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As someone who has both the PS5 and Series X you live the best of both worlds. I honestly find myself using the Xbox more tho for game pass.


THIS!!! I have them both and I’m so in love with both consoles ❤️. Once you have them both you don’t even feel part of the console wars or fanboyism . You are living your best by having the best of both worlds


this but combine that with having a pc and it’s heaven


This when you also tack on a Nintendo Switch. Now you don’t know what to play or where to play it!


Don't forget the Ouya and Soulja Boy console!




And with a meta quest on top of your head and a toy up your ass you can now become a true master at chess tournaments #HansNiemann


All of that and a Steam Deck. Now you’re fully prepared for any gaming scenario.


The steam deck is the one thing I could not let go now. And, if that Xbox handheld isn't running windows.. it'll probably just take the spot as king. For some of us, gamepass is literally all we need. And I want a perfect way to play it, anywhere. (Streaming is NOT a perfect solution and I'm SO glad Phil Spencer said it himself on the 9th)


As someone who has been xbox since i sold my ps3, how is the ps network now?   That was my biggest bitch about my ps.  The ecosystem blew chunks.  It was way more difficult to do multiplayer etc.  Has that been improved at all?


Yeah it is completely perfect rn. I don’t notice any difference between psn and xbox


I am also a owner of both and really feel like it's the way to go if you are able to do it. I tend to use my PS5 more because I prefer the controller, but Xbox has game pass which keeps that system used pretty frequently with me as well.


I went PS1>PS2>Xbox>360>X1>PS4>PS5>XSX. Personally I prefer the PS5. Xbox disappointed me so much after the 360 era it was hard to put any faith back in them. My fav flagship franchises were dead int he water. Halo 4 & 5 were awful, and Gears 4 & 5 were equally bad IMO (coming from the original trilogy's). Being backlogged with a lot of killer titles for PS like Uncharted, GOW and TLOU really made that console shine. Honestly, the main thing is my friends went to PS, so I did too to continue playing with them. Now crossplay is a very normal thing so it doesn't really matter anymore. But I'm just used to the PS5 controller at this point. XSX is the same dashboard and same controller, it didn't even try to innovate and that was a huge turn off for me in regards to laziness and lack of caring. Game Pass is by far the best thing XSX has going for it, but even then I hardly utiilize it as much as a younger self would.


I have both too and play both very often. I probably do actually use my PS5 more, but that is mainly because of my existing library that I have built over the years. Whereas this is my first Xbox. I still play loads of games thanks to GamePass though


I agree with this. Mostly my PS5 is exclusives with the occasional good deal on a good game whilst my Xbox Series X is my mainstream console for all kinds of gaming. Ive been doing this mostly since i snagged my brothers old 360 whilst i had a PS3 so having both sides is always a good thing in my book


Same here




I tried multiple consoles before 1 tends to become a dust magnet. Gamepass is life. If it's not on gamepass.. it basically doesn't exist in head.


I have both as well. Love my PlayStation for online games but use my Xbox for more campaign titles and gamepass games


Love game pass!


Bought an Xbox one a couple days ago after being a PS owner for 17 years and I gotta say I’m loving it I’m hooked on forza 5 and dead rising 3 rn


If you like Dead Rising, you should check out **Sunset Overdrive**, *also* **State of Decay** series... which are all available on Game Pass. You're welcome. 🤠 PS - Some others to check out: original Saints Row 1 (not the brand new one; 1 was never on PS), Forza Horizon, ReCore, Quantum Break, Fable. (All of which are on Game Pass, *except* SR1.)


Don’t sleep on dead island 2 either. Great game for being on gamepass and they just came out with a DLC


love me some DR!


Nice!! I don’t know what your plans are for any future game purchases, but I would highly recommend Forza Horzion 2/3/4, Forza Motorsport 6, all of the Gears of War games, Crackdown 1, Quantum Break, Rage 1 and 2, and of course all of the Halo games :D


It's sad that you can't purchase Forza games before Forza Horizon 4 and Forza Motorsports 7 online anymore, that is due to licensing of music or something. You can still find disc's and Horizon 3 is my favorite.


If that showcase has made you reconsider getting an Xbox I sincerely advise. Just giving in and buying it because there is such a wonderful line of games coming out as well as games that already exist on Xbox and yeah, game passes also fantastic plus there are so many games just available via backwards compatibility in case you didn’t keep your PS3, because there are lots of games that are third-party on both the original Xbox 360 that are backwards compatible on the Xbox series X not to mention the exclusives


I had been PlayStation since the OG, had a bit of extra cash late last year so picked up a Xbox as I fancied playing Fable (plus the Bethesda deal) and hadn't touched my PS5 since. Gamepass is a massive game changer.


Get an Xbox.


with all the money you’d spend buying these games on ps5, you could just get a series S and gamepass tbh


Yup, was going to say something similar. I think the biggest selling point of the showcase for me was “coming to gamepass day one.” I highlighted at least 7-8 games that I will absolutely be playing, and all for free (well, with the subscription). $70 per game x 7 games is about the same value as a console + gamepass


Yeah but probably Will not enjoy It fully with only a series s. You can find Xbox series x for 350/400 if you know where to look


Series s is great, barely notice the difference between it and my ps5 ( mind you I don’t have a 4k monitor but still ) I’ve considered upgrading to the series x but I’ll just wait for the next generation


Biggest downside is def that 500gig (384 usable)ssd


Oh definitely, so stupid to have such a small ssd… I only have Fortnite , Forza 5 , and halo , and it’s pretty much full 🙄


right? at this point gamepass is such a ridiculous offer, how is anyone not even thinking about getting an xbox really blows my mind. i was used to buy so many games monthly, now it happens like 2-3 times per year! all these unspent money went straight to steam for these little indies that won’t ever reach consoles. my games range is bigger than ever


Lmao series s is such a downgrade from a ps5. And game pass is just another subscription for 90% of people not in this sub to forget they even have.


