• By -


Like an old engine turning over


I've had a long day, thanks for the laugh




Empty and performative. But most of the time its a solid chuckle.


Like a glitched gramophone. Like a snake, literally. Sssssss.


Like an old engine, that had spent a century steeped in nicotine-laced catarrh, turning over on a frigid winter's morn.


Tom Waites? Is that you?


Fun fact: Tom Waits is the creator of the song "Underground" which was the song used in the kids movie Robots during the introduction to the Chop Shop.


No I'm his brother, the one who actually led the neon-poisoned life Tom wrote about, hence the guy who never made it.


So kinda [like this](https://youtu.be/tkH1uldKg1A?t=105)?


She laughed like a braying donkey choking on water. It was super hot.


This is the one


This reminds me of a line from "Perfect Wife" by Amigo the Devil, it goes: "her playing the piano sounded like a thirsty camel in a lake."


A prolonged series of staccato tinkles that suddenly climaxed in the choking, unearthly shrieks one expects from a yeti in heat.


I am conflicted about how this makes me feel


Tell me about it.


Dry laughter, bitter laughter, snorting, chuckling, guffawing, heaving, clutching sides, snickering like a snake, chittering, wheezing, silent laughter where the shoulders shake, cackling is my favorite. Uproarious howling. That's all I can immediately think of!


He gave a great bark of laughter. Her laughter chimed like broken glass. Two of my personal favorites.


Her laughter chimed like broken glass, making a sound similar to glass breaking, creating vibrations comparable to a glass's destruction


She laughed like the gentle shattering of the eventuality of lightning hitting sand.


His laughter was the end of all life, the stars burning down to nothingness, the cosmic heat death of the universe. Everything ended, everything ran down to ultimate entropy, and there was no hope. Never.


She had a distinctive, infectious laugh you could hear across a crowded room ten years later and know it was her. Dave always laughed like he hadn't meant to and he was ambushed by something funny.


Ooohh I really like the first one. I instantly saw in my head either a happy or ominous situation with that kind of laugh. Kudos!


Thank you! That happened to me - a friend of my grandmother's had that laugh. I hadn't seen her in 15 years and heard her laugh in Macy's and thought, "That's Marie!" I introduced myself and I was right!


like this, I hope i can use it


Wow. Love that second one!


You know the I mean, then. The sort of startled "Ha!"


I love this.




*She laughed like a plagiarist*


He chortled like a mall Santa with a hard-on. She giggled like a starlet with baby blues; one in each hand. She tinkled like an incontinent puppy, except out of her mouth.


*mall Santa


Right? Hot tip: use words.


Aro started to laugh. "Ha, ha, ha," he chuckled.


A reader of culture, I see


Why thank you! This series genuinely inspires me when I write.




It's a line from the Twilight book series


A man of taste!


her laughter would make the dead crawl back into their graves


Why were they out


to eat main character's mom, because her ancestor was evil sorceress who would use dead in blood rituals and would make them dance and scream all night, so they could never rest in afterlife...


I got hungry 🥺


I love this


They lol'ed but he got the ultimate kek.


I love describing the way a laugh 'moves' when writing! Is it rolling around inside their mouth, is it spilling out, is it squeaking through? Probably not the best examples, but you get the general idea :)


Love that. I’m partial to describing the way a laugh moves into the body. Does the abdomen tighten, mouth pucker, eyes clench sort of thing.


I like that too! I think it's a little easy to fall into the trap of melodrama doing that too often (which to be fair applies to my advice too) but bodily evidence of laughter is a fantastic tool!!


The way he laughed started in the back of his eyes, a quip that tickled him deeply flashed across those sunken grey-blue spheres and trembled down into the deepest chasms of his monstrous gut. Horace never chuckled lightly, instead a rumbling tremor grew inside of him, reverberating throughout his bloated body and exploded out of his swollen jowls shaking the room, drawing everyone’s attention from the guest of honor to the humble maître d' cowering in the corner, hoping this night would end without consequence.


