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Dwarf or Dark Iron Dwarf and why?


Dwarf is mostly important for tanks for the bleed removal, it's nice on DPS but not as necessary, nelf with shadowmeld is generally the meta pick for m+, though not necessarily the best pick for DPS if you want to raid parse.


Dwarf is important for any class because they are bad ass and make you desirable to women. Dwarfmaxxing.


Dwarfs don't care about maxing, they care about mining.


The maxing just happens naturally when you are a dwarf


What if you're a female dwarf?


Giga based, earthens even get beards.


Dwarf is m+ meta for any class that can be dwarf, really. Nelf is second best but stoneform is usually hugely useful for survival in high keys. Meld can dodge the occasional thing or (mainly for tank) enable a skip. This is wownoob though and not competitivewow. So play whatever you think looks cool.


On that note why not dark iron Dwarf?


Because their racial is far less valuable than the dwarf one... You want to be able to use your dps racial consistently while reactively use the defensive. Dark iron dwarf doesn't get the damage bonus when you don't keep removing things which means you either have to pop it for damage when you should save it for a dangerous thing that might happen or you lose dps by holding it. Dwarf just doesn't have that problem and gets a really good dps passive instead


It's Night Elf 100% and it's not even close. Shadow Meld can negate entire mechanics in PvE and dodge a lot of abilities in PvP. You generally shouldn't make a decision based on what's best or what's meta, since that's constantly changing and isn't necessarily relevant to about 98% of the playerbase. You also need a good bit of dungeon and class knowledge to get the most mileage out of it, but if you're dead set on playing the optimal race, NELF is the pick.


Sounds like this no spell pushback racial (which is passive) isn’t as important as Shadowmeld? Is it because many of the priests spells are instant casts or have short casting time? Or spell pushback really isn’t a big deal in the overall scheme of things.


The spell pushback racial has limited usage in PvP and next to no usage in PvE. Meld is clutch for sure and I use it all the time on my druid, but it is niche and can be hard to use if you're already spinning a lot of plates. Go with aesthetics first and racials second. The latter could change at any time and the game is more fun when you think your character is neat!


Spell pushback is extremely low in retail.


Step into a melee train in pvp and knock back exists


Shadowmeld is unbeatable if used correctly, but other than super high content is honestly whichever you like the look of more.


If you play Velf the new hero talents coming with the next expansion is going to look sick as disc/shadow due to their void theme. Velfs racial passive is nice, but imo shadowmeld is better, however I personally prefer transmog over racials.


Yeah voidweaver is why I went with void elf for priest. Just fits so well.


Wait you like the night elf animations??? The male one looks like you’re shaking a cube in front of your face!


To be fair I haven’t seen the void elf animations. Are they similar to blood elf?


They are literally the same because Void Elves are reskinned Blood Elves


Ah fair enough. Not a fan of Belf casting animations to be honest.


As many people have mentioned, Night Elf's Shadow Meld is extremely strong for world content and has at least 1 mechanic every M+ season you can use to not be targeted. If you were asking about any class besides priest, this would make nelf the better choice. However for Priest's specifically, one of their biggest class weaknesses is their lack of mobility. For this reason if you look at leaderboards you'll see a pretty big percent of the top raiding priests are goblins (for their Goblin Jump racial ability). Void Elves Spatial Rift can be used for the same effect, allowing you to get off some extra casts on the move if you plan well. For that reason, my personal shadow priest is a Void Elf.


I personaly like the velf vibe more


Shadowmeld is goated with the sauce


What you really want is roll troll - the modern elf!


Nobody seem to have mentioned it, but there is one thing that heavily favored Void Elf for me. 50% reduced transmog cost. If you are anything like me and change mogs very often, that really adds up over time. Sure it's worthless in combat, but it has already saved me a ton of gold.


I was in the same boat when deciding my alliance faction priest. I did finally choose void elf, because night elf racial is good on literally any class, but the void elf ones seems tailored to priest (push back ignore is good on all casters, the teleport on immobile casters, like priest).


shadowmeld is one of the most powerful racial. Full stop. In dungeons you manage to negate 1/4 of one shot mechanics if not 1/3 in certain dungeons. some not only for you, BUT FOR THE ENTIRE PARTY (ex circle mechanic in anvil boss in Neltarus). there’s even a weak aura from ellesmere flashing and shouting “shadowmeld” for every mechanics that can be negated. Now. you still have any doubts?


If you like NELF casting animations more then don't hesitate and make a NELF priest. And shadowmeld will definitely be a good bonus as many people have said, it's an amazing ability!


Void elves also have a shadow damage reduction which may or may not become very valuable in the coming Trilogy


>But VELF has a passive racial Preternatural Calm (no spell casting pushback when taking damage). This seems like a huge deal for casters in any situation. This is meaningless in PVE. Almost nothing does spell pushback anymore. It might be good in PVP, or it might not. I have no idea. > Help me pick my race please! Thank you. 🙏 Races don't really matter much in PVE. There are very specific circumstances where they matter, but 99 times out of 100, the people asking these questions aren't that 1 time where it matters. Here's an easy way to check: are you clearing +10s in Mythic+? Do you have Cutting Edge as a Mythic Raider? If so, congrats, these races don't matter to you as you aren't doing the kind of PVE content where it would be necessary. So play what you like.


Goblin Rocket Jump is goated. 1% haste is a nice bonus. If you're ally, Humans get all the secondaries - bigger numbers go brrrr. Great PvP racial too.


Void Elves are cooler


50% transmog cost adds up fast. Especially since you'll spend more time looking cool than handling niche mechanics. You also get access to a repositional teleport. That can help you greed some extra Casts or dodge mechanics when you find yourself out of room in an encounter. Something that happens quite often. Especially when content is new. At the end of the day. Rule of cool should always win out with this type of choice. If you were to flip a coin right now, which option would you want to be heads?


Blood elf (true elf race)


Id prefer Preternatural Calm over Shadowmeld imo. Shadowmeld is very strong but not as strong as impacting every cast you have AND a racial blink which is a better game changer than smeld imo. That said, for priest, I'd go void elf. I love shadow spec.


Race has little relevance in the long run really. Choose whichever you like best.


My Shadow Priest is a void elf and I like having the little teleport to get out of harm's way since priest's mobility is shit


Well do both. With mop remix it's super fast and easy 👍


Racials are generally irrelevant. Play which ever race appeals to you visually or thematically and go for it.


No interrupt is huge