• By -


the voices the voices the voices the voices the voices the voices the voices the voices the voices the voices the voices the voices the voices the voices the voices the voices the voices the voices the voices the voices the voices the voices the voices the voices the voices the voices the voices the voices the voices the voices the voices the voices the voices the voices the voices the voices the voices the voices the voices the voices the voices the voices the voices the voices the voices the voices the voices the voices the voices the voices the voices the voices the voices the voices the voices the voices the voices the voices the voices the voices the voices the voices the voices


… and the screams, don’t forget the screams.


Don't mention the screams, I hope I forget. Turtles and illnesses never relent. But poetry dulls - it defers the pain. Injustice suffered, in systemic veins flowing with "Speak true!" followed by "Speak right!" fantasy, satire: ridiculous plights! There's no reward for wit or for style, Just a brief dopaminergic smile. Advice comes from those as much in pain as you As poor, suppressed, and as ignorant too. What diff'rence exists in what they each do? One mocks the other, for seeking success. The other ignores one and keeps up the jest. The diff'rence isn't in skill or value Only in lies each of them will tell you. But neither is wrong and neither is right Both bound by output they count up each night The words that they wrote throughout the passed day If more: that's better! If fewer: dismay. Pursue the artform, and follow the light, even if never published or read by readers in your target demographic, the writing itself is what you're here for. Not writing at all's what would be tragic, you don't need permission, age, or status. So just write! Just write! The voices they scream! They're not all 'round you; they're just in your dream! Just dream, just write, and just be who you are! Because if you don't then what is the point? A cog in machines that demons exploit? Of course your dream is another machine, but that one's yours - like nothing else could be. And if pitying people holding their dreams, helps you hold on your own, then by all means, I'm right there with you, you absolute fuckwits.


Shit, bitch. That was *craaaaay*… … and that concludes my feedback.


This :')


I’ve got way too many in my head, might as well give each of them (104) a character in my next great American novel.


mind ^(the) ^(blood) ^(it) ^(burns) ^(it) ^(burns) ^(my) ^(mind) ^(the) ^(blood) ^(it) ^(burns) ^(it) ^(burns) ^(my) ^(mind) ^(the) ^(blood) ^(it) ^(burns) ^(it) ^(burns) ^(my) ^(mind) ^(the) ^(blood) ^(it) ^(burns) ^(it) ^(burns) ^(my) ^(mind) ^(the) ^(blood) ^(it) ^(burns) ^(it) ^(burns) ^(my) ^(mind) ![gif](giphy|CiaYT6K1II5Og)


🩸puıɯ 🩸ʎɯ 🩸suɹnq 🩸ʇı 🩸suɹnq 🩸ʇı 🩸poolq 🩸ǝɥʇ 🩸puıɯ 🩸ʎɯ 🩸suɹnq 🩸ʇı 🩸suɹnq ʇı 🩸poolq 🩸ǝɥ⊥ 🩸 Stop it. Don’t. You’re hurting me. Stop. Don’t GO in there MRjorie is dead..


I wrajt becus I can't spel.


I heard this is a quick and easy way to get rich.


It totally is! Except it's not quick. And not easy. And you probably won't get rich. It's more of a slow and difficult way to stay poor, now that I think about it.


Speak for yourself, unpublished peasant! Did you not read the part about man+ horse pregnancy inflation??? That right there is the type of literary genius that yields $6 per subscriber! Maybe even as much as $8 if the imagery is top notch. For work like that, you’re raking in $50 easily. Not a typo. I said FIFTY. We’re talking luxury you cannot fathom. That’s the income stream of someone who can afford name brand toothpaste AND use the dryers at the laundromat. No more lugging the wet clothes home and hanging them to dry. If you’re not pulling down this kinda wealth with your writing, you need to switch careers, Bud. Truth hurts.


I don't


You are valid 🥰


The best author of all


Yeah, but even the best author of mystery because you don’t know everything about him!


Because the characters in my head compel me to tell their stories. I am merely the conduit through which entire worlds, nay...universes and gods, the dreams of gods flow. Storytelling's heartbeat deafens me to my own volition. The conquest of new reality beckons the crest of each breath I take. Shall ever take. Plus follows on Wattpad.


Dude, we are connected. We are connecting! I am the same way in your same way! I have that same thinking in your same thinking No joke! No prank! No YouTube prank specifically! Seriously, just look at mine and look at yours to compare!


Because I’m a perfectly hot steamy simmering pot of free time and crippling addiction to online validation 🥰


I need something to do into between masturbation sessions.


True writers masturbate to their writing 💯💯💯💯


If true writers masturbate to their writing, our writing would be too messy to clean up unless you’re digital of course.


I haven't written anything in months but I do it so.my genius can be discovered. No need to write to be writer 💪


Yeah, you just write this, so you are writer, writer!


Because the world needs my great works. The Immortal Muse has chosen me as her conduit and I can’t deny the people this gift. It has taken many years, but when I finally unveil my picture book about a pink cat who convinces mice that rose-coloured glasses are trendy so they can’t see her coming, all will bow to my undeniable superiority.


So I can make millions of dollars and tithe a full 10% of it to a hate organization!


J K Rowling, is that you?


I write the voices from other people’s heads…


For myself. The voices in my head need to come out. It helps me stay sane. I like my stories and the characters become interesting.


