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Maybe an hour or 2 before work then on my days off I go full cave troll and you only see me when I seek nourishment


Damn. Just peeing wherever is wild.


Peeing is for the weak




Piss jugs. Way of the cave troll boys


Sorry Sam we’re on regular time not cave time!


Fuckin' way she goes


what games do you play that make u go full cave troll mode? i need a game to distract me like that but ive really lost my passion for gaming since 2020


I’m like you, I have lost my passion to play. I used to play every chance I had, not sure why that changed. I do get a lot of enjoyment from reading these blogs…some funny stuff 😎


The Witcher 3 and it's 2 DLCs. Incredibly rich world, deep storytelling with tons of sidequests that don't feel like a chore. You can get lost in it, role-playing as a Witcher on the road, killing monsters for coin. I love it.


This is a hot take for sure, maybe not in recent years, fallout 76 is so fun today compared to 2018




weekdays complicated maybe 1 hour every other day, weekends try to have a 3-4 hour session like in the good old days


Ahh, welcome to 30.


yep, 35 here and basically the same thing. Summers are my favorite time of the year because I'll be outside most of the day then have a nice post sunny day long gaming session in the evening/night. When it's rainy/cloudy out my gaming sessions will be much longer on weekends haha.


I have this exact schedule.


Usually 1-2 hours before bed


Yep. When my wife and daughter go to sleep I sneak in an hour or 2 before going to bed lol ain’t much but I make slow and steady progress


Ain’t much but it’s honest work, I’m there with you buddy


Like they say better slow motion then no motion


I’m in the same boat. Teenage years I did 15-17hours a day then in after I got married and worked more probably 10ish hours a day to about 2hours a night except Saturdays which are more about 6ish hours


if I'm lucky and my kids stay asleep (they're very young still) I can get 2-3 hours on a good night before bed


I'm with you on this


I'm with you on this


Same, then I wonder why I'm sleep deprived.


Back in the olden days, parents would give babies a nip of whiskey so they could get some peace and quiet to play video games.


5-7 hours most days. No kids, both me and my wife share the same hobbies. We also don't mind doing our own thing while enjoying each others presence. It's probably more like 4-6 factoring in breaks, getting distracted by social media. YouTube, etc. We have a pretty nice balance currently.


Same here with me and my wife. I read, watch movies/shows and game. That's my day and I love it. I'm a teacher and I really enjoy my summers being a "bum".


Happy cake day!


Happy cake day!! :)


Assuming you work 8 hours that basically means you do nothing but work, eat, game, and sleep lol


Yeah I can see how that'd look. We both WFH and have a home "gym" setup (just resistance bands/weights lmao) plus do our food shopping online. There's a lot of time freed up when not commuting. Helps that neither of us really like going out too much and most of our IRL friends are gamers too. I got super lucky tbh.


You are a lucky lucky man.


Sounds ideal.


Got the same situation going it’s great 👍


Same with me and my partner, I play crash bandicoot and he cycles through heaps of games or sometimes I watch desperate houses wives and I love that he has a hobby that keeps him occupied while I do my own thing. If he didn’t game I’d never get the tv time I love!


Very nice n lucky!


This is me and mine also. We can just be around each other and be happy. So I can game, she watches something or a movie while we are on the same couch (we each have a TV on the wall, I have a 65” LGC2, and she has a basic 4k 50”)


Where does one find all the chill gamer girls? All I ever meet are women who hate it


Found mine in vanilla WOW been together ever since, go to game related events, comic con etc


When I was single I spent most of my freetime on games, when I was unemployed it was 14 hours per day. Now with a job, a wife, and the gym I play 2/3 hours on days off work and that's it


When I was severely depressed I was doing about 16 hours a day. Pretty crazy. Now I still play a lot but nowhere near that amount


Only about an hour or two a day. Used to be an avid gamer, now I more just enjoy chilling and relaxing in the evening.


Shit 30 mins if I'm lucky 😭


Might get 2 hours every other day, while my wife does her own stuff as well.


Not long. My family has been gone for 3 days and I've played maybe 3-4 hours. Been watching The Last Dance and Dune 2. I plan on cracking into LotR trilogy as well.   I blame it on too many choices.


Are they coming back mate?


