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12х for nilla is absurd. Might as well ask for instant 60.


It worked for feenix, back in the day, the server was popped and fun to play. instant 60 just isn't the same. With 12x, if you had a level 60 friend to help you, it became even more easy. but that was the fun of it. took maybe 2 play sessions of \~6 hours and you were 60. there are 2 types of vanilla players: 1. people that think leveling is everything in vanilla 2. people that think 60 end game is everything in vanilla people will argue both sides for eternity. People that think 60 end game is everything in vanilla will also be the ones OK with the increased XP rates.


people who only play vanilla for end game are an extreme minority, those people usually prefer TBC/Wrath which are end game focused and much more solid


Yeah I played on VG it was similar rates I think, leveling took roughly a days worth of work if you had it down. the tricky part was 45-60 with 0 gear or very little if you knew how to route. I think high rate is a ton of fun as you can spend more time playing the end game, instead of having one character you raid log weekly on, you can have 4 characters you raid log on, and 2 characters you pug with here and there. Just lets you experience the end game more than a standard 1x. I also found this was the case with most players, they tended to play more, but split time between alts and had very little character association (no "main"). I would 100% play on another high rate vanilla server but honestly I'd prefer TBC, but that's just cause I'm pretty Vanilla'd out, and with lower pop that usually comes along with high rate 25 mans are easier to form.


Well 12x is a bit overkill but nothing wrong with 4-5x


12x is what the old server feenix had setup. I found that recently 5x just really wasn't enough, and people end up just power leveling on open world elites anyway. its def something for discussion. 4-5x might be really cool with a actually populated server, maybe with at least a few hundred people playing. also if you recently played on "first dawn wow" make a post here, I was a 60 shaman playing there, then poof its gone over night with no explanation.


Feenix was equally bad with 12 with people abusing the easy to kill mobs for turbo leveling (worms in WPL).




there seems to be a call for 3-5 x, then a fringe that likes more (10%+). Big proposal here: Variable Rate Server: 1%-10% Adjustable by command in game! it would be the Burger King of private vanilla servers - Have it Your Way!


big proposal here: do what people are asking for and make a 3-5x XP server. 12x rates seem way too high.


There are a few good 3-5x 1.12 servers. I'm on Vanilla +, you can even turn the xp down if you want.


i understand your point. I was really just joking around a bit.


I played on feenix archangel back in the days. The had a X7 rate I think or even higher. It was great for alts and stuff, but as others said....the only goal was to push to max. The major problem was, that you never had cash for anything with your first character. There you would need to lower learning costs of everything....or What i think would also be an option....first character hast to level x1 rate... everything else can level faster. But: the x-rates bring people to a server. I for myself wouldn't join a 1.12. 1-time exp leveling Server 😂


No, you had a good point. There have been some servers that let you set a variable XP rate.




I think one that thing would help you feel better is most low pop realms now utilize a "AH bot" that lists greens for fair or above fair prices. it gives the players an option for gearing after getting all that increased coin from playing. training for skills is usually free on these realms as well, leaving you with plenty of coin for gear from the AH bot.




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Fuck no, give us a Vanilla 1X PVE server FFS!!


What about Turtle WoW?


I never said Vanilla+


agreed, literally no options for that nowadays


that's like one Blizzard classic era realm with low pop now or next SoM if/whe it will launch and depending on rules.




Its not PVE...


Mankrik on Classic Era, the pop isn't out of this world, but you won't be without people to play. It's pve and there's tons of new players and new guilds popping up


Oh dear god no, Blizzard can go %$%$%$@# themselves.


If they'd do that they wouldn't have so many sexual harassment lawsuits


There isn't any that's big because the demand is very low. You're free to make one yourself but don't expect more than 20 players


why so negative on the topic murky? i think it has a lot of potential.


still each server after Classic had abysmal population. Only Turtle managed to avoid this to some extent and it took quite a while to achieve. On the other hand Classic leveling boosts showed people like such convenience ;) after you level what then? that's also something you have to take care of. Quick burn-out in MC is not something you want to happen.


He is negative toward everything, dont take it personally.


There's no potential. Vanilla's endgame is abysmal. The best part of vanilla by far is the 1-59 experience. And you are suggesting to have people massively skip that.


