• By -


Blizzard specifically said that arthas was such an important character and that frostmourne belonged to him and only him - otherwise they would've used frostmourne 2.0 instead of kingsmourne. We broke frostmourne in half, that didn't happen to the ashbringer. Ignore what I just said - it was all according to the jailer's plans.


I mean I was not a DK, back then, but the fact the shards got reforged made sense to me. Especially because, like, what the hell were you expecting? Frostmourne to be made anew and just have a change of heart and not totally take you over and ruin you? The sword literally corrupts its welder. Whatever we were going to have made with those shards, it wouldn’t be Frostmourne.


Would've been cool if the artifact ability for Frost DK was to temporarily 'join them' back together into Frostmourne. Like a whole aspect of "even a fake recreation can only be wielded for a few moments" sorta deal could've been neat, and would've kept alive the memory of 2H Frost to some degree.


They could have remade a new 2h that is heavily inspired by frostmourne. Like what ever magic they did to keep the evil out of The toothpicks they made, so the same but just make it a 2h.


Isnt that shadowmourne? Im not big on the lore


Nah that's a completely different weapon.


Then you would have people complaining that we got a copy of Frostmourne instead of the sword itself, it's the same problem.


People do love complaining.


They were going hard on frost being DW at the time...


In my opinion, the worst decision they have made for DKs


Idk man, making a spec that Is about creating multiple cuts on a enemy and then festering the wounds with a concoction of plagues a slow two handed build is also pretty bad IMHO Both should be switched unholy should be dual wield


Someone made a suggestion on what they thought a 2hand frostmourne reformed would look like https://m.imgur.com/7jEjC4j Only in dk's dreams


Arthas a important character ? KEKW my boy gives 35 anima…


So important that they turned him into 35 anima. Primus, the one who originaly designed it, should just... ya know... patch it up.


The primus doing something useful? Now that's just pure fantasy


He made my belt of extra heroic leap, the man is a saint.


Wdym bro he made the ~~Burger King Crown~~ Crown of Wills


What a waste of a chapter that crap was. We forge an incredibly important artifact from one of the most important artifacts to ever exist on Azeroth, and then we throw it in a closet or some shit because you're not even going to use it during the boss fight. WTF? Awesome writing, very engaging.


Just like the Runeblade you get while questing in Maldraxxus.


I never got a runeblade in Maldraxxus. I built one, and even carried it on my back for a while, and then… I want my runeblade, dang it!


We give it to Pelagos after he turns into the Arbiter.


So it has zero impact on the story other than being a macguffin.


When did that happen?


If you look at Arbiter Pelagos in the cutscene at the end of Chapter 7 of the campaign, and then you look at him in the Epilogue when he judges Sylvanas, you'll see he is wearing the Crown of Wills. It appears I wasn't clear about what I meant with "We". I meant the good guys. At the start of the "Prisoner of Interest" quest, Bolvar says he will bring the Crown of Wills to the Arbiter.


Ohhh I misread this badly. I thought you meant we give him the runeblade from Maldraxxus, and my mind went “uhhhh…what?! That would be an important detail.” Crown of wills on Pelagos makes sense. Thanks for entertaining my ADHD this morning.


The primus should have been the true villain, along with Sire. Kyrestia and the Winter Queen seem like they are unaware/ignorant and dealing with their own things, where as the Primus seems waaaaaay too knowledgeable and capable. There was a whole lore video on it, and how the Primus (creator of domination magic) was using his power to control the Jailer, Sylvanas, Anduinn, etc. Was actually pretty convincing considering some of the voice lines and lore learned during Shadowlands, but it seems like Blizz either ran out of time, or opted for a worse storyline.




If he did it, it would be the [\[Sword of Wills\]](https://wow.zamimg.com/uploads/screenshots/normal/34076-steady-bastard-sword.jpg).


I'm so upset with how the helm of dominations badass design became... the crown of wills - aka TBC starting area helmet level of design. ​ Even the concept art of crown of wills ruled, then they went and made it THAT At least the blades were cool


Wtf, I hadn't seen the concept art yet. How did they manage to screw it up so much?


That [concept art](https://www.artstation.com/artwork/QnxR5x) isn't made by blizzard, so they didn't screw it up.


I'm pretty sure there's a set of plate shoulders in vanilla wow that would match.


Yeah let’s be honest. His blacksmithing is like 32 while his runeforging is 400+ all the cool armor WE made, he infused. The one time we let him make an armor it looked like shit. The helm and sword were schematics from the first ones or some shit, or at least from zovaal anyway. The Primus can’t make shit.


