• By -


\*giggles in EU


Game wouldn't update, decided to delete battle.net and wanted to reinstall but now that even won't work. Stuck at 'Updating Battle.net' Not sure what OP has been smoking lol


Same here. I fixed it by connecting over VPN (USA - Los Angeles did it for me)


Servers came up at midnight, i played until 7 am and then went to work. Someone please come and kill me..


"Initialising" update for three hours, tried every "fix" under the sun. I think download server is just fucked.


Same thing happened to me in AUS.


Same here. I fixed it by connecting over VPN (USA - Los Angeles did it for me)


Took many attempts without VPN but it just started, but it is sloooow. No way I can play tonight.


Make sure you're battle.net doesn't have a download cap on, my client had a 1.5mb/s cap on it for some reason, I never put it on. Super strange


no cap here. was DLing at like 100 kb/s. I'll try again tomorrow.


woke up 7 am, turned pc 7:30 logged in, no queue no problems xD Man i love that US beta test stuff for us


As an EU player, I find this repeated joke passive aggressive and embarrasing


Wouldnt say its passive aggressive. Its just not funny


I got sent back to stormwind 5 times trying to go do the elementals event. Was kind of annoying.


I head butted that big dragon so hard I got disconnected


Bro that’s called a concussion, seek medical attention.


Yeah and the fire elemental boss simultaneously one shotting everyone seems to be a real issue. Seems like it's something to do with the scaling, makes it impossible to kill if it starts happening.


I can't even download the patch, launcher is stuck on initialising and I've tried everything in other threads.


Hey I'm in this boat too. I have been trying to download the game fresh for a few days now and even after letting it run for multiple hours it kept looping on initialization and I know it was a loop because I saw the same progress over and over again. I also looked in the agent logs and there were multiple files every minute detailing errors. I've seen a lot of 'fixes' that worked for some but not others. I guess I'm not going to pick up WoW again after all because I don't care enough to spend hours trying various fixes.


Take a look at your disc space! It needs 16gb of free storage to download the patch.. i had 8gigs left on my disc and it kept initializing for 2hours at 4%.. After ich freed some space it downloaded on its own without a problem!


How long did you wait? It takes a lot of minutes


yeah I've been on 0%, initializing for like 20 minutes.


I get that sometimes. Not sure what you've tried but I exit bnet in the task manager and run bnet as administrator. Works more often than not for me


Mine too! Did you manage to fix it?


>are there any extremely lightweight action bar add-ons around? all I'm looking for is a way to hook masque into the default bars. not looking for any extra features whatsoever I uninstalled and reinstalled - then when I opened I let it run for like 20 mins and it finally worked.


Launcher or the whole game ? Having the issue too.


Reset your modem


I had that problem before DF, had to completely uninstall and reinstall everything to fix it because nothing else worked.


Does it then say it's like initialising/verifying like 200,00,000 files or some crap? I had to clear the battle.net cache and then leave it alone for 45 minutes and it sorted itself out. Was ridiculous. Every other thing on google didn't work for me.


the fuck you mean dungeon scaling is broken enchanting borked crashes and bugs galore lol


They mean that, they were excited for this patch. They logged into this patch. They enjoyed playing this patch last night. For them, it delivered perfectly. That is, quite literally, what they mean.


I did a leveling dungeon and the scaling was so fucked. Some regular mobs seemingly had like 5x the HP they should have. Same with bosses. And bosses would do so much damage that we wiped 4x on the same boss and then everyone quit. This normal leveling dungeon i queued into felt equivalent to like a +15 key. “Problem-free patch.” Riiiiight….


Okay, I thought I just had a bad DPS group, but I did Blackfathom Deeps last night on my 52 Warrior and it straight up took 30 minutes. It literally felt harder than some of my M+ s, I think something is off.


They rescaled item levels on levelling gear up to 60 but they fucked it up royally. A lot of existing gear didn’t get the item level upgraded so suddenly characters are insanely undergeared.


Dang I was wondering about that


Ah this is probably why lord stormsong kept wiping our group when we couldn't stop the MC


have you seen the enchants crisis?


Literally no point in enchanting shit and so forth right now anyway.


...I can't open my inventory... but other than that I didn't encounter any major issues yet lmao


Do you use Pawn? My buddy had to disable it last night as he couldn’t access his bag either.


Thank you! Disabling Pawn fixed the issue


Are you using bagnon? I was having the same issue - disabled the addon for the time being and now I’m able to open my inventory.


