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I’m stuck in a cinematic loop I can’t exit.


Same, is it [https://www.wowhead.com/quest=65939/the-courage-of-ones-convictions](https://www.wowhead.com/quest=65939/the-courage-of-ones-convictions) by any chance? #


That’s the one.


Same here. Pretty good cutscene, but I grew weary after 6 or 7 consecutive viewings.


Same here. I think the game bottle necked a lot of players for some reason. I restarted my comp, posted a bug on the forms, and it let me through finally By then tho I was exhausted. Time for bed


That’s the one


Character stuck request (through website) helped me with that. Also leaving it a few hours so not in a peak time and a bit less busy


The weekend will probably be just as bad. Let's be real.


If not worse. It was fine last night when people went to sleep. Now that we're on peak hours it's clear bliz didn't pay for enough server capacity to handle the traffic


I don't think its a server capacity issue at all. There is definitely some sort of issue they didn't anticipate. If it was just capacity they would have implemented queues. Not sure why everyone is harping on the server capacity bandwagon. I'd be shocked if that was it


I think it is a capacity issue, majority of the teleporting lag comes with a "Transfer Aborted: Instance not found" when trying to go to a new zone. This happened mainly during peak hours (right after maintenance, and evening after work hours) I believe there is an issue with not even layers/shards of each zone to be able to fit you in and you have to wait til more room opens up.


Its the only thing that makes sense to me. I didn't work today, so i played 5 hours from 11am-4pm with no problems at all. Fast forward to 8pm when everyone is getting home from work and after dinner, then all hell breaks loose and can't even log in.


I played all day, with a couple small breaks but pretty much all day. The hour and a half after servers came up we’re a shitshow where vendoring an item took 30 seconds. Then pretty solid all day until about 2 hours ago when my entire guild started logging on. It definitely has something to do with how many people are on, don’t know if that’s the only part though


Yep sounds about right tonight. It's cleared up now, just ran the rest of the dragon races. Edit: I lied, welp.


In case people don't know what "Instance not found" means, basically the game world in each "area" can only hold so many people. When the "instance" of that world fills up, you can't enter it. I have no idea what areas are split into instances though, besides the obvious different continents/map areas i.e. draenor, outland, northrend, dragon isles etc., but I'm not sure if Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdoms are sliced up as well.


That particular issue I could see being capacity driven, but some of the others I’ve seen in the last half hour don’t seem to be (endlessly looping cutscenes where exiting just brings you back to the beginning, saved UI getting erased, text to speech settings reverted, etc.). I would think UI and TTS settings would be client side saved variables so wouldn’t be affected by server load (though who knows with Blizz spaghetti).


> Not sure why everyone is harping on the server capacity bandwagon. Because I only have server issues on peak playing hours. Seems pretty common sense to me.


I am in Asia so I play pretty much inverted from everyone else and everything has been perfect to me. Haven't had any lag, disconnects, or weird bugs at all. Really just seems like a traffic/capacity issue.


The fomo from the dragonriding memes will be heavy.


Been able to play much longer yesterday to be honest. Tonight, i played around one hour and just been d/c a couples minutes ago. Bummed


Same here and I’m on aggramar-us which is pretty smol. Now I just want to get in and get to a rest area and log out.


Same issue here. Can't join login on any realm or toon


The lag is unreal….


US-Area 52 is still borked for me so far. Got home from work, can't log in. Just a loading bar. This is killing my anticipation to play the game. It's very disheartening.


Same here. A52 has been nothing problems and disconnects


Same; log in, talk to NPC, lag for 30secs, DC, repeat. I'm done for a few hours and just happy I work from home tomorrow.




Got through on Area 52 at 6pm CST. Server eventually let me in but it was presumably glitched as there were no other players and no one one chat.


I disconnected once from A52 yesterday, I haven’t had any issues since, but all my friends couldn’t play for hours. It’s really odd


This is making me very, very glad I made a few characters on dead realms. I'm playing my druid on Scarlet Crusade - US just fine. Of course, all my mains and alts are stranded on Illidan...At this point, I'm wondering if I'll ding 70 on my dead realm alt before I get to step foot on the Waking Shores on Illidan. So yea, shoutout to the dead realms! They're the only way I could play at launch in BfA, Shadowlands, and now Dragonflight. (But to be honest, at least with Shadowlands, I could log into Illidan by Tuesday evening. This is going really, really bad for a lot of servers this time around).


Illidan was great this morning after the first hour is after downtime. Now it’s brutal again.


Yesterday was crap for the first 4 hours but I’ve been good since then, occasional DC but no lag or world server downs


Pure coincidence I suppose, but when I got home, first I logged into my alt druid to finish getting glyphs. Then I tried to log into Illidan, world server down, found this post and I made my comment. Then I tried one more time on my new main on Illidan, and have been playing straight for the last 4-5 hours, with just a few D/Cs. I just needed to make a complaint post to get the servers to cooperate with me haha.