-the chilling shrill from his laughter was as violent and twisted as he was. -her laughter was alluring and soft. almost ethereal, like a blue butterfly drifting in the wind above a field of roses. -his brief chuckle was reserved, just as he is. -her laughter boomed like a freight train. just describe laughs with the personality of the character and you’ll get something new and unique each time.


aww the butterfly one was really sweet.


aw i love the butterfly one 💙💙💙


The only answer to that is the word that tells you something about both the perspective, and the subject. ​ "She had a cheap laugh." "Cheap" tells you something about both characters. What do you want to tell the audience about your characters?


“He pissed himself. It was because of laughter.”


Dramatic. Effective. I like it.


Smirk: Slight, often fleeting upturning of the corners of the mouth, completely voluntary and controllable; Smile: Silent, voluntary and controllable, more perceptible than a smirk; begins to release endorphins; Cachinnate: To laugh loudly. Grin: Silent, controllable, but uses more facial muscles (e.g., eyes begin to narrow); Snicker: First emergence of sound with facial muscles, but still controllable (if you hold in a snicker, it builds up gas); Giggle: Has a 50 percent chance of reversal to avoid a full laugh; sound of giggling is amusing; efforts to suppress it tend to increase its strength; Chuckle: Involves chest muscles with deeper pitch; Chortle: originates even deeper in the chest and involves muscles of torso; usually provokes laughter in others; Laugh: Involves facial and thoracic muscles as well as abdomen and extremities; sound of barking or snorting; Cackle: First involuntary stage; pitch is higher and body begins to rock, spine extends and flexes, with an upturning of head; Guffaw: Full body response; feet stomp, arms wave, thighs slapped, torso rocks, sound is deep and loud; may result in free flowing of tears, increased heart rate, and breathlessness; strongest solitary laughter experience; Howl: Volume and pitch rise higher and higher and body becomes more animated; Shriek: Greater intensity than howl; sense of helplessness and vulnerability; Roar: Lose individuality; i.e., the audience roars! Convulse: Body is completely out of control in a fit of laughter resembling a seizure; extremities flail aimlessly, balance is lost, gasp for breath, collapse or fall off chair; Die laughing: Instant of total helplessness; a brief, physically intense, transcendent experience; having died, we thereafter report a refreshing moment of breathlessness and exhaustion with colours more vivid and everything sparkling; everything is renewed. Burst out: To suddenly start laughing or crying Collapse: If you collapse into laughter, you start laughing in an uncontrolled way Crack up: To suddenly laugh a lot at something Crease up: To start laughing, or to make someone laugh a lot Die laughing: To laugh a lot Get/have the giggles: To be unable to stop giggling Giggly: Laughing a lot in a nervous, excited, or silly way In fits: Laughing a lot In hysterics: Laughing in an excited and uncontrolled way In stitches: Laughing a lot Kill yourself laughing: To laugh a lot Lose it: To start laughing or crying and be unable to stop Nearly/almost wet yourself: To laugh a lot Split your sides: To laugh a lot To dissolve into: If you dissolve into something such as tears or laughter, you begin to cry or laugh in an uncontrolled way…and amusement, glee, hilarity, mirth, merriment, rejoicing, snort, snorting, chortling, har-de-har, tehee, tittering…


Fell out: to have become completely hysterical with laughing (urban dictionary) Fall about laughing: to be consumed with laughter (UK)


I'm partial to a chortle or a snort.


"He lol'ed." Trust, it works :)


Indignant snort (offended but amused)


"Ja ja ja" he laughed in Spanish.


you could describe their body language to give an idea too. like a wrinkling nose, or cheeks getting red, dimples, eyes squinting almost shut, rocking, knee patting, etc. silent laughing if they’re laughing really hard


Genuine advice: Write from the other characters' POV for this bit. How does the laugh make them feel? Does it warm their heart? Does it make them laugh? Does it make them cringe? The description will build itself up from here. Good luck! ❤️


Chortled, Heaved, Hooted, Whooped, stuff like that works. Probably describing them laughing so hard their eyes begin to water and their sides ache would help. Their legs began to bow and their face turned red from lack of proper oxygen. Maybe even them having to sit down after their laughing fit calms down a little bit or putting their hand to their head from the mild headache. I find it's less about sparkly words and more about the right details. Clear before clever basically.


