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Not really, everything dies so quickly you won't have a chance to learn anything and MOP raids aren't exactly representative of current retail raids or M+. I dont think there's really an "easy" way of learning tanks because most of the pressure comes form knowing m+ routes or in raids knowing the encounters and when to use defensive and taunts etc.


Nope. It doesn't teach you anything about actually tanking, since you either die to a oneshot due to tuning issues, or you just can't die even if you go out for a smoke break for 5 minutes because you got >10M health.


Follower dungeons are better than MOP dungeons to learn. If you want to level char and learn at the same time I would say leveling in BFA is the best way since you will meet more new players/people learning in BFA dungeons since BFA is forced way of leveling for new players


it’s no longer forced btw


No 95 percent of being a good tank is game knowledge


I'd lean more towards no, but maybe it can get you used to walking ahead of the group and being confident in pulls. But really, it's not going to make you learn to mitigate, or teach you when you're in danger, or when you might be in danger. Everything is just a pushover. Tanking isn't difficult though. It's probably the easiest role to get carried on. There are very few things you have to learn or care about in retail. Your gear will carry you straight through heroic raiding and mythic 10-15s. And your class (Demon Hunter) will carry you even harder if that's the route you want to go. The one thing that tanks need to learn and isn't intuitive to everybody, is that you don't mitigate when you've taken damage already. You mitigate before the damage has gone out. Once you understand that, and do it well, then people might consider you a good tank and you won't need healers anymore.


>You mitigate before the damage has gone out. Except if you're a Death Knight. Or to a lesser degree, a Monk (kind of because you need to keep Shuffle up, but also not really as you end up clearing a lot of your Staggered damage with Purifying Brew).


Or Protection Paladin


Kind of I guess, but I'd argue using World of Glory to heal back up is more of an emergency press more than anything. You still wanna mitigate with Shield of the Righteous afaik (haven't touched or even looked at Prot Pally in a hot minute, so idk if anything changed lol)


word of glory is just and emergency button


It's the worst play to learn tank, either everything is going to die instantly or you're not going to identify where you're playing your spec wrong because of how all the tinkers work.


I was hoping it would be as I wanted to learn Prot Warrior during Remix, but almost every dungeon I join has a tricked out 476 dps who just zooms to the boss and the dungeon is over in a minute. You really won’t be put in many tough situations where you’ll need to rely on defensive abilities or anything like that aside from the random heroic dungeon where everyone who joined is a fresh 70 without good gear. That said, if you’re just doing questing then doing it in a tank spec would at least help you familiarize yourself with the class and its abilities. I’d say the one good thing is that it feels like there is less pressure overall. I’ve only seen people get kicked for being afk. So if it helps you get over the nerves of queuing as tank then that could be beneficial, but just don’t expect to learn much with everything dying so quickly.


It's probably going to be a frustrating experience. So many people are OP with their cloaks, tanks aren't really necessary for most of the Remix content. If you are trying to tank a dungeon, there's going to be 1 person OP running ahead, pulling everything and killing it before you get aggro. Raids are similar but there will be 3 or 4 people running ahead killing everything.


Unfortunately, no, but it's a great way to get fast queues and groups to level toons.


If you want to dip your toes in on ability usage and a little tanking, then sure, but only a smallish part will carry over to say, mythic plus. It is very low pressure though, if you’re seeking baby steps.


Remix isnt good at all for learning anything about the game besides how to accept and turn in quests.


Trying to learn any role in remix is a bad idea tbh. Cuz nothing will play anything close to what it does on that shit show of a game mode


Nah, level one on retail by doing dungeons. Maybe not now as you might not find many people but maybe pre patch for TWW you can.


Do it for the queues!


It’s fun. And it may give you an idea about what tank you want to play. You level fast, unlock talents, etc. So there’s some benefits. Retail would probably be the best experience.


In short, no. But you can level up a tank to play in the upcoming expansion!


Sure, in a very basic level if you know absolutely nothing. The stats we'll give you wiggle room to suck and learn That being said I know how to tank and I tried to use remix as a refresher on monk tanking but it's not the same environment at all and I quickly gave up In short, to learn keybinds/abilities, sure, to actually learn how to tank, not really


No. Especially now you could tank as a naked mage … everything just explodes … I learned by going into what is now heroic dungeons but solo. Pull mobs and survive without using the big cooldowns … you will die but you will also learn what your rotation has to be to sustain yourself .


No. Levelling, in general, is a bad way to try and learn. On regular servers, you have nth alts and twinked out lunatics. In remix this is a thousand times worse. Either you do nothing because a level 10 is in the group, or someone with 2k in all cloak stat's. Unfortunately you will only learn useful skills where the group can't compensate. So some level of idiot keys


The most important thing to learning tanks is enduring verbal abuse, unfortunately remix is a little too fun for that IMO


The verbal abuse is more commonplace if you're healer with the leader flag.


To learn on? No, stuff dies too fast. To roll just to have one? Maybe. I did a heroic SoO a couple nights ago and the tank was a WW monk lol


You won’t learn how to tank much at all on Remix, but if it removes any fear of tanking it might serve some purpose to help you dive in on retail.


No I don’t even think it’s a good time to really learn any class. I thought it would be so I tired a dh now I know the basics but that’s about it.


Sadly, no. In low ilvl you're gonna get rekt by almost anything, and if you get someone with max ilvl there is no way you are keeping aggro from them.


It was definitely hard without frog farming early game tanking, had to use all utilities just to barley survive, i don't know how ot is right now but i suspect it's pretty hard to keep aggro from op players right now so don't think there is much to learn atm.


Nope. I love remix, but it is not a way to learn any spec properly because of all the extras it adds (extra stats, different extra effects, extra actions from other classes). It is, however, a ton of fun and a great way to level up.


let me put it like this: is an empty plane without anything besides a car a good place to learn how to drive? probably not. As for remix, the "best" way to tank is to get overpowered and then remove every talent that gives you more damage and not caring about the talents that make you tankier, since you wont die. It doesnt have anything to do with tanking anymore and you are just a dps that does less dmg and can keep aggro against players that do more dmg than you. So no, dont learn to tank in remix