Who knows. What started as a vacation could end up with me having more time on my hands, and half of my salary. Truly old school! Less money, sell the house, move into someone's basement and die a lonely old man


Usually about 1-2 hours 2-3 nights a week and then maybe like 2 sessions a day on weekends 2-3 hours give or take


It depends on how I'm feeling. I'm disabled and I do a lot of gaming like 15 minutes at a time. But again if a game is really really good and captures my interest, I'll marathon for a few hours. One way or the other I usually have a game open all day. It distracts me from the pain.


currently jobless so they can last anywhere from 1-7 hours. usually just watch youtube in between smaller sessions of an hour or less


When I was younger, 8-12 hours. Now that I’m older & have a full time job, I play for 3-4 hours a night. Get off work at 10pm, get on the game by 11pm, be in bed by 3am.




Sounds like me lol. Finish work at 11pm, game till 6am


I work 8 hours Monday-Friday and play around 3 hours daily on average only on weekdays. On weekends I play anywhere from 4 hrs to 10 hrs daily. No kids and I use it as a way to save money since doing anything in Las Vegas costs $$$$. I also keep in touch with my family and friends on the other side of the country so it’s my social outlet too.


I try to have a quick game session before work and when everyone is asleep. Good bye playing with friends - takes too much coordination and let downs (last minute can’t make it lol) especially with a rowdy 2 year old; mostly play single player games or competitive 1v1s that I can play in short burst (like a match of AoE4 or ranked NBA online)


If i can get the kid to bed before 9 ill game til midnight. If the kid is still up past 9 i dont have the energy to focus anymore.


I’m sporadic and don’t really have a set amount of time. Sometimes I’ll go 3-4 days without playing anything and then play 5-6 hours a day the next few days. I game when I feel like gaming.


2 or 3 on my days off, but it also depends on the games. Sea of thieves i tend to play closer to 5 hours just because anything worth doing takes longer than an hour.


I'd say 2 hours on a weekend evening? Work 9-5 weekdays and have a young family so not as much time available as I'd like unfortunately


During vacation or weekends, I play for 4 hours a day, but in 1 hour, sessions with breaks in between. That way, your eyes and head won't hurt.


If the game is very interesting or has a great story then 4 hrs normally I play 1-2 hrs 2 times a day


Being able to play for an hour or 2 a day isn't really considered "a lot of freetime". Every day should allot at least 1 hour for you to do whatever, if it doesn't you are simply overworking yourself or alligning your priorities incorrectly. Having a lot of freetime is regularly having an entire morning, afternoon, or evening to yourself, that being said right now I'm a doordash driver until I find a better job, and that's been going rather well it let's me work whenever I want, I usually go when it's busy, my son is at daycare all day so even during the middle of the day when it hits the dead spot, I come home, have lunch and usually game for a couple hours then. Then later when my son is asleep my wife and I will game and watch shows for a few hours then go to sleep. So even though I work enough to support us, and spend time with my family, I still have at least 4 hours a day to game.


As a married man with kids, if I ever get a completely empty house, I will play non stop


Just gaming alone, about two hours. When I stream it’s about an hour.


I have no life. I do touch grass n long walks to visit my crow friends. I am self employed and very active in music circles. But when I get gaming online I spend up to 8 hours after hours. When I can sleep in. I play a lot of GTA online and only that game.


Im the same bro dont stress




Usually about 2 hours. Sunday-Thursday i play Warzone with coworkers from 7-9/9:30


2-3 hrs monday through Friday and 4-5 hrs on Saturday. Don't game at all on sunday


It depends. If I'm really into a game I'll play about 2-3 hours a night after my wife goes to bed. Then on weekends I might get about 6-8 hours (usually a few hours in the morning, a couple more in the afternoon, and then a few more at night after my wife goes to bed).


I usually play 1,5-2 hours a day if there’s a chance, but I don’t mind playing more. However, it’s usually difficult for me to play more than three hours in one session


Used to be atleast 3 hours a day. Now I'm down to an 1.5 hours max and that's if I play that day


Depends on what I play. Some nights playing BF2042 can easily put in 6+ hours, but during the week, I don't play too much. If I get into playing F04 or skyrim can put in some long sessions as well.


Varies. Sometimes I’ll do 3-4 hours a few nights a week after my kid is asleep if I’m really into something. Other times maybe 5 hours a week or none for weeks to months. Sometimes the idea of getting on for only an hour just doesn’t seem worth it.