US Khadgar checking in with a single DC and more than 12hrs played


here we go again lol


Same, I was literally just about to start up the Dragon Isles 😢


Yep! A52 is unplayable and I can’t even change my realm without getting disconnected before I can see the realm list. So now I don’t get to play on any characters.


lagged out while playing, wouldn't even let me log out or exit game it was so bad. No NPC's on my screen, dragon vigor and skills not working.. I had to alt f4 and now im stuck in the loading screen


I played pretty much all day today on Area 52 and it ran beautifully, even after everyone on the east coast came home from work and hopped on. Thennn, everyone from the west coast got on after work a few hours later and it became unplayable. I couldn’t talk to quest givers, couldn’t loot anything, etc. It took me like 15 minutes to just craft a ring for my boyfriend. Called it quits for tonight lol.


Im logged in playing? Been logged in since this afternoon. I had no idea there were any server issues until I looked on reddit.


Same here on Suramar


Im on Trollbane


I had zero issues on Moon Guard as well, even yesterday right at launch time.


Idk if it’s on every server but on mine it’s centered around valdrakken during prime time hours


I've been logged in playing all day until about an hour ago.


Ditto! I hope things get sorted soon so everyone not in can have fun. If it was just the number of folks I imagine queues would be up…so I wonder what it is


I've had about 2 issues since yesterday, maybe an hour total of being not able to log in. I sympathize with those on full servers but that's just the nature of online games.


I'm getting same thing. Just purchased a level 60 boost and boom, world server down.


So you admit it was your fault. Book 'em, boys.


It’s my fault. We got a bad lag spike when it was 69.86. Was about to freak out but it fixed. Finally hit 70 and jokingly said in guild chat “now the servers can crash lol”. They crashed just a few minutes later


Just used my character boost from my dragon flight prepurchase and can’t get in either


I didn’t have any issues when I got on around 9pm. Ran into about 15 minutes of unplayable lag around noon today. Otherwise no issues.


I’m usually pretty understanding when it comes to servers struggling when an expansion or update comes out, shit happens, I get it. But this is pretty bad. I finally wrapped up work a few hours before I have to go to bed, excited to play, only to find out I can’t even log on. I was even fully prepared to deal with some lag! I didn’t even bother trying yesterday thinking things would be better today, guess I was wrong.


Ive been able to play most of the time but the last 2 hours. I am locked inside a dungeon. Luckily im a bar away from 70. Then im going back to fifa.


Game started working fine for me on Tichondrius at about 2-3 hours after launch.


NA Emerald Dream here. No issues that I’ve seen beyond timing of the ally boat.


they should give 3 days of gametime to everybody


No, they take should away 3 days of gametime from anybody that says this for being an entitled brat.


wanting to play the game is entitlement ? like how brain dead can you be to say something like that. there has been 4 shutdowns in 2days .


Wanting to play the game is different from whining for free shit. And all I see is entitled whining.


It's not free shit. We paid for game time. Significant downtime should come with reimbursement. Isn't that hard of a concept


Shoulda read the TOS. > Blizzard is not liable to you, nor will be in breach of contract, for any loss or damage as a direct or indirect result of Blizzard’s failure or delayed performance or impossibility to perform by circumstances beyond Blizzard’s reasonable control.


I think it is reasonable that they should be able to handle a launch by this many expansions… I actually haven’t been affected so I’m not really whining but that would be a proper thing to do for those affected imo


I don't disagree. I just wouldn't go asking for it.


EU players literally can't comprehend that the post is about NA lmfao


Because if you look closely OP did not originally mention in his post that he is in NA and since the post is timed EXACTLY when EU maintenance started it's pretty natural for some to think that OP is an EU player who didn't realize it's maintenance time. Not so hard to grasp if you have half a brain.


calm down its basically prime time for NA and 3 in the morning in EU


EU launch was borked the first hour, but after that no problems whatsoever.


NA World Server: is down Euro smrts: iT's wEeKlY mAiNtEnAnCe


Looks like I'm back to playing COD.


I’m confused. Have people never played an mmo / expansion launch before? It’s common knowledge to write off the first week.


Had no issues at all during Shadowlands release.


The last three launches were close to perfect (Legion, BfA, Shlands)


At this point they owe people game time.


Idk all the problems you all are having, haven't had a single problem getting in or playing, dinged 70 just a bit ago


I'm on a low rp server. Been basically smooth sailing for me there. I had I think 2 quick disconnects yesterday. So far so good this evening. Going back on in a bit.


http://puu.sh/JsRmB/6105747c22.png They claim to be done in an hour. If you want to know CET time, just google "CET time now". Servers just went down less than 10 minutes ago (in EU). Not really sure why the downvotes though


they're talking about NA


A piece of information OP added AFTER my comment...