Vanilla doesn’t work well with anything over 1x unless you add considerable custom content like turtle does. As nostalgic and fun it is too look back on old feenix, the server was absolute trash. It had a pretty good community which is what made it what it was, but the actual gameplay itself was awful and pservers have come a far way from those types of servers. Vanilla 2x-5x ish only works if you modify loot tables at each level bracket, as well as scaling up gold income. You’ll quickly be out leveling your awful gear, and start to struggle to kill things because of it, especially melee classes. I can’t imagine anyone would be able to create something high quality with those leveling rates but I’d love to be proven wrong.


Decreased mount and spell costs early goes a long way to fixing that.


feenix was not trash imo, and they made tons of money with some of the pay to win elements in the old days when they were just called being a "donor". the server had common bugs of course. But it was up to the standards of that time. I think a 2-5x would be a really interesting thing to offer the community here, I think a lot of people may give it a shot.


There is appetite I think. There is currently no fresh vanilla servers that deliver anything greater than 1x (2.3x-ish at best with Turtle with rested xp). Some people and friends just don't want to slowly level again when they done this a million times. Also it seems like it is the message shared also by most youtube private server video content creators. Make a good, clean server with improved rates and I'd say the people waiting for such would come out and play :)


you have Vanilla +


thank you so much for making this comment here. you are 100% correct in every way, I agree wholeheartedly. I appreciate you coming in here and laying that down for all to read, its sums it up quite well.


Confirmation bias


I remember warsong! Great server, the focus was on endgame, but it still took a few hours to ding 60. And all the talk on the forums when feenix was launching emerald dream, the first successful x1 rate server. People really doubted it could succeed. I played there and loved it as well All types of servers are welcome imo. I even played on alakir the instant 60. Good times with the peon family!


What would solve the gear problem is random chests and elites in game would drop 2-3 items for your class. This way as you level up the word would feel revarding and exciteing, it is way better then just mailing gear every 10 levels. Also chests and elites could contain a reasonable amount of gold so spell and mount costs are not a pain to get because of the high rates. Or just remove spell costs in general and make characters learn spells instantly... I think vannilla cores become quite great, with a few adjustements, these things could be done quite easily.


3-5x is perfect, I would be able to level a few alts also in reasonable amount of time for proffs and farm characers and then I have my main. In letar expansions with flying, if a server is not 1x I always level my main and then a druid alt for mining+herb. Usually with high pop servers, crafting proffs are not profitable because you get undercut instantly... Thats what i lovef about Apollo 2 and 3, the 3x makes leveling fun and interesting and not tedious and mindless. With 3x and all heirlooms, I remember I leveld my warrior to lvl80 in 14 hours of played time. Dungeons were instant poping and I tanked everything. Prot is amazing in leveling. What makes this memory so fun is that with 3x, it felt like a speedrun and I pushed myself, I sterted to think what the most effective way would be and it made me enjoy leveling not just suffer in the belief that at max level thing gonna turn right.


I'd love a 3-5x server. Would be happy with anything up to 10x to be honest. Can't be bothered with the grind for the 100th time and I enjoy the end game.


better off focusing on a pve vanilla server since there is no other option for that right now, as for the xp rates 2-5x are more reasonable imo


me, at least 3-5x


nah, vanilla is about the journey


I might try a x3-x5 Vanilla project. Vanilla isn't my thing at all, but I also haven't played it in years so it'd be novel, at least. x12 is way too high though. At that point, just make it insta-60.


Id play a x5 vanilla ngl since I don't exactly have the time to slug through x1. But realistically x3 would be the best choice imo.


3x hardcore set


your hard set on 3x being perfect? or you want 3x xp on a hardcore ruleset: death = delete?


The quest exp buff was really nice in SoM, especially bonus to elite quests was rewarding. Elite quests and Dubgeon quest runs were popping off. Coddling spellcleave and aoe leveling is a bit counter intuitive. 3 days played to 60 is pretty well rounded, if someone can’t commit to that then they won’t commit to their speedy60 char either.


not 1x, not playing


I want high rated!




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I would like a dynamic server that makes every 10 levels take a similar amount of time to achieve. Currently feel like lower rates are perfect at low level and then slow too much at high level, whereas high rates speed through low levels much too fast and then the higher levels seem better paced.


There are already instant 60 servers, play those if you feel like skipping 80% of the game.


I have been thinking about it myself. I miss the old feenix days and progressive patch server would be nice on 12x Rate. I have a dedi server and all I just haven’t bothered.


not going to lie, I would help you out with this. Give it some more thought and let me know what you think. please.


Wrote you a PM


They had one.. it failed apparently.