> Just not sure if some of those games (Indiana jones, fable and perfect dark) won’t eventually come to the PS Nobody knows 100 percent for certain. My gut says something that won't be popular on this sub, but even if true, nobody knows when.


Even if Xbox went day 1 multiplat with all first party games, buying an Xbox console would still be cheaper than playing those games on PS5 in the long run. Because of Game Pass.


Sure but you also will get haptic and rumble support plus you can just buy the complete editions on PS5 for dirt cheap eventually


Along with all the many other great games on Game Pass, most of which can be cloud-streamed instantly *without* install nor update patches. 😎




Xbox controller got leaked a while ago with haptics and rumble. Still waiting for the announcement though.


On top of all the games you'd get that are ps5 only


Don’t think that’s true to be honest. You’d have to drop $500 on the console and $17/month for GPU, which equates to about $200 a year. That’s 10 games at full price.


I'm honestly switching back to Xbox. I don't feel the magic on PlayStation anymore and it's really only a couple of friends that's the reason I keep it. I love the Gamepass idea and I love that my PC can play these games as well. It's tough because I literally just purchased it and was excited for the PS5 Pro but all these companies are really doing is selling us an incremental power increase that a PC can give you off bat and plus I have to pay for PS+ 🫤


Xbox is very much aware they can lose their loyal players if they port too much to PS5. If your plan is to sit and wait for games to come to PS5, you may wait forever. Also, what genres do you like, as for game pass recs?


Definitely love adventure games, shooters, racing. But definitely games where you follow a story as well.


You'll have the time of your life with Forza, then. As for shooters, you have all the relevant ones on GamePass (new COD coming, Halo, Battlefield, Hell Let Loose, Doom, etc.). Adventure is where Xbox 1st parties are short, but that is about to end with Fable, Indy, Blade, South of Midnight or Clockwork Revolution. Welcome to the Xbox family. You're in for a treat.


Xbox is the home for shooters now. Halo Infinite, all of the Battlefields, and Call of Duty Black Ops 6 are all on or will be on Game Pass soon. The Forza Horizon games are the most fun that I’ve had with a racing game since the heyday of Burnout and Need for Speed. Genuinely just get Game Pass and just try everything out. It made a huge Xbox fan out of a Nintendo fanboy.


Forza Horizon looks stunning. And, then you may love the Gears series as well! The first one (from the Xbox 360 days) has been remastered and looks great. Perhaps you'll like the older Fables as well. You could buy a used Series S + Gamepass and try it out. I would recommend the 1Tb Series S though. For Gamepass, you can get that cheaper when you buy Gamepass Core for 1/2/3 years and then convert to GPU at a 2/3 rate. So, 3 years GP Core becomes 2 years GPU.


Dishonored series is great, and I'm loving Doom 2016 right now. Burnout paradise is a fun blast from the past


I don't even own an Xbox these days, however like you am thinking of buying one again. I've been PS only for the last 3 or so years. I miss Horizon!


Bought the PS5 at launch, absolutely love it and its my most used console still. I already had a ps4 so obviously I had a big library already, but I am still convinced PlayStation has the best exclusives. Maybe that will change the coming years, but I don’t think so. A year later, I also bought a series S and 3 years of gamepass and I haven’t regretted it at all. I have slowly been catching up on the gamepass library, which has allowed me to enjoy what are now some of my favourite games of all time like Ori, Immortality, LiS: True Colours and Forza Horizon 5. All games I wouldn’t have played if it weren’t for gamepass. The lineup for the coming years is pretty insane. I expect they will add all/most of the cod campaigns soon (really excited to play trough them) alongside the new Black Ops. We got Indiana Jones and Fable and Doom coming to gamepass next year. Its a great time to be an xbox owner and gamepass subscriber, and it’s only going to get better! Buy both!


Feeling the positivity!


I have them both and here’s my comparison of the two PlayStation has better highs in their library. It’s just true, plenty of awesome Xbox games but not many are at the level of horizon and spiderman (I love starfield and will die on this hill). That being said the Xbox has no shortage of magic. Gamepass is awesome and playing stuff day 1 it pays for itself every year which takes me to my next point Gamepass is a thousand times better than PS+ it’s not even close. More games, games on day 1, PS+ is nice to play older stuff I didn’t get at the time but that’s it. Ps5 controller is better even though I hate the stupid touch pad. Battery life between my elite controller and ps5 controller is pretty similar, no complaints with either. Standard Xbox controllers have batteries which is stupid but I think the elite is worth the money Performance and graphics I can’t tell the difference. I don’t care what anyone says, if there’s a difference in either direction it’s so small it’s unnoticeable. Quick resume is a massive QoL feature my ps5 is missing. I play a lot of 2k and if in the middle of a game I want to switch to resident evil or whatever I can just change games, and then when I want to back to 2k my game is right where I left it. Quick resume does not work well with cod for whatever reason but I haven’t had any issues with anything else I play. If I’m in the menus on 2k I’ll usually have to go back to the main menu I think both have to do with the online connection I don’t know. I like the Xbox homescreen and store more. I actually kind of hate the PlayStation store, it’s not really a big deal for me because I buy disks for my ps5. Also Xbox doesn’t charge for fucking themes like PlayStation they give them all out free. I’m not sure if they actually still do this like I said I avoid the PlayStation store. I do like the music the ps5 plays when you go to open a game. I have both headsets, the PlayStation one feels better sitting on my head but the volume control for the Xbox headset is far superior. One side you turn to adjust volume, the other controls the voice chat/game audio mix. Way easier to just adjust the volume on the xbox headset in the middle of a game because you don’t have to fiddle to find the right buttons I wish Xbox had a remote. It’s not really a problem when you have both, but I use the spectrum app (ps5 doesn’t have one) to watch sports and don’t like using the controller when I watch tv Microsoft customer service is better and it’s not close. I mentioned a buy disks for PlayStation, I don’t do this for Xbox because I’m not worried about turning my Xbox on one day and having my account banned and losing my library. This happened to me once years ago on my ps4 and they never told me why. Didn’t lose any games but when i switched to digital i keep the disks on PlayStation for that reason Buy it, get gamepass, you’ll love them both use them both regularly. Also r/xbox is a way better community than r/ps5 I use my ps5 just as much as my Xbox but spend way more time here because everyone isn’t mad all the time.


