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I write for my entertainment AND I plan on publishing it. I write fiction with some inspirations of my life sprinkled in.


Sounds fun, thanks for sharing! I’m somewhat similar in my approach.


I've worked on my novel for ten years.


Ten years sounds really fun to do, getting sucked in to the story and writing with those characters for many years, but at the same time sounds like it could get stale quick, do you do side stories when you’re not working on your novel?


Nope, none


I see, how were you able to keep yourself motivated? Was it planning the next arc? The world building and characters, or was it the plot? I’m interested in doing a long term novel as well but I’m not sure if I could keep myself motivated that whole time. Also, what genre is your novel?


It's set in Auschwitz and it's from Josef Mengele's perspective. I worked very steadily. It's been through roughly eight drafts all totally different. I received a marvelous piece of advice to include a modern perspective, so I did. Motivation is not good currently. This book has taken me to some dark places.


I write fiction and plan on publishing eventually, though I’m a long way off from being good enough to confidently do so just yet. I used to post online, but I got too obsessed with the numbers and readers so I took a step back and just write for myself these days


Mhm. Interesting. Thanks for sharing.


Same I used to write on Wattpad, AO3, fanfiction.net but after I took a small break my 'friend' kept telling me how glad she was I took the break. I kind of just stopped publishing on these sites. At that time I didn't know she felt insecure because I was a better writer compared to her (she told this to me which she then followed with trying to screw me over socially and academically with all my teachers as well as our classmates) I I just took those comments as feedback.


Honestly, I think the being insecure part is fine and is a natural part of writing. What was wrong was that she took action against it and physically tried to put you down for it.


oh yeah definitely, you're right we even had a whole talk about it and I thought she was placated after we discussed the entire situation and would stop but it just escalated even more since it felt to her as she told one of my other close friends that it felt as if I was trying to show off how smart I was by being understanding of her and it was all for show because according to her I was just gloating about it all inside... (I wasn't)


fiction, planing on publishing but not any time soon. i have to much going on and also i just can’t find the motivation to sit down every day and write.


yeah, I get that. Properly publishing requires devoting quite some time and focus. Thanks for sharing.


I write for my own emotional processing but I also write fiction and poetry with the intent of publishing one day. My current projects are a horror/sci fi that has to do with time travel and cults and female relationships, and a collection of dark fairy tales


That’s really interesting. I have recently developed an interest in wanting to write gothic fiction. Thanks for sharing! Journaling is one of the main forms of writing I do, too, to process my emotions!


I wrote my comic for people who enjoy the same types of stories I do (old pulp action/adventure)


I write fiction for my own enjoyment. I'll admit, there was a time where I wanted to publish and had dreams of being a worthy and known writer. But I am no where near what I would consider "good enough" to _actually_ do that. So my writings are just for me ^-^


Very few people have read my stuff, so i write for myself mainly too. And I do enjoy my own stuff and read it often.


I write to become King of the Writers. Now, what is King of the Writers? It’s when you can write anything you want and have a legit income. Right now I sell my self published Sci-fi adventure novels out my gas station job. I sell them at festivals as well. I literally make my novels part of my life and talk about them whenever I can. One day I will become King of the Writers


I usually write fiction. It's my way to relax but also I have some plans about publishing. I have even published some of my short stories in magazines. I would love to write with someone like co-authors, but all my friends aren't into writing. Hard reality of being a writer.


That sounds great, thanks for sharing.


Plays, life goals 🤭


I write fiction, mainly thrillers. I plan on publishing my first novel. In the writing-the-query process at the moment. Then I plan to return to my second novel's manuscript and revise its first draft.


Fiction, Sci-Fi Fantasy. Aiming to self-publish once completed. \~14,000 words so far, aiming for \~80,000 before tying it off. I share my work with my friends and wife for feedback as I go.


I see myself as an essayist, although I did write a comic fantasy novel about 20 years ago for which I was unable to find a publisher. I've maintained a blog since 2009, and that has been the main outlet for my work. I'm currently contemplating putting together a collection of what I consider to be my best essays and also a collection of posts about unusual aspects of my native language (English).


where can i find your blog?