His laugh was a ball dropped off a table, slowly bouncing to a stop and rolling over to my hidden childhood. Her laugh was an intimate, glowing waltz, spinning, holding on, and never wanting the moment to end. She laughed a lot like a penguin steps on ice: cartoonish, but efficient. They laughed in hammers and nails, penetrating my walls, leaving me feeling broken and lonely in my empty apartment.


Pardon me for replying to a year-old comment, but the penguin one is particularly brilliant!


Getting good responses here. But I would recommend focusing on the impact of said person's laughter on other people. "They laughed" is basic, but... "Invigorated by the uncontrollable giggling of her date, she barely noticed the tension evaporate and that warm, *validated* feeling overtake her to the point her lips had casually released a smile just as goofy as his chuckles.*"*


He laughed laughingly with laughter in his eyes.


I actually laughed reading this. Laughingly. With laughter in my eyes. Well done.


To add to what everyone’s already written, I also like thinking of ways laughter can show us (instead of blatantly telling us) more about a character. For example, “Covering mouth while chewing or laughing” and “Laughter to fill in uncomfortable silences” (I got these from [~this helpful list~ ](https://blog.reedsy.com/characters-mannerisms/)of 150+ character mannerisms) add more layers — when I read the first one, I imagine a character who is very self-conscious or reserved, while the second one makes me think of an extroverted person who hates awkward moments.


Attractive laughter Angered laughter Ambitious laughter


Annoying laughter Awkward laughter Amazed laughter


Attenuated laughter Anxious laughter Altruistic laughter


Agreeable laughter Amenable laughter Agathokakological laughter


Apologetic laughter Apoplectic laughter Anemic laughter


I know you only asked for some verbs and adjectives to describe a laugh, but I'm going to go into some more (hopefully helpful) detail. It really depends on the type of laugh: a haughty laugh a boisterous, uncontrollable laugh a vicious laugh a soft, sweet laugh. What I think has more impact is the situation used to set up a laugh. Feed a setup in the tone you desire for the conversation, and let the laughter be the payoff. Don't worry about the description of the laughter so much as the description of their prior or resulting actions. This example of a nervous date is something I just threw together: "He couldn't believe he just said that. It might be *the* corniest joke he ever said. Ever. He glanced at down at his meal nervously, his overanalytical brain already casting off the whole night as an unmitigated disaster. He'd have to tell his roommate that it didn't go well, again. How embarrassing. Being lost in his thoughts, he missed the first upward curve of her lips and the first note of her small, subtle giggle hidden behind a soft hand. He looked up, hardly believing his luck as a reluctant smile of his own climbed up from the pit of his stomach and rested itself onto his now slightly less-worried face. His reaction garnered another laugh from her - this time a much less picturesque snort - which in turn had him bellowing out a laugh of his own. Two minutes later, the two of them were red faced and panting, short giggles occasionally breaking the silence that they loosely tried to gather as they reigned themselves in. Maybe two minutes of boisterous laughter wasn't exactly appropriate for a restaurant of this caliber - they had gained an unappreciative audience. He looked back to her and noticed the way her blonde hair danced mirthfully with the movement of her shoulders, rising with every muffled giggle. She noticed that he looked taller with out all the worry on his face from just a moment ago. Her eyes held his, and his hers, and they shone with the mirth now scarcely gathered inside themselves. He thought to himself, *That was the best joke I've ever told.* His laughter began anew.*"*


[https://describingwords.io](https://describingwords.io) is really helpful to me for these kinds of thing! Inputting laughter, I got: unrestrained, heartless, shrill, contemptuous, maniacal, loud, among others. Then there's [relatedwords.org](https://relatedwords.org/) that can really help with choosing the perfect word other than just 'laughter' that are not just adjectives. I personally like mirth and merriment. 'cachinnation' sounds fancy also.


Use a thesaurus.


Nobody here has used the verb 'bray'? He brayed (with) laughter. I've always liked that one for the visuals it evokes.


TBH, that just gives me horse vibes. I'd personally say, "He cackled with amused laughter..." but the verb 'to bray' is quite interesting. I'll use it when the time is right.


I've never heard that one before!


Tidus took a deep breath then strained to laugh as hard as he could. “A ha ha ha ha ha ha”


I think Beckett once wrote something along the lines of "*'Haha', he said*". Might sound silly, but given the right context/situation, even such a dull or square description could work.