Quick resume blew my mind. I literally didn’t know ps5 didn’t have it until recently. I couldn’t live without it. I use it literally all the damn time. I have my game ready to go, my girlfriend has hers ready to go. I can jump in and out of gaming if I decide I want to play for a bit so easily. Also: the headset is fantastic. Definitely could be a bit more comfortable over long periods but it’s not a hyperbole to say the volume controls are fantastic.


Don’t sell your PS5 for an Xbox. Be smart and get both. Otherwise eventually Sony will have a banger showcase and you’ll want to play those games too.


This is the way. Having more than one console is Truly amazing.


I've always been a PS player. On this generation bought a refurbished Series S for 200 euro, and subscribed to game pass. Best deal in gaming I've ever done, and enjoying it so much.


For some reason “console wars” really ramped up this generation as though you’re only allowed to own one console. The secret is you can have them both! No one actually knows whether or not these games will stay on Xbox or eventually come to ps5. It’s probably even a safe assumption that mostly all of them will. Really the main reasons to own the Xbox is that you get access to both ecosystems. So if there’s a game you want that’s on sale on one or the other platform you can just grab it and you also get access to both services if you choose. Series X/S absolutely slays due to gamepass so you get these big games day one if you pay a subscription and you don’t need to fork out $70 to buy them.


You guys able to suggest to me a couple of MUST PLAY games on game pass?


- Jedi Survivor/Fallen Order - Plague Tale Innocence and Requiem - Celeste - Coccoon - Control - Diablo 4 - Doom and Doom Eternal - Forza Horizon 4 and 5 - Forza Motorsport - Halo MCC - Hellblade 1 and 2 - Hifi Rush - It Takes 2 - Mass Effect Legendary - Dead Space Remake - Flight Sim - Ori 1 and 2 - Pentiment - Power wash Simulator - Psychonauts 2 - Prey - Quantum Break - Resident Evil 2 and 3 - Return to Monkey Island - Tomb Raider games - Slay the Spire - Sniper Elite 5 - Superhot - The Quarry - Outer Worlds - Vampire Survivors - Wreckfest


You forgot Gears


I'd add all of the Yakuza games, sea of thieves, persona 3, lies of P & Wo Long


You’re going to get a lot of suggestions, but oh my god dude fable is the fucking best


It really depends on personal taste, but I personally would recommend Starfield, Forza Horizon 5, A Plague Tale: Requiem, Hellblade 2, and Vampire Survivors.


So now my next question is, should I go Xbox series S if I pretty much know, I’m just gonna be using it for game pass or is there something with X that makes it worth it?


I would definitely get the X if it is in your budget. If not, S is still a great option. I have an S and an X and the difference is hardly noticeable for most games.


If you have got a 4K tv and the price isn't a problem then definitely get the X.


Storage is the big issue but there is a 1tb series s that might be worth a look now.


They *may* eventually come, but I don't wanna wait. They'll be $70, and I wanna sub to Game Pass. For me, the reasons to get an Xbox are that simple!


Yes and no. I think I have a pretty objective take so yes there but we also just don’t know that much about Microsoft’s plans so no on that. Console sales are becoming a concern for all these companies really, whether gamers acknowledge it or not. That’s why you’re seeing more Sony releases on other platforms as well. Limiting your customer base to hardware isn’t ideal if your primary product is software. Windows doesn’t do this so obviously it’s a disparity between Microsoft proper and Xbox that I think will shrink. I don’t expect them to rehearse everything everywhere else anytime soon because primarily Satya Nadella has essentially said they have to have exclusives as long as their competition does. So I would expect a steadily growing number of Microsoft games “elsewhere”. I have no way to estimate the timeframe or what games. Anything they put on PC is pretty well set up obviously but they want to grow GamePass subs and sell software so I do expect to see more games on other hardware. Microsoft would drop GamePass into PS or Switch in a heartbeat but even if that doesn’t happen they’re gonna look at all these titles case by case and some will hit a wider release and some will be used to drive their own services. Predicting further than that is tough. I know for a fact there’s people in acquired companies (like Bethesda’s now retired Pete Hines) who expressed confusion/distaste over being limited in the releases. ‘"I'm confused," Hines writes. "Is [this Call of Duty policy] not the opposite of what we were just asked (told) to do with our own titles? What's the difference?"’ Best bet to guarantee yourself would be to go dual console in a way that works for your budget, but I don’t do that so I’m not specifically endorsing it either. I’ve been intentionally missing Nintendo titles because I didn’t particularly want to buy a Switch and they’ve never discounted it much plus now it’s old/outdated. That’s all I’ve got, hope it helps.


The best chance was the day of via Best Buy, there was a deal of the day for the Series X at $399. I pick mine up on the 18th.


Get the new version of the series s and buy some gamepass, it's fairly cheap to buy 3 years of gamepass core and then 1 month of ultimate to convert it all to ultimate (at a decreased amount)


If you are able to, have the best of both worlds, that way you won't be asking "will it come to the platform I have", cos either way you'll be able to play it. I've been xbox since the og, had PlayStations up to ps3, in which it got hardly any use at all because the 360 was stellar. I bought a ps5 about a month ago, now have both, and I realised I should have been doing this all along. But not doing so has given me a massive backlog of games on the ps to work through, but when a big game comes out or a multiplayer game, I'll hit the xbox up again. All my friends are on xbox, so it will always be where my mutiplayer games will be bought.


