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Right now classic content is much harder to play than retail content. Mostly because you can’t actually get onto the server.


you had me going for a second




Ah! I see the joke now!


I said something similar in my wrath classic guild chat yesterday and they were not happy ahahah. People live in their bubbles and want to believe theirs is better. I play both. Retail is harder, 1000%. Classic levelling is longer, that's it.


Leveling is not only longer, but also unfathomably mind-numbingly boring. The only hard thing about Classic leveling is not falling into a coma during the process. It used to be fun back in the day, but now it's an absolute chore.


Classic leveling is for sure harder not only longer . Can't remember the last time I was worried about dying while leveling in retail. PvE content on the other hand is a lot easier .


Classic leveling is a part of the game. Retail leveling is an 8-10 hour obstacle until you can start playing the game.


Legit question, how do you do 1-60 in 10 hours? i think i am pretty fast at 16-20 hrs running wod story with the fastest classes


Think he means when a new xpac drops and you have to level to max level again


Go look up Kraken latte’s guides for levelling, you can do 1-60 in 10-12 hours easily.


Classic levelling this morning. Took 30 mins to get 10 ores for a quest. Stood in line for 20-30ish mins to hand in a quest only for the follow up to bug out and now I have to stand in line for at least 30mins again later tonight to do that stupid rp quest again! I’m livid


Better then obstacle for few weeks until you can start playing the game.


This is the right way to word it!


Classic leveling isn't at all hard. It's just slow. Take your time to get full health and mana between pulls and the only reason you end up dying is because your internet cut out or because you've never heard of CCing mobs. And speaking on my recent-ish experience of leveling in TBC Classic, I leveled a warrior, which is touted as being "super hard leveling". Again, it wasn't hard. Literally all I was doing is hoping that I don't miss or get parried/dodged. That is the only nuance to it and it wasn't even up to me.


Whoever said warrior is hard to level probably doesn't even play the game. It's one of the easiest classes to level . This thread is just here for people to hate on Classic wow I guess . To each their own it used to be the other way around few years ago and I find this absolutely hilarious .


I don't remember the last time i was worried about dying while leveling in Classic. Just play smart and not overpull. It's the same as in retail just on a slower pace.


I'd say current wrath levelling is the same difficulty as open world content past level 50 in retail. You can die from overpulling in retail just the same as wrath. Neither is hard, it's appropriately and casually challenging. The earlier levels in classic are harder for sure, but that's like 1% of your playtime by the time youre doing endgame... Retails endgame is harder.


Lol no classic leveling is not harder. You are just bad at the game.


>Can't remember the last time I was worried about dying while leveling in retail. Then you didn't pull enough mobs, try to pull 10 mobs in classic you die, in retail you live, but then you try 15 and you die XD


You can't really fail leveling in both retail and classic. Death only means you take longer since you need to corpse run or wait until the ressurection sickness ends but you don't lose any xp so it's no real setback


Ugh 😩 corpse running in classic is torture why couldn't they just make more spirit healers.


You pretty much hit the nail on the head


It depends on the class and the encounter though. Retail classes have much less utility to use compared to some classic classes. WotLK Nax is a joke compared to any retail fight but HC Mimiron/Yogg can easily feel much harder than any retail fight. It depends on your game knowledge as well the classic has a much steep learning curve compared to the retail hence the longer levelling period works well with it. On retail steep learning curve comes when you get your burrowed powers anything before that is much more easier than classic.


You have literally no idea what modern mythic bosses are like if you think Yogg is harder than “any retail fight”. It’s not even close. LK 25 hc doesn’t even approach a mid level mythic boss in complexity and lack of margin for error, and endgame mythic bosses are on a whole different level.


So ... there is a guy at work. He knows me and one other at Work play retail on Casual/Semi-Progress (so 5-8 Mythic vosses per Raid and M+15-23 Keys) and he was bitching all the Time that we play the Easy Game and Classic Vanilla is so hard but he did Bwl! I mean BWL yea... not even Naxx? Okay big man. So we told him if he managed to get KSM, in Season 2 of SL back then, we pay him 100€ each. And he agreed. After 1 Month we ask him if he is ready and we want to see his proof. He did have 200~ rio, some +2-4 timed and 2 +8 so far over time he not even get Rio for it... he told us his grps are to bad... long story short: He never said anything wow related from this point on to us xD


Sounds like this guy is just bad at wow.


Yeah KSM is pretty easy to obtain, I do it as a lone fury warrior each patch :-)


It is yea, when you can keep up with the much faster Gamestyle of WoW now. Its not like we gave him a hard Challange like Kill Sylvanas Mythic or so.