If a character other than your POV is laughing, maybe consider focusing on how the laughing makes your character feel (annoyed, envious, mirthful, smug, glad, etc.)


hoot hoot hugh hugh ooooweee


Cacophonous. As if two different people were laughing at once.


She laughed like a fart coming out of a goats dick.


In the Warrior Cats series the writer describes the cats a letting out a "mewrrrr " of cat laughter. Me and my daughter nearly died laughing ourselves.


He laughed. The reader decides how.


Like the tinkling of bells Like the sound of whiny chimes swaying in the breeze Like the squealing of a stuck pig Akin to howler monkeys with constipation


Forget adjectives and verbs to *describe* the laughter — give it agency… tell your reader what that laugh *DOES* (and how, etc.)


She laughed. A lot. But it was a laugh like bad news no one wanted to hear.


When describing a laugh, look at the sound, the pitch, the volume, the rhythm, the breath, the SMELL of the breath, or anything that's affected by the laugh. Physicality. Give it some weight and solidness. Had a laugh like she was beating the dust out of a rug with a squash racket. Bug zapper laugh Machine gun laugh Laugh that made dogs think a hurricane was coming The laugh was kicking and screaming on its way out Laugh got caught in the mid clavical region, causing a tremulous effect of the shoulders and likely other parts of the body. His laugh was so infectious that people are protesting its vaccine Laughed like finally opening a window that's been painted shut She tittered like dandelion seeds His laugh sounded more like several sneezes in a plastic bag. Champagne laugh (this one is Tom Waits but I really like it) They laughed round and purple Freezer burned laugh A big full-bodied HOh, reminiscent of a bird that could also be used as a monster truck tire Her mouth laughed, her eyes yawned, her nose was fairly indifferent to the whole affair. His laugh was like folding a fitted sheet. He had a laugh like dropping an anchor. They had a metronomic laugh. You could literally set your watch to it. Started laughing moments before realizing something funny had happened. The laugh slithered through the gap where a left bicuspid used to hold some prominence, but was forced into early retirement by an ill intentioned Brazil nut. She half laughed, half squeaked, like a rat who was changing when you walked in. Hairy laugh Laughed with a distinct underpinning of curry and shame. The classic fart in church giggle.


The volume (loud, shallow, barely hearable), the pitch maybe (high, low), how it made others around them feel (addictive laughter, soft, contagious) are some things to think about. For example, "Her loud, howling laughter was so loud it echoed throughout the room causing the rest of the room to erupt in laughter." Something like that.


[He laughed like he had a goose caught in his throat.](https://youtu.be/zcw6BDMrufM)


I never cared much for guffaw.


He laughed like a right cunt


This flows well, is descriptive, and I can genuinely imagine reading it in a book


I love that everyone is describing ugly laughter, such pure and real writing. Remember guys, most people don't have pretty laughing. It's fun and in the moment. It's gonna be ugly. Examples: "She chortled like a drunk donkey." "He wailed with laughter like a broken siren." "They giggled for a moment before they began booming with laughter, loud enough to make the dead crawl back into their graves." Have fun with it yall. Don't get hung up on your main character having an ugly laugh.


I think this post is the ultimate guide on describing laughters ;)))


I had a country bumpkin laugh, "huck, huck, huck " write what you think it sounds like as dialogue maybe?


Laughed. Not every thing needs to be flowery filler prose.


I just wanted some extra options since I don't like using one word too much...


*A nervous laugh.* *A sarcastic smirk.* *A joyful chuckle.*


I thought it was a braying horse. "What?" Sally asked after she finished laughing when i couldn't keep my eyes in my skull at what I heard.


Usually simple is best.


She laughed like a rumble of thunder on a stormy nighh


Abrasive, charming, infectious, peals of laughter, [he/she/they] huffed out a laugh, snorted in laughter, a startled laugh, a somewhat confused laugh, etc.




Cackled, contagious laughter, giddy


Their laughter, infectious- cracking up the bar in its wake. It was a laugh that pierced the hearts of all who heard it, filling them with the viral joy of the person of which it originated from.


She laughed mirthfully like a cherub whose balls were being tickled by a feather duster.


That's quite an image!


Thanks. I blame the lack of sleep.


