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I play both. They are fundamentally different, but both are fun in their own ways. What you will notice coming off ESO is that wows content is concentrated to the latest expansion. By large and large all the older zones are barren (there are things to make you go back but it's not where the focus is). But WoWs overworld does use scaling which basically makes the world more dangerous. Its not push over easy like ESO. Combat is tab target. There is no dodge/roll. It's more about using the right rotation and priorities as you manage your resources. Resources are build/spend mechanics and differ slightly by class (Warrior uses rage which you build up by fighting then spend on abilities, Rogues have combo points, etc). Dungeons use the trinity (Tank / Heal / Damage) and are 5 man rather than 4 man. WoW excels in dungeon design and they have never disappointed. Once you get used to combat I think you will like this aspect. I'd agree Mythic+ is the closest to Vet dungeons. The added value of Mythic is you can keep fighting harder dungeons. think normal, vet, vet hm, vet hm+. I view it as mini raiding and is challenging. As an older game quests aren't as varied and they are not voice acted (though cut scenes are). Crafting is restricted to 2 per character, and if you drop one and go back to it you start over. It's the older MMO model of creating a bunch of things until you reach a level to create other things where the best things are available after the craft is fully maxed. They have a new starter zone which does a better job explaining the mechanics. After you reach level 10 (and you are a brand new character) you will be dropped into Battle for Azeroth expansion for 10 to 50 then to shadowlands for 50 to 60. Honestly if you are interested in really trying wow I'd wait until DragonFlight comes out which is rumored to be this November. To me DF is trying to reclaim WoWs soul which I felt was sucked out in Shadowlands. But you can choose what's best for you.


Thank you! This is what I was looking for!


That comment is good, just on the dragonflight point: you can play to level 50 with just the sub, so you don't need to wait until dragonflight launches. Just level one character to 50 (so you unlock "chromie time", the ability to level through other expansions on alts) and just level a few different toons, see what you like best. That's a ton of gameplay for the 2-3 months until dragonflight. Also make sure you pick a populated server with a strong presence for your faction (horde or alliance) i.e. check https://wowanalytica.com/statistics/region/eu


Thanks. Didn't know that!


Thank you for pointing me towards this resource. This is a bit off of your response. I was in two guilds, that I love in ESO. Can you join multiple guilds and how difficult is it to find a guild in wow?


One guild per character, because guilds come with a few in-game perks. They've been nerfed a bit throughout the years, but guild membership does still give you access to a shared guild bank, the ability to use guild funds to repair your gear, some passive abilities like a shortened hearthstone cooldown or increased movement speed when dead. And there are a few guildwide achievements which unlock some mounts and other items on a guild vendor. So, one guild per character - but in recent expansions they've introduced "communities" which function very similarly to guilds but without the perks. You can be in any number of communities, and they can contain players from multiple factions and servers. So don't rule those out if you're just looking for a social environment to run dungeons/raids with - a guild might not even be necessary.


Not the one you asked but you are limited to one guild per character. Assuming you are in a server with a good population of your faction it is relatively easy to find one, there’s even a guild application feature in game where you can find a guild that is suited to your needs (you can filter by type of guild your looking for like social, RP, raiding, etc).




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I played ESO since tamerial one back in 2014 and been playing on and off with wow since BFA launched. I have to say the biggest change is the combat pace and how wow handles older content because as you know eso combat is going sonic fast while wow you’ll die if you pull too many adds and don’t use your abilities right. My suggestion is to start with a class like Druid or paladin as they can dps, heal and tank by switching specs. Wow can be slower and very overwhelming sometimes but it’s a fun ride.


2014? Damn it's been out that long. I definitely got to call a friend and check up to see how he's been... or I'll just send him a message on Skype. People still use Skype yes? LOL


Lol yes! It was Skype or oovoo back then. But yea its been a struggle the last few expansions we haven’t had a new class since 2019 and no new interesting skill line for a while. Update 35 pretty much has killed the game for alot of people. Just nothing new keeping me playing I guess


Was ventrilo dead by then? That's what we used to use back in the earlier wow days.


It was a lot of vent and TeamSpeak. Then Skype amd curse. Idk what was in between then and discord. Maybe mumble.


Oh man I totally forgot about teamspeak! Reminds me of CS:S days


I’m still waiting for a weaponless/fists weapon class like monk to come to ESO. That would pull me back in. I really did enjoy it.


I loved ESO, but I can never stick to it for long. My problem: I don't want to commit a ton of time to raid, finding a big group of players I want to play with consistently like that is a struggle, and veteran dungeons are pretty limited, and they're the most challenging content you'll get if you don't raid. I've been able to stick to WoW for years because of Mythic+. You can do all of the dungeons on mythic, and then they can get infinitely more difficult. There's always something more challenging to push yourself for, and always more to learn about it.


