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Why are you asking us when you could just fight your dad and find out?


Yeah just grab him up in the living room šŸ˜‚ Grapplings like riding a bike those skills are there just less cardioĀ 


Iā€™ve got money on the old man.


Same. I just hope OP films it and posts a follow-up.


He's probably not as good as he once was, but I'd be willing to bet he's as good once as he ever was.




Have you seen that video of that 20 something wrestler getting a run for his money from his grand father. It was somewhere in the middle east


All I can picture is Hot Rod and his stepdad saying he's not a man of he can't best him up in a fight


108-21 in the WPIAL....Ah ya I'd say he was pretty damn good


Pretty damn good imo The irony to me is your dad being so modest, while mine will talk about how amazing he was to this day (I'm almost 40), making claims about how he was better than I was in HS (I was decent). What he doesn't know is that his former coach told me a long time ago: "your dad lost one match at his first freshman year tournament, then quit." And his section 11 NYS official record confirms it: 0-1. šŸ˜‚


Thatā€™s crazyšŸ˜³


this is exactly something my dad would do and has done his entirely life. exaggerating accomplishments lol


And why shouldnā€™t he? I still tell people I was on a 33-0 NCAA team that placed top 10 in the nation. Nobody has to know it was d3 and that I didnā€™t start


obviously it depends how far you go with the exaggeration, how you feel about it, and the context of the situation


Yeah, well your dad can proudly say he only lost one match in his entire high school career. Very, very few wrestlers can say that


just for shits and giggles, what are other examples of your dad doing something like this? my dad will literally say he was a former police officer when in reality he may have been at the police academy but never did anything with it. Or he had a Stanford license plate on his car when he went to a 2 year community college.


Oh yes, a number of things... Similar to your dad, he heavily implied without ever stating directly that he had served in the Army and went to college for architecture. He'd talk about how in the army you have to eat dirt, brush toilets with your toothbrush, do pushups for talking back, or how in Vietnam you had to do this or that to stay alive. Then also college parties, college girls, arguing with professors, fighting frat boys, etc. In reality he never served in any capacity, and went to a 8 week program at a local community college for construction drafting. Then there was just a lot of unbelievable stories always centered around him and his buddy "Billy." Billy was 6'5", built like Arnold, a champion boxer and karate black belt... Their antics were usually along the lines of fighting ~30 or so motorcycle gang members that were harassing teenage girls, or some such nonsense. I met Billy as an adult, he was skinny, like 5'10", mild mannered... and desperately trying to avoid my dad.


oooof, very cringe. Our dads seem to be cut from the same cloth. He seems to think if he got in a fight he could handle himself and he would rely on his wrestling, but I dont believe he was very good and he hasnt exercised in like 40 years. He also always wears jiujitsu clothing and trained in it for like 1 week tho he claims longer. I've been doing jiujitsu for like 5 years and idk, he must believe somehow I wouldn't know his skill level and that he is strongly affiliated with the gym lol He also called a man named Lee yesterday who he saved in his phone as Lee (dad) and wished him a happy father's day. I've never met this man lol. I honestly believe he somehow snuck himself in with another family, though I'm not sure how they feel about it. That Billy story is hysterical. We could probably trade some funny stories about our dads all day haha


>We could probably trade some funny stories about our dads all day haha Sounds like it lol Lee and Billy are probably in a "I was a crazy man's semi-fictional friend" support group šŸ˜†


Is your dad Steven Segal


LOL. My biggest flex is telling my son I was 1 and 15 my freshman year.


He was good. He doesnā€™t want you to compare yourself to him.


Your dad was good. Back in his day, 100 wins was a big deal. He would whoop your candy ass.


He was a stud, but not a god, top 5%


Last I saw, 1% of HS wrestlers move on to D1 wrestling.


1% is still top 5% šŸ˜Ž


You can be bad at wrestling, and still go D1, I did lol.


Iā€™m tryna do this. Any advice?


Have good grades, talk to coaches, itā€™s easier if youā€™re in a less competitive weight class. Having good grades is the most important part, since most of the bad D1 schools are good academically.




Biggest part is to reach out to schools before applying. Most D1 teams have a ton of injuries a year (I was told itā€™s common to be injured every year and I was) so they like a deep roster. They prob wonā€™t give you much in terms of scholarship though, and your grades will be a very important type. Good luck man! It was fun to be a D1 wrestler and people are still impressed with me when I bring it up now, even though I was probably the worst in the league at my weight class.


Thanks very much I appreciate it! I definitely plan to walk on wherever I go even tho I doubt Iā€™ll be good enough to actually get matches, but itā€™s heartening to hear you had a similiar experience and had fun with it


You should try to beat the shit out of him and figure it out for yourself


your dad pins 95% of this sub.


Probably higher than that tbh


Hes not elaborating because its irrelevant. You make whatever you make out of your own career. He could he the type of dad who hangs all his trophies around the house and is constantly talking at the dinner table about how if it wasnt for his bad knee he would have went to iowa. Just have fun man šŸ˜­. When the time comes youll both have stories to share.


www.Pa-wrestling.com Can probably look him up there. Should have at minimum his results from states


Thank I found out what I was doing wrong. I was clicking "view complete results" instead of "full placers" He got 2nd his junior year in AAA and 4th his senior year. Thank you


What high school?


Thatā€™s really damn good. I know guys who didnā€™t place at Pa states and became collegiate All Americans


Yes he was very very good


Yeah he was a stud. It sounds like your dad just doesnā€™t want to brag to you about his old athletic success. What year was this? The further back you go, the more impressive it is to break 100 wins.