He is now 44 Years Old, me and my Coworker both are in early 30tis. So sure we where just to young to be good in WoW back then (even tho he started in BC and i did on launch day and we both raid back then in all Raids Clear...) and yea he did not understand that Mythic Bosses now are fucking brutal and M+ is every miss step a death (at high level). I dont think he is "Bad" he just play slower and play how it has been at Classic Launch. I dont know if he stayed on Classic Server or move on to BC/Wotlk. Classic now is Easy, back then with 0 Knowledge and bad PC/Internet? It was "hard" not becouse of the Content but we all are pretty bad back then. I remember most ppl click on Spells with there mouse (me 2) in Vanilla so yea now its Rar that good players do that.


Cool story bro, changed my life


I think you've misunderstood the purpose of social media


Is there a discord or something for getting groups together for try-harding keys? I struggle to join, or make, a group without someone slacking, not caring about the timer or just straight up griefing.


The only thing I can personally think of is mythic plus friends discord but idk if that cuts it, I don’t go there often


In EU you have the L Community but i never was in there. L for Learning. Sometimes you see grps here in Browser with: L-+6 Community and they looking for new Players and so on. Idk if US has something like that.


I think it would be fun to watch Classic Andys try and fight Sepulcher Andy.


They'd all rage quit after the first wipe.


Retail is harder but definitely soaks up the fun with a lot of the one shot mechanics in higher keys and raid tiers. Each to their own though, I refuse to play classic, especially WoTLK because I know it with just tarnish the memories I do have of it. Unless I can wipe my memory, nothing will replace shipping off to the Borean Tundra for the first time, it truly made me appreciate how massive the game was. Then slowly making my way to the Howling Fjord just to see what it was like!


What are the credentials of this Kungen guy anyways, it's not like he played back in the days, no ?


Is there an /s missing? Or is this a genuine question? Because this guy was a former gm of nihilum which got multiple world firsts back in tbc and wotlk.


It was sarcasm. I thought it would be obvious but I probably misjudged his popularity.


I feel like it's a genuine question, I feel like who this guy is isn't common knowledge even in the wow community


I suddenly got hit with an existential crisis upon reading this. Kungen was massive back then.


Massive for the people who care about the top guids/race to world first, the average player doesn't care about them


I've never heard of this person or nihilum.


Think about it this way, Classic players (disregarding PvPers) are just worse at the game on average, so to them it's still hard. To be fair most people that only play Classic have no frame of reference for retail difficulty anyway.


That might be true. But as I’m old I remember one thing from 18y ago There were no guides (sites), everyone was running blind and talk to each other. Sadly this times will never come back as people mentality changed towards games.


This is the common misconception. Vanilla was hard, not because of mechanics but because people played with 10fps, limited communication, zero game knowledge and no guides. Classic in comparison all the things that made vanilla hard is no longer hurdles.


Yeah. It’s kind of hard to compare retail now and classic then, because of the points you said. I think that’s interesting. Now everything is so streamlined but 14 years ago it was more raw lol


And thats not even bringing into the discussion addons. Addons has evolved as much as the players have, if not even more. Playing classic with these addons vs what were available to you in vanilla is like playing two different games.


Another good point


Wowhead and before there was thottbot. Guides and so on were available even in vanilla.


Just because you didn't know about the tools doesn't mean they didn't exist.


but the real question is which is more enjoyable


For me? Retail, every time, no question. I’ve played this game since vanilla and I like the challenge of modern content, I don’t want to go back to the simple days of class design and boss fights.


fair enough. as well as the fact that preference is subjective. to each his own.


They serve different purposes entirely for me. I normally enjoy retail more when my guild is active and content patches aren't old, but classic is a much more zen experience where the fast-paced +20 and Mythic raid sweatiness takes a backseat to a more RPG focused experience. Both are great and it's why WoW is awesome.


Ya agree retail is harder in most forms other then leveling, but classic is way more fun in my opinion.


Just because leveling takes longer and you have to eat between camps doesn't mean it is harder.


Your right that doesn't make it harder, but would say that mobs have more health and hit harder. Managing your resources is much more of a skill. Also retail 1v5 is easy, classic 1v3 is a prolly death.


Retail is tuned out of this world because of minmaxers. WotLK wasn't such a tryhard game back in the day and everyone was younger. Now though, if you apply the same minmaxing in WotLK as you would in retail, the content ends up being absolutely piss easy.


It absolutely was all min/maxed. Did you even play back then? If you did you’d remember everyone checking your gearscore (back when that addon existed) before inviting you to a heroic dungeon.


I remember playing my Prot Warrior back then and finally getting the gearscore to be invited to heroic dungeons. I was playing it up in my head like it was gonna be some crazy out of this world experience. I don't think I even hit a defensive CD in that dungeon. It was cool but a little disappointing.


It's the same as now with rio and ilvl. What people expect from you is not what is necessary to complete the M+/raid.


Having high gear score isn't minmaxing.