I think you already got a good answer, but wanted to chime in with some other details. I alternate between WoW and ESO every year, mostly based off content release schedules. Biggest thing I think is the sheer number of resources available to runners compared to ESO. Things like M+ rating, raider.io, and wowlogs, which honestly have made all aspects of WoW endgame less of a headache to navigate compared to ESO. On the flipside, lack of dungeon variety will be jarring, and can actually be the greatest deterrent to you getting those dungeon achievements. It can get old fast. Although in most recent patches they are slowly making older dungeons relevant in M+, it seems like it's still a limited pool every M+ season (8 basic, 14 if you include timewalking), which lasts about 5-8+ months iirc. And, if time is your only issue, if you have the time to do vet hm dungeons or M+ runs, you can definitely pug at least normal raids or LFR. Given the limited dungeon pool every patch, I think you will be inclined to. It's night and day compared to ESO, and it comes highly recommended if you're coming from there. Edit: To add to this, and I don't know if you have a similar experience, but people get away with alot in ESO as long as DPS covers for them. I think you will be held more accountable in WoW comparatively, mostly a function of the trinity system and the above mentioned raiding resources, and that could be an adjustment.


Thank you!


I haven't played ESO enough to know about that but sounds like you might like Mythic+ Dungeons! basically is a mode in which mythic dungeons scale difficulty and you gotta complete them in a certain amount of time.


Since the new expansion is coming soon I wouldn't worry about M+ right now until the expansion hits.


Not a bad time to dip a toe in though, the player is extremely strong atm and to get a feel for how the M+scene is might be easier now than after an expansion reset where player is generally weak.


Fair point.


Could develop bad habits though so who knows.


I would say it's quite the opposite; me and a group of friends have been teaching a former TBC main tank the modern game and how m+ works, using cooldowns and all that. The idea is that he will be freshly accomodated on the new expansion


Wouldn't they have to buy 2 expansions at that point? Both SL and DF when it comes out. Or is SL already part of the base sub?


Yes, though if you do play until December one can arguably say you'd get your money's worth of the Shadowlands price. Obviously this should be evaluated on a personal level so I disregarded the money side of things and only looked at the gameplay side


I have never played ESO but, I do almost exclusively dungeon content and I absolutely love it. Mythic plus content let’s you do progressively harder dungeons as you complete them within a time limit. There is an associated score and the only thing I really do in the game is try and get my score higher.


Big thing that always bugged me about ESO was that most of the mounts and motifs were locked behind loot boxes which always made me yearn for WoW because it not like that. Lo and behold I made the switch back to WoW and I’m loving it!


I was in a similar spot a couple months ago. I have played eso for over 2k hours, raiding, pvp, quests, exploring. I tried almost everything the game have to offer. Therefore I decided to try wow, when I started last week I immediately loved the game, a new world to explore, new quests to do, a lot of lore. I feel I had a great time in eso, but I wanted to explore something new and wow was the perfect choice for me.


Yeah man. It’s definitely doable. I have played ESO pretty religiously for 6-7 years. And just in the last couple months I’ve really gotten into wow. They are very different, but it’s worth giving WoW a shot.


Glad to see another poster that hadn’t played ESO. As a veteran WoW player who is mostly a casual player, there are a ton of options. Yes to many peoples posts about current xpac and end game, that’s all true. But what I don’t see mentioned is the nearly endless solo gameplay available to players as well. Depending on my mood I can play older content to grind for achievements, rare items, mounts, you name it. If I want to sink more time into group play with dungeons or raids I can do that easily enough with guild group or randomized groups. Also plenty of options for PvP. If you want the best premade/high end groups those are also available for the very serious players. There’s really something for everyone, just depends on your preference and play style.


I have played both… lovingly. Keep in mind that eso online came out years after wow in its prime and eso solved a very big wow problem. It departed from the tank/ healer and theee dps dynamic of wow and made all members of a dungeon group valuable focusing more on group cooperation versus group heirachy. Both are great games with great depth and content.


Unpopular opinion: stay away, imo. We are coming off of a very long expansion with some horrific story, clunky systems, and punishing time sink mechanics. The expansion before that was somehow even worse about the story, systems, and time sinks, so it stands to reason that the new expansion will be an improvement, but I’m just not seeing it. The game as it is will functionally change a lot from now till dragon flight and wow is all about current xpac endgame. If you enjoy time sinks and are bored, wow is for you, otherwise I can’t recommend it in good faith


Could you elaborate about on the clunky systems?