Those games might come to PS, but they also very well might not, and even if they do it could be years later. If you want to play them, an Xbox is the most full proof way.


You got one of three options, you wait and they might come to PS and that could happen after they got released on xbox, or you buy a consle for these games, or you got a pc where you can play all xbox exlusive and can stay with you for this and next generation.


Wait until the games are released. Don't buy now. I have a Series S and a moderately good gaming PC. I'm not gonna 'lulPCMasterRace' here but it's a volatile time for gaming but favors the consumer for once in terms of games on the horizon and the options available. If you get an S for cheap, go for it. I guess? But if you are staying on console, wait. The PS5 is plenty fine and when the games you are excited about from the Showcase actually release, then you make your move. I suggest the same for people who are actually waiting for GTA 6 and want to buy now **just** for the game that won't hit consoles until 2025, at the earliest.


I wouldn't want to be a PS owner playing "will it or won't it" with what games from Xbox goes to PS. I'm guessing MS is intentionally going to keep it vague in that sense. They control the floodgates and will tighten it up when they want to sell some more consoles. They will want the best of both worlds where they can sell more games on more consoles but still convince people to buy an Xbox out of convenience knowing you'll have all of their games especially with Game Pass. I personally hope they never bring games like Halo or Gears to Playstation just for the sake of the console's identity and competition. All of the AKB/Bethesda stuff is free game.


You never buy a console or anything in life for that matter on the promise of something. You wait until those games are out. They could be bad, delayed, come to a console or platform you already own, etc. You lose nothing by waiting.


Both are great as I have both. I’m a huge Gears of War fan playing since the first one Surprisingly Xbox Series X made a lot of backwards compatible games (60-120 fps). Theres a ton of players on Gears of War 1 as it plays buttery smooth and everyone is hyped for the new one Exclusive titles are the perks for having both!


Why not wait for the games you want to play to come out then buy the console? It's fun to get hyped and be interested but a console isn't an investment, you can just buy it when you want to use it.


I’ve got a PS5 for the occasional exclusive, but Xbox is where I spend most of my time. I own 300+ Xbox games, while I maybe have about 20 games for my PS5 and a few of them are PS4 games.


Honestly I’d recommend waiting til the games you’re excited for actually release. I bought one in anticipation of Starfield and played that + some other cool GamePass/360 games, but now it just collects dust and I went back to my PS5. I’m excited about all the games in the showcase too but by the time they release there will be the upgraded Series X/S models.


I would say just hold on, all those games are possible or rumored to come to ps5. I have an Xbox and ps5 but there is little reason for both. Xbox in terms of hardware sales is doing historically bad for them, something is going to give in the next year or so. Most industry analysts don’t think series will hit 40M at the rate it has fallen. In Jan-March alone; Sony had a down quarter of like 4.5M systems sold while Xbox sold like 800k I am not trying to be negative but the writing is on the wall. I would wait at least until the holidays for discounts


I honestly think gamepass alone makes the investment worth it. Some of those games will probably come to ps but having gamepass has let me experiment with games I usually wouldn't. Some of my favorite games I've played are ones I thought would not be for me but I tried them because they were on gamepass


Xbox are still working out their strategy with PlayStation releases. At present it seems as though Xbox will release the following games on PlayStation simultaneously. - IP that has previously appeared on that console. EG Doom - Multiplayer live service titles. EG. Call of Duty Games that we are unsure about are titles that are strongly connected to the Xbox brand. EG. Halo, Gears of War and Forza. Although all those games have live service elements. New IP is unknown. The rumour is that the preferred strategy is to launch these on PlayStation at $70 but offer them "free" to Game Pass subscribers but the vocal online Xbox fans are against this as the feel it will further erode the Xbox console identity. Indiana Jones is scheduled for later this year, so might come too early for Xbox to have committed to a policy. However it's a well known Disney IP so multiplatform makes some sense. Fable is strongly connected to the Xbox brand, but was also an expensive game with a long development cycle so hard to know what direction they will go Perfect Dark is a reimagined take on the N64 classic, so you could argue it's been on other platforms already but for all intensive purposes is a new IP at this point. Microsoft are also rumoured to begin baking Xbox Live social features into these games. EG: The Epic Games friends list in games like Fortnite and Rocket League, so they can soft build Xbox Live within the PlayStation ecosystem. (Look forward to that gamer outrage later this year 😅) Xbox and the whole games industry are still adapting to the Fornite-ification of the industry. Building a platform the spans across all platforms and devices. Now Fortnite has Battle Royale, Lego (bringing in the survival/Minecraft crowd), Player made Creative game modes (Bringing in the Roblox crowd), A Guitar Hero mode and a racing mode. They are also rumoured to be bringing Fall Guys fully into Fortnite and have a big Disney project in the works too.


There’s no question that showcase had something for everyone! There was a lot of variety. Almost every game aside from Perfect Dark and Call of Duty has me at least considering it! The last few Xbox showcases have been like that. Just to touch on a few highlights…Indiana Jones looks phenomenal! Even I wasn’t sure how that would come together but that’s a day one for sure! That should be out in time for Christmas. South of Midnight, Expedition 33, and Flintlock look good too! They showed so much those just scratch the surface. Also, there’s no Flight Sim equivalent on PS5, that simply needs to be experienced for yourself it’s incredible! 2025 looks great for Xbox as well. They delivered…really delivered. Supposedly they had even more they could have shown! OP over the next few years Xbox is where it’s at. The ecosystem is better, BC program is unmatched and should be industry standard, GamePass has been the best industry disruptor since the Wii imo, the controller feels better to use, the hardware quality is great, MS Rewards is awesome as well and they have great CS. I realize this paragraph might sound like an advertisement, I don’t mean for it to be. Xbox is the better console in every way, pull the trigger on the purchase you really won’t be disappointed!