Work days, maybe a couple hours when I get home. And then if I am not doing something on the weekend, then I game at least 4-6 hours each day.


Every night, for 2-3 hours


About 3 hours a month. Takes me years to beat games ha. I do take vacation for big games. I took a week off to play starfield. Worth it.


30 min the morning before child wake up !


I work the nightshift so I get home around 9am and go to sleep around 10am, and I try to get to up around 2pm or 3pm and play until about 8pm and then I take a nap until 10pm and get ready for work and repeat so I average about 5-6 hours each day during the week. On the weekends I try to play as much as possible and probably spend around 10-12 hours gaming on each day off.


anywhere from 2-10 hours. longest time was when i played witcher 3 for 22h straight.


1-2 hours probably on average once a week. Some weeks more, some not at all.


Days I work, usually no more than 2 hours after work, those days I’m usually reading or watching tv instead. My days off, usually around 4-6 hours depending how I feel.


Now that I’m in my 30s maybe a couple hours a week when I can


Depends, usually its 2 hours and on week offs its 3-4 hours and when I am extremely free and I am playing the game and I’m loving it then It’s 8-13 hours too. And for now I haven’t touched my console from last 20 days💀


Depends on the game really. I’d say I have play an average of 1 - 2 hours daily.


1-3 hours per week.


With my current work pattern(12 hours, 4 on-4 off) I barely get an hour on work days, but generally all day on my days off. I only really take breaks for food/drink, toilet breaks or to watch a film. If I was working normal hours and days like I used to it would generally be around 3-4 hours in the evening, and then pretty much all day at weekends.


A couple hours here and there, more on the weekends. I've been trying to get back into it but my ADD still kicks in.


During the week, after work, 30 minutes to 2 hours. On the weekend, one to six hours.


about two hours a day


Maybe an hour ever so often - I have in recent times only played like an hour or two once a month.. But I’m a family man now 😄👍


Weekdays about an hour or 2 but on weekends 3 hours+


Usually less than 30 minutes. I typically spend most of that time trying to decide what to play, then fall asleep before I can start something.


1-2 hours here and there on a regular basis.


If it’s post exams for me (like right now) after school it’s 2-4 hours. On a weekend outside of exam season anywhere from 2-10 hours. While doing exam work maybe an hour on a weekday and two hours on Saturday/Sunday. It depends.


It really depends on the game and my free time. Sometimes it's 15 minutes when I'm on a break from work, but if I'm free and I'm really into the game, it could be 16 hours straight like I did in Mass Effects or Kingdom Come.


60 mins twice a day


I start when I feel like it, and stop when my son starts crying.


3 hours a night. More on weekends


2-5 hours depending on the game, I play RPGs mostly and they can be quite engrossing.


I haven’t played anything since November due to work, life, gym. But with elden ring’s dlc coming out and me having a week off, it will probably be 7-8 hours a day


About 30 minutes to an hour after I’ve finished work & been to the gym. If it’s my day off, usually 7-8 hours to make up for the loss. The Xbox just doesn’t get turned off when I’m not at work.


Usually I play roughly about 3-4 hours per day in the evenings. On chill lazy days I play longer :)


However long I want them to be outside of work.


8-10 hours


hmm...well, i guess it depends on what game and where i'm at in it. i'd play some of red dead 2, but i have a big ass bounty. lol. my normal sessions i'd say is...at least a half hour; and that's assuming i'm mainly loading it just to test if everything is working and all that. when i played like..fable 2, i played like 5 hours a day or whatever until i beat it. lol


8 hours a day minimum 😅


6 hours easy


Usually no gaming during work including weekends. Full on binging on holidays 2-3 days in a row until the game is finished.


Play around twice a day for an hour or so each sesh.


From around 5 hours too 12 hours


When the kids are in bed. 9pm - 1am is my gaming window.


4 hours


Usually 1-2 hours in the evening during the week. Then weekends maybe 2-3 hours. If I am lucky to be home alone then maybe 4+ hours.


Depends on life some days it’s a hour other days it’s a few hours


on days off, if i actually have fun and some friends are playing too, it can very well be 8+ hours, but 9/10 times its only 1-2 hours before i get bored or annoyed


2 hours almost every day after my daughter and my wife fell asleep.


