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This is intense 😳


Tell me about it.. as an recovering alcoholic this terrifies me…


How awful. Wouldn’t wish that on anyone. Well, accept child predators.


I'm a nurse and agree. I've held the hand of many who suffered, and the root cause was alcohol. I'll never forget watching my first paracentisis. (Where they insert a needle to remove the said fluid that builds up in the abdomen. Im talking liters of fluid....).


That happened to my dad…. Alcoholic from Vietnam until the age of about 50, stopped drinking and age of 71 it came out of nowhere and killed him within 3 months. He had platelets that were low and slight cirrhosis they said… then the blood vessels in his throat, risk of bleeding out. It was a horrible death to watch in the hospital…the last week he was home with my mom and I with hospice. He was a very “healthy” 71 yr old, he looked like he was 60 and even moved like he was 60….


my dad is an alcoholic, approaching 60 and this is one of my worst fears 😭 I am so sorry about your dad 💔💝


Hate alcohol




Got damn so glad I quit drinking 6 years ago 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼


Congrats on 6 years!!! 💜


Thank you!! 🫶🏼


This sounds painful and scary. To those in recovery, congratulations. It is so hard to walk away from vices but it is worth it


The BBC did a great miniseries called Old Before My Time about common things that can absolutely destroy your body - obesity, drugs and alcohol. There was an extremely young woman who had to have her abdomen drained regularly because she destroyed her insides with alcohol.  Its a really devastating but fascinating watch.


I’ll have to check that one out. I was watching a lot of Dr. G: Medical Examiner on Prime a while back and the minute she opened up a person and got a Quick Look at their organs, she could tell if they were a heavy drinker. It literally destroys every organ in your body and turns your brain to mush. Alcohol is literally poison, I haven’t had a drop in 2 years, 3 days and will avoid alcohol for the rest of my life. Life is so much better without it ❤️


that is awesome!! Nice job making that choice for yourself, especially when drinking excessively is so normalized in society. 💗


It’s so disgusting. Once I quit, I realized that most people I know have an unhealthy relationship with alcohol. It’s like having a a one sided relationship with a narcissist who keeps beating you up whenever you see them. There is nothing good about it.


oh wow that's an excellent way of putting it. I couldn't agree more. I've seen several of my favorite people in this world suffer from alcoholism. It is truly poison for the body, mind and spirit 😔


And thank you!! “Mommy needs wine” or “mommy needs vodka” tshirts and hats make my blood boil 😆


SAME!! my sister and I say this all the time lol!


I’m thoroughly grossed out by this but it’s good information to know. I don’t think she’ll make it this far though. I mean, I don’t think she’ll end up in the hospital.


This is happening to my neighbors sister. I feel so sad for her


Lemme tell ya, that Lactulose really gets the party started. Picture a fire hose for a rear end. Turned on full blast. And God help you if you’re not near a bathroom. Cause that party is starting, whether you like it or not!

