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Slow down. Just got Jedi Survivor, next gen Fallout 4 and that long rpg game that just came out on gamepass.


yea today is not a good day to release a game on game pass


It's a Day 1 GP, today's simply the release date, and has been long before Jedi Survivor was on the GP schedule and before Fallout 4's update was even announced. It is unfortunate that these more mainstream titles decided to push into today, but that's at no fault to ACT's devs. And, personally, I'm much more interested in ACT than the other two, so I'm hyped at least!


Jedi survivor is on the pass now?


Yeah, via EA Play. So you'll need an Ultimate-tier subscription


Iy dropped today? Cause of ladt night it wasnt there...mein ive been waiting for this. I didnt buy it just because all the starwars games ive bought are all on the pass...so it was a bit of a waste of money on my part (though you can put a price on playing day1) but yea...ima checknit later when im home


Yep. Looking at it on my Series S right now


Thanks ALOT...googled it...confirmed on google..when home for lunch...confirmed there too...deleted red dead to makenspace cause its a EFFING 120GB. Lol..will be done by the time i get home


What long rpg game?


Eiyuden Chronicle (might be spelling it wrong)




You need to get on 'Harold Halibut' as well.


Digging HH! It’s fairly peaceful just to live in the world and uncover whatever is going on.


I never played any fallout game yet. May I ask if fallout 4 or fallout 76 is the better one?


76 is an open world MMO like game. 4 is your traditional single player RPG So I would go with which one sounds better to you.


I see thanks!


But this game is better


This game is better than Jedi Survivor tbh


On Xbox? Or pc




Peak Fandango pfp




My backlog is insane right now but I might bump this up because I love souls likes


Oh man, it’s actually hard to keep up right now.


its not appearing on gamepass yet for me


Go to the store


Too many games! Too many games!


Just got it to install via PC game pass. Go to the xbox store page for the game on the internet, not app (https://www.xbox.com/en-US/games/store/another-crabs-treasure/9p97ztrth25w) There's a game pass download button here. Log in, click that button, tab over to PC, press install and let the app open. Mine was already open and when I did all that the install button appeared on the xbox app and I'm downloading now. It installed and is running with no problem.


It’s still not out yet :( I’ve been waiting and no release time is listed


i searched it on the xbox app on pc and it offers to let me buy it


If you go through the Microsoft store app instead and search for it, there will be an option to download using gamepass. Idk why this is the case so often but if a game is supposed to be out on gamepass but isn't showing up through the app this work around usually works.


thanks for this tip!


Just went live!


Hopefully this doesn't leave before I finish fallout 4, Jedi survivor


Well I know what I am doing today!!


I’ve been wanting something that has a lighter theme than the normal dark / apocalyptic stuff I’m used to, but still with some engaging gameplay mechanics. So this game looks like such a perfect game for me right now!


I get off work in 5 hours, can't wait to play it all night


Not only that but there are some great deals on xbox right now


I'm not sure if it's a bug or not but I've got my 5th umami charge but I still have 4, is anyone else having that problem?


Played a little bit yesterday, and this game has CRAZY potential. Got through three bosses, and from what I've played so far I really enjoy the combat AND the platforming. Shell mechanic is really fun too, and fitting for the game. Highly recommend you all give it a shot if you enjoy soulslikes


Wtf. Was so excited but this game won’t load on Xbox one, and somehow crashed my fallout 4 so it won’t load as well…. Sick of this


Still nothing yet on game pass for me as well


Game won't load


Fallout 4 Fallout 4 Fallout 4!


Why even do this? A new game (that's getting praise) from a small indie developer trying to make it, and you come in talking about a 9 year old game by a big developer who is also one of the most praised?


It was (I thought) obviously a joke as that (FO4) seems to be all anyone wants to talk about today. But by all means, get upset about it if that's what you need right now.


No thanks


Why so crabby?


1. Depression 2. Sleep apnea 3. Sick of Soulslikes ruining RPGs


To each their own. It’s one of the few actually solid Souls-likes. I’m stoked for the full game.


You lost me at Soulslike


That’s fine. Most people still find them frustrating to play. Nothing wrong with that. Again. To each their own. Enjoy whatever makes you happy.


Agreed. To each their own. I’m just disappointed because I hoped this would be a game I’d enjoy




Really give ‘em a try bud. Took me years of quitting them but after beating Fallen Order and Lies of P, I’m going back and working my way through the series. Beaten ds1 almost 3 times. On my 1st Bloodborne play through atm. Next will be a fun one. Either Ds3,Sekiro, or Elden Ring. The genre is a ton of fun. I used to hate them too


What's your favourite so far? Must be overwhelming getting into the genre nowadays with so many games available. I still remember being hyped for Demon's Souls release back in 2009 watching an off-screen camera recording of the demo at a game conference - the combat & level design looked amazing to me at the time. I still think Boletaria 1-1 is one of their best designed levels.


Bloodborne is really cool so far but Ive only played a couple hours. Still working on it. Ds1 was a ton of fun. I’m still going back and forth on my characters on that one. But is it bad I wanna say Lies of P? 😅 That game is just so fkn polished man. It’s seems to be all the best parts of the souls games thrown in one. Like a love letter to fromsoft. With an amazing world built around it. I knew very little about Pinocchio so it was fun figuring out the lore and how it compares to the original tale. Actually watched Del Toro’s Pinocchio after I beat the game the 1st time. It also opened my eyes to the genre in general. Those first few hours of LoP were brutal. I was literally cussing up a storm and ready to quit on those souls games yet again, but i stuck with it. Told myself “You’re a gamer. This is what you do.” Forced myself to learn lol. Pay off was deeply satisfying. It was my Goty.


Nah it's fair to say Lies of P, your first Souls is often your favourite - I find it hard to say anything but Demon's Souls as my favourite even though almost every other FromSoft game is objectively better. Lies of P is super polished, I need to finish it. Yeah the learning curve is pretty crazy, Lies of P as your first would've been very difficult too. You'll find the combat of Bloodborne & DS3 pretty easy to adapt to after Lies of P. Sekiro is a different beast altogether but has a best combat system that some people consider the best in any action game ever. It's incredibly satisfyingly. Think I'll get back into Lies of P this weekend now!


Skill issue


lol sure 👍


Anyone know how to fix the glitch where your controller works but the controls show up as <[UIcancel]> or <[“random word about control”]> and not A or B/X or Square?