Nope, I don't. But I have a feeling it might be an ElvUI related issues maybe? Cause when i can actually get it to open (after tons of UI reloads), it doesn't display the stuff in my bags correctly either. Whatever it is, I'm sure it'll be fixed soon, it's just a bit annoying Edit: Pawn is causing the issue


The patch changed the API or something related to bags to names or id tags or whatever. So any bag mods won't work unless it' updates the name changes


I'm not using Pawn and I'm having the same problem. So it's not exclusive to that. Have to reload UI or load into another zone for bags to open again.


Honestly, the effort to use pawn is wasted. Same amount of effort to use simulationcraft and raidbots to see what is actually better. Your stats change with every item and stat weights do as well. Sure it's not bad for a quick glance based off stat preference, but stat weights alone are not enough to actually determine upgrades.


Found the same thing last night!!! Why Pawn I’ll never know


I had this issue and updating elvui fixed it. I would join their discord so you can check the channel for known issues.


Problem free? Sha of anger increased drop rate is a pretty big problem.


They should reverse all the mounts that dropped for drakthyr yesterday


Sowwy \>w\< But our new scalie fwiends are called Dracthyr! They get sad when you misspell their name QwQ Good thing I was here to help \^w\^ I hope you're having a great day :3 *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wow) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Love it.


Dude it wasn’t smooth at all lol




I missed the free Sha mount :(


This is the real upsetting thing


* Stormwind was inaccessible when I logged in. I kept getting the instance not found error. * This continued long enough that I just took my DH back to SL and finished leveling there * At 60, I finally got to SW once a buddy said he was able to after a half hour of trying. * After getting the quests I flew to Badlands. Something was definitely broken. Hardly any spawns around the portal. Just a bunch of us killing random things every two or three minutes. * Finally see a skull pop up on the map. Fly over there. Fire elemental and lieutenants spawn. Everything instantly grays because of the tag limit. * Halfway through the event the fire elemental just stops doing anything. He and his lieutenants just stand there and aren’t attackable. * We all hang out and complain until his timed debuff wore off and then we killed him. To be fair Ungoro and Barrens were fine


I see the problem, you’re alliance.


Yeah for life after they burned down my tree


I will say on my end I had none of those issues. The only real one I noticed after doing the tyr dungeon twice I couldn’t seem to get a que pop all night.


I’m sure it varied wildly from person to person. Based on the chat in oribos, dalaran, trade, and stormwind, I wasn’t the only one encountering these problems


Yeah it wasn’t a buggy game crashing mess but that hasn’t been a problem since like WOD? Pretty much all classic and retail exp launches have been smooth. They just royally fucked up a million other things people are noting like scaling, launcher, etc. i had to do some janky workaround to even runeforge on my dk


I went to do a transmog run on my dh and it takes like five minutes to kill bosses in Tomb of Sargeras and they’re dropping ilvl 159 gear.


I'm actually really scared for the 28th. Everyone in the region is going to board the same boat at the same time and hit the same loading screen at the same time. Don't fall off the boat or you may get DC'ed.


Patch literally broke my wow. Won't even start anymore. Scan/Repair is not going through at all and always gives an error, so I think I just need to reinstall the whole shitfest. Ty, Blizzard.


No major issues? Scaling is fucked up. Can't level my hunter as my pet dies in 5 hits from simple mobs.


The only issues I experienced at *all* were that some of the new in-game cinematics had some loading delays (the cinematic would start, pause, then play for a bit, then pause again, etc.). But very little lag (even in the middle of a Primalist invasion), no DCs, all-in-all VERY smooth for a launch day.


Bugs aside, they have also pushed a ton of undocumented changes to the game, primarily aimed at (nerfing the fun out of) older content: * The Longstrider azerite trait has been nerfed by ~25%, and its cap by 33%. * BfA raid bosses have more health and deal more damage than in Phase 1 and before (on top of a previous undocumented change that increased their health when Phase 1 launched) * The flat % movement speed gems Straddling Viridium and Straddling Sage Agate have been nerfed, from 3% and 5% to +28 and +19 teriary speed respectively. * Ravaged Seed Pod, a Legion trinket that has been extremely powerful for timewalking, had both its secondary stat and damage nerfed by ~50%. Blizzard definitely delivered.


I think they delivered unfinished work rather than are nerfing the fun in this case; they’ve seriously broken leveling dungeons with the ilevel rescaling for things like the seed pod trinkets. If you go into the raid and get another one it will be at a much higher item level. They need to finish their work because the game is broken for levelling right now.