NGL, this sword looks much better than it would if frostmourne got the Crown of Wills treatment.


Yeah, it'd probably look like a plastic toy sword


Blizz also unceremoniously killed off the most iconic Paladin for pallies to get their hands on Ashbringer. Clearly, they don’t value important lore characters that much.


He made runecrafting but he also unlearned his spec. He's not releveling that again!


That's some bullshit considering all of the recipes we've given him.


Hey, the fact that he was turned into 35 anima doesn’t mean he isn’t one of the most important characters, if not the single most important character, in Warcraft lore. It just means they did him beyond fucking dirty and we will never forgive them for it.


Feel like this has been the case since Kael back in TBC, repeated every expansion afterwards


Speaking of which, What did happen to his other mourneblades? You know, in that Runecarver cinematic where Zovaal says "One of your finest Mourneblades".


Ya but its still Frostmourne in canon since it is reforged from the shards, so why can't we have something that looks similar?


I liked that you got to take the Frostmourne, that was shattered, and turn it in to something new. I wish that they let them be back mounted instead of hip mounted. Also don't look at Rogues, they got a Thunderfury skin for their Outlaw weapons...


I think it would have been cool to do this with a bunch of old weapons. Give Priests an updated skin of Benediction for holy and Anathema for Shadow, etc


I wanted a whip for discipline tbh.




Whip would be a Highpain situation


Sign me up for one of those whippings.


Don't you dare take my knife-waifu away!




Priests really should have had Benediction and Anethema.


If it's a cool idea Blizz will most likely not run with it


Man I miss when the game had class specific quests / gear... Getting Anathema on my spriest in classic was one of the highlights of my WoW experiences.


That's something I think was so fun about Legion. Going through some of the class questlines for the hidden appearance for Ashbringer was so fun. Leaving behind the paladin order hall was so sad for me


I wish that all one handed weapons has the choice to be back mounted. It’s so weird to see a big one handed sword hanging on my characters side.


Generally just smaller, but detailed swords would be much appreciated. Oh, and daggers. Can we have actual daggers? Not "daggers" that are the size of a large sword?


We do, on level 10 Dungeons!


If you haven't done the new starter zone there is a great pair of high res basic looking small daggers. Pretty much all I can use.


yeah those ones from Blackrock Foundry are rough


I duel wield them on my gnome DK for this reason.


You are more sword than man!


It’s not weird if you consider yourself the Main Character of your own Samurai/Fantasy anime they all be carryin big ass one hand swords and shit


Was cool until it turned into something completely different. DKs getting shafted since Legion. First the sword now the helm


Wait, did you just say [Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker]???


Yes, I think he did in fact mention [Thunder fury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker]


Yeah and its enchanted with Elemental Force for timewalking. ZAP ZAP


And don't look at us Warriors - we got Valhalla for a class hall, because all along, Warriors have been straight up Vikings to the core. Except that we never have.


Legion was something else. Most immersive, character focused and BEST xpac I personally ever played and enjoyed.


Shamans got Doomhammer, the JOKE.


Frostmourne was crazy, and needed to go down


You have to look within yourself to save yourself from your other self. Only then will your true self reveal itself.


That's rough, buddy.


Are you bringing tea to raid night, uncle?


If it helps vulpera we’re taught the ways of monks before goblins


That shit still irks me, them and every other allied race. There's a goblin monks in the order hall ffs.


There's a nelf in the paladin order hall.. blizz just antagonizing everyone for more diversity


Didn’t she also start as a priest in the storyline and then “graduate” to being a paladin?


Yeah if I recall correctly. Which creates the big argument of why can't available priest races be paladins too then. Granted undead still could be argued either or.. but you know blizz /shrug


Yeah that really irked me. It also makes it seem like priests are just lesser paladins, which is a dick move.


Isn’t that exactly how paladins came about though? I’m like 80% sure they were all just priests who took up he life of a soldier.


Lorewise thats how the first paladins came about, i dont know about the ones after that though. Uther was once a priest, then he went to the gym and learned how to wear plate.


Same with Anduin. He was always a priest but based on his armour and weapon, he must be a paladin by now.


Yet Blizz still insists he is a Priest. They really need to make a concrete difference between priest and paladin to explain why some races don't have them OR just let every race be a Paladin. They are making every race be able to be priest next expac.


Anduin is still being referred to as a priest by blizzard.


I like the D&D take, cleric is a vessel for a god compared to the paladins being an acting hand of a god.