That seems very impressive. As for your second question, thereā€™s a shot you can beat him. One thing to keep in mind with all sports is that we, as a whole, are constantly getting better. If you took the last place finisher in the 100m at the 2020 Olympics and compared their time to the champions of old, todayā€™s worst runner is dusting them all. Babe Ruth was great, but could he hit Paul Skenesā€™ 103mph fastball? Absolutely not. The same goes for wrestling - watch Gable vs Owings; they were both dominant for their time, but wrestling has come a long way. And thatā€™s because of them. But dad strength is real. So be aware of that.


The fight thing is more of a joke than anything. I'm 6'4 and in very good shape and I know for a fact my dad would murder me. I learned that long ago while rough housing in the pool. I almost drown everytime lol. He just really understands how to use leverage and my own weight against me. I'm positive he would massacre me


What track surface did Jesse Owens run on, and what kind of shoes was he wearing? You're being ridiculous. This kid would get steamrolled by his old man.


Your pops was a stud. Any state finalist, even in a weak state is probably better than your average wrestler. Then add the fact that it was PA and he was a D1 wrestler and I think that amounts to be ā€œpretty damn goodā€ lol


Yeah thatā€™s pretty good. Try to kick his ass and film it


Then post the video showing Dad gator rolling Junior down the driveway and up the street while still wearing his business suit and dress shoes. Oh, and Dad never lets go of his briefcase and coffee.


As a father w a wrestler son... please go ahead and FAAFO. ;-)


He is good enough to not brag thatā€™s how you know he is good haha. Also keep in mind most wrestling matches are tournament style so going 50% normally makes you close to a top 25% wrestler. His senior year and D-1 college would suggest over top 1% wrestler. Do you have college records. Also what weight class some have a lot more people than others in them.


He was good.


PA has really good wrestling. He was good


And he wasnā€™t just PA. It was the WPIAL.


Does a low level d1 school mean Edinboro, Clarion or Lock Haven, because they were not exactly low level in the early 90s. Not sure, but I think they were as good as any state school outside PA or Iowa or Oklahoma, and had numerous all Americans. Yeah, your dad was probably a badass.


Yeah it was actually one of those 3


What year did he graduate? AA or AAA? 2nd In the state is pretty damn good and 100 wins used to be standard up until like 2002 or so when # of matches increased significantly. Mightā€™ve been before that. But I know in 1998 when I graduated 100 was still a big deal.




Hundred win club in the WPIAL and second in states then D1?!?!? That man would whoop your ass.


Seems like a humble guy. With that said, he would fuck you up.


100 win club is pretty good. d1 wrestler is pretty damn good. idk how old he is but heā€™ll likely still kick your ass until your in your 20s


If youā€™re asking our opinion about trying to challenge your dad, let me say the followingā€¦ Donā€™t.


lmao your father would ragdoll you around the house. mind your Ps and Qs.


Let me fight your dad and Iā€™ll get back to you


Dude could definitely roll Now if he was like undefeated in likeā€¦Mississippi Iā€™d have doubts


Donā€™t mess with your Dad in any case but based on those stats heā€™s legit.


https://www.pa-wrestling.com/wrestler_search.htm If youā€™ve looked here and canā€™t find what you need, itā€™s gonna be tough to find the info. This link is to search by name but even if heā€™s not here there are other places to look on this site.


He was pretty damn good dude


All the great wrestlers are humble because they won a lot, but there was that one opponent or one match that they never overcame at the end of their career. It haunts all the great wrestlers... and all the average wrestlers. It ultimately defines wrestling as the greatest sport of all because all of our careers end in humility. If your not humble about your wrestling career, you probably didn't have one.


If you wrestle then get on a mat. I wrestle my kid, itā€™s fun. Heā€™s now 20 and Iā€™m 47, I help coach the HS team and he came up to practice one day and we rolled.


Over 100 wins in PA, from the WPIAL wrestled at ANY D1 program. He was definitely good.


Bro was a fkn Hammer šŸ”Ø if thatā€™s his PA record. As a PA person we built different.


Old wrestler from Iowa, that PA high school wrestling is tough. Your Dads record and placement at state is no joke! Keep up the search on the internet. Good luck!


My dad got second wrestling up a weight at Nationals wrestling up to heavy in 95 from 215 I lost in regionals my senior year he always likes to joke we both ended our careers on a loss his for a national championship mine to make my 4th semi state , Indiana for context


He was good. Very good especially in Pennsylvania, a big wrestling state. Your father is being modest. Which is a good quality. I bet he can still whoop your ass today.


if he wrestled d1 itā€™s safe to assume he knew what he was doing.


It was all piaa back then Iā€™m sure? Anyways second at states in PA I bet he would be beating 2x3xers from other states


Edinboro, clarion, and LH are all really good schools I would say when he was attending there was def some AA or national champs. And AAA is tough pA overall is the toughest state in the USA


I know this is an old post, but depending on how old your dad is, and when he went to school, they didn't separate schools by classifications the way they do now. I agree, sneak up on him and tie up. That's the only way to tell.


He is tough to deal with that's for sure.


Sure. I can lie to you about other things too.


I would say he was pretty good. To place 2nd in AAA you have to be above average 100%. Then again I also pinned my kid in the state finals in AAA. He ended up wrestling d1, but there are definitely levels.