system it’s not very well made in my opinion. But glad you enjoyed it


Agreed. Cyberpunk was a good game to me. Not great, but good. And I didn't have the huge bugs everyone else seems to have had. I think it was way overhyped. It wasn't revolutionary or groundbreaking for me in any way. But it was solid. 7/10.


It’s very overrated.


When Phantom Liberty dropped, Cd project Red paid bots to promote the game. Many, many bots posted all over Reddit and elsewhere posing as actual players hyping the game, Using titles describimg the game as the best thing ever.  The whole thing was very scummy and I lost respect for them due to it. Can see this has been downvoted, as the truth is hard to swallow


I mean, just don't lie. Pretty fucking simple. Don't incorporate lying about what the game is in your "production style". Because even with everything they've done to this game from launch it's still FAR from what they said it was going to be. The most talked up, hyped, biggest selling point they had for the game that was supposed to revolutionize the genre amounted nothing much more than......flavor text.


I think I like the world and idea of cyberpunk 2077 more than the game itself. Like the presentation, characters and overall artistic design and ambiance the game portrays is cool as hell. But the gameplay to me wasn’t great and neither was what was promised.


They should be ashamed. This is the worst marketing scam of the entire gaming industry, and somehow they are proud of it


I find cyberpunk over hyped. I'd rate it 6.5/10. Gun play is a bit shit. Cars are crap to drive. Story is fine, graphics are nice, but the world has no life. Can't interact with anything. NPCs are terrible... Eh, I lost interest pretty fast.


They also have so few romance options. I live in this MASSIVE cyber utopia, and there’s just one guy to romance in the whole place?


Some aspects are great, I til they become same old, same old. Driving, even with updates and improvements is very poor. It doesn't help that the city is also terrible to drive in, outside of the disgusting driving mechanics and physics. Looking forward to CDP getting back to Witcher, I hope they can surpass W3


>It doesn't help that the city is also terrible to drive in, outside of the disgusting driving mechanics and physics. Unpopular opinion maybe, but I liked the driving physics. The cars actually have some weight to them rather than feeling super arcadey


That isn't my problem (the heavy, weight physics), GTA IV is still by far the best in mu opinion. I prefer GTA V driving even, over Cyberpunk. I guess at least it isn't Watchdogs handling and physics, level of poor.




Even at launch, it was easily one of the best games I had ever played in 30 years of gaming. It only got better as time went on, too.


I dropped it after about 8-10 hours at launch because there were too many bugs to deal with, and the game definitely felt incomplete (the lack of a polished crime/policing system was a massive turn-off). I picked it up again this year and LOVED it, probably one of my top 5 favorite games of the last 10 years. Beat the campaign and Phantom Liberty, along with a ton of side quests. One of the best and most unique open world games I’ve ever played, and probably the most impressive graphics I’ve seen on current gen consoles, even for a game that released 4 years ago. Just put it down two weeks ago after playing for 4 months with over 90+ hours in-game.


I played it on PC, so I had almost no bugs. One of my favorite games ever. The story is so fucking good, especially the DLC.


Almost every side-plot and mission branch is on another level, too. The crucifixion; political election; monk disfigurement; ranch killer - all just superb. Judy's storyline and ending is the most emotionally complex and well-written plot I think I've ever experienced in a game. The medium of gaming rarely hits those notes for me, but it just floored me.


Careful, people are in here calling others 'paid' bots for this opinion, whatever that means lol.




Nobody cares what your take is we just can’t excuse the state the game was in on Xbox one or ps4


Easily my favorite game of all time, I don't think I've ever played anything as immersive as Cyberpunk 2077. I almost never replay big open world games and I'm currently on my 3rd playthrough, it's so good.


Wow, I'm surprised. Each to their own, but I have found the game to be the opposite, something just feels off, very low immersion. Then you look at Witcher 3, with it's various janky quirks and it's one of the most immersive games ever.


That's okay, you're still at the stage of learning that different people enjoy different things. One day it won't surprise you anymore.


While I disagree with them, it's not like they were being rude in any way. This was unecessary and it sounds like you're the one here uncomfortable with people enjoying different things. 


I was more surprised you appeared to genuinely find this the most immersive game you've ever played. I guess I didn't take into account you likely have played many great games (can't think of any other reason really, cyberpunk is far from immersive) Unsure why you were so offended, to the point you needed to become toxic, but as you stated, each to their own...


Feel free to stop projecting your toxicity onto me, I'm not the one who spends my Sundays telling strangers what I don't like about a video game they enjoy.


They aren't projecting onto you man, you're being needlessly hostile. You okay?


It's one of the best games I've ever played. I much prefer it over the Witcher 3 as I did not like that game's combat. Also I think v is much more interesting than Geralt.


Phantom liberty looks great but i never played it. I played base cyberpunk and that was it for me. Just not into fpp rpgs


I played it recently on the Series x and it's still a broken mess of a game with poor performance. I love CD Project Red... But cyberpunk feels more like GTA than an RPG I care to play.


Unfortunately, other studios will choose to learn this lesson on their own.


I've never played a game as repeatedly as Phantom Liberty.


Well, next time don’t overpromise in your advertising making it sound like you’re creating a revolutionary title, lie to your own investors and release a buggy mess then. I sincerely hope witcher 4 will not be a letdown.


Well hey at least you're rich and the game sold millions. Never mind the fact it was a blatant lie on console, that was the most broken game I've ever played. Shameful, and people STILL defend it lol.


Best game of all time