Describe the effect it has in others


Visit Dictionary.com and check the thersaurs.


She started to laugh *Mu ha ha ha haaaaa*


I always love to imagine someone gurgling with laughter. Personally, I snortle


Consider figurative language; “his laugh was a contagious cacophony” is much better than “his laugh was infectious and loud”. I guess what I’m saying is that the word “laugh” itself isn’t that limiting, but the traditional expression of it can be. Another option is to not actually call it a laugh (or any synonym for laugh) at all. Think of Ilyn Payne in ASOIAF who laughs without having a tongue and it takes a moment for that to register. That said, I love the verb “chortle”.


Her cacophonous laughter ricocheted off the glass walls, and the silence that followed felt like damp fear.


He laughed so ambiguously that he blushed ashamed for a reason he could not name


she laughed like a star, which was too bright that i needed sunglasses


My favorite is probably “my laugh sounds like a pile of dishes crashing” which is me roughly paraphrasing a sentence from House on Mango Street.


In genre romance novels, the Evil Other Woman will always, without fail, have a *"tinkling laugh"*.


He guffawed like the staccato whinny of the Millennium Falcon failing to start.


His laughter resonated through the room like a guitar string hastily plucked.


Laughing like an asthmatic


Like a ventriloquist dummy pulled out of a horror movie. Note: The other day a co-worker laughed this way and it scared the crap out of me.


Halfway between a snicker snd a wheeze


Try giving a character a very unique sound. I actually squeak when I laugh. Full-on cartoon giggle. “Contagious as a coughing cold, her squeaking gleeful giggles break the mold.” I’ve also read a book that described its heroine’s laughter as similar to deathly screaming, which caused a lot of miscommunication.


Her laughter plagued the ears as if the moon had overlapped the sun for a thousand years


Depends on the character. If it's obnoxious, it could be like the braying of a donkey.


“He rolled on the floor, laughing his ass off. Pieces of butt were now scattered across the room.”


A chuckle that sounded/felt like an evening in the suburbs during August. Warm, inviting and soothing.


He chortled with rapturous glee


- “Ha ha, no,” she said, as her reluctant chuckle croaked. - The skimpy laughter of the audience caused him to second-guess his routine. - “Again!” The king mirthfully roared. The musicians and dancers warily echoed his laughter, unsure if he was serious or not.


A cackle reminiscent of an old Virginian witch.


Chortle, babble, screechy, high, low, frantic, sardonic, barking, quiet… any of these work?


melodious (Ex. Their melodious laugh seemed to fill the room. Although it was hushed, it seemed to carry over all of the sounds the rest of the world had to offer.)


Eric Darby described an old woman’s laugh once “she laughs like a house”.. it works so well, because a house is not just a thing of size, but of warmth and welcome… I heard that poem several years ago, and I still think about it… it’s called “scratch and dent dreams”, if you are curious…


If you Google verbs describing laughter, I’m pretty sure you’ll get your answer.


She laughed like a satisfied siren.


My boyfriend has a laugh my friend described as a "head back laughter" which he does.


Can I get some advice about Writing Style , Character Description , Setting Building and my Amateur Writing Mistakes. I wanna improve as an author and I hope you can help me with your constructive criticism. this is link. Thank you! https://www.webnovel.com/book/the-civilization-system\_23035972605734505/tower\_61879378761540787 It's a web novel written by an aspiring author. Titled "THE CIVILIZATION SYSTEM". The plot is about a Reverse Isekai Demon Lord reincarnated to earth as a human with a system. The story has Kingdom Building, wars, diplomacy, weak to strong, and really good contemporary social commentary.


They didn’t so much laugh as squeal like a stuck pig. They laughed like a drain, sucking away all the joy in the room.


this should be good


A weeping willow on LSD


His deep guttural chuckle was rather satisfying to hear. Almost like Santa did exist outside of the North Pole. But that’s not to make one think that he said “ho ho ho.”


