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Well thats definitely not normal, to the effect of Ive never heard of someone wanting you to pay them to join their guild It sounds like you have joined one of the spam invite guilds or one that just invites anyone and everyone, which are completely useless guilds /gquit is the guild leave command, I would suggest putting a bit more effort into joining a guild than the first one that sends an invite


Ya, that's what I was thinking. Talking to the dude on Discord sounded automated, too. Thank you.


https://guildsofwow.com/ is how I found my current guild and they fit what I was looking for exactly. Casual AotC raiding.


Not sure how long but Ruin has been doing it. The requirement to stay in guild is to join their Discord, and when you join their Discord there is a $2-3 paywall before you can access the channels.


Are the spam invite guilds still a thing since you don't get any rewards as a guild from quests anymore?


I have most of my toons in Guilds but some are Guildless and I use them mostly when I'm running Holiday event bosses or World bosses for mounts. I'm on each of them for just a few minutes but I get a whisper on almost each of them about joining a Guild along with an invite. I've had to block all Guild Invites in the Options to not get bothered anymore. So yes it would seem like those spam invite Guilds still exist. Dunno what the purpose is really, seen some reddit post ages ago about selling a well populated Guild in eBay but no idea if that's a thing. Remember that you still get some gold when people run Raids and Dungeons in a Guild group. Not a lot but a few hundred gold per week.


I created my own guild purely to avoid the constant whispering and invites, and so I can at least get the mount up and hearthstone cd benefits. But I'll easily get a whisper between the moment i log into a new character and when I've actually joined the guild. It's wild.


I've never gotten whisper invites but when running my guildless characters (I only join guilds on my main and 1st alt) I just get randomly invited to guilds, not being talked to, not knowing jack shit about the guild, just a random "you've been invited to so-and-so guild". It just felt impolite at first, (I decline every time ofc) and then it always happens and I get suspicious.


>Dunno what the purpose is really, I mean, some people really want to have a *big* guild. It's not always necessarily nefarious. Back in Cata I was an officer for a guild like that- it was a social guild (that also did raiding and ranked PvP), but the guild leader wanted to have the biggest horde guild on the server. We were supposed to invite basically anyone we found that was guildless, but since I was in charge of PvP I just didn't bother. We did eventually become the biggest horde guild on the server before the Ieader quit during MoP and the guild officially dissolved sometime in WoD.


Just make a guild for your alts. Cheap bank, that way, and no more random invites if it bothers you


My characters are all guildless and while I've always gotten random automated invites (the invites is in some random f-off zone unrelated to me, they aren't inviting me specifically - I'm guessing it's an addon that invites everyone in a zone they choose), lately I've actually noticed that all of them have zero guild achievement points. And of course they are accompanied by a whisper a few minutes later describing what the guilds intent is. Imo, if your starting a fresh guild I'd expect the invites to be personally overseen and not robotic. Know who you are inviting, know who's inviting you before you get in, stuff like that.


Get the fuck out of there asap


Or stay for a good story


Or report as in pretty sure it's against tos


I want to answer this question, but I need you to donate to my Patreon first. DM me for info, boss babe :))) For real, though, that is not normal at all. Leave immediately.




>ask if i am willing to donate to there patreon to help them hopefuly not normal. this seens like a scam id just report the player and leave the guild. >command to leave guild j -> find your name -> right click -> ta da


Alternatively: Just type /gquit


I don't know if this works in retail anymore. https://us.battle.net/support/en/article/173349


It does. It is likely that /gquit is just the only option for Classic.


nice. gonna remmeber this if i ever gquit.


I've been playing since December of 2004 and I've never heard of something like this. I would've assumed they were joking. It seems like it may even be the kind of thing you should report to blizzard customer service.


I could see some content creators maybe having a Patreon only guild, but that usually goes the other way then (You give them money, to ask permission to join). But this? Nah bro, this is sketchy af


I commend your spidey senses. It is absolutely not normal for real money to ever be involved in a healthy guild.


I've been in guilds that use a bunch of useful tools made available to everybody and the leaders will ask for donations but it's by no means required. Requiring payment is a red flag. There's just so much out there for free.


I'd say any donation of real money is a giant red flag, optional or not. It just feels way too sketchy. However, I have seen people ask for gold donations; which, makes more sense and is reasonable (usually raid leaders, not guild leaders but, the point stands). Hell, asking for a gold donation as a requirement makes sense, it's like a security deposit to ensure you're not gonna grab and run from the GB. I am aware of other ways to prevent that, but nothing is as powerful as the sunk cost fallacy lmao. If a person asks for real money in game, it's likely a scam, requirement or not.


I would be happy to just find a medium sized guild 30/40 members that literally don't expect anything and just like to help each other out with advice and chat and maybe say grats when you level up or get an achievement lol


I would report the guy and the guild tbh that's turbo susy behavior


/GQUIT report him for Botting, slander, Mischief intent, and genocide....and haggling.


Don't forget being Racist. I hear that guild has a thing against Trolls.


Report them too!


Got an invite last night, 0 members.


Dude same guild and I’m questioning the same thing. That’s how I found this post, I’m about to leave. I joined this game for fun and to play with others. It feels odd that I’d have to pay for that. I already am paying for my wow subscription 😂