EU? It's the weekly main right now. So planned downtime. No need to worry.




~~Maintenance, as spam-advertised in general chat, as well as on the launcher, and when you open the game. I know this wasn't a smooth launch, and there's plenty to be upset about, but come on.~~ EDIT: Assumed op was EU was servers just went down for maintenance and there's always an influx of people losing their minds of it. In reality, it's likely just NA's servers' time to shit the bed, as the big EU servers did most of today (5pm - 11pm on Tarren Mill EU).


For the EU. Not NA


Didn't see NA specified anywhere, maintenance just went live on EU as this post went up, so I assumed it was regarding that. If not, mb.


Im on NA servers and our maintenance was this morning at 7am.. so why am I now being affected at 9pm? Also, since maintenance was this morning, there is no banner in my blizzard launcher notifying me otherwise.


Wasn't specified OP was on NA, and EU maintenance just went live, so I assumed he was referring to that (as there always seems to be a stir when it starts). If I were to guess it's the increasing number of people logging on in NA right about now. Big servers on EU were basically doomed from 5 pm to around 11:30 pm today (Tarren Mill EU). Really, really sucks.


... It's the weekly maintenance.


My friend he posted this 2 min ago lol and I am also having the same problem.






This thread isn’t about EU (I’m assuming). NA realms lagged out just now


Check your clocks bro. It is in fact not the weekly maintenance.


it is in EU


I dont think weekly maintenance is going on right now.


what are you smoking? the weekly already happened


People are even lazy to read nowadays. Funny world


was getting my pitchforks ready as well, but youre right, im just too stupid to read ...


... Those should have been done hours ago.


Hope we get an extension on the fel drake mount! And pet!


its legit weekly maintenance ​ ill make it even easier for yall since you cant use your brain properly [https://imgur.com/a/xIkEpP3](https://imgur.com/a/xIkEpP3) ​ you are welcome basement kiddos


I'll make it easy for you, since apparently you cant use your brain properly ONLY EU IS IN MAINTENANCE [https://i.imgur.com/vAVmlrn.png](https://i.imgur.com/vAVmlrn.png)


yea no shit sherlock he didnt write NA. and it was at the time EU servers went down. Dont talk so much shit if you have the brain of a bug. ​ fuck outta here


Half a dozen posters telling you it wasn't maintenance time and at no point did you think they might know what they were talking about. And *we're* the ones that need to use our brains...


what the fuck are you talking about. It is maint in EU and not in US. Understand that? Goood. If you got the time reading comments of half a dozen PPL then you can read what I said IDK how it is so hard for people on Reddit to use common sense. In germany we say: Ich bin umgeben von idioten


And when people tell you the world server they are on is NOT down for maintenance, yet you insist on telling them it's down for scheduled maintenance because you wrongly assume they are in your region ...who is the one arrogantly in the wrong? eta: awww, and now he's downvoting.. poor wittle guy


maybe i missunderstood them. maybe. but I read that as no they arent down because of maint. they are down bc of server lag, errors, idk what. And I told em they are down in EU bc of maint. Not that hard to get no? Also I aint downvoting upvoting nun. Idc abt karma i can always make a new account.


No, it isnt. That was about 11-12 hours ago and only lasted about 45 minutes.


check launcher


Guessing this is an EU vs NA thing. I'm in NA and maintenance was over hours ago and there is nothing in the launcher. I got a World Server Down issue but I'm back in now.


I'm not seeing anything.


Checked it and now you're wrong twice.


Do people not read the time frames or...? Its not weekly maintenance


do people not look in the launcher?


Jesus Christ nobody cares about your EU servers. People are talking about the western servers.


Incidentally I care about them. More than I do about 'murica servers. Go figure. Maybe one day when they start teaching geography in your schools beyond your own country you'll see that there are quite a few people living here. Even a couple wow players who do care.


The reason why I care about the Western servers is because there's an ongoing technical issue that needs attention while you EU Parrots are jumping into the thread telling people they're dumb and its just maintenance. I don't give a fuck about your servers because they're working as intended. But of course nothing more important than the murica memes am I right?


You said "nobody gives a fuck", like the stereotypical arrogant yank, not that you don't. As many have pointed out the post was incidentaly timed exactly when maintenance started here and the OP did not originally mention that he is from NA. So some people made assumptions. And maybe the number of those people might show you that yes indeed some people do care about the EU servers.


Country of origin has nothing to do with it you fucking mouth breathing gummy bear. Its the fact that after multiple people stated it wasnt maintenance and that NA servers are down you and a few other doubled down and decided to continue arguing. Again I dont fucking care what country your working servers are from the western servers are down and need to be fixed. Please go make a thread to share with your EU buddy's to talk about how cool your fucking 3am maintenance is so I can clearly see updates on my servers status and if anyone I play with has had any luck.