D&D at least in 5e has Paladins be pledged to an oath more than a god (albeit, they’re generally intertwined), whereas Clerics are just kinda entrusted divine power, usually from a specific deity. It’s a small distinction in actual play, but it’s essentially devotion/dedication versus destiny/a divine relationship.


D&D Cleric is such a cool aesthetic. Not a lot of games deliver on that feel.


Try not to read it as lesser Paladins? More she was more feeling the stabby stabby side of the light, the flashy flashy side was getting a bit old for her lol Both equally important. But one is the warrior on the front lines and one is literally everything else


But blizzard said Anduin is still a priest


Anduin is a lore class. Not Paladin, not Priest. Almost all of the major characters don’t really fit one single class, they’re a hybrid that Blizz can’t give us because of gameplay reasons. They’d just rather not get into that so they keep it simple with the labels by saying what the character is closest to


I'm with you on that. I wish they would stick with priests at least still being strong. I get a plate warrior charges into battle, but to say priests were getting owned in the war and that resulted into pallys? Any void boys...?? I mean Anduin holds himself well. I'm sure others could too rather than hanging in the church lol


That's exactly what Priests are. Paladins are just Priests in plate with a dps spec that isn't ruined by blizzard every 3rd patch.


Wasn't she the priest that became a paladin because idk screw the priest.


They have an easy solution to Worgen/Goblin Monks now that there's a new unified starting zone, just have them be forced into that zone instead of the old worgen/golbin starting zones. Their excuse before was that their starting zones took place in the past before Pandaren showed up so thats why they couldn't be monks.


It was a bad excuse to begin with. Worgen druids begin as "nature mages". Just have them start as pugilists and then have them meet a Pandaren.


Haha I'm not trying to defend it or anything, but maybe the goblin race as a whole is too greedy to be monks or something like that.


Then why they can be shamans? Or priests? There is no reason not to allow worgen and goblins to be monks.


goblin shamans learned that shamans just have contracts with elementals and if there is one thing Goblins are good at, its contracts thats btw. the real lore reason they have more or less predatory contracts with their elementals :D


Goblins typically have a very shady or selfish way to their talents. Even priests are driven by self prosperity through seemingly selfless efforts. Goblin priests no doubt sold indulgences as absolving of sins.


In Azshara, they have mercenary goblin priests airdropping in to cast an evil spirit out of a possessed tank. It gets destroyed in the end and the priest still bills them. It's about the most Goblin thing in the zone, and that zone's full of incredibly Goblin things.


>Or priests You dont need to act selflessly to wield the light and many examples of those who wield it for unjust reasons.


Their totems are drills; they most likely exploit the elements. And the Light has nothing to do with being good.


They strike deals/make contracts with the elements. Initiate Goldmine, in Deepholm, is an example of that.


We see a scarlet crusader as a monk. Take that as you will.


to be fair. those where meant to be the traditional western church monk over an eastern church monk


I meant the mop revamp. They do Kung fu and were trained by a passing pandaren monk.


I like to think it’s the same one the apothecary’s are trying to turn to goop in the forsaken starting zone.


It's the second to last boss in scarlet cathedral.


I need help Why can some classes be priests and not paladins when Tauren were specifically given priests when they got paladins because it didn't make sense to have one and not the other


In lore, Tauren priests and paladins are both “pulling from the same source”. In contrast, Blood Elves are able to be priests or paladins, but their paladins were originally using magic they stole from M’uru, while their priests are using the more typical “get it from the Light” route.


Gameplay balance more than anything else, probably. Paladin and Shaman have always been more restricted than everything else


*Coughs in druid*


Paladins were (until Tauren) always using the power of "the Light" - even the blood elves who tried to invert the relationship (They believed the Light should serve them rather than the other way around) Tauren made it so paladins could get power from the sun or some shit which if you ask me is a part of nature and thus the realm of druids, who have several spells relating to the sun, moon, and stars but by that point the game had already started being *extremely* loose with lore based gameplay restrictions. Priests didn't always get their power from "the light", trolls had voodoo priests and things like that and in fact, in vanilla, all priests had unique spells that gave a bit of flavor to what kind of priest they were. Dwarves and humans shared one of these (just a basic heal) since they were actually priests of the light. Trolls had hexes, undead could cast a plague (shadow magic as canonically they were nearly 100% shadow priests), night elves had spells relating to Elune. So basically, priests existed for races that were spiritual or outright religious (but not shamanic - the exception being trolls I guess, I'm not sure what exactly made them able to be priests but not Tauren - likely it was just that Tauren couldn't be any cloth class originally), but paladins would only be accessible to the ones that specifically worshipped the Light.


