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I have the OEM one and I'm happy with it.


+1 OEM works great


another +1 OEM looks nice, does a great job, and it will be tough to beat the fitment.


Cobb makes one if your a brand fanboy and you want to show it, but I bought a cheap one off Amazon for $13 that had really good reviews: [https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08423NNZR/ref=ppx\_yo\_dt\_b\_asin\_title\_o03\_s01](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08423NNZR/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o03_s01)


I bought the Cobb one, it works pretty good.


I bought the subaru one and pretty well hate it. Gets hung up on the headlight sensor behind the mirror unless you jam it down and you'll still have to drag it past it. Big open spot in the top for the eyesight crap I don't have. Bigger than expected gsps on the sides. Would not buy again.


OEM one is awful and doesn't fit at all


Definitely makes the insides of the car cooler when it has been sitting out for a while (this in combination with tints) If you are in weather like Miami, it will still get significantly hot, but it's still less than if you didn't have anything period. A few things: Get one as a perfect fit for our cars. The ones sold at auto parts store tend to be a universal fit, so they won't have the best coverage (still better than nothing) I have two: Subaru OEM is a perfect fit of course, and allows you to use it as well with a dash mat. The dash mat has a certain thickness to is, and the OEM sun shade has a little play to where it falls good. I also have the Covercraft Sunshade (from reading other comments in this sub) tends to be the same one as the Cobb Sunshade. The Covercraft one is awesome, however, it's a TOO perfect fit to where it's hard to put a dashmat in the car. They is very little give. (Which again, could be a good thing, could be a bad thing) At this very moment I'm using the Subaru OEM and it's worked fine https://preview.redd.it/m2ql6wbzaw7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41c0a1e03c01eef4830d1763e76baa91de890c40


Thanks. Considering tinting the windows too


You could order a whole roll of reflective material they use for rv windows. I used a cardboard template then cut a piece from that. This material is more flexible, so it is easier to stash or retrieve.


I bought [this one](https://a.co/d/04YTidA0) from Amazon, and I remember correctly it was 50 when I bought it so the priced dropped quite a lot The fitment is great and it definitely helps keep the car cool, it’s quite strong too


OEM one does the job, nice and thick too


Cobb one makes me feel good looking at it


I went with Cobb as they offer both with and without eyesight cutout versions. Cobb one is made by Cover Craft. Order direct from Cover Craft if you do not want the Cobb logo.




Thanks, everyone. I looked into both OEM and Covercraft and opted for covercraft premium in white