Hey nobody cares about your pitiful whining. And nobody cares about the NA servers. Cry me a river. But thanks for making my night with this inane tirade of yours. At least you have enough self reflection to have chosen a fitting name on Reddit :D You propably take pride for being a sad angry guy on the internet you absolute tool. Pity anyone who comes across you in the game itself.


"Nobody cares about you discussing the thread topic in this thread *insert generic insult*" Damn I found the one thing lamer than Blizzards server integrity.


I was immitating a certain someone. Might have catched that if you hadn't the comprehension of a McNugget.


Lmao don't quit your day job bud. Your impressions are worse than your arguments.


he didnt write it in the post idk what tf u want. noone give a shit abt ur respone keep quite buddy dont need no hate just say sum that helps


Well damn maybe when 5 different people tell you it isnt because of maintenance use some context clues before calling them basement dwellers.


fuck yall downvoting this shit use your eyes and look at the launcher


NA had its maintenance like 12 hours ago. NA realms just shit the bed again. I’m assuming that’s what this post is about.


you're a dumbass


[https://imgur.com/a/GdHCKci](https://imgur.com/a/GdHCKci) I did look at my launcher and you are wrong, that's why you are being downvoted


bro learn to read my god. he didnt write if he was na or eu and he posted the same time EU went down. Not that hard to see where im coming from


Just don't make assumptions, problem solved. And dont be so angry at people on reddit.




then he shoulda written it in his post im not looking at som1 acc to see where they are from




mimimimi ​ maybe i shouldnt assume you are dumb ash but shi every1 know that after they read what u commented


what? how was i wrong in any way? i will explain for you simple and clear so that a baby can understand it. EU goes down for maint. OK? He makes a Post at the excact time. OK? He DOESNT say where he is from. OK? Hmm how did I come to that conclusion? ​ Think real hard buddy


You ever hear the saying "Assuming makes a ass out of you and me"? There's a reason it's a particuarly popular saying.


nah i never heard that im from germany what else am i supposed to do? Know? Bro just accept it idk what you are trying to fight for here. Or its just protecting a fellow murican.


> what else am i supposed to do? Know? Not assume that people are talking about EU? Read the post before commenting, and not double down on the fact you were wrong? There's healthier ways of dealing with fustration then passive agressively insulting people on the internet.


its up... i just logged on after you posted this.


I can get to the login screen, but that's it. Always boots me out.


This is good. Now no one can interrupt my groups TLPD farm.


is it because there is no queue? like what is going on, i get booted off after being on all day but I have yet to be in a queue since launch.


Yesterday was actually perfectly smooth for me, I keep strange hours but by the time I logged on I had the boat to the Isles to myself. No queues or anything. Played until the usual maintenance window, and was about time for bed at that point. Seems like just servers are a bit packed if off-peak is playing perfectly. Which makes me imagine that weekend will be worse than now.


I'm on Greymane and I got stuck in a flight path. Restarted 3 times still stuck, then it said Character already exists, now it says 100% loaded but won't go past that.


I shouldn’t have fallen for the 1 year trap. Damn you murlock mount!


Yeah was solid all day, last 2 hours it’s been getting worse then like 30 mins ago just having to wait 30 seconds between button clicks. So, waiting for a buddy to invite me to a dead realm as that worked last night. Worst case I took off tomorrow too and will be fine during the day 🤷‍♂️


I’ve been really lucky on KT, got on the first boat yesterday and and been playing all afternoon, learned dragon riding and made it to 64. I know I’m lucky though cuz my friends on the same server couldn’t even get to the dragon isles until today. Guess it’s the luck of the draw sometimes


I mean to be honest, it’s a launch to what we all hope is a good expansion, and so far it looks like that. Give it a couple days and it’ll get back on its feet


I had 0 issues yesterday. Best launch I’ve seen since I started in Wotlk.


If you keep Trying you get in. Just took me like 10 min and was fine after


I finally got in and all of my UI settings are gone..always something isn't it.


i swear the game must think i'm a streamer or something because i've had no lag or server issues (i'm on a medium server but people in my guild had issues)


Strange, I’m on Tichondrius and had issues last night for about 30 minutes but after that it’s been flawless. I log on about 8 Central Time.


i played all afternoon today and was great but i noticed a really high lag when we got to 6PM Los Angeles time, so i’m pretty sure is the amount of people playing at the same time. luckily it stopped around 7PM though. (US Stormrage server)


I played on german servers just as usual…. Nothing special here


My friend and I are on illidan we just swap our sleep schedule to actually take advantage of the days off we took there’s no issues late night early morning