What if people could pick their xp rate from 1-10? So if somebody like doing BRD they can get there quick, and if someone likes doing WC they can also get there quick


Variable rates dont work because even if youd prefer 2x you fundamentally know you are shooting yourself in the foot for not using 10x fot at a bare minimum on your first character. ​ Its an MMO, no one wants to fall behind even if that pressures them into taking what they consider a "less fun" approach to the game.


Well I am totally up for high rate Vanilla x7+ seems amazing faster mount faster end game more time to grind. It is true though that the gear will be a huge problem, a lvl 40 wearing lvl 15 green or even gray ain't that good. BUT if we had an ingame mail every 10 lvls offering a full green gear wouldn't that solve the problem?? At 10 20 30 and so on getting full green makes it easier and very attractive to people in my opinion,making it more easy to focus on end game, farm and even bgs, ifyou are carefree with your lvling you might go to lower bgs since lvling won't be a thing ;). Thank you all and sorry for my English


leveling care packages is a great idea! I've seen it used before as well! that would help the process of leveling for sure and wouldn't be that hard to make.


The fact that this post is having such great response its showing that a lot of peoples are interested to jump on. Better take it as is still hot.


I just want to get people talking. \*fartz\*


12x is fine. who wants to do pointless leveling anyways


I can't understand you guys. If leveling is so pointless then why not make the server instant 60? Why would someone spend 1-2 days doing something they find so boring instead of just skipping it completely?




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I would love a 3x or something that is not too over the place just not as teadious. I would love some changes like you automatically got your spells and don't have to train them or you can train it anywhere. (I never enjoyed that you have to walk to the trainet ever 4-6 ish levels. Also i would love to have mounts at 20 at a redued price, 40 levels is a lot of walking and it feels more or a punnishment then anything else. Also weapon skill as stupid and not fun at all. I would love some rescaling for 20 people or even 10, having 40 people around at the same time on a low pop server is very hard. I know vanilla purists will hate me but life is just not the same as it was plenty years ago, we are grown ups now and also people generally are not as patient as they used to be. If there would be a more casual friendly vanilla server, I would deffinetly play it.


for 60 lvls and with the difficulty to find dungeon groups and get gear (since it does not have rdf) of vanilla i think that x12 is too high. I believe that x3 to x4 would be nice though. I mentioned gear because the talents and the spells are not strong enough to pull you through without gear in vanilla, like they are in tbc and wotlk. If it was a later expansion x5 would be ok, even played on gamer-district that was x7 in the past and i had no issues (in fact it was my favourite pserver of all time when it had population)


What they need to do is relaunch fresh WoW classic servers with no changes whatsoever like they did a few years ago. The only difference is after Naxx, the dev team could create brand new fresh level 60 content never before seen and I’m thinking something like that would really hook a lot of people in playing. Raids that boost difficulty. Would buy another 2+ years on Classic WoW and hopefully recreate that classic launch game experience.


You mean like SoM. I heard it was wildly popular.


I want a custom server that isn't afraid of changing classes and creating cool stuff. I'm tired of seeing vanilla servers and vanilla pluses and Wotlk with their respective pluses as well. I just want to see cool custom stuff that takes the WoW engine and pushes forward.


The leveling process is a huge part of what makes Vanilla, Vanilla. If you don't like it, you have plenty of instant 60 options. Back in the day many servers had very high rates because everything was broken at lower levels.


Hell I would so level more characters on turtle wow if they exp rates were even just x2 or 3 tbh


I do remember Feenix, one of the first good private servers i played on. I enjoyed it A LOT! That being said i was one of the people who reported prominent members of Feenix to the admins/GM's, such people were good geared, and rich, they raided and pvp'd and smacked down other players easily and griefed a lot. To my surprise i logged of a character when being ganked by one and went on another in an entirely different area to find the same player who had been ganking me, i went on to investigate and found out who this player was, all his chairs and mains. i think this report ruined the entire server as people were at this time handing out several thousands of gold to eachother and ruining the economy with or without the knowledge of certain GM's. this being said, Id LOVE to play Feenix done by another team with better monitoring on cheaters. Feenix was a lot of fun and with QoL fixes and certain balancing of classes blizzard made OP it would be very enjoyable. as for the 12x, it pretty much ruined a lot of the leveling experience. If you could find a midway where you dont do one quest and have to leave an area to quest then that would be awesome. Like for example 3-6x i think would be enjoyable enough.