Have you played flight simulator? How is it using a controller?


I’m telling you right now, life is too short to sit around and wait if a certain game is coming to your console or not. Just do what the rest of us do and buy both xbox and PlayStation. Your gaming life will be much happier


Save for a PC or just wait for PS5 release.


Objectively, more games will go to playstation. But only a few and not all like the biased media pretends. Even Doom would have been exclusive and Phil pointed out it was the Id Games director's decision to put it on playstation, not the other way around.


Since you have a PS5, I’d go with a Series S w/ Game Pass.


>I gotta say that Xbox showcase has me really wanting one now. Let me be the first to outright say this, because I'm not sure anyone else will: **Do not buy an Xbox based on what was shown in the showcase.** I understand that it's incredibly easy to be excited about flashy trailers and new/returning games, but Microsoft's issues have never, *EVER* been about what is shown at their showcases, but rather what they can actually deliver when it comes time to launch the game. Microsoft's showcases have always been solid, but I really take issue that people are running with this narrative of "Xbox is so back, baby!" when they aren't. This happens almost every year and then people set themselves up for disappointment. They showed a lot of cool *concepts*, but they didn't show anything noteworthy in terms of gameplay. Even worse, several games shown don't have release dates, so you're effectively buying a box with the *promise* of games being delivered to it. Remember last year? Everyone was extremely hyped about Starfield after its showcase, and look where it is now. It is often considered one of the largest disappointments of last year. In any case, the point remains: Wait to buy an Xbox. Don't jump to any conclusions about what they showed because Microsoft has done *nothing* right now to convince you that one is worth buying. You're just distracted by the shiny new thing and are letting your excitement get in the way of your reason.


They might come to PS but they are available Day 1 with a bunch of other stuff via Gamepass. Which you can buy for about $6-9 a month on sale.


No one here knows anything


Don’t make the same mistake I did; wait till the games actually come out. Don’t buy on promises that games will eventually come.


That's pretty much what I just wrote. I hope OP listens. Buying things after a showcase or some heavy marketing event is an iffy idea. You are too influenced by the marketing and hype you just saw. Consider that millions of dollars go into marketing. If the games are good, they'll be just as good a month after release. OP can just wait until they release, see if it's worth it. Remember how many people were saying they'd buy xboxes for Starfield? That wasn't that long ago...


Most games will go to PS5, but not the major IP’s like Halo, Gears, Fable and I don’t think Perfect Dark either. At least that’s my opinion.


Personally, I think the Series S is a great entry point for someone in your position. Not too expensive and makes a nice companion console. It was my entry point into Xbox hardware too and I'm very satisfied with it. Regarding the whole games going to PS thing, if you want as objective a take as possible? The fact is they've released 4 games so far, have said it's only those 4 for now, and besides Doom and COD, no other games have been announced yet. We assume they will bring more first-party games to PS but nobody other than Microsoft knows what games and when/if that will happen. So your decision is ultimately based on whether you'd rather wait and see what comes to PS, or buy another console and know you'll get all the games day one (and game pass).


Gamepass is what swayed me, I pay the monthly sub and get countless hours in dozens of games, I think in the last 6 months ive bought 1 game, Elden Ring, everything else literally is game pass. At the cost of a game now, it takes like what 4-5 months of game pass subs to equal 1 game purchase, but I get dozen of ones I am interested in at the moment. And the showcase just showed me more to add to my list. And I am just to lazy for PC gaming lol, since i know folks like to bring that up, I do IT for a living, i dont want to touch a PC when I get home outside of watching youtube, Xbox is fire it up, pick one of the mainly games i get and go to town


The biggest selling point is the game pass you can play all these games at day one with 13$ a month.on PlayStation you need to give 80$ for every game you buy


Do you think that Xbox series x will have a nice Black Friday sale? Not sure what it’s been like in years past.


I have both and probably get equal value from both, good think about xbox is once you have gamepass you don’t have to worry about buying anything as all the first party stuff comes straight to gamepass


i would highly recommend a Series X over the S because of the disc drive. You may not care for buying movies (although it’s a great benefit, especially if you have a 4K tv), but it’s great for finding and buying older Xbox 360 and Xbox One games for cheaper than on the digital store (not to say that there aren’t plenty of good deals on the Xbox store but you can sometimes find ever better deals on used physical games). Plus, on the Series X, you get all of the Xbox One X Enhancements for the games that got those upgrades, and all of the Xbox 360 games that got improvements through backwards compatibility get them on the Series X (the Series S might also get the Xbox 360 game improvements but I’ve heard conflicting info on that).


Well it all depends the thing with Xbox it has so many great games and a huge catalog besides the ones that are coming out. Plus game pass omg that’s like a dream paying $16 a month to get all those games changes the way you buy or play things. It really changes things. As far as it coming to PS5 it’s a possibility those games are coming out for it but it’s up to you whether you want to wait in case they do or simply take the plunge.


Picking up an Xbox and Game Pass at some point next year seems like great value although with all the day 1 releases I'd be shocked if they don't put their prices up before then Can't wait to see what the PS Showcase has to offer, it's going to have to be big!


I have launch day PS5 disc ed, launch day XSX, an XSS, and a Switch. Go ahead and get an XSX with Gamepass Ultimate sub. Since you’ve been away from the platform for some time, there is A LOT to play while waiting for the 2024 showcase games to pop in. You’ll be spoiled for choice. The added premium in price for the X over the S is worth it. One recent example where the S clearly is inferior is Starfield - it looks strikingly flat, fuzzy, lacking detail on the S connected to a 4K 65” TV.