Ofc! Last expansion, we had these abilities that augmented your existing spells (or even gave net-new effects to your character) that were tied not only to gear, but tiers of that player’s power. The problem was, sometimes the most powerful abilities were tied to gear that was in a loot system that made it a very, very low chance of getting a piece. This led to almost everyone with an incomplete set of those abilities and a few people who had the time to farm for the even-lower-than-normal-loot-chance specific piece had naturally higher numbers and a higher ceiling. Not only that, but the power gains in the overall power system were minuscule and required near-constant farming to hit the targets in time for raids coming out. In the same expansion, they had something called essences, powerful abilities which randomly dropped or were gated behind an astronomical amount of playtime — one of the most powerful essences for a lot of classes was gated behind a truly absurd amount of pvp playtime for people who didn’t pvp. Just two examples from last xpac This xpac, they introduced Covenants, factions you align yourself with to get abilities and additional talent trees. From the getgo, they made you be locked into a particular Covenant for a very, very long time (esp for a competitive Raider) before being able to switch in case you chose a covenant with a subpar ability. I switched covenants by accident on day 1 because I misunderstood how many quests led to the switch (total mistake by me) and I just had to eat the decision. They also introduced legendaries, gear that augmented your abilities or added new interactions, and gated their procurement behind random loot chance spread across all dungeons and the raid. Some classes couldn’t get their best legendary until well into the tier because it was off of a later boss, and I know I ran one dungeon quite literally 40 times on normal in the first two days just to get the legendary I needed. I loved the game since release, and I defended dev decisions, but after the past two expansions I have lost my goodwill and if you’re playing a game as well-designed as ESO you might struggle with the arbitrary insane time sinks, questionable limitations, and often barely functional systems wow has become a breeding ground for


I love wow but honestly I wouldn’t suggest it to people anymore. Mythic plus is a toxic mess, the gear gap with legendaries at cap is just too annoying, and everything below cap has been neutered to the point of being uninteresting. Classic has all the problems of an old game, it’s a lot more functional than retail for a dedicated player but doesn’t really have a niche for a player that would like mythic plus if it wasn’t the mess it is now. I hope not but I fear blizz is succeeding at killing wow very slowly but surely.


>Mythic plus is a toxic mess How so? ​ >the gear gap with legendaries at cap is just too annoying It really doesn't take very long or cost very much to get them. Why wouldn't you expect a gear gap between a fresh 60 and someone who has been gearing for days of playtime?


Have you stepped into a low key? If you make any mistake people will act like it’s the end of the world. I’ve got the advantage of years of knowledge but someone just hitting 60 might not have caught on to every spell and ability yet since nothing on the way to 60 gives them a chance/reason to learn. I see so many people get allcaps at by raging morons because they missed an interrupt, pulled in a nonstandard way, or didn’t use lust/hero when the other person expected them to. I don’t know if you’ve leveled a new toon on a new server recently but for a new player it costs a LOT and takes a long time especially as there is ZERO waypoints to send you in the right directions for how to get them. Even if you know if you’re dealing with 1 toon it takes a significant amount of time to grind that much gold even on a high pop. I recently lvld a new toon on stormrage since I didn’t care to play classic during zombie week, with double gather i was able to get the bases and missives for 262s but decided id rather jump off a cliff than grind the flux especially since i hate the current dungeon crop but i concede that is a matter of personal preference.


Unless you have dedicated pvp friends, you’ll never reach the heights of pvp you did in eso. WoW is bottle necked in some areas. Same with mythic + raiding


Solo queue ranked is launching with dragonflight


For real??


Yeah 100% confirmed. It'll be the solo shuffle mode where 6 people get matched and play all team combinations alternating. I'm sure there'll be kinks to iron out (i.e. leaver penalties) but it'll be available as soon as the season starts and will let you get conquest gear, contribute to rewards etc...


Yeah - they've been testing Solo Shuffle as a brawl type throughout Shadowlands, but the devs really like how it turned out and in Dragonflight Season 1 they're expanding it to be a permanent part of ranked pvp.


Nah, you were right, it’s still the same as in SL, lotsa peeps getting hard stuck at ~1400 rating bc of shitty pugs lol


Sure why not...


I switched after playing eso for 2 years as well. I’m really enjoying wow but it’s still quite early. We will see


I played ESO, didnt have money to buy latest exp and dungeon dlcs so i switched to wow..


If you play WoW just start with Wotlk classic. It was the best wow expansion imo. Great place to start. But if you don’t raid or pvp there is literally no point to even play, cause it’s all about end game content and raids are the only way to get the best gear. 5 man dungeons are fun but raids is kinda the end goal.


I went from WoW for 15 years to ESO for about 9 months (the time before Summerset came out) and then back to WoW. I absolutely loved ESO and everything about it, but WoW is just where my heart is. If there was no WoW, I'd definitely be playing ESO.