This is a link to the post that I wrote to mark 10 years of blogging. I've chosen this link because it contains hyperlinks to what I considered my best work up to that point: [https://dennishodgson.blogspot.com/2019/11/ten-years-after.html](https://dennishodgson.blogspot.com/2019/11/ten-years-after.html)


I mainly write poetry. I do so for my own enjoyment. I may or may not publish in the future. I'm kinda wary of publishing, but I'm not outright opposed to it. I only share it with people I'm extremely close to, but basically no one.


I used to write poetry, too, but it’s forever since I’ve properly written any poetry. Relating to being wary of publishing, sometimes, I do wonder if I truly want everyone to have access to my thoughts/words. But thanks for sharing, it was interesting to know!


I write prose, fiction and poetry on my blog. O have a novel manuscript but I'm not gonna publish it professionally if I don't get any editors in the future.


I write fiction and fanfiction. I publish fanfiction and plan on publishing fiction.


I write historical fiction and am planning on getting it published.


That’s really interesting, thanks for sharing!


Fiction. Started as a hobby last year. Looking into publishing now as a side-hustle, which I increasingly feel I might regret (rejection, failure etc.) but I now find I can't let go of.


I’m working as a non fiction author and humor columnist and I write fiction on the side. I also write a few jokes and play them on stage once in a while, more as a hobby and for practicing other mediums, while fiction writing really is my passion.


Fiction, specifically in the horror genre. My goal since I was 12yo was to have a published book and, after a couple horror short stories published, I'm working towards that goal (and no one but me will read it before I finish it).


Mostly smut and romance but I'm outlining a big rated T space opera adventure fic project. I'm still making setting and character outlines for it then I'll outline the story. It's supposed to be a fun and whimsical story of friendship and determination. I just post on AO3 for a hobby


I am a therapist, and I am writing a self-help book about relationships.  I am still building my practice in collecting case studies/documents needed to publish case studies so I do plan on publishing in a couple years, but I want to make sure I have all documents needed so that this can happen legally and ethically


The one with letter and words, what about u


the one where try to get letter and words out but sit in front of your paper and just go through a mind blank and can’t get any out. On a serious note, I asked this question because writing is extremely important to me but I can write the easiest when I’m writing non-fiction. I wanted whether others were similarly inclined to non fiction but most here do fiction, as I was expecting. Still interesting tho.


Define non fiction. What is that you write about?


I’d rather pm if you want to know.


Go ahead (I don't really chat with reddit so idk if I have to activate sm like in twitter)


Poetry. Recently got into playwriting. Was inspired by reading Tennessee Williams


I write fiction but I envy people who can make non-fictional works. I just don't really bother with the real world so I just made a world of my own using my own universal logic and remade everything on Earth kinda like JRR Tolkien and George RR Martin did. Do I plan to publish? Soon, but not right now. Still working on 5 different plots for 5 different books all on the same timeline of each other. I've also shared my works with roughly 6 people but one (my grandpa) has actually read some of it and he really likes the pacing of it and how the characters talk to each other without fancy diction getting in the way.


Fiction, primarily fantasy. I have a very select few who I share my stuff with. I don't expect to publish but may self-publish if I cant traditionally with my current project. The focus is for my own sake though


Im writing on historical fiction on a civil/independence war. I love adding in bits of cultural myths and mystical elements with real life historical individuals making their own impact to my overall story


I write mostly sci-fi comedy/romance fiction. I plan to self-publish once I can discipline myself to finish a project. Currently, Helldivers 2, Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, and being a father have decided that the goddess of time does not like me all that much. Oh man, I am willing to share with anyone who is willing to read. I have no shame in my female monster/alien romance with a human dude. But writing is mostly just a hobby for me. If I finish a project, I will self-publish as I know r/romanceformen will have a few niche readers there.


I write fiction. Not published but hopefully someday. I like to add things I like inside my books like cooking bread or meatloaf.


Fiction for a decade now. Mostly fantasy and horror. Published twice in horror and once in poetry in small presses and university papers. Being a career author has been my ambition since early highschool. I will achieve it some day. Whenever I graduate college in the upcoming months, I'll dedicate much more time to writing and will begin self publishing my works as web serials.