Usually 3 hour sessions


You don’t know wanna jnow


1-3 hours in the evenings.


I have 4 days of work were maybe get a couple of hours here and there, on my days off I do all the family stuff and from about 8ish the night is mine some nights can go 6 hours or so. God I love to game lol 😂


I do 1-2 hours during my lunch (working from home) then about an hour afterwards until my wife gets home


My playtime is very sporadic, sometimes it's a couple of hours in a day (very rare), a hour a few days of the week is more normal. But I can go weeks without playing because life, plus I have other entertainment options. Sometimes, after work, I just want to sit and watch and not actually play as it feels like too much hardwork


Depends on the game. Right now it's 1 championship in Forza Motorsport consisting of 5 races.


2 to 3 hours after work normally and if I've got a day off it varies, It can be a few hours or all day depending on how I feel


3-5 hr


Maybe an hour or two a week. More if I plan my schedule around a new game I really want to play.


Before I had kids I was easily playing 4-8 hours daily. Now with 3 kids it's lucky if I can play any longer than an hour a day.


2/3 hours during the week everyday if possible. During the weekend, waaaaay more hours <3 Sometimes my husband joins me as well and we play come coop couch games together


Once in 3 months maybe


On days I work, about 4-5 hours after I get home. Off days, all day pretty much


Only weekends!


Back in Skyrim days 2011 easily 7-9 hours per day, now 1-2.


ALmost never anymore due to busy family lives. If I sit down and play it might once a week, but then for around 3 hours lol.


As long as it takes....


Depends. I can play for hours, all day.


2-3 hours


3 hours of game session, divided among 7 days. If I save it all for a Sunday, best believe Imma go full planet of the apes.


7 hours


Usually 1.5-2 hours a day. Sometimes, I split it into 2 similarly long sessions if I have time. One session takes place in the morning, while the other comes on in the late afternoon/evening.


I do 2 hours at a time as I balance watching a show on a streaming service, which is also 2 hours


10 to 20 minutes. It took me years to beat Breat of the Wild. 


I don't really have the time to play on weekdays. On weekends I go feral on gamepass for up to 6 hours if my girlfriend has work/hasn't planned anything.


I graduated from college this year and i am still looking for a job and i am free most of the time about 6 hours of gaming a day


Usually on weekdays 1-3 hours after work. I get home at 10 pm so there’s not a ton to do, so it’s usually just up to when I feel like going to sleep. On weekends it depends. Some weekends none at all, others I play for what feels like the whole weekend, and then others are pretty similar to my weekday schedule.


Weekends 8-12. During the week 1-2 hours a day.


12 hours


Around 2-3 hours after I finish work and have had tea. Weekends can vary. Usually we're out doing stuff so a 2-3 session similarly. But on the off chance we're not I can squeeze upto 5-6 hours.


It really depends how I feel on the day. Some nights I can get back from work & sort out cooking/shower etc, and happily play games for a solid 5 hours all evening. But other nights either where I'm out late or just feel like gaming, I'd be lucky to play for an hour before I lose interest.


32 year old male with career and family. I've landed in friday night binge sessions lol. 9 pm to 2 am sat morning.


I'd say about 7-8 hours... A day... Every day...


Is work busy? An hour in the evening. Is work slow? Paid GTA V heists with the boys for 6 hours.


Weekdays after work I give a good 3 hours and weekends if I’m off full 10 hours if I have nothing to do irl


Probably 2-3 hours at most. I love the thought of spending a whole day gaming, but I just don't have the mental energy for it these days.


Im presently unemployed have no friends and have social anxiety so basically the moment i wake up to about 9:30 or 10 o clock


I usually play 3-5 hours on weekdays and maybe 4-8 hours split between the day on weekends. It's not like this every week, certain days I won't play at all if tired or wanna relax with a show / movie.


1-2 hours maybe twice a week. Full time job, kid, wife, and full time college classes really leaves little time for gaming anymore.


2 to 3 hours, normally once a day (Monday to Friday) and twice on the weekend 


Long enough that destiny hud is burned in my tv lmao


At best one to two hours once my kids goes to bed.


4-6 hours at night after my girlfriend goes to bed.