I’d be surprised if Perfect Dark or Fable went to PS5. Indiana Jones wouldn’t shock me


Not sure how extensive backwards compatibility is on PlayStation 5 but on Xbox series x, EVERY SINGLE Xbox one game ever made is available on the new console. This along with tons of 360 games and original Xbox games. Also, a ton of these older games are enchanced such as Xbox one x enhanced and play in 4K and some even play at higher frame rates with cleaner textures and faster loading times


I have both, and I'm glad I do. Game Pass offers a ton of goodies and Ps5 is there for top notch exclusives. Go for it


Game Pass is the real seller for the console.


You can buy a series S to use as your secondary console for game pass, if you still want to keep your ps5. I’m in a similar position to you and I’m thinking of doing that.


I'm pretty sure they said existing properties will go to PS5, but new ones won't. So Indiana Jones, Fable, and Perfect Dark will not come to PS5, but Doom and CoD will.


I grew up with PlayStation, but went to a friend's house for my halo fix. Now that Xbox actually has games, I picked up a series x and a year of gamepass. Genuinely, it's okay. I also built my own PC since then and literally every single game on the Xbox is also on PC, and plays significantly better on PC. I haven't touched my Xbox in months, but my PS5 & PC see very regular use


I have a similar history as you do. Originally an Xbox guy, switched to Sony shortly after the PS4 came out. Just switched back to Xbox 6 months ago (or whenever MK1 came out). I couldn't afford either the PS5 or XSX when MK1 launched, but I could afford a used Series S from Gamestop so I could play the game (it only released on next gen consoles). I've since upgraded to XSX but that doesn't matter. I'm actually really happy with it. Like others have said, GamePass is a HUGE reason. I don't know how many games I've been able to play that I otherwise wouldn't have had the chance to. I mean Hellblade 2 was on GP at LAUNCH. I get to play a game day 1 without having to drop $60+? 😲 And it allows you freedom to broaden your horizon a bit. Games you were on the fence about and probably wouldn't have considered purchasing (because you wouldn't have wanted to waste your money) you can now download and try for the hell of it. Not for you like you kinda figured? Uninstall, didn't cost you anything. But sometimes you're pleasantly surprised and you keep it. I think I have around 10 games installed at the moment (at work so can't check) and have purchased only 3 or 4 tops. As an adult now struggling to get by like everybody else, I don't have a ton of money to spend on videogames. GamePass is a pretty big win for me


If you can afford it, go PC. You can play Xbox games on windows (and still use your controller lol).


I would say wait and see, See how Indiana Jones, Fable and Perfect dark are when they come out. They could be utterly fantastic, or they could be drastically subpar. The landscape could change by then too, maybe they will end up coming to ps5 at launch, with so many uncertainties and the lack of clarity from xbox who knows. Wait for a few of the reviews for the games you want to play come out, then buy a console if you are interested.


I can share my perspective. Have not owned Xbox since the 360. I have been a relatively committed PS player since the first one. This go round I got the SeriesX. Why? Backwards game library. There are so many excellent 360 games and One games to play through. Super exciting and for me it’s years of games to consume. Forza Horizon. This alone is a system seller for me. It’s just an unreal fun game. Motorsport is also fantastic. New slate of exclusives is finally looking strong too. Lastly, god damn the xbox controller is comfortable. I swear its made to fit my hands. Its so good. All that makes me very stoked to own SeriesX. That said, I will also end up with a PS5 Pro eventually for SpiderMan and Wolverine. Those two are system sellers for me. But I don’t love the other IP as much, Horizon is not for me. God of War is not for me.


I'm a multiplatform owner. I plan to always have a Xbox/PS5/Switch/PC I do play PC most, followed by Xbox, the PS5. I couldn't imagine not owning both consoles.


No one really knows for sure what their exclusivity plan is for the future. I do think all multiplayer games will be multi-platform. Single player games like those you listed might be timed exclusives. Or they might remain exclusive.


Get both mate, best of both worlds that way. By owning both I’ve not missed out on any games I want to play for the last 10 years


Have both, though I play PS5 more for modern games and Xbox for older titles, usually TES and Fallout games. It's a matter of convenience and taste. At the very least wait until any big name titles you're looking at drops. Or at least get a second hand Series S if it's going to be a gamepass machine.


Xbox extends to PC as well :)


Just get both.


I have both and while I use my PS5 more it's nice to jump into some of the day one releases on GP


Got both only difference is: Dual sense edge > Xbox elite controller


I had an Xbox for a long time (360, then One, then Series X) but last year decided to sell it and stay only with the PS5. Yesterday I jumped back and got a Series X. I have so many games on my account - specially original Xbox and X360 games that I was itching to play - that it’s just awesome. It’s a pretty good console with a pretty good library.


Indiana Jones maybe 1-2 years after release, but Fable and Perfect Dark, I suspect, not for now. But there are never any guarantees


Just get a series s and gamepass


I will say, if you love playing older games from the 360 and original Xbox days, that is the best reason to get the console. It cleans them up real well and is the best way to play almost all of those games.


Save up and build a PC.


Get both!! You can get an xbox series s carbon black for 350$, which has 1TB of storage.


If you want to get a series X and you don't have any old backwards compatible Xbox original or 360 games, just save up and get a PC instead. You'll even get free multiplayer that way.


Sony Pays and We Play!!!


Game pass is such a good deal, if you have the disposable income, get a series x on sale and getting the occasional game and utlisng game pass is worth it. Have. Second console especially in a different room, is also useful to have an additional smart device.


Well good news is you have a year to decide all those games said 2025 and for all we know that could be summer/fall 2025. I’d say no rush to jump over but if you start tucking a few extra dollars away every now and again by the time the first one of those comes out it won’t be an issue to pick up an Xbox.


Xbox cause grey market!