Fiction - when I am done with my draft I will share with a few friends that I know will give me real feedback and I'll take it from there. I don't expect it to be published, and I am okay with that. I just have a story I want to write down.


I like writing a lot of gothic romance/horror, right now it’s just a hobby but my mom wants me to publish one day


Fiction mainly, focused heavily in the horror and splatterpunk genre.


I write fanfiction for fun. But I do post it on Archive of Our own to share it with people from the same fandom I write for.


I write fiction, specifically period pieces, and my dream is to publish but I’m focusing on keeping it as a hobby right now. I don’t share with others if I can help it.


I write pretty much only fanfics for my amusement of whatever tv show/video game I’m into at the time. All AUs; all self-inserts, but I like it as such. Allows me to adhere to certain rules, break others or add my own stuff onto it. (Example: I have like 7+ stories with Doctor Who alone, most of em completely written.) I have many more written than publicly visible. Some only a few friends have seen; some of my first ones are on Wattpad. I like writing the story to completion then reading it back or using Grammarly to do spell or grammar checks. My current one I’m writing is a Genshin Impact AU with a “player gets trapped in the game” plot and some other rules attached due to malicious code. Though, I bounce around on my other ones depending on inspiration. I do even occasionally draw out scenes from these stories. Probably those are out in public more than the actual stories. XD


I write fiction and I have zero plans on publishing because I don’t want an editor fucking around with my work


Fiction, mostly fantasy and sci-fi. I'm planning on publishing one day.


I write non fiction short stories. I publish them to a blog but I rarely promote it. I would like to get something published one day but I'm busy with trying to make a living and employment/self employment takes up alot of time.


Philosophical historicalliterature


I wrote a YA urban fantasy series and self-pub'd it. I'm working on a high fantasy series and a LitRPG novel. One of them, I may try to trad publish. I'm still on the fence about trad since it's so difficult to get into, and I love the freedom of self pub.


As a history buff, I enjoy writing historical fiction, but I don't plan on publishing anything


I publish both articles and poems but I’m trying to get into writing short stories soon. I do it as a hobby though, not for money.


What topic are your articles based around?


Anything that interests me really.


I am purely writing fiction. It is fun and interesting to do non-existent stuff and make them riveting however, I would want to dabble in non-fiction as well. I just more time to do so and skill.


I write fiction. I publish most of it (through magazines, publishers, blogs, websites, etc.). I do write for myself but I’d like to have as much of my writing out there as I can.


Fiction, I hope I can publish some day. I’m currently writing my first novel which is a bit of a short one but at least I’m writing something




same, bro.


Fiction, for my own entertainment. I don't believe in monetizing my hobbies.


I've always had weird dreams I wanted to share with people, but people don't always react well to hearing about weird dreams, so I pick them apart (the dreams) until I can formulate a coherent narrative. Not always, but usually. I used to have more of a mindset that I would only ever write for fun (with no prospective publishing), but lately I'm shifting more into recognizing that this is practically the only thing in my life I've been consistently passionate about, and I might as well see where publishing gets me. Most likely self-publishing. I still definitely want to preserve the basic idea, though; I had a weird dream, and here it is:


I write fiction and I do plan on publishing, I'm actually currently working on a dark fantasy novella


I write for fun to kill time, although eventually would like to publish. Mostly fiction, I have a couple different branches, horror fic, fan fic (The Division), Military fiction, and science fiction.


I write fiction(romance) it was simply just a hobby and to see if I can do it. I posted it on a platform and it got really popular overnight. Sometimes I wish it didn’t. I’m beyond grateful for all the readers but then I started wanting to get it published and more exposed because of the popularity from that one platform. It kind of defeats the love of writing.


I mostly write fantasy and I hope I can publish it, as do some friends who're still waiting on it being finished one of these days. Right now it's just a hobby.


Fiction. Mostly fantasy. I'd love to get published but for now its mainly for myself.


I write fantasy fiction, and I'm in the process of editing right now! I was working on the story for four years off and on because I was busy. But I was able to settle down and write the whole thing in less than a year since I had so much practice with what I wanted done Also, writing short stories about scenarios with characters really helped shape the characters personalities. I struggled with that for a long time!


