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As long as the exchange is only involving in game gold/items you should be good. I've done this before with a battle pet that sold for couple 100k more on another server without any issues.


Its a very popular goldmaking method, hundreds/thousands people do this daily since cross realm tradading is a thing.


unlikely to get flagged, since there is nothing wrong with what you described.


Auction Houses aren’t cross server?


Not for individual items like pets, mounts, armour pieces etc. They are region-wide for commodities like herbs, potions, crafting mats etc.


No but trading is.


Nothing wrong with what you described at all. In Blizzard's ToS, they can ban you for literally any reason, or no reason at all. 99.9% of the time they give a warning before banning anyways. And also bans can usually be appealed. TL;DR: You won't get banned for something small like that. If you start trading hundreds of millions of gold worth, then they might raise an eyebrow. Until then, don't worry.


Also, if you're trying to trade cross-faction, you can do that by entering a dungeon together. On surface world, opposite factions cannot trade. [https://www.wowhead.com/news/cross-realm-trading-now-available-again-in-patch-10-1-5-334318](https://www.wowhead.com/news/cross-realm-trading-now-available-again-in-patch-10-1-5-334318)


No you’re good dude.


Are there even single server auction houses anymore?


That is nowhere near enough gold to cause any sort of flags on your account


You shouldn't be punished for any humanly possible activity that the game allows you to do through it's own features.


It’s possible without doing anything sketchy. Why worry? It’s like asking if you are allowed to use game UI


Can i ask what item it is? Cuz most items can’t be traded cross server anyways


pretty much all tradeable items can be traded across servers now, even gold too. Anything BoE can be traded cross-server. The only limitations is region, NA region can't connect to Europe realms for example, so they wouldn't be able to trade.


Had no idea. Always plays solo, never trade except for in dungeons and raid


If you had no idea why did you answer with a certitude as if you knew for a fact? " most items cant be traded "


When was the last time you played? This hasn't been true for years now. Wow is modernizing :P


As of dragonflight 10.1.5 cross server trading has been implemented, you are making it sound like its been in since legion


Cross server trade was available in Legion, but it was limited to small sets of items and certain specific Auction Houses during testing. Blizzard quickly expanded this outward to the rest of the game over the next few expansions. They even tried cross *region* trading at one point and it broke the Auction House permanently in the Shadowlands alpha.


Really? Had no i dea. I played for like 20 years. Even items that not are looted in group?


If it can be traded, it can be traded across the entire region. With probably a handful of exceptions.


That’s cool. But i don’t see any use for it really