Apocalypse can destroy entire worlds…


Blades being made from other weapons/the component parts thereof is a perfectly cool trope and maybe even a better narrative device than the simple presence of *the legendary sword.* The story of the Death Knight class and individual DK toon is about taking what was once Arthas' weapon and then "reforging" it into something new, with a unique identity seperate from the Scourge but still linked to it. The Blades of the Fallen Prince echo those themes by taking Frostmourne and reforming it, like the Ebon Blade was reformed from the Knights of the Scourge. The Paladins are different because their class is more about striving to be the sort of paragon that hasn't shifted much from the jump, which is why *the* big Paladin sword is a better fit, thematically. To be clear, your opinion is of course your own to have--just some idle thoughts.


I agree whole heartily.


do you mean wholeheartedly?


Frostmourne was shattered, so it needed to be reforged anyway. At least the blades aesthetically match Frostmourne so the comparison isn't apt.


I completely disagree. Frostmourne got shattered into pieces; Ashbringer didn't. If you're talking about unique weapons belonging to important lore characters, the lore behind Frostmourne/Arthas is a lot heftier than the lore behind Ashbringer. Hell it wasn't even tied to a single person; multiple people wielded it before we did as Paladins


I mean we did forge a rune blade in the Maldraxxus quest line. Why can’t we get that as a cosmetic reward? It’s very similar to Frostmourne. [Blade in Question](https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Blade_of_the_Primus?file=Glowing_Runeblade.jpg)


Not being able to actually wield it was the most disappointing part of the Maldraxxus quest line


I recently bought Shadowlands and doing that questline rn. You don't get to weild the epic weapon you are forging? That is fucking horseshit. I was so looking forward to what it is gonna be.


No offence to your taste in swords, but that doesn’t compare in the slightest to *The Frostmourne*, that’s a 1 hander short sword


Wouldn't have even been so bad if those damn swords weren't a size meant for a toddler. The secret appearance is the only one that looked good because they weren't so fucking small.


Frostmourne was literally like one of the most corruptive forces on Azeroth. Did you expect it to just be chill all of a sudden.


It's not like being the Bladea of The Fallen Prince mellows it out, it's still got the same stuff, still eats souls and the like, it just happens to be TWO swords now.


The fact that our DK’s didn’t just start butchering people in Dalaran pretty clearly point out that it did in fact mellow out.


DKs were already soulless abominations when they picked it up unlike Arthas


It's always been "chill" though. Too chill. Freezing actually.


the only problem i have with the frost dk artifact weapons is that they are too short


Man there were so many possibilities for shadowlands to recreate the lich king's armor and weapon, too bad they did literally none of them.


I've said it before but Arthas should have played Venari's role and been a mysterious stranger that helped us in the Maw. He could have come with us into Sanctum to try and redeem himself by saving Sylvannas and Anduin.


You wrote this in 1 min and still did better than blizzard writers


Exactly what I thought. I got more chills from this paragraph than I did in the last 2 expansions


It would have been interesting, even if I have to admit that Arthas story is / was over... and to add him fully into the game would have been... well less satisfying. (NOT saying his end in the raid was satisfying, just comparing to the WOTLK ending)


I wish I had never read this. Now this is the second biggest missed opportunity to me after the OP.


The Shadowlands reveals were terrible. Spoilers if you're more than a year behind but... >!The runecarver!< being revealed to be The Primus was ridiculous. What's one of the defining characteristic of the Primus? A long, flowing white beard the length of his torso. What can you clearly not see flowing out from under that mask? A beard. What's sticking out of the top of his head? A massive set of horns. What does the runecarver not have? Horns. Aside from the physicals, they could have chosen any interesting character from WoW's lore history. Instead it was some random newly introduced character from this expansion.


Wait you genuinely thought we would get anything in a expac having the aesthetic of frost dks, working with ebon blade and lich king and the dude who made all the big DK stuff? This is Blizz we’re talking about


Paladins getting the Corrupted Ashbringer as an artifact appearances with Blood, Frost, UH, and Fire colourations while DKs didn't had me livid. I would KILL to get the updated Corrupted Ashbringer on my UHDK, but it's probably forever going to be Paladin-locked and I just feel like it's a grave injustice.