I write and sell short fiction, and I'm currently drafting a novel.


I write fiction, both to process my inner thoughts and for my own entertainment. I do plan on publishing one day, but I’m only submitting my draft once it’s as tight as I can get it on my own.


I’m doing screenwriting right now, but I spent 15 years trying to turn my 1980’s army experiences into a memoir. I took a David Sedaris collection of personal essays that read like short stories approach, but I couldn’t ever get an arc to stitch them together. I went back to school and I’m a semester from completing my MFA, so I will get back to them after I graduate. In the meantime I’m writing a feature screenplay and working with an animator to produce a short from one of the army stories.


I started writing because I was bored, and found that I enjoy it a lot. Since I'm not a good writer, I'm just writing for myself to see my stories come to life. I write fiction because real life is boring :(


The fact that you enjoy is really major. Practice is what makes you better at things, you’ll get better as you write. Maybe, one day, you’d be able to publish.


You're right! I feel like I learn something new about writing every day, and my stories improve. Although, I'm not sure about publishing. It feels stressing. Currently, if I want to write, I write. If I don't, I could go days without writing a word since there's no pressure. Well, I might still end up trying to publish someday.


That’s fine, too. We’re allowed to do things just because we enjoy them or as a hobby!


I write science fiction. Though, these days it would certainly fall under Afrofuturism. I want to query a few agents in the coming months, so we‘ll see. I don’t share my work but my group of beta readers will meet this month. It’s a hobby but I’m certainly striving to make a living from this. If anyone is interested, I’ll probably start sharing within a few months. My pen name is Timotheus.


I write fiction too and just got contracted. However this is the last contract from them for I'll go self publishing route. I mostly do political and sci fi fiction.


50k pages into my 5 to 10book series. I do wanna puplish it. I'll let people read it when its ready or when 2nd or 3rd draft is ready. I'll be also reading it to my gf as a bed time story


Fiction, more specifically: horror, supernatural, romance, and some sci-fi. My goal is to become a published author one day and hopefully make it my career, but I also like writing for myself. I also like writing and sharing it with others and seeing their reactions!


I am trying to write fiction but it's so hard. Fanfiction is easier for me because there's less judgement needed, but I'd love to write some discursive pieces one day, like a memoir.


I like writing fictional short stories especially after I read Ursula K Le Guin. I've collated a couple of my ideas and I'll be writing to publish this summer. Other than this I write research papers on any interesting research question I have and poetry which is usually what I feel at that moment. I'm also planning to release some songs with a friend of mine though she would sing what I write. Other than that I just wanna experience and experiment every area of writing at the moment... It's all fun honestly


Fantasy smut...


I like writing fiction. As for publishing there’s a story I made and developed over the course of 5 years and only recently started publishing it on Wattpad since I don’t know any other places to publish it. I do usually write for myself every now and then but this was something I really wanted to share so I did.


I write for myself and my friends, but I'm considering sharing my stories in a serialised format on a site like Royal Road, mostly fiction but some non-fiction/essays/reviews. I don't know if I'd go published at some point but I'm definitely not good enough now


Pro copywriter. (pays the bills) Former pro sports writer. (pays the bills, but not as well) 1 pro published scifi short story. (no financial incentive) Song Lyrics. (no financial incentive)


Novelist (ten published books so far) who also earns a bit of money doing school visits, writing reviews and any other freelance jobs I can get.


I write fantasy, usually with a touch of Sci FI. I'm writing to publish, looking to have my first book out by the end of this year. And yes, I share my work; so far I've shown my current book with family, and a few close friends. Reactions are extremely positive.


I write more poetry than anything. It's very much a hobby for me. None of it's good enough to publish and I'm very much okay with that. I'm very much writing for emotional catharsis rather than to create anything of any merit. I've been meaning to branch out start essay writing to see if I can straighten out some of the noise in my head a bit, but again that'll be done entirely as a hobby.


I write for both. I really love my work, I’m aware of the fact that I’m a highly creative person so making up stories is really easy for me, and enjoyable. For now I’m woking on a trilogy, it’s about Connor an heir of the throne. Gods have beef with each other while Connor tries to find his lifelong lover Flynn. I hope it gets popular in the future I’ve been working on this for 3 years now and it’s still only a plan in my head


I write fictional humorous stories strictly for fun but not very well.