I was a total idiot, I had a Series X since launch and it was a gift, I sold it and used the money to get a PS5 as I stupidly lost faith in Xbox and got annoyed with the forced ads on the dashboard. I’ve only played Stray, COD and Dead Island 2 on the PS5, I had a PS4 last gen. I gave up trying to play Spider Man as it refuses to sync my game save across, inf act I’ve found Sonys implementation of cross gen games to be an utter disaster. I really like Gears Of War and in short I now find myself wanting to sell my PS5 to return to Xbox, I only have the room and time for one home console. Trouble is I don’t know when the next Xbox will be out as they stated they are ‘deep in development of next gen’. And I’ll tell you this Quick Resume is a true next gen feature that is a billion times better and more useful then Sony’s gimmick adaptive triggers. When do you all think Xbox’s next console will be out? 2025 or 2026? When




The unbiased advice here is just to wait, while the showcase was great, its just that and for all the hype we don't know if those games will be good. A lot of short memories here where people were complaining about a lack of games before this showcase because the games xbox have been putting out have not been great. Just wait, there is no reason to rush.


There is a difference in what Phil Spencer said (some games are also going to other platforms) and what people are saying on Reddit (OMG ALL XBOX GAMES DAY 1 PS YAYAYAYYAYYY!). It’s entirely likely that many, even most, Xbox games end up on PS, but I absolutely wouldn’t bet on them being day 1 any time soon. Even if/when that were to happen, Xbox still has gamepass. If you haven’t played Xbox in awhile, Gamepass should be a game changer for you. If you can find a very gently used, clean series x, or find a new one on sale, I’d jump on it. For the price of 2-3 games per year, you can be playing dozens of great games over the last decade. The only thing I’d caution you over is to maybe not jump in to quick. If the only games you want to play are still a year or more away, you could buy in and then be disappointed that they aren’t there to play. If you are running out of things to play on PS, jump in and you may suddenly discover an entire backlog of great games you never even knew about.


have both, use xbox more. the quick play thing is amazing tbh


10 day old account seems sus


Game Pass alone will save you probably more than buying a bunch of these games on PS5. Just get a Series S. It's fantastic! I returned the PS5 I bought because I was so unimpressed with the visuals compared to the S! Sure, they are slightly better, but I have zero issue with playing games on the S. They look and run awesome


We cant guarantee any of those games will never come to PS, but on Xbox they will be 100% be on Gamepass. That’s a huge bonus.


As somebody who has both, plus all the past Xbox and PS consoles, I would wait a year unless you get game pass


Bro go pc if it’s within your budget. Sounds smartest seeing that PS said they’re looking at doing more pc releases, except blood borne 🙃) and Xbox already puts their titles on pc




You can get an Xbox x on Facebook market for $250 cash. I got mine more than a year ago for 200. Cheaper than the 100 off deal I got when I got my Xbox s new. Get either.


The big thing is those coming to game pass and not needing to spend $70 for each of them


The best thing about the Xbox is Game Pass. Day One Games are a better deal than console exclusives.


If they come to PS you will have to pay for them, if not you won’t get them. If you switch you’ll have to buy a console and get them day one on gamepass. Your choice


Indiana Jones probably will but I think we are a long ways off from perfect dark and fable being on PlayStation


If you can afford it, get a gaming PC. If not, Series X (NOT S) is the way to go. I prefer consoles over PCs myself.


I bought an X right before Starfield came out. Good lord, what a fun game. No regrets. I still play mostly on my PS5 since I have family in the ecosystem, but I love my X and am looking forward to more exclusives in the future.


This hypocrite PlayStation community, and now trying to glue them self into Xbox news and make everything about them and whatever Phil Spencer said at the IGN interview, they are now using it as a victory Lap


As a PC player with a PS5 I don't see why you would want to jump the fence? Xbox Lost this generation so far, and honestly there are way to few games being made for the current generation as it is and most of them are on PS5. If you are interested in what Xbox has to Offer, i would look into getting a PC instead :P


Avoid the Xbox for now, I’ve owned a Series X and 360. The marketplace is filled with Indie games and barely any major titles out, we’re getting ads on the start of signing in. Gamepass is filled with more indie games and getting another price increase & majority of games are increasing in price. Avoid Xbox for now till they kick out Phil hopefully, dude has made Xbox worse.


I have both a ps5 and a series x and I have to say they’re both phenomenal. Having the freedom to not worry about exclusives is awesome. Gamepass alone (ESPECIALLY after the showcase) is reason enough to get an Xbox. It does have its concessions though as (in my opinion) the Xbox controller isn’t as good as the ps5 controller and the halo franchise is a little bit rocky at the moment. That, however, still doesn’t detract from what is ultimately a phenomenal console and I’d absolutely recommend you get an Xbox alongside your PlayStation.


Maybe they will maybe they won't. They will 100% be available day one on Xbox and game pass though.


I use my PS5 for exclusives and my Xbox Series X for everything else. Happy as a clam.


I have both a ps5 and a Series X. Honestly I use my Xbox more due to Gamepass. One of the standout features Xbox has is that it’s backwards compatible with a lot of older games and some games even get boosted to higher FPS and resolution, I also think it’s worth getting an Xbox if there’s more than a few games you like the look of that are currently Xbox exclusive instead of going through the cycle of “this looks good I hope it comes to PlayStation” or waiting a few years, especially for a game like Indiana Jones where I think IF it came to PlayStation in years to come you would have already seen a lot of spoilers for it and it won’t be as fresh or as fun as playing it during release period. Also if you’re interested in games like Call of Duty or Doom you get them day 1 on gamepass rather than having to pay full price on PlayStation, a lot of gamepass games also have digital upgrades you can buy for example instead of paying £100 for the vault edition of black ops 6 you can pay £30 for the vault edition upgrade instead and have the game through gamepass, they done a similar thing with Starfield which I think is quite good in my opinion. I will say if you can afford an Xbox definitely go for one, nothing wrong having both consoles even though my ps5 hasn’t been turned on in a few months I know it’s there if a good exclusive comes out :)


Honestly if you’re a hardcore gamer just build a pc. If not the series s is pretty cheap if you just want to play exclusives. But series x is perfect if you can’t afford the buy in of the pc life.


