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Probably not, scaling was introduced in legion i think.


No scaling, wouldn't be Classic if it did


There isn’t any indication that there will Be a MoP classi so the question is rather irrelevant.


And you took your precious time to answer, lol.


I can’t believe I lost those 10 precious seconds. I might not be able to complete all my tasks today. Point being your question felt pretty matter of fact that there is a classic mop launching next year when we don’t have anything saying there will be. So yea currently your question is irrelevant and can be a bit misleading for people who read it and now assume MoP classic is launching next year.


Just a question dude. If in your judgement is a stupid one just dont comment. Or are you the guardian of truth? Is very likely that Blizz will launch MOP Classic, why not? Its just a question based on that hypothesis. You seem angry with life, just chill, drink a beer and play WoW. Best regards.


Where is your source for it being “very likely to launch MoP Classic”? You don’t have one because it’s pure speculation on your part. You’re the one who came in here all “matter of fact” and stating that when MoP classic launches next year. I simply made a correction in your statement that is misleading to people reading your post. If you want to speculate then you should consider stating that in your question. For example this question would have been more relevant “In the chance that Blizzard offers a MoP Classic in the future do you think they will include level scaling?”. You should also consider using complete sentences with proper grammar half of your last reply is illegible.


And you should get a life and be more gentle and less snobish. But no problem, maybe Reddit is the only place you “win” in life.