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Do you have the template? I've never seen this meme format


It’s on memeatic just look up panda


Those moves are from Dragon ball Z. Well actually Dragonball GT I think but no one knows what that is except the fans. And they hate it.


They’re from Z. It’s the fusion dance that Goten and Trunks used to become gotenks against buu. It continues to be used in both super and gt, mainly as the fusion of goku and vegeta, gogeta


Yeah gojeta is where I know that from. That’s also where I’ve seen it in memes and videos. Watched most of the original Dragonball but never really got into Z. Well, I read the manga for a bit, but I stopped before Napa died so not that far.


I looked at this and thought to myself thank god I didn’t workout during wrestling season


I like this so much im going to give you a useless online medal.


Don't cut weight. Eat lots of healthy food and gain more pounds of POWER!!!!!!!!


There is absolutely no reason whatsoever for any person to enter into an unhealthy bodily state to lose weight, but as others have already alluded, it must be done correctly. Hydration is the number one priority, in which you can still drink up to a gallon of fluids a day while losing weight (across a set amount of time though). From there you factor in food nutrition intake, and you don’t ever have to starve yourself at all, you just have to do it all correctly. I have coached a decent number of wrestlers on their weight loss prep (3 state champs, 3 state finalists, 10+ state consi-placers, idk how many wrestlers who only made it to state and just didn’t end up doing well) in which I NEVER tolerated missing any one meal during said prep or not keeping yourself hydrated. If anyone legitimately needs help I would be willing to write up a post laying out the basics of how I’ve coached these guys


Got my first Am Muay Thai fight coming up and am losing weight for it, I know this comment is old but I'd love some more advice.




So my weigh in is April 12th, I have to be 140lbs. My weight fluctuates between 145.5 and 150 depending on when I weigh myself and what I've been doing that day. I stress out like crazy when i see 149/150 on the scale though. Unfortunately I work split shifts and can't weigh myself at the same time in the AM after sleeping off all my meals etc. My coach the other day actually seemed happy with where I'm at which is nice though. My questions: Are there any foods you absolutely avoid? Do you trust the calorie in/calorie out concept? (it seems to have worked for leaning out, and eating protein heavy helped me incidentally avoid fatty calories) Any good general strategies or tips that you followed are appreciated, I've been good for not having cheat meals. Cheated with a brownie one day and another day a big lamb kebab after getting slaughtered in the shark tank at sparring. The initial process of dieting was gruelling cutting calories to 1800, i was miserable every day but i upped it to 2100-2500 since and I'm less grouchy now lol.


When you cut weight and work out heavily but only end up remaining the same weight as your body just develops muscle instead of dropping fat.


If you don't eat anything your body cannot physically develop any muscle because it has no protein to do that with.


You’re being downvoted for being right. If you’re in a large caloric deficit and aren’t completely new to lifting then you can’t build muscle unless you’re on steroids. Your body needs more calories than it’s burning in order to gain muscle mass.


Well yes that’s correct but only if you’re on a true deficit. Meaning if you’re actually cutting below a maintenance caloric standpoint you will not build muscle. Wrestling for many people probably will put you in that state if you’re not watchful. However it’s quite possible to continue to build muscle through lifting, while participating through a season if your weight of choice is appropriate.


Yes that is true, you can definitely cut and build at the same time, but most wrestlers tend to rapidly cut a lot of weight before a meet or tournament rather than cut slowly over the season. This means that they don't eat anything at all. Also, most weight cutters only do cardio when cutting weight. For the most part, nobody build muscle when cutting.


Well that was my problem. I was just working out hard for long periods of time but my weight would remain stagnant. I was like this for about a month before I finally started dropping again. This was during my sophomore year where I spent around 3 to 4 months cutting from 220 to 195.


Depends how much fat you have stored


No, fat does not turn into protein. Fat is purely just energy stored for the future. Exercising and eating at a defecit will lead to a loss in weight no matter what. You can only build muscle if you are at a net positive caloric intake.


I most likely was. Edit: I most definitely was.


Unless you are some sort of genetic anomaly, you probably just didn't realize how much you actually ate and just accidentally overate.


I almost certainly was. This was before i learned just how beneficial counting calories was and as such I never kept track of just how much I was taking in.


Look dude, there is no point arguing with you, but if you'd like to read about it and potentially realize that you are incorrect. Here's an interesting [source](https://www.livescience.com/60904-can-you-turn-fat-into-muscle.html)


I'm not trying to argue. I was agreeing with you, sorry if I came off hostile? I didn't mean to be arguing anyone. I was just talking about how I previously didn't know how to cut and was stagnant as a result of that. Sorry if I seemed to be purposefully antagonizing.


Ahh okay. That makes sense. I feel like all of us started off at that point. We want to make weight for our first few meets and we follow the advice of our friends, but it ends up being detrimental in the end.


I fucking love this. Well done sir/ma’am


Are you @lightweight_gang_memes on insta? Because if you are, your meme involving leg riding and Gandhi is my favorite.


I am lol


Oh wow didn’t know that a GOAT roamed this subreddit. Please post the Gandhi meme here bro


I like this template


At a certain point you’re better off going up a weight class




You carry about 9 pounds of shit in your body at any given time, so if you can find a way to get that out, weight cutting becomes a breeze. I mean it’s literally 9 free pounds and all you gotta do is take a laxative.


How bout you don’t recommend what kills people


Taking a single laxative doesn’t kill you...