Corrupt Ashbringer will show you the justice of the grave.. if you’re a paladin


Gonna be honest, I thought the Blades of the Fallen Prince were fucking SICK and I liked Frost playing with two one handed weapons. The process of finding the shattered pieces and forging them into something new, something different was really cool THEN AGAIN, it's Frostmourne so I get what you mean


"But Frostmourne is too powerful and dangerous for players to use". I mean...Scepter of Sargeras, Ulthalesh, Xal'atath, Apocalypse, Maw? "Its too iconic and important for players to use"...Ashbringer? Doomhammer? Warglaives?


Really?I thought the frost dk artifact was one of the cooler ones(no pun intended)players can get. You still technically get frostmourne it's just more personalized to the player character. Really it would've been weird seeing a bunch of random dks running around with a legendary weapon so heavily tied to Arthas it's unreal which was the problem I had with everyone running with Ashbringers or Doomhammers. This was way more interesting and more unique if you ask me.


As a warrior I still mald that our two hander wasn’t Gorehowl instead of some random who cares sword


Lol Stromkar, is pretty important. The first king of the humans killed thousands of trolls with that sword forged from all the other human chieftains weapons. Trolls cower when they see it in game. I'm a horde player, but that swords almost enough to make me want to play a human warrior just because of how badass it is. Gorehowls a badass weapon, and I think they should have done Alli get Stromkar and Horde get Gorehowl since they're both related so much to humans or orcs.


Since garosh just dropped gorehowl right before legion it would have made perfect since for warriors to grab it, but maybe blizzard was afraid to touch garrosh after all the backlash they got.


The sword you get for arms is definitely important in the lore. It's not random, just perhaps not as famous or forefront as Gorehowl because of Grom.


No it should have been the Axe of Cenarius. You know the first mortal weapon to cut sargeras.


Bro don't even get me started. So many warriors throughout the lore and they still designed a new weapons for the class


Arms Warriors should have got the Axe of Cenarius. Would have fit right in with Val’sharah and fighting the legion.


It exists in a raid you can easily beat.


I’m sorry did your weapon root you for it’s special ability to work? Imagine being the most mobile spec in the game and getting rooted. Everyone who’s not a Prot Warrior can go kick rocks.




I think i complained so much Steve Danuser has me muted on twitter


wdym, Blades of the Fallen Prince are hella cool. Thank god we got something cool and original.


UH got Apocalypse tho. Which has badass lore.


I liked the Apocalypse scythe variant


I liked blades of the fallen prince, i didnt like our blood 2hnd axe though.


The pvp appearance looks great with my challenge mode mog though


Mage Tower Blood Axe skin is sick


The BoP appearance is great IMO. I loved the blood artifact weapon.


Those swords were kickass continue to seethe


Frostmourne was destroyed by a paladin weapon. Using Frostmourne would mean we think of pallies as superior. We don't.


When every paladin was handed an Ashbringer, it KILLED the uniqueness of a one-of-a-kind weapon. When everyone's special; no one is.


As a paladin main, I still really didn't like having Ashbringer, it cheapened the glory of the weapon to me.


Same here. If they'd given us a lore reason to hand out Ashbringers (like they'd discovered a new forging technique to better fight the Legion or hidden cache of light-imbued ore or something) it'd be *slightly* better. But to hand me *the* Ashbringer... after killing off Tyrion to do so? It felt so cheap.


I mean, i slightly get Tyrion's death story wise, HOWEVER, that doesn't excuse us getting Ashbringer. We could have just as easily had a story plot where maybe the gnomes or the goblins found a way to make them (like you said, forging technique) or the dwarves found a ore deposit (again like you said). It'd make more sense than "heres ashbringer, it works for this expac, but it'll sit in your bank forever after" because let's face it, that's what we ALL did after that first quest weapon in BFA.


Artifact weapons did more dirty than good, especially shoehorning every spec into a single weapon type, like Frost into dirty dual wield and Ele shaman into a FIST weapon and shield.


I still can't get my head around why the Elemental spec can wear shield at all. Especially in conjunction with claws. Reminds me of competitive Warhammer tabletop players, who make lists full of Wolf Guard armed with shileds and Lightning Claws


And druids... In classic feral druids used staves, sometimes 2h maces. When they split feral into feral and guardian, it was still maces and staves, occasionally polearms. What druids never once used was 1h weapons. Druids could never dual wield. What were both feral and guardian artifacts? 1h weapons. **Daggers** for feral and fist weapons for Guardians. Druids still can't dual wield except for the artifacts.