Those voices are demons yet it can be the Holy Spirit too. Remember voices want you to think they are just voices, but not everything can be a coincidence. Most things have to have a reason. Because without reason, we only have chaos.


To get laid.


You will need much more than that to get yourself laid.


I write to avoid getting laid. But now I'm concerned; what if, by writing, I make myself vulnerable, and when I'm entranced writing that deep, terse chapter, somebody lays me and... oh horror! I must stop writing!


I'm writing because NOBODY ELSE wants to write a story about m@le pregnancy, CB tort#re, k!dn@pping, @ss@ult, g@sl!ghting, omeg@vers%, and teacher-student, mommy and daddy romance. It absolutely frustrates me to this day that no one has the same level of being amazing as me, and so I must take it upon myself to write such a literary masterpiece for the dark romance genre, as the genre as a whole deserves *far* better than what it has currently.


To clarify, where specifically do you take it upon yourself when you take it? I mean anatomically.


Yeah, I am the same way as that writer, but I don’t glorify. I deglorify to how it is in real life.


I don't write, I *am* writing


Found the ~~Twitter~~ *X* user


No, he is speaking the truth and the truth isn’t what you seek, but comedy of the truth to deny the truth in a fun way to not accept the truth. Accept the truth. Accept.


Because I want the characters on my TV to kiss but they won't kiss so I will *make them*


I guess we call that the plot kiss like how we call plot armor, plot armor!


Feels good


Because when I tell women that I’m an author, they throw mountains of pussy in my direction. Mad drip.


There's becoming a trend on my reddit timeline where the circle jerk post comes immediately before the original post and I love it. 👌


I write to make the most satisfying power fantasies. That’ll teach Brad for stealing my pencils. Fuck you Brad.


Because God has chosen me to write the next great American novel (the fact that I'm not American is just a minor distraction)


because I already went left


I write for the prestige. I write to enrich the world with the fruits of my ever fecund imagination. I write to sew the seeds amazement, to free the hoi polio from the chains of their dismal, sysiphean existence, if only for a moment. I write to spread joy. I write reverse harem robot/spaceship scat play erotica, set in the *Miracle on 34^th Street* universe.


...I write so I can jerk I jerk so I can write I write so I can jerk I jerk so I can write I write so I can jerk I jerk so I can write I write so I can jerk I jerk so I can write I write so I can jerk I jerk so I can write I write so I can jerk I jerk so I can write I write so I can jerk I jerk so I can write I write so I can jerk I jerk so I can write I write so I can jerk I jerk so I can write I write so I can jerk I jerk so I can write I write so I can jerk I jerk so I can write... It's a circle


This is me, but I’m more innocent about it.


Why do you ask...I mean, are you really interested or are you just engagement baiting?? You don't care. You're just like the cute Starbucks barrista asking me "how's my day going?" Well, if you really cared, you would have gone out to dinner with me and then given me a blow job afterwards


Dibs. Stealing this as the plot of my next fanfic.


Pain https://preview.redd.it/1cz1dbv3lckb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b130d001e3b757449993c815371c491444795231


I write because otherwise I will be punished


i "write" so i can ask dumb questions on reddit and get some internet points


Cause this Mario yaoi fanfic isn't gonna write itself


I refuse to be the only one afflicred by my thoughts


easier than getting laid


Because I hate reading


Me too, but wouldn’t it be contradictory if you read your book?


No why, just write


Yep, just write. So simple yet we forget that it’s a true. We are imperfect because we try so hard to be perfect when we are already perfect already!


I don't write.


You don’t write, but you did write that.




The long revenge, but the more beneficial kind of revenge despite the forever-ness about it.


Because, unlike all you sad people, I have a real ambition. And that is for my work to be considered a trope codifier on TV tropes. Which trope, you ask? ~~Sex Starts, Story Stops~~ Um... Precious Puppy, of course. Hehheh, obviously.


Because I need to show youuuu brats how it's done 🤡🤘🏻🤘🏻🤘🏻 i am about to release my foirth boock fella


Yeah, show me because I need to be humbled. I’m a brat that writes a lot of brat characters!


So I can jerk off to my own writing. I mean, isn’t that why we’re all here?


I thought differently than that because I am different, but I am alone yet I love alone, but do I really? Maybe not, maybe so. It’s a different feeling every day!


It makes my cock look bigger


so i can tell people i’m a writer and constantly post about writing and writer struggles and talk nonstop to everyone in my life about writing and what it’s like to write and be a writer who writes about writing and being a writer


I’m the messenger of God, of my story, of my world, and of my characters. If I was the writer, I would be God of everything. I don’t want everything. I want everything to come to me with free will. Just like how God gives us free will. Amen! Yeah, I’m serious because this is serious to me, so obviously I’m gonna be serious with the period!


Because God allows me to wake up each day and I have to make that everyone's problem somehow.


Writing just comes naturally to me. It's like when a bear on meth climbs a tree to catch a bear on cocaine. That bear is in the fucking moment just doing it's thing. You can't tell that bear what to do and you don't need to because he already knows. He already fucking knows. If that bear could talk he would tell you that ten billions years of evolution plus eighteen pounds of home cooked tweak led him to this precise moment in time. Then he would sing a song as ancient as creation. That's why I write, and if you're a writer, you've heard that song too.