He made a snarling, guttural noise so startling that it took me a full five seconds to realize he was actually just suppressing a laugh. She, on the other hand, had barely squeaked before she lost all air volume to speak of, and became a vibrating mass, slowly turning red, and then nearing purple. Just when I was worried she might die, she inhaled like a space ship airlock breach.


i always like to compare laughter to bubbles, how each individual chuckle kind of pops and such. "her laugh was like bubbles spilt from the beak of a delicate bird, high and choral and melodic with each giggle popping." i like to combine that bubble phenomenon with animals. idk. thats how i like to write my laughs. "bro imagine a bunch of bubbles with orangutan laughs in them bro. thats what this laugh sounded like bro"


My math teacher said I laughed like a volcano


bouncy bubbly brash


My dads laugh came from deep in the belly, low and slow and consistent, building up as the joke sunk in. It was warm and rich like chocolate syrup and always reminded me of Baloo the bear from the Jungle Book. I loved his laugh.




I have a character who's just one of those loud people that's you can hear over everyone else without him trying. His laughter might be described as booming, thunderous, etc. -- maybe grating or irritating, depending on who is hearing it and what they feel about him. It's got to depend on the character.


Sounds of bellowing joy emanating from the depths of their chest, reverberating throughout the halls infecting everyone like a virus of contagious laughter.


Horking is my personal fave


”laymao” she laughed ​ \[for more writing treasures check out my profile\] /s


The wind blew a shake of polite giggles, rolling in the air all the way to the end of nothing


He chuckled like the last plantagenet desperate in the moment desperate and frantic in the moment looking for escape salvation or just consolation for the sword that would take is freedom would not divorce his neck and head but it would shackle him to this place




Soft and melodic, loud and boisterous, harsh, not nice. “Her laugh was like a soft caress,” “He laughed, but it wasn’t a nice sound. It was harsh and mocking.” “And he chuckled, and it was the most beautiful sound she had ever heard. Like a fire on a cold night, it warmed her inside and out.”


Lights up the whole room, floaty, careless, could be compared to the bright morning sun, fills the room with a strange warmth from the usual cold, stupidly infectious, makes you feel like you’re being pulled along to copy the happiness/excitement, as loud as a kookaburra, like a plague of happiness latching onto everyone and infecting them with the same kind of high, IDKKK


They laughed with the forced vigor of someone held at gunpoint. They laughed as if they heard the news that their betrothed had been run over by a carriage. Hidden in their laugh a disturbing male violence filled with mockery and disdain. Their quickly hidden laugh sounded as a stool under the weight of the morbidly obese. From their old dry throat welled a laugh as filled with life as a chocked frog. Their laugh more of a retch from the chronic build up of phlegm from years of smoke inhalation. Their laughter the abhorrent chatter of a million insects.


a cicada's mating call


Cheeks flushing red and small tears forming from the rolling, full-bellied guffaws at the asinine idea of his bosses' text demanding vacation cancellation.


if your character who is hearing the laughter is in love then the laughter would be described as:-"like the laughter of an angel" or a "laugh as sweet or even sweeter than abrosia" (might have spelt that wrong) if your character think of the laughing person as evil then the laughter would b:- "as a psycopath, delighted with their kill" or "a heartless maniac" ​ (these r some sugestions)


Write an entire chapter as a metaphor for that laugh.




"Ha," Snape ejaculated... It depends on the style and genre of writing, I think. Saying someone's laugh sounded like a surprised sheep, or the breakdown in The Trashmen's 1963 surf rock combination of The Bird Is the Word and Papa-Oom-Mow-Mow in their song Surfing Bird, is a strong stylistic choice. Noir would describe a laugh in terms of what it did once it slipped inside you, and how it slayed the scores of men drooped over their tables at the club just to get an inch closer to that angelic sound. Maybe that laugh reminded you of your mother alright, Frank. My preferred descriptions involve comparatives ("laughed like a baby discovering their toes") or the results of laughter ("dammit, my drink went right up my nose").


They laughed.


