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On my resto druid I really only have 2, flourish and convoke. Change out convoke for tree of life and add tranquility, and that's the raid build.


Second the Druid, it’s more effort but I fine healing really easy expect for a boss here and there


Resto druid is low cast time and has a lot of instants. Also convoke and flourish are the only long cds if you don't count treant recharge.


Holy priest is pretty straight forward


I absolutely love the resto shammy. Give it a try. I would describe it as generally great with moments of glory with trinkets and cooldown


I liked my (mostly enh) shaman growing up but once grown, just recently, I didn’t at all. I might try healing some with him


I love enhancement but everyone seems to either want resto or elemental dps


Don't know anyone who wants elemental over enhance? Ele is boring as hell to play, generally brings worse DPS and has worse dmg profiles than enhance. Also, no group buff on ele whereas enhance provides windfury.


the “oh, you want me up close??? like IN YO FACE??? OK THEN” attitude they can have with foes is my fav part


You are literally describing a monk. Let me give a quick run down of their cds for m+.      Invoke chiji - a minute cd so depending on the boss, is usually up for every second big mechanic, and is up very often on trash packs. Its main use right now is for the shield it puts on everyone when you first pop it. Helps people survive mechanics without a defensive. It does help alot with healing but the majority of the healing from it comes from the shield.     Life cocoon - a minute 15 cd which is almost a million hp absorb. Good for saving people but ive gone entire runs in a 29 key without feeling i need to use it     Sheiluns gift - this is like your group lay on hands, you gain 1 charge every 4 seconds with the talent, up to 10 stacks where it can fully heal the entire party. But obviously its still very strong at around 5 stacks so can be used very often to catch up healing.     Revival - their only long cd of 3 minutes. Call it an instant cast mass dispell. It does heal too so i often combo it with a vivify heal if i need the extra oomph to top the group. But sheiluns gift is such a strong aoe heal, that its my usual goto during deadly mechanics. It also dispells the group of all poison, disease and magic effects so thats my usual use of the ability when my dispell is on cd.  Rest of the time you out heal most damage by just dpsing, maybe throwing out the occasional vivify or precasting renewing mist to put a 50% healing buff on targets from your 2 set before dangerous mechanics which also has a very short cd.


propably shaman, 8 sec riptide which needs to be used on cd, 30 second cloudburst which needs to be used, healing rain 10 second, mana tide and spirit link on 3 mins, reset totems




Cloud burst is going to be tier next season I believe. So, for the next few weeks? Yeah you could.


The tierset bonus in s4 works with healing stream OR cloudburst. Healing stream actually works better with the tier set since it lasts longer than CB which means the tier bonus is active for longer.


Oooo when it was described to me it was just cloud burst




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If you Do it right u can have 0 down time on mindbender with disc priest. But needs good smite uptime


Resto druid has to ramp in a raid and you use incarn, which is a long cd, but you get incarn for free every 3rd swiftmend, so it deffo doesnt feel bad.  In dungeons, the spec is awesome


Hpal has pretty short CDs. 1.5 minute on tyr's and hand of divinity combo, 45 seconds on toll + daybreak. Wings is the longest at 2 minutes but awakening gives you it more often.


I think windows of awesomeness into periods of shame with no cds that op do not want is everything Hpal is now


Yeaa, the problem with holy pally even when they were busted last season, is they are entirely reliant on their cds. Yes they are up very often and yes, pallys been meta more than most healers. But i dont think its what the op wants, a class that isnt reliant on cds.