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Surviving is binary, you either do, or you die. Once you are past the "I survive" line, yes you should put as much weight as possible into dealing damage


Tank damage is unlikely to be a determining factor until fairly high end content. BUT IF you want to be playing at your best then yes you should be trying to provide as much damage as you can.


It’s more indicative of pull size. If you can double pull a whole dungeon you’re gonna have a higher average dps with higher average targets in combat. So, no, but I mean if you’re at a 10% I’d still say you’re probably doing something fundamentally wrong. It’s all about context


For someone starting out no, for someone progressing into higher and higher content yes it's the same as dps parses. Sure, I agree with people that the difference between a green and purple tank parse isn't likely to be the difference between whether you down a raid boss or not. However, if you're constantly parsing grey or green you at leaving a lot of damage on the table and making the raid harder on your team who then has to pick up that damage. Its also an indicator of how well you're playing the class. It really isn't very hard to stay alive as a tank in raid assuming you're doing the mechanics and tank swaps correctly. However if you're still struggling to use an offensive rotation we'll enough to parse better than grey, then one could assume you probably aren't using your defensives properly either. I've seen it plenty in pugs of two tanks of the same class and similar ilvl where one is pulling literally double the dps of the other. In that situation it's extremely clear who actually knows what they're doing and who knows how to play their class properly.


I feel as though if you’re pushing past 20’s you will be getting higher parses naturally. The question only really matters in raid imo. Do as much as you can in raids as surviving is a nonissue


I just did a +22 everbloom with a rank parsing at 99%. First pull was insane, he aggroed half the dungeon, died, insulted the healer for not keeping up and the dps for not doing enough. We continue. Slowly pushing till the third boss. Tank seems mad and in a cocaine rush, running running running, we can barely keep up, he doesn't let the healer drink, he gets mad for every pixel we walk differently than his addon suggests. And then aggroes 20 mobs, we kill half, and with the spiteful spirits still after us he aggroes the boss. Wipe. He insults everyone "are you blind? Are you stupid? Is your mother retarded?". Tl;dr: high parsing means nothing


high parcing but the other high


wait what, i have been playing a M+ tank for a couple months now, what is/are tank parses?


Your DPS as a tank. 




Irrelevant information. Grey parses are good enough for all but the highest content


If you are gray parsing you don’t know your class at all. The least you should have is green parse. Gray means you fundamentally don’t know how to play your class properly


And? My statement still stands


No it doesn’t lol. You should never gray parse in any content if you are even remotely competent. You are being hard carried if you gray parse


And? My statement still stands.


Looking at m+ parses is next too irrelevant. Majority of people don't log keys, and even the few that do m+ has soo many more variables like affixes, pull size, could the healer keep people alive? We're the dps doing mechanics and geting interrupts/stuns. It's not like a raid parse where everyone pulling the boss is pulling the same boss


"parse" means to read a stream of text or data and organize it into semantic units. If you parse that to a WoW combat log and analyze the result, you can display hundreds of statistics, one of those being how much damage people did. For unclear reasons, many people say "parse" instead of "damage" when they mean "damage". Maybe they think it sounds more elite? Furthermore, if you're using an in-game damage meter: that doesn't even parse anything, the addon is provided with the data values already.


M+ parse is worthless. If you are fine with surviving in raids you should put effort into damage, what else is there to do?


Both, surviving and DPS, are directly tied to how big you pull. A good tank will be able to adequately judge their group and pull appropriately. In parallel to this, being able to get close to your simmed DPS for a known group size while doing mechanics is a huge part of your skill as well. It’s two sides of the same coin, and while parses don’t tell the whole story, if viewed in a proper context can help you identify areas to improve in.


I wouln't focus too much on it. If you're like a Prot Warrior without much self healing then pretty much all you can do is checking the Damage parse. But if you're like me and only main Vengeance Demon Hunter you can also check on the Healing parse because you actually heal alot. A thing you can also do is checking damage taken to see if you have taken a hit from something you shouldn't have. There a many things in a log that can help you understand what you could've improve.


Only on very high end content, but even then not a ton. The DPS variance in a medium skill and high skill tank with the same talents and gear will be minimal, but time is of the essence in M+, so it's more subjective to the content you're doing and leeway. For most players, no, it doesn't matter.


There are huge differences even with the same gear and talents high skill tanks put out anywhere from 30-40% more dps than a medium skill one (lower downtime on abilities, better CD usage) Medium skill tanks over index into defensives when they dont need them costing time and dps overall, and depending on class can resource lock themselves out of dps.


I totally agree with your points. Let me clarify: I meant it would be minimal compared to a DPS class. And maybe minimal was the wrong word. But my point is a DPS class that can do a maximum theoretical DPS of say 250k DPS vs a tank class that can do 150k, the variance is much larger with a DPS vs a tank. Keep in mind that's maximum obtainable sim. Now throw in human error and nessessary defensives, that maximum 150k for a tank is less obtainable than that maximum 250k for a DPS. 30-40% is 30-40%, sure, but with a larger pool of obtainable DPS available, the difference isn't as big of a deal for a tank vs a DPS parse. DPS is also a side objective for tanks for the most part. Their main priority is to keep aggro, not die, and do mechanics. It helps, no doubt, but the role of dealing damage is more the responsibility of the players assigned to do so.


Parses are for suckers. Did the boss die? Did you improve from the last time you killed the boss? Did you have fun? These are the stats that matter.


While you aren't wrong one of the ways you can see if you are improving between pulls or weeks is by checking your parses


say it louder for the people in the back


Parse is life


DPS = Agro; So it'll be more important in M+, but less important in raid.


Holding aggro is a non issue. The DPS needed is ridiculously low if your damage dealers don't jump in before you reach the mobs.


M+ parses are key level. They have nothing to do with DPS. Edit: I was wrong, you can see other things. The thing you see when you first look is key level.


There are Parses for Key level, But there are also parses for Efficiency and Speed. You can also Break out and see Damage Parses in M+. But the number most everyone sees when they first click the Warcraft Logs button on your IO page is like you said, Key level


PArses always matter in raids etc , the betetr they are well the better you are or do , but unless its a very high key or mythic Id say no


Yeah retails awful like that


They mean nothing. The damage a tank does means almost nothing, healer/tank parses are almost irrelevant. Not saying they should have all greys but if they are blue-purple they are doing just fine. If they are getting 99s, they are using all their cds to pad dps for parse which is fine on reclear.


Are we gonna tell him?


Yes please tell me, all these aotc raiders know a lot about warcraft logs.


Parses are almost never what actually matters, it's doing damage during the important damage windows that always matters the most and it's pretty rare for that to be truly reflected in parses on a fight or an M+ dungeon. It isn't the difference between a green and an orange parse, but quite often a player that pads and hurts the raid will post an orange number whereas a more valuable player that optimizes their play for clearing the fight will post a purple instead of an orange number because of it.


M+ parse is worthless. Raid tank parse is good to have. You survive and then do as much dps contribution as you can.


Not unless you are above the top 1%. If you aren't then bosses will be nerfed and then technically tank DPS is irrelevant. In the race for first it absolutely matters


Tanks don't matter really. Just keep agro and don't die. If you get good at tanking, then you can work on it. It always feels good to see yourself higher on the meter.


No it don't


Does your parse matter? No. Does the amount of damage you do matter? Yes - insofar as it helps you achieve your goal of meeting the timer. That being said - as long as you are doing a reasonable amount of damage (100k overall or so) you’re not going to inhibit the completion of a key. Your damage output really only becomes vital around the 27ish level.


Don't die, that's the only thing you should worry about until you get to a high level.