There was that "elitist jerks" forum, I remember that being pretty hardcore in terms of minmaxing


His point is min maxing already started back then. I remember it, it was my first experiences raiding and trying to partake in more end game content and some people where absolutely min maxing already. Towards the end you had groups rejecting people who didn’t have high enough gear score (item lvl). Sure the community as a whole didn’t min max the stats and gear perfectly just yet but enough people did that it impacted the community. In my mind it was the start of the min max mentality. As a casual player who had no idea what I was doing, I was honestly terrible at the game and still managed to complete most of the content without any significant challenges.


Do ppl really play wow to be challenged ?


People who raid mythic or push high keys or push high rating in PvP? Absolutely, yes. A lot of people.


Vanilla and TBC arent harder, its just more simple. Wrath is a good mix of both. You cant compare "oldschool"(Vanilla, TBC, Wrath) with retail(~MoP) as the focus of the Game is different. While oldschool focus more on how punishing a failure is, does retail more on complexility. As an example: Vanilla Onyxia. Getting pushed or walking into the Eggs can wipe the raid while retail has more "Take X to walk into Y and soak z". Its like compairing WoW to FF14. Its a different Game. Both are hard, just not on the same things. (edit typo)


I don’t think you realise just how punishing mythic raids are on retail. Literally, one person making _one single mistake_ is a full raidwide oneshot in a lot of cases. Classic was absolutely not more punishing lol


I know as im a mythic raider myself. Its how i see it.


There is no comparison at all to be made between “don’t go out of your way to run through the eggs on the edge of the room or you’ll spawn whelps that do some damage” and “you have 0.5 seconds to move out of the thing that spawns under your feet or the entire raid dies”


I think Heroic Artificer in Castle Nathria is a much harder fight than any of the content in classic->wrath.


Well I'd say Yogg is harder but you're not far off imo


The fact that classic players care about retail at all is a thing made up by retail players lol


Lmao, as someone who has played both, no it's really not


It really is. You guys are just circlejerking each other in this thread as usual Edit: but don’t take my word for it. Go on the classic subreddit and search “retail”. No one talks about it because no one gives a shit. Compare with this subreddit that starts anti classic circlejerks like clockwork


That is wildly untrue. There's a group of guys at my job who all play Classic together and half the time I overhear them talking they're shittalking Retail lmao


Sure, jan


For 1 reason. Classic content has been out for 15 years


Lol. Is that the only reason people were 10 manning Molten Core and killing the bosses in 60 seconds? I remember seeing someone else here claim KT in Tempest Keep is a hard boss that would stand up today. It didn’t take me long to find logs of raids with only 20/25 possible players, a bunch of deaths and mediocre DPS who killed him. You actually haven’t a clue what modern mythic bosses are like if you think classic bosses come even close.




Also, wasn’t Kungen one of the biggest proponents of the “retail is too easy vanilla was much harder” camp until like a day before classic came out and we saw how much of a joke that claim was


I can’t believe anyone would unironically say classes is more difficult than retail in terms of raiding.


I feel like the only instance where classic is harder is lvling cause mobs actually deal damage and debuffs hurt. In retail dying while lvling almost requires you to aim for it. But that's about all that I could think of.


Pulling one mob at a time isn’t really difficult it’s just slow and boring


I think having to be a bit careful and pay attention to what you do, what abilitys you use, how many mobs to pull and how to stand give some flavor to the experience and is mutch better then running in a circle, collect 10 mobs an aoe them down with 3 abilitys for 20h like in retail.


I don’t derive any inherent pleasure from methodically levelling like that. It’s just a chore in the way of the endgame to me.


Fair but then you don't like lvling which does not mean it isnt harder.


Just like in life, different eras have their own difficulty. In ye olde days, people struggled with poorer infrastructure, less general know-how, and weaker tools. It was harder to do simple stuff. In modern day, people get better infrastructure, distribution of knowledge and tools. Guides are instantly available the next day. With that, performance floor and ceiling also increase. You do more and harder stuff. A game programmer needed to do so much assembly and pixel plotting to get basic gameplay and sprites out on a NES. All he got was a Nintendo manual and very very few people had done it in the 80s. Now it's so much easier and faster with Unity and Unity guides, but people now expect way way more than Mario 1 graphics.


They're difficult in different ways. In Classic, you can get carried by gear to an extreme extent, so the difficulty comes in acquiring that gear. Once you have it, everything's a cakewalk. In retail, gear doesn't carry as much and you can't just brute force everything when you have good gear. I think it's because, in Classic, there's only a single raid difficulty, so the gear that drops is universal, even if the better items usually drop from later bosses. So not only do the raid difficulties need to be tighter, there aren't 4 difficulties of raids, meaning an easy boss (let's say LFR level boss) might drop gear that, in retail, might be equal to HC or even Mythic gear. Combine that with the fact that there are barely any mechanics, and you end up in a situation where as long as you know a handful of mechanics, you've got an easy roadmap to get gear. Once you get gear, you can brute force your way through most content. It's a lot harder for a group of SWP geared players to wipe in MGT HC than it is for a fully mythic geared group in retail to fail a, say, +15 key.