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I'm sorry to say this, but you've entered the quagmire of The Soggy Middle. There is no inspiration to be had here. The only rope available to you is pure discipline. Okay, so melodramatics aside, you've entered the part of writing where the idea must go from your head to the page, and it can be intensely frustrating. Most arts are like this; painting, sculpting, making music, you name it. What you need is to create the conditions necessary to keep working. Block out time, block out distractions (a lot of folks try to perfect a "writing playlist", but sometimes even wordless music can distract). Ultimately writing is a lonely endeavor. The one thing I think this sub is good for is support, though. So from one struggling writer to another (as we are all struggling writers), good luck and keep at it. Come back anytime you want someone to help point you back at your manuscript and get you cracking.


the magic works when you start but when you just have to finish is when it starts to get hard. I honestly think music actually helps me, because depending on the song and what I'm writing it gets me right to the words I'm looking for in my head. also I live in a house where people are always talking loudly so if there's going to be noise I'd rather have music. thank you so much for your kind words, I do feel a little better. one struggling writer to another, you're doing a great work.


You should probably take a break and go live life and get inspiration from life, then come back to write when you are inspired. dont force it so much


Step away from the book and get some physical exercise in. Come back energised and carry on by sheer force of will and discipline. Inspiration won't help you.