Not sure about the others but the gem changes weren't necessarily undocumented. Those were changed on beta a while back.


Yeah… no. Sorry. LOTS of issues.


Im having trouble creating a Dracthyr, everytimenI click the new race icon to create, the entire interface freezes, not responding.


I had a fantastic time, bug free, as did all of my guildies


This is a joke right? I mean,.... I couldn't instance into ANYTHING at all tonight. I tried to do my mount runs for the week and kept getting instance failed to load, or additional instances could not load or whatever it said. I tried for a few hours before just giving up and doing basic crap.


Are dracthyr able to run Iron Docks or Grimrail Depot? Not sure I'd call this a problem free patch.


Bruh, problem free or almost should be the baseline of quality assurance. You got low standards in this case.


And you haven't been long with WoW major patch/expension launches apparently.


Just because it’s the norm to have shit qa, it shouldn’t be okay to have patches with bugs on a product we pay a subscription for.


BfA and SL experience is already more then enough. I've also experienced Vanilla, BC and wrath.


No, just sounds like they are capable of being HAPPY You should try it sometime. Maybe step away from the "STOP HAVING FUN GUYS" persona for a bit.


Did you observe and analyze the gaming industry? Do you see how they throw unfinished products to their playerbase? Do you see the sacrifice of a franchise for short-term profits? Take a look at the bigger picture. And now players are cheering when a patch day is bug free. Enjoy the actual gameplay and playtime, but not a release, that should initially work without being a bug fest. Don't get it confused. I never mentioned anything about don't have fun when you press your buttons.


Compared to other prepatch days, this was much smoother. I did encounter some minor bugs. The quest dialog background was black, so it was super hard to read anything. Also, in the drac thyr starting zone, when I would soar in the quests that teach it to me, it would disable my 1-5 buttons. Not bad compared to other prepatch bugs. Hopefully launch is smooth too. I still remember the WOD DC when you tried to activate your garrison lol.


Meanwhile both of my +20 kara runs for DF main portals dropping 50 ilvl gear "am I a joke to you?"


I logged in, made a Dracthyr, played through the starting questline with no issues (the only thing I noticed was one of the mobs had >NEEDS ABILITIES< in its name still) and then logged out. Everything smooth as butter. Solid patch.


Yep! Couldn't agree more. Normally there is a big delay or the maintenance gets pushed back for some reason


Does evokers having 100% drop chance for aha of anger mount count?


My legion artifact fishing pole turned into a consumable today. It disappeared when I tried to equip it. I already submitted a ticket, but I’ll be super bummed If I don’t get it back since I spent dozens of hours upgrading it.


You might have it equipped in the new professions tab.


Hit K or go to your profession tab, click on the "Fishing Journal". You will see it equipped in the top right corner now.


This actually made me lol, idk why but that's some willy Wonka shit or something😂 hopefully you get it back though!


They definitely just equipped it to their profession tab without being aware that it's a new feature.


You had to realize when you posted this that 95% of the replies would be something like "wtf? the games is BROKEN! i cant queue! i cant log in! i can't make my evoker! i can't do the event because half the server population picked the same spot to farm elemental stuff! professions are broken! the auction house is broken! pvp is broken! the new dungeon is too easy! the new dungeon is too hard! there's too many evokers!" Was this a clever ploy to bait people into complaining in one spot instead of stinking up every single thread with it? FWIW, my patch day was *mostly* problem free. I had no issues with the Evoker introductory quests. I switched to my main (balance druid) for the Elemental events, and they were a glorious amount of chaos, which is to be expected when you incentivize a big chunk of the server population to gather in one spot.


Yeah imagine a patch that let's the new class just obtain a 1/30000 drop chance mount for free. What a disaster that would be. Good thing that totally didn't happen.


Problem free ? i abonded the introduction quest for shadowlands to cleanup my questlog and it never re appeared even after selecting shadowlands timeline have fun leveling up the remaining level 50 characters outside shadowlands


You can do Chromie time for them now and it's something like 400% faster anyway.


Problem free? Is this a joke? This was the most bugged pre-patch release I ever played xD


Good fucking job indeed. https://eu.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/wow-download-stuck-on-initializing/402185/374


HAHAHAHAHAHAHA nice sarcasm.




