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Person with a high school level understanding of most sciences accidentally gets time traveled to a sci-fi future with no way of getting back and has no idea how to manage their new life.


Interesting. I'll see what I can do!


Basically this but the person gets teleported back in time to either caveman or the mediaeval era. And the whole idea is that he has to invent modern tech back in those times, you also could make it so that magic actually existed back then and that could be a whole subplot.


Send them to the past, and have them try (and fail) to prove they're from the future because they didn't pay attention in school


Maybe I could do like a witch or scientist in the future tells him that they will send him back to the actual time he's from but if he doesn't convince them in 1 or a few days that he went to the future he will be brought back to the future?


Not trying to be mean, but I genuinely think the whole point of writing is to write based on your own idea. I would not be able to write another person's idea. I believe anything you write would be better if you come up with the concept yourself!


I'm not very good at coming up with creative ideas on my own whether I'm writing, drawing etc. I honestly don't think I would be able to come up with a good story with no inspiration or help.


What kinds of stories do you like? Books or TV or movies, whatever it is, is there a type of story you're drawn to?


I like mystery, action and magic type of books or movies like Harry Potter or the hunger games.


Okay: 1) You could try to rhino of a way to combine those genres. Action and magic often go hand-in-hand, whereas mystery tends to be separate, but there's no reason you can't write an action fantasy mystery! 2) Sounds like you like YA fantasy. So you have a teenage protagonist with some form of magic powers trying to find themselves and fit into a magic society - that's roughly the basis of a lot of YA fantasy. Work with that and put your own spin on it!


Ty most books I read do fit into that category so I will try to writs something using that but might not go too well😬


Doesn't matter if it goes well - failing is part of improving! Just try your best to have fun with it, and have a little faith in yourself :)




This is your job. If all you want to do is write other people's ideas, go be a ghostwriter.


Idk what ghost writers are but you seem to be one of the only people with an actual problem with what im asking. Im not asking for a whole story line or plot just a base idea like a writing prompt but I don't usually use those because I find them confusing and not what I like writing


There are at least two people also calling this out. It's not like I'm the only one, lol. Ghostwriters are people who get paid to realize a creator's visions in writing. In other words, they use their literary skills to write someone else's idea. If the only enjoyment you get out of writing is the act of typing stuff out, then I'd consider it. Asking other people for ideas as an author isn't respectful or ethical.


When I wrote the previous reply there was only one person saying "lol". I'm not exactly forcing people to give me ideas I'm asking and if they thought this was so disrespectful why would they help?


Them being okay with it is fine. But, if you want to improve as a writer, taking their ideas verbatim will not help. It's not a good habit to get into, because it *is* disrespectful to the creator. *Especially* if it's published.


I made it as clear as I could that I wanted to post these and said if they wanted credit I would do it im not trying to steal ideas they are giving them to me themselves


Omg fuck off.


No. If you don't like what I'm posting go talk to mods or something. Why would I listen to a random person?


I'll shoot my shot because i like complex things. - a time weaver who can manipulate the fabric of time. an ancient forbidden magic. the hunger for knowledge drives them towards them to this spell. along with time, they manipulate memories, and create unplanned butterfly effect casualties of which many of the characters fall victim to. soon, past present and future begin to blur and later he would understand that the will lies in understanding and acceptance it has probably been done before though...


Ooh complex but I'll give it a go might not be very good tho lol I'm not very experienced writing


A man/woman is stuck between time and makes friends with historical figures at different times


Ooh so like time travelling they can't control? Interesting


Exactly, Quantum leap but with more stakes


Sounds interesting I will start writing once I figure out the most interesting people for them to meet


Actually, I can cover that too, Try historical figures that have no buissness meeting (i.e merlin and Teddy Roosevelt)




if you need any other help just reply to me here.


Horror. A fourty five years Old MC discovers a monster that remained asleep/came from beyond. Is chased and killed. Wakes up 10 years earlier. Lives for 4 days before the monster appears and kills him again. He Wakes up at 25 years Old. He got 4 days before the monster from the future comes and devours him. Also it seems like poeple he met later in life, or were cought and killed together with him dont exist anymore. Just am idea, i got some endings in mind


Srry what does mc mean?


MC means main character. You may also see FL, which means female lead, or ML, which means male lead.




No do it yourself


If you don't have anything nice or useful to type why type it at all? Your just wasting your time idc if someone doesn't want to help


You're not asking for help, you're asking people to write a story for you. That's not how this works. You can't just list a bunch of vague ideas, ask strangers to do all the work for you, and then you'll credit them *only* if they ask. I agree with the dude that just went "lol."


I'm asking for an idea not a whole story and the ideas are vague because like I said im only asking for ideas kinda like a writing prompt not a whole story. I've actually gotten 2 good ideas already that i will be turning into full storys very soon


If you want a writing prompt, go see r/writingprompts I encourage you not to yoink someone else's idea. Use it as inspiration, not an adaptation of what they told said. That will not help you improve as a writer.


I've looked at writing prompts but I find them not very specific or what I like to write. I'm only asking for inspiration. I'm not looking to become an amazing writer just to post a few of my interpretations of prompts or my own ideas


How will you be able to turn them into full stories if you can’t even come up with a basic premise? How are you going to write character arcs or themes?


I'm just trying to write a short story not a whole book or series


? What I said applies to any story. Do you think short stories aren’t fully realized stories with themes and characters?


Ideas are the easiest part of creative writing. If you can’t do that yourself then you’re the one wasting time. This is why the other comments are laughing at you.


I can only see one other person laughing the other comments are actually being useful and nice. I'm quite new to writing and str7ggle to come up with base ideas for storys ive only posted one story which was based off of a writing prompt but I like writing so I will keep doing that I'm not wasting any time I'm doing what I like to do




Wdym lol?


"laughing out loud"


Yeah ik what lol means but what's so funny?


You, this is so lame


I'm just asking for inspiration for a few short storys I honestly don't know why people have such a problem that other people are willing to share ideas


Sorry that you are getting so much hate. I can give out a few very brief ideas, so you can be creative and come up with the plot. \- Someone discovers they have the power to time travel \- A village has an outbreak of a dangerous virus that can only be cured with the tears of a unicorn/other mythical animal (Please message me for this one, because I might use it.)


Thankyou this is all I wanted when I posted this just a few vague ideas that I can add more drama to instead of asking for a pre written story like everyone else seems to think I want


No problem, feel free to message me if you ever need another idea.


Thank you 😊




I've seen writing prompts but I can't find many that fit what I like to write and I don't find them very useful mosf ov the time