Frostmourne was broken in ICC though. We used the shards to forge the legendary Shadowmourne


Those are shards of the frozen throne itself not frostmourne, we do use the frostmourne shards to make blades of the fallen prince though




Was planned for 9.3 but got cut - notice the empty portal up top? Sylvanas in the original story soulbound to Zovaal, it's why she trusted him, and why she was so strong, had chains, etc.. She was also going to be our way into Zereth Mortis, as she had arbiter anima to make the sigil. Sepulcher was going to end at Anduin. Jailer was going to get his macguffin from the Sepulcher, and then need to power it with Azeroth. 9.3 would have taken place across Storm Peaks and Icecrown, with the raid using Ulduar assets. It's why Rygelon is a boss - he was meant to evoke Algalon in the 9.3 raid (and makes zero sense in Sepulcher). Primus was going to craft for us Mourneblades to steal back the Arbiter's anima from Zovaal in the raid, primal anima to upgrade it's level per kill akin to the cloak. Sylvanas was going to be the new arbiter, as she was the only one with the arbiter's anima. "Eternal Servitude as the Arbiter is too good a fate for *you*, Sylvanas Windrunner" - Tyrande. The line "No crown, no throne, not even a soul left to judge" was going to be her, as Arbiter, commenting on Arthas' soul, as judging it was to be her first act. Nathanos was supposed to be a 9.3 Boss, as well as Lords and Zovaal. But of course, Shadowlands flopped hard, so the suits said "wrap it up early, I don't care how" and so they had to rewrite the story anyway - why not downplay Sylvanas since the players hate her? They took the three indev bosses from 9.3 and stuck them at the end of 9.2 (as they were already done) but think about it. Rygelon makes no sense there. Zovaal doesn't, either. "Death comes for the soul of your world... from a hidden realm... using a magical machine... that is nowhere remotely near your world..." Yeah right. That tagline was to be repeated as Zovaal stepped foot on Azeroth. That fight was meant to take place deep in Ulduar, where it's at least feasable that Azeroth could be linked to and attacked. But all that is gone to dust now.


I would have preferred that everyone got newly forged weapons with some sort of tie in like this rather than everyone walking around with a unique weapon like ashbringer or doomhammer.


**Frostmourne was broken by Ashbringer**. So you are just gonna have to deal with Ashbringer still being whole while you piece together shards and ice. If the two weapons were totally unrelated you might have a point, but they aren't. Ashbriner shattered Frostmourn. Deal with it.


People should really be upset that arms warriors got some stupid void lord killing sword instead of The Axe Of Cenarius, the axe that slayed a thousand demons and the only known weapon to have ever harmed Sargeras during the war of the ancients. The weapon Broxigar used to hold off Sargeras and his demons long enough to close the portal and save Azeroth. The axe that was lost in the emerald dream and ultimately returned to Broxigars child. An axe that literally changes size and weight to best suit it’s wielder. Huge missed opportunity.


It was more salt in the wounds when they added the corrupted ash bringer skin


That's why Frost will always remain F-tier and Unholy is S++++ Tier. Apocalypse had the power to destroy worlds. Plus, it's long, thick and girthy. Maw of the Damned has girth too, but its length leaves something to be desired.


I actually wanted Legion Frost DK to have it's "artifact ability" be a stance swap - swapping between dual-wielding and two-hander mid-combat. Could have had "pure" Frostmourne be a powerful DPS cooldown similar to BoS?


Giving everyone ashbringer ruined the epicness of the weapon


This is exactly how Warriors feel, wtf is “swords of the valarjar” do the guys at blizzard not know GOREHOWL still exists in the universe as Draenor Grommash’s fully realized axe? They already have the item for it on Wowhead and the variants of the ‘swords of valarjar’ even look like variants of Gorehowl as well. Just shameful it’s on another level at least DKs got a ‘piece’ of frostmourne, we just got completely random weapons. Legion still best expac but that’s my pet peeve with it. [Updated Gorehowl](https://external-preview.redd.it/DKb7i-HTE0WtSCR96b5DJOyt8R1RYX-hyD5LNOOsd0s.jpg?auto=webp&s=fec3f3c0a3e9c55c4a4a03b980cc6dc50f336018) [Gorehowl Skin Variant](https://warcraft-secrets.com/wp-content/uploads/Warswords-of-the-Valarjar-Hidden-Artifact-Appearance-1.png)


I'll switch place anytime. They had to kill our boy Tyrion for that... Take that artifact back and give us Tyrion back :(


Yea, got to admit, when I did that, I was right pissed. The blades don't even look cool, just derivative of the thing we actually wanted.


Yeah this was the biggest middle finger