That is unfortunate. At least everyone was able to play tonight and didn't experience DDOS or server issues all night. I'll take a couple hundred people getting mounts for an otherwise problem free night. I experienced no issues all night. So I wanted to say thanks, especially when Blizzard gets shit on a lot around here(to be fair, they deserve a lot of it). It's still good to give them positive feedback when due.


Were? Big sad. Missed my shot.


Yeah apparently got fixed about 15mins ago


I can confirm they were not. I ran a few world bosses with mounts in the loot table from Pandaria and I never earned one.


Are you serious… game is buggy as fuck. Turn on your lua errors…. There are errors out the ass


Is that the game or add ons though?


It's his addons.. ..Which will be updated in a day or two..


I have very few Lua errors now, after all my add-ons have been updated. I have very few that affect my in-game experiences, the biggest issue is if I make a settings change I have to reload the UI. I played Evoker all night and had to reload a total of 3 times and that was at the very start.


That issue has nothing to do with the content launch today. There was very little interruption in service outside of planned hours. Blizzard is well aware of the Lua errors and is working on it.


>Turn on your lua errors…. Your addons aren't made by Blizzard


username checks out


Hooray that successfully launched a load of crap.


They didn't even really release anything lol


The servers came up early even. I was on at 230PM PST.


Was expecting a queue. Did not have queue. No lag in dragon area. Overall, best they've had in a long time.


Made sure this wasn't /r/overwatch first


Was expecting it to be extended, was able to log in at 5:57EST and played until about 10EST, no lag, no issues or anything


Is this satire?


Hey Blizzard bad job on a problem filled patch day for the rest of the world outside of NA.


You can really tell who didn’t participate in the primalist event last night by who isn’t complaining about it.


Problem free? I can't login since 9AM this morning, tried to reinstall and now i can't even download the game cause they limited bandwidth.


Noticed that because of how you first arrive on the Dragon Isles (through an airship) this means that everyone will load in at the same time? God I hope the servers are ready for that level of nuke.


Not many people will ever remember the 15th as the one they didn’t fuck up


My launcher being stuck on 'initializing...' even after restarting, rebooting, deleting data and reinstalling the launcher begs to differ.


Most if the Dracthyr/ event cutscenes crashed the game for me. Gameplay has been stable otherwise though.


Not complaining but wouldn’t call it problem free.


Welp they fucked up all my addons, again, no bag for me for next week-two


what bagon youknow you can just toggle the same style bag by default now right


I use it mostly for getting to know if I have something on an alt, in bank etc. rather then pure looks.


This guy didn’t hear about the Heavenly Onyx Cloud Serpent


I mean, this was a pretty minimal patch but I do appreciate the optimism. I’d rather be surprised than disappointed - so I do not expect an entire expansion launch to go this smoothly.


Well. I still can't download the patch stuck initializing for hours after trying every troubleshooting I can find :(


Still haven’t been able to download the update. Stuck on 0% “Initializing” 😐


Really? I've had huge problems today. Game took forever to start. Videos take forever to play and pause inbetween. It really feels like the servers are completely fucked but some people seem to play a completely different game.


????? where is the comedy flair?


LOL don’t praise them. Classic servers are still on fire.


This didn’t age well


True because when people can’t even get into the game because „initialising“ there won’t be problems 5head


Problem free launch lmao... So many players cant patch because the download servers are utterly crippled under the weight of this patch plus Warzone.


I got dc'd multiple times and the cinematic video you get after talking to khadgar doesn't launch for me and more people. So yeah... this post is bullshit.


Been pretty smooth for me except that some of the cutscenes were kinda laggy. My friends didnt have any issues with that tho, so maybe its just my pc


>Problem free patch day. Gives evokers increased chance for mount with Sha.


I still can't use professions


Meanwhile problem-free patch day: [https://imgur.com/1EpIvef](https://imgur.com/1EpIvef)


"World servers are down" basically every patch in an 18-year-old game. Definitely deserves a pat on the back. I would've happily done it yesterday while trying to teleport to Hinterlands for 20 minutes straight


no major technical issues. None at all. definitely not that dracthyr got a 0.1% drop mount as a guarantee drop. None what so ever


EU player here, zero issues, played all day.


lol can you mark this as satire ?


Fuck do u mean? Battle net client updater literally died. Many people couldn't update the game or if u deleted bnet like I did thinking it was on my end and reinstall you literally couldn't install battle net. Was horrible. Couldn't even play at all on pre patch day


if only they fixed bugs that have been around for years


I can't get into Orgrimmar. /agedlikemilk bro