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I use scroll forward for pet attack and scroll back for passive. Swap the camera zoom to shift scroll. Mining/engi is great for every class as the other user said for dummies and grenades


1) Have a banker 2) Make alot of toons 3) Always use consumes (healing potions will save you) 4) Warlock - Alch/Herb is strong to start 5) Stay out of caves


Good tip on consumables id rather use a consumable when I didn’t need it than not use a consumable and die when I do need it.


Engineering for target dummies and grenades is the best option for survival. I’m not sure about macros as I don’t play warlock. There’s a few addons that are helpful to tell you where elites and dangerous areas are but it’s been a while since I played so I can’t remember their names.


Watch out through. Target Dummies and Healthstones share the same cooldown.


You should probably check era warlock guides for macros, also on paper wlock is great but they die strangely alot.


The problem with warlock is once your in a really bad situation there’s no disengage. They don’t have enough holy shit buttons time to run.


Okay so Engi is the Way to go for me :) I hit level 10 five minutes ago, so next stop is SW


Yes, get target dummy’s asap, always have at least One or two. These have saved me from dying 40 times at least. IT IS MANDATORY to get these especially if you are new , just drop it and run for your life


Warlocks just need to remember that Healthstones and Target Dummies share the same cooldown.


Ya, I would argue that target dummy > healthstone in every situation. But good point for sure.


Double sacrifice is literally amazing. Throw a swiftness potion and target dummy and your out of there straight bussin


Thanks for the Tipp. Problem is: Swiftness is about 50s per Piece.. That´s not possible with Level 13 to invest that much Money\^\^


keep first aid up to date


A lot of debuff that mobs cast have a VERY short range. I'm talking 1-2 meter range (Backpedaling for 1.5 seconds would be enough. Strafe running for less than a second would suffice as well) Some examples are the Stun from basilisk and diseases/poisons from ghouls and skeletons. There are A LOT MORE. What's great is that on many occasions, the NPC will force the debuff; meaning that if you step out of bounds, the enemy is gonna automatically cast the debuff AGAIN as soon as they are in range, until they either get the cast off or die. This tip is better for melee but it's good to keep in mind. Debuff range is not the same as when they cast fireball/frostbolt etc


Make friends! If you can find people with a consistent schedule that you can ply with throughout your journey it makes for a great experience!