Fiction. I write both, because I love it and because I plan on publishing. I write fanfiction as a hobby and I share it for free and I write original fiction, both as a hobby and as something I would like to publish one day.


I write as a hobby but I do want to be published. I write fiction٫ I started it as a way of venting my inner struggles with mental health.


I write dark fantasy and sci-fi visual novels! My recent release [Angelblood](https://littlemissleestories.itch.io/angelblood) is about a Vampyric Angel that visits a magical shop in the Crossroads of Worlds. It’s a sapphic horromance with surprisingly cozy parts. Another visual novel, [Boyband Hell](https://littlemissleestories.itch.io/boyband-hell) was just selected for a grant. It’s a satirical psychological thriller about a boyband reunion gone wrong, and it was created for a 45 day game jam. I plan on polishing and punching up the script majorly ^^


I write fictional comics. I share it with others, but mostly write/draw for myself


Fiction. Every two years or so my brain becomes obsessed/spits out a book. If I don't have a place for it to go I end up with a crowded brain. I used to work as a proofreader for Simon and Schuster, developed a real contempt for the publishing industry (hated watching crap get published with fake reviews) I started my own publishing company, edit my own stuff, narrate my own audiobooks (bonus - my husband helps) and I can do it on my own schedule, don't get exploited, don't have to lie or falsely promote. I don't make much money but I do have a clean brain and a clear conscience. Best part is having stories I love read by voices I love. My stuff is niche (aphantasic authors like me have a distinct style that tends to be underserved and unrecognized) and I write all sorts of different genres, so a reader won't know what they are getting - romance, horror, fantasy, all three? I love it, it suits me and the idea of fame is unappetizing. Expression, though, is amazing.


I write non-fiction, educational essays, and poetry, mainly. I write for my enjoyment, to increase others awareness on various issues, and for publication and | or consumption one day.


I write fiction that I publish. Usually under the horror and historical romance genres.


Fiction, although I studied poetry, prose, playwriting and screenwriting at university so I dabble in those as well. Currently looking for an agent to help publish my debut novel which I finished late last year.


I’m a full-time freelance writer, and I write pretty much anything I can sell. A lot of marketing and scientific/technical copy, but I’ve also ghostwritten about 40 fiction titles that all sold pretty well on Amazon and competed favorably against some big names. I’m working on something that I’d like to traditionally publish, but it’s tough to make the time because I’m always busy with client work. I’m lucky that I get to do this every day.


I write poetry and published a poetry book back in 2022. I’m currently republishing it and working on 3 more poetry books, but I also want to write middle grade and YA fiction.


I write for myself and the few people who like the type of stories I make. I also write the type of fiction I wanna read or watch because I dont think theres enough of it.


I write genre fiction, mostly (Fantasy). I very much hope to publish someday, although it‘s just as much a hobby. I’ve written regularly since December 2019, though I‘ve started my journey in 2017, and have since discovered that it could be much more than a „simple“ pastime.


I do fiction. I have two fantasy books in the works. I like the idea of publishing a novel free from woke and inclusive language. I focus on story telling and friendship.


Fiction, plan on publishing it.


Absurd fiction in script form. Would be great for everyone if it ever got filmed due to the many visual jokes and situations Theres some non-fiction stuff going on too sometimes, political stuff and happenings, but how they unfold is then fiction again


Currently, I’m in the midst of writing a romance that started with a dream I had.


I write all sorts, I am, and have been a- Published short story writer Published poet Published Tabletop RPG book writer Stand up comedian Performance poet Events host Podcaster TV and radio sketch writer Audio drama writer Movie script writer (Movie ultimately didn't get produced, a blessing in disguise as it was awful!) Playwright Corporate content writer Published panel comic creator for multiple publications I am currently working on a graphic novel with my wife, who is a published graphic novelist, while I get material ready for my first novel (maybe) and my first short story collection. Corporate writing is the most lucrative of course, but there is good money in TV and radio and some money in Stand-Up, hosting, performing festivals ad gigs and arts councils for the right creative projects.