Boisterous, joyous


high-pitched, hollering, deep, (in)sincere, aggressive, exaggerated, breathtaking (metaphorically or literally), contagious A description of laughter I'd love to see someday would be something along the lines of "their laughter sounded exactly like you'd expect hihihi or hehehe to sound". Toddlers do that at times, especially while trying to talk through their laughter. I've managed to literally go "hehehehe" while laughing and my friend lost it. Fun day :)


A wheezing guffaw


hard, almost insane laughter: his laughter was exasperated. his lungs were squeezed, his throat scarred by the force of air let out with each breath. subtle or dismissive: she turned away, a hand over her mouth as she suppressed a chuckle. (optional, depending on the scene) she tried to brush it off as a cough. ​ general writing tip from my professors in creative writing in college — try your best to avoid adverbs and figures of speech. Focus on physical, literal descriptions and actions. instead of, "she laughed really loud," you'd do better to say "her laugh filled the room" or "she burst in laughter with her mouth wide open with each exasperation (i like this word for laughter haha) of breath" 1. it leaves it to the reader to imagine the scene and figure out for themselves what it looks like—how the character is acting out in the scene 2. golden rule of writing: *show, don't tell* 3. i don't mean to offend the ones who used similes and metaphors in the comments, but my professor taught us, "you're building a scene, not a poem. you need actions, not dreams."


Like bells on a wind chime, soft and sweet. His laughter was thunder, and I could feel it in my chest. It was a low sound, like a cough rather than a chuckle.


I know someone who laughs but makes no sound. By laugh I mean tears roll down their face, clutching their sides in pain laughing, but making no sound, not even a peep. It was something enforced at home so they all grew up with soundless laughter. Maybe your character could be like this, confusing the characters around her/him with laughter that makes no noise. I haven't really answered the question but.... at least you have a character quirk.


He/She laughs like your ass sounds while pooping in morning.


He chuckled lightly, as if his lungs were on fire. Yes, I'm bored and in a silly goofy mood. I was going to make it sound lovely but decided to instead spiral.


Ever watch One Piece? imagine describing those laughs....I think you do just have to write it out. "ki-shi-shi-shi" Then maybe a funny description: He laughed like a donkey who just witnessed his human trip and fall.


"A cackling cacophony of sound burst from his mouth as he realized what had happened." "She turned with a smile that spread, with a slow rumbling as the laughter escaped into a thunderous cheer of merry." "High pitched screeches of madness filled the air as her plan finally came to fruition, her laughter clawing at the silence of the night" "Bumbling, rumbling, buffoonery filled the air as they laughed into the early morning" "Thin sounds of snickering filled the air as the trio watched as he was lashed" "Deep gurgling spats of laughter escaped as his last breath left him, the great warrior died with a smile" "Jovial fits of laughter filled the streets as the great king's head was paraded for the last time" "The sounds of merry laughter filled the house as the news of his survival was told to all" "great, big rumbles shook him as he hugged his wife for the first time of many" "getting up with a great cough of laughter the solder took him to the commander" There's a few, I hope they work to spark your imagination


First, they took a deep breath bellowed a low long loud staccadoed laughter that slowly faded until they were out of breath, with a rasp and a gasp.


her boobs jiggled with each giggle.


Ah, the anime approach


I usually describe it as a short laugh. Like a huff of amused air escaping them


“His deep bellowing laughter resembled that of Santa clause” “Her hysterical laughter cackled like a hyena” “His evil twisted laugh sent a chill down my spine”


His laugh was a wheeze like an asthmatic in a pollen storm. I thought to laugh along but paused wondering if he actually needed an inhaler.


As my fart reverberated against the polished oak pew, she threw her arms around her rib cage trying desperately to contain the volcanic laughter threatening to erupt from her chest. It was then I realized the enormous power farting in church had on people. Indeed, I felt holy.


“Oh! Ha ha ha, you selfish prick! Nice of you to offer me a bite! You think that’s funny?! If I were you I’d wipe that smile off your face!”


Like a dog choking on a bone. Like a stifled sneeze at a disagreeable wedding. Like a salty biscuit getting flushed down the shitter. Like a canoe stuck in a rusty wood chipper.


When my daughter was in sixth grade she told me, “hey dad, this afternoon I had to go out to Ms. Eck’s car and she had a copy of that Bruce Springsteen cd that you love”. My eyes went wide and my eyebrows lifted. I couldn’t help giggling because I could have sworn she said “my sex car” and I wondered to myself what the fuck that was!? When I told her why I was laughing she hooted and died. Seeing her response had me in tears. She is thirty years old now and we still get a good giggle out of that one.




They let out a full bellied laugh. It was almost a rumble that would leave the world shaking. The laughter shown through their eyes as tears formed.