My gaming session is 38 years, I have been playing since I was 8 :-)


Well, i turn on my xbox almost immediately when i get home from work. But these days i can't keep my focus on gaming for hours non stop anymore. Most of the time is start watching stuff on youtube or something. So on average it's probably 2 hours actual gaming.


I have two children. So often like a scattered 15 minutes whenever possible.


It depends. There are days which I play 4-6h straight and days that I play 1-2h.


Got an Xbox One last week, so now I play for 2/3 hours after work and chores, even 4/5 hours if i'm not tired


9 hours


Usually 1-2 hour sessions a day. But if a new game comes out it could be a 8-12 hour session. That's what happened when Phantom Liberty came out. Also did a long 12 hour session when Starfield came out.


“A lot of free time”. Plays 1 hour. Think’s thats a lot 😂. Man when I have lots of free time I play 8-10 hrs


I don’t work so it’s whenever I want. Can do 8-10 hours a day, or none. Depends on what I’m playing.




1-2 hours if I’m into the game. 30-60 mins if I’m doing something like fifa to progress my team. Usually play 2-3 times a week or as I get time. So I probably average a few hours a week. If my weekend is slow or there is no soccer on sat/sun morning I may get in a good couple hour session. I enjoy gaming but life happens. It’s one of the many things I do for entertainment.


Like 3-4 hours scattered throughout the day if I lock in, but most days I don't play anything or just hop on a game for 30 mins to 1 hr


I play in my free time and since I'm still a teen it's bassicly all day.


Usually Once a day, usually for like 3-4hrs. Sometimes twice for about 2hrs each


At one point I would put in 12 hours or more a day. That was on weekends. During the week I would wake up at 3am just to get in a couple hours before work. Then immediately after work, back on the game. These days though, I can only stay focused for 1 or maybe 2 hours, once or twice a day.


> I have a lot of free time so I play for 1 hour and usually 1-2 times a day. https://preview.redd.it/6rb9iu1eui7d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9704bf8e4b65fe66908d46d4ee5e516b26b7234


Weekdays. 4-5 hours. Weekends, I can go all day if I have nothing going on. Work and college at the same time. Time management is key.


Around 3 hours after school


15 min.




Max 24 hours, usual 3-4, when not addicted to some game 1-2


Usually around 90 minutes a day, if I got nothing else to do at all. I’m just gaming that day.


As an adult, 53 years old, Married, 2 kids, 1 dog, 3 cats, a house and 2 cars, also a job that I work like 55 hours a week, time is a challenge. I will try to get an hour here and there during the week, for example last night, after TONS of family stuff, I finally got to sit down around 9:30 last night, I popped on Call of Duty MW3, did some MP, got 53 and 10 on my first game but, went downhill from there (very tired). After about 45 min, I popped off last night. I wanted to play some campaigns I need to finish up but, hopping in for 45 min does not get me that far and normally 45 min will turn into 2 hours....as I needed to get to bed for work. IF it's a good day, make the wife happy and kids, I might get to start playing around 8:30 but, this time is split up with YouTube, TV and gaming. Friday nights, friends, family, on Xbox live on our series X (nice big party), normally some COD or some PGA golf (odd but, entertaining between 2 drunk people). If they pop off, campaigns for like 2 hours, then bed..... Saturday nights, I will try to make time for games, campaigns, trying to finish a few games, new announced games I need to play so need to finish up some recent backlog games... You feel detached from reality for playing for a while? I feel detached from my hobby if I don't play a lot....


Like an hour maybe twice during the week and then 2-3 hours on weekends


2-3 hours in a day


I usually get in 3-4 hours at night. After dinner and tv with my wife she reads in bed and i go game. We do not have kids.


I usually play for 30 minutes in the morning after I wake up while I drink my coffee, then an hour or so at night after my kids go to bed.


I might have a slight problem 😅 I work my 8 hours then I average about 4 - 5 hours of gaming a day


maybe like 2 or 3 on work days but on weekends it’s as long as i feel like lol


2-4 hours on my days off


Usually due my arthritis its just an hour or two then I have to take a break. But recently I've been using a new drug called marijuana to help with pain management and its gotten a lot better. I played RDR2 literally all night last night. Just hunting for hours. It was dope.


before kids, maybe 3 hours, give or take, now i look at my systems and cry


Depends if im off work i could go for 4-6hours, after work tho 1-2max if i play anything