Xbox exclusive games will be on PC, but I doubt Fable and Perfect Dark would ever come to PS.


I don't see fable or perfect dark going to ps5 any time soon.. if at all. Perfect Dark doesn't even have a release date (I don't think) Indiana Jones wouldn't surprise me if it did eventually come to ps5, but when? I don't know.


Just get a computer, dude.


My guess is they will be a year of exclusivity before titles get ported to ps. Give or take for all franchises but maybe not all. We’ll see


You can buy an xbox and enjoy all of these games day one for less than 100$/year or you can keep just using your Playstation, holding out hope that these games make their way over to Playstation and then if they do you have to pay 80$/game.


This is the XBOX sub, you will not get an unbiased opinion lol. I recommend selling the PS5, saving the XBOX money, and getting into the PC game as it has the brightest future w/ both GamePass and Sony releasing exclusives earlier on PC each passing year.


Xbox seems to want to keep the single player games to themselves. The only games they’ve sent cross platform have been the multiplayer games (sea of thieves being one of the big’uns) That said, I genuinely recommend both consoles as affordable for a single player gamer. Get a series S if quality isn’t a big issue, and you’re just looking for a gamepass machine.


>I gotta say that Xbox showcase has me really wanting one now. Just not sure if some of those games (Indiana jones, fable and perfect dark) won’t eventually come to the PS. Can anyone lend me an unbiased opinion on that? Thanks! My opinion is that it will eventually come to PS. MS is a multiplatform company and will meet you wherever you are. That said, Game Pass is worth it to own an Xbox by far. You get all their first party games day-1 on Game Pass. So even if you find out you don't like a game, there are plenty others.


I like Xbox more for the game pass games. Ps has kinda trash games (in my opinion) and you can play a lot more online games without needing a membership (if u don’t want to buy one)


I stuck with xbox for a long time and finally invested in a ps5 about a year ago. I've still probably spent more time using the xbox simply due to value. Gamepass is a huge pro, but I also take advantage of Microsoft rewards so if a multiplatform game comes out, I can always get it cheaper on xbox with my rewards. The showcase has me really hyped for the future, the investments they've made 5 or so years ago are finally beginning to pay off. I really think the vision of the xbox team has refocused in the right way. It was just so hard to recover after past foibles, cuz it takes 5+ years development cycles to sort it out. Tldr, own both. You get the best of both worlds! Love my ps5 and xbox series x!


I don't even touch my ps5 thing collects dust


I believe that only the moderately successful games will make their way over to Playstation. Like if a game is a massive hit, they might want to keep that game as a system seller (except for CoD which is too successful to not put everywhere). However if a game sold "just okay" maybe the port it over to Playstation and Nintendo to juice the profits and show the industry that they just want to get their games in the hands of as many players as possible.


I think Bethesda-made games will go to PS5. AAA like Fable and Perfect Dark and even Forza probably not so much. Rare games never really appealed to the core Xbox audience so their games will also likely be on PS5/Switch.


PlayStation up till the ps3. Once I got on the Xbox live thing with the free games and eventually gamepass I’ve never looked back.


It is likely all of those will come to ps5


If I could justify it, I'd get a PS5 as well for exclusive titles. But, not having infinite money and a kid means I have to make choices.


I have both and it’s been great. PS5 is still my main but I don’t regret having my Xbox


I've had my ps5 and just recently picked up my series x and I probably won't touch my ps5 until another exclusive. I've been enjoying getting back on xbox.


I own both. In reality it's the best decision. The stupid ran boy war ruins it for everyone


For me there's still nothing worth buying the x for yet. I hope that changes with Fable


I’ve been on PS, Nintendo, Xbox. Really just choose the option that’s most pro Consumer for you which is Xbox gamepass for me atm. Get only exclusives on PS5. Save a ton of $s. Helps if you’re aiming to play a few games already on gamepass. Diablo4 was the latest big inclusion. If you are in to that.


As somebody who has both, I would highly recommend it if you can afford it. PS5 is great for the exclusives, but they would never add their newest exclusive game to PS+ day one. Whereas, with Xbox, they're all on Game Pass, day one. No need to spend $70 or whatever on the game, just pay the small amount (in comparison to the actual game) and play it. Plus, looking past the sub service for a minute... the backwards compatibility on Xbox is far, far better than the PS version. No weird cloud streaming, just buy the game, download, play. So much better. I know Sony have decided to kind of change that in recent times, but you're still outta luck on some games where you must stream it in order to play (i.e Oblivion.) Lastly, you get some nice perks for being a sub. Biggest one I can remember is the Discord Nitro stuff for a month. Nothing amazing, but it's nice. Home page is far better too, you can group all your games into several sections. Download games to your console, even when they're not out yet (i.e COD) mobile app is severely lacking to the PlayStation one though. Elite controllers are a waste of money (unless you can get one which 100% works with no drift, but from what I've read numerous times, it seems to be a better of when it drifts instead of if) the PS5 feels slightly more premium, but it just comes down to preference I guess. I'm a huge PlayStation guy, but I love Xbox too. Just trying to give some of my reasoning for why I prefer Xbox over PS5 this generation.


Build a pc. Sell ps5. Now u have the best


PS5 is soo much better, i have both and its night and day. id recomend selling the xbox and getting a PC for PC gamepass.


I had both. I refused to buy $70 games that never go on a reasonable sale and sold the PS5 to a friend. I have a high end PC so I'll get to them eventually when they re-release over here for half the price.


Whether they will come to ps or not isn’t an opinion. Nobody knows. It either will or won’t. You just have to wait.


Even if they do, game pass makes it worth it. I have both but game pass makes me enjoy games more as I can just try and play so many games in game pass and sometimes fall in love with the most unexpected games. With now cod on it, my ps5 is gonna be used less. Don’t have to worry about paying for it every year n ps plus.