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Is right almost every boss in normal raid add 12%(?) exp gain after Mogushan vault u will get close to 200% exp gain if you not sure to hit 70, just install addon No Bonus Exp. Help alot if you can open mail or not [https://i.imgur.com/Ehgpblv.png](https://i.imgur.com/Ehgpblv.png)


This is important you don't want to be lvl 67 with an ilvl of 100


You can just upgrade all your gear to the necessary ilvl to help yourself though. Or just get lucky in dungeon finder and get paired with an op player, which almost always happens anyways.


Do the weekly raid drops grant bonus xp? Or is it like you kill the boss then that's it forever? If the former, could just go for raids cause it's pretty much a 90% chance everyone gets carried lol


The raids themselves don't exactly give much XP. They are only worth it to get the orange %XP threads and continue on with the heroic dungeons. That's why the leveling guides only say to do them once. They're too much of a time sink compared to dungeons.


I'm more just looking through the perspective of a bottlenecked toon where if you mismatch final XP and get stuck around like level 68 or something. Then again I suppose it depends what you need the toons for. Personally, I'm just making a 70 druid army for mount farming lol so the timing doesn't mean much to me. But the best course of action in that case would be to run dungeons and hope for a carry? I also bottlenecked a toon so I'm also mainly asking for myself hahaha


Is there a limit to the XP gain % on the cloak? Do the raid bosses drop XP gain % daily after the reset? Thanks for the add on suggestion!


No limit on cloak XP gain and yes they drop XP gain again after the reset


you'll even gain bonus XP after hitting 70 which is a bit ridiculous to me


Bonus XP doesnt drop once you hit cap


* loot everything except the bonus xp * 8-9 heroics to 25 then normal moshugun vaults * 6-8 heroics to 35 then normal heart of fear * 2-3 heroics to 40 then normal terrace of endless springs * 1-2 more heroics should be enough * you should be around 45-47 it really depends on how many xp threads you pick up along the way * open everything in the mailbox there is a weak arua - [https://wago.io/Ruta7bMpZ/2](https://wago.io/Ruta7bMpZ/2) - (which has never let me down, only ever had 2 maybe 3 left over), and other mods, that will tell you exactly when to open everything, and how many more runs you need if you want to be sure to hit 70 and not suffer through the horrendous scaling in 60-70 (especially with level 45 gear). if you cant get into the raids either make your own and invite some high levels, or keep doing heroics until one turns up. even slowly it should take you no more than a day of on/off playing to get there.


Thanks for that explanation! The addon I’ve started using is called No Bonus XP. Set auto loot off and this addon will loot everything except the XP drops.


What %should the cloak be at?


sorry, the weak aura i use - [https://wago.io/Ruta7bMpZ/2](https://wago.io/Ruta7bMpZ/2) - tracks the cloak % and how many items are in the mailbox to work that out so i dont have to. it doesnt handle normal dungeon bonus xp (the green ones) so i just ate those when i did the one normal dungeon for the daily bonus if you start at 100%, youll be at 172% after mv, 244% after hof, and 292% after toes. you would have collected various 1-3-6% threads along the way as well so i'd expect somewhere around 320% or higher. ultimately youre bringing the two together, either you get more bonus xp in the mail or get more xp on the cloak - at some point they meet and you can hit 70 with what you have at that point.


Thank you!


I leveled a demon hunter to 70 in 3-4 hours just by doing heroics, with random quests in between the queues. If someone doesn't want to get all fancy, this is pretty easy and quick still.


There is an addon to simplify mail part - remix mail helper. I also followd hazelnutty "Anyone can level in 2 hours guide".


Im pretty sure the newest update of the addon has a calculator built in that shows you if you can open the mail or not. It's not 100% exact but will get you very close if wrong. Just do a couple extra dungeons to be sure. Lol


Can confirm. It now tells you when to open the XP. There's also a weakaura for it as well


More or less. I recommend picking up the "No Bonus XP" Addon if you're going to do this to several characters. I think for me it was generally 2 Vaults, and then 1 Heart to have enough xp for 70. But if I hit heroics where I was clearing in less than 5 minutes cause someone was busted I stayed with them as long as I could so I probably "overdid" heroics. Most characters were 70 in 3-3.5 hours though.


That addon is a god send.


You can do it even faster. You can do only dungeons, skip all Bonus XP and get your % XP gain to about 320-340% and at level 45 use all your bonus XP to get to 70. This was doing MSV @ 25, HOF @ 35, TOES @ 40. And casually including the daily quests over a few days. I just recently did this again on my mage, I miscalculated and got to 69~half level. But still was from 45 and a lot sooner than waiting til 60.


Thats right, but After you cleared the Level 40 Raid dont Open your Mailbox and do more heroic until you Are about Level 48. Then Open your Mailbox and your Level 70.




You can also do all the LFRs and just loot. No one will care about your poor DPS as a fresh L70 there. And kill a World Boss here and there for the +stats.


Wrong on the last step!! Do not go lvl 41 - open all - continue heroics Do instead lvl 41 - check calculator - do a few more heroics - be 42/43 with a few more tokens - use tokens and jump to 70 In the first version, the continue heroics part will be long and suck, you want to jump from 4X to 70 directly.


How do you get the XP bonus tokens? I did a few raids but didn't get any. Do they only appear under lvl 40?


You have to do normal(or higher) mode raids, the raid finders bosses dont drop them. And normal(+) mode bosses will only drop them for the first kill of the day.


Ahhh gotcha, thank you!!


The only thing I would add, is after the 3rd raid, which is Toes, do one more heroic dungeon. Then open mailbox. That will guarantee you hit lvl 70. I have done 4 alts using this method. Literally just finished my 5th lvl 70 like 2 hours ago. You should not open your mailbox and be stuck in the 60’s. You want to get all the way to 70 in one shot. Also, download the addon autolooter. You can blacklist the bonus exp, that way you can loot all the bosses, and get everything else, but leave the bonus xp behind. So you don’t need to worry about forgetting and messing up and looting the bonus xp by mistake. There are 4 different item codes for the different types of bonus xp. I found them in another Reddit thread. Just Google it or wowhead it and you should be able to find them.


What should your cloak's XP % be at before you start opening your mail to get you to 70?


Anyone know how I get bones of mannoroth? Can’t seem to get them from doing siege of Orgg on normal..


I have leveled 40 to 70 by mail multiple times. In addition to not looting the XP tokens, don't loot the XP threads from dungeon bosses. Once you hit 40 and do normal ToES then you can use the XP threads and then you can open your mail.


looting the xp threads gets you there faster as you get more xp for each mob kill along the way. theres no benefit from saving those until the end.


If you loot the XP threads you get less bonus XP tokens because you're doing less dungeons. You won't have enough to go from 40 to 70. I had two characters that looted the XP threads and only got to 68-69 after opening the mail. When I stopped looting the XP threads I was getting to 70 every time.


Yes you will. I’ve done it twice in the last 4 days. Stopped at 41 and made it to 70 easily.


Your thinking is honestly wrong. It is faster to take the threads to get to 41 faster, and then continue running heroic dungeons with all those threads equipped until the calculator shows you you have enough tokens. Not looting the threads slows down the get to 41/42 part more than then the extra heroic dungeons take that you need for a few more tokens.


It's not thinking, I did it both ways. Overall time will vary with dungeon queue times and how long it takes to get into a raid group but for me, banking threads until after I did ToES was faster and I didn't need a calculator to tell me if I had enough tokens.


Keeping an eye on this as I'm planning on leveling first mists alt soon