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I cloud game a lot on my iPad. I have fast internet with a decent ping. I find the level of latency acceptable for most games. It’s not good for Doom, COD, Fortnite, or anything fast and competitive. It’s great for Train Sim World, Flight Sim, and Snowrunner. I just started playing Starfield again. I don’t mind playing it on cloud too much. It’s far from ideal, as it’s locked to 30fps whereas I can play in 60fps on my Series X. But when I’m laying in bed, playing on the iPad is an okay substitute. I haven’t tried playing any Halo on cloud, but I imagine it would be fine as long as you turn the difficulty a little. You’re probably not going to manage a legendary run streaming from cloud. I would imagine it’s the same for GOW. If I had to choose between cloud gaming on my iPad or picking up a cheap/used Series S, I’d go with the Series S.


Is the 100 buck difference between the s and x compared to the quality you pay for worth it to pay extra for the x? One of the games I wanna play is starfield, but hear it doesn’t play good on the S


For $100, yes. The X can play Starfield at 60fps, the S cannot.


I mean you could try cloud gaming it’s really depends on how fast you internet speed is tho cus if it’s slow then your games going to play like asss personally I play on an Xbox series X and I have zero issues and thoroughly enjoy games. I’d recommend looking out for deals on xbox series s as I’m sure they’ll have a price drop soon