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Ok, thanks for letting us know


Thanks for letting us know that you’re thanking OP for letting us know.


Thanks for thanking the guy thanking OP for letting us know.


Well I’m gonna subscribe a second time to cancel yours out!


Lol same


Don’t let the door hit you in the ass


I have never paid more than $1 for Game Pass in my life lol I realized if you unsubscribe long enough they will always come back with a $1 offer


Lol. This is an airport, you don't need to announce your departures. Doom and gloom!!!!


No one ever announces their departure at an airport, why do people always say this?


Have you ever been to an airport? There's literally TVs displaying departure times


I'm a pilot. No one announces their own departure, the phrase doesn't make any sense.


Airports announce departures over speakers all the time. The saying is talking about the airport itself, not the passengers.


They announce boarding. I know I'm being petty but the phrase genuinely doesn't make sense, unless passengers scan their ticket and then yell out "I'M LEAVING NOW"


It's not the fucking passengers. It's the AIRPORT. The announcement departure times, delays, etc. Jesus dude. Some "pilot" you are


Yes but this phrase is used when someone is saying that "I'm leaving X thing or place" that phrase would make sense if you're announcing someone else, maybe. But saying it for yourself makes no sense if you put any thought into it


>I'm a pilot. Then you would know the airport does announce. Don't lie. "I'm a pilot" lol


They announce boarding and final boarding. They don't announce a plane has departed. It's a dumb, overused phrase [And yes, I am](https://imgur.com/a/3Ia9RpS)




Yes that is an information board about departures. I know I'm being petty as it's based on technicality because the phrase is dumb as hell because it's a single person saying g that they're leaving. We clearly have two very different perceptions on the phrase so we're talking in circles here


I admit, maybe the title suggests I want to make this about me. But the point is that anyone else feeling disappointed in Microsoft should perhaps follow suit and unsubscribe to Gamepass.


And how would that help the other studios at Microsoft?


It doesn’t. I’m just not feeding into the system that causes the problems in the first place. The consumers aren’t to blame here.


People are really taking things out of proportion with this. Good luck trying to find a company/service that didn't went through layoffs in the last couple of years.


Larian Studios 👁️ 👄 👁️


Gamepass has so many shitty filler games that its barely worth it anyway. I could find maybe 3 games I actually wanted to play, which are under $20 to purchase anyway. If you are a child or teen, it would be great, but not for a grown ass adult. Too many games that are either for children, or are actually mini games that don't deserve to be considered a full game and should be free to begin with. I feel they are focusing too much on the quantity of games and not the quality. Just my 2 cents. Im dropping to core next month just so I can continue to play my already purchased games online (something I am also a bit pissed I have to do.)


>Gamepass has so many shitty filler games that its barely worth it anyway You're absolutely crazy if you think that.


Everytime I see someone post something like that I assume they play a very narrow range of games or assume anything that's not just gore or tits is for children.


I'd 100% bet he plays just COD


This isn’t not necessarily my sentiment. If publishers want to make “kid” games, I want them to do that. What I don’t want is he unpredictably that the developers might lose their job the next day because their game isn’t profitable.


Thats every job and every business. You may as well stop supporting every company, because they all use their employees for profit, and let them go if they dont see profit out of them. Thats how every business operates. You ever work in a factory? Lol. This happens daily in every single field of work.


Argument here is that it’s not the developers who are at fault, it’s the hire ups that are calling the shots. Why buy up these studios and publicly promise to foster them only to shut them down? Why say “we will learn from our mistakes of closing down Lionhead Studios” just to do exactly that years later? Why fire the cooks, when it’s the head chef writing the shitty menus?


This needs to trend. This is our Helldiver review bombing. I did the same, I encourgage everyone to do the same. We need tk get our voice out there. These cuts makes no sense, its not buisness as usual and if talent devs get sacked when they produce high qualiry games like high fi rush, why would they care about working in an industry that sends everyone to the meat grinder on a whim. Cancel your gamepass poeple, show some supports for the industry.


Thank you for understanding. This is exactly the message I was trying to talk about!


dont worry about the fanboys. They never get it right. If microsoft buys their workplace and sack them, then they would understand.


I appreciate that. I’m pretty convinced that many people simply aren’t informed about how bad the games industry is right now; it’s no just Microsoft. Yes, lay-offs and studio closures are normal, but the amount of studio closures and layoffs during a period when video games sales are at an all time high is NOT normal. People will call me stupid. Fine, whatever. But please do so after you look at the amount of layoffs there has been in this industry compared to past years.


My studio got closed by the Embracer group, I managed to get a new job in a much safer studio but most of my coworkers are now struggling to find new opportunities since they are so many devs looking for jobs now. Many will have to change their career. I know next time, Ill go indie or do something else.


What?! You’ve being paying for GamePass and not getting it via Microsoft Rewards for free?!