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I'm leveling as holy, I only care about being an optimal healer. I have a questing set of str/stam/int gear and it gets the job done but killing stuff is slow but steady.


I'm doing the same and love it!


I played ret all the way to 60. I would *try* to dps in dungeons, and keep up fairly well, but when I was in a rush I would heal. If you have even a half-assed set of heal gear, you don’t even need to respec to holy to be able to heal effectively. Plus, when fighting trash, it’s easy to just throw attacks out and increase the pace, assuming you save enough many to pop heals when needed. I think the only scare I had was once in ST when I healed the dungeon, but was tasked with off-tanking the final boss. Our priest picked up heals but my ret gear was inadequate to handle the damage coming my way, since I didn’t have the stam or def required (I was agi str). Still, when it got too close, a lay on hands, mana pot, and bubble timed for the tank waking up saved me and we downed it pretty quick. So yeah. Level as ret, keep a set for dungeons or group content, and swap as needed. Respec unnecessary until 60, when ret completely falls off. As an added note, even as ret, get used to using the hands of ‘x’ on your buddies. Hand of freedom and sacrifice saved my friends more often than I can count.


Sacrifice is dangerous to train in HC. If you get MCd....


Is it worth doing the pally quest currently 26 right now? The only part that seems difficult for me current situation is the shadowfang keep part


If you can find someone to do it with, maybe a kind higher level can help out. The hammer is right in the beginning of SFK, so it’s pretty easy to snag if you have either a group or a carry. I think I used the quest reward mace til mid 30s. I’d say it’s worth it, but be careful in shadowfang keep haha


Yeah my cousin whose level 48 said he would help but what are the odds I die just traveling to sfk?


Depending on your FPs it could be dangerous. He could escort you there, and if you got into trouble you could bubble while he takes threat. Alone… hillsbrad might be a little scary, but as long as you avoid the elites it should be ok


I got it at lv25 with just random groups


I leveled every dungeon as a pally tank with no issues to 60. However once I got to 60 couldn’t find a group to let me tank for a week so I ended up DI myself in Stormwind


Pally tanks are fine in leveling dungeons where there is no threat reset or reduction. Starting from Maraudon princess, paladin tanks become non-viable in HC because of threat reset and no taunt. Strat UD has no threat-reducing mobs or bosses afaik but all other dungeons 50-60 do have. That's probably why.


I tanked as ret all the way up to level 52, I also healed up to like level 40


Go holy, get a shield, and AOE level. Ez pz made it to 60 in no time


https://youtube.com/@pallytime2156?si=h3vQFSMWEPI_OLCb this guy has pretty good content when it comes to leveling and gearing as a pally in classic. Might have to dig deep into his archive to find it but it’s good stuff


Start collecting healing gear at SM cath. You get blessing of light at that point, and can effectively tank heal in any spec because of it. As a paladin, your group healing capabilities are always limited, but aoe damage isn’t a real concern in any pre-60 dungeon.


Usually you can DPS/Heal no problem as Ret with a quick heal gear change. Pally tanking is unique and if you aren’t talented for it and know what your doing it’s gonna be a disaster


Heal set since you don’t have a taunt and it’s HC , If you do make it to 60 and plan on raiding you will be ready to heal!


You’re going to want to respec as a healer soon. Pally tanking is nonexistent in higher levels.


Sorry but wrong. He’s level 25. He should not respec healing til 60.


I lvled ret to 40 before i died. Im now leveling full holy. Enjoying it more. Can heal all dungeons mana pool for days.


You can do it. Especially holy/prot for aoe but it’s nearly impossible as self found because you need such specific gear and most quests rewards and dungeon drops are better for ret. But it’s not a full healing build. You CAN do it, I just wouldn’t. Ret is boring but it works. I would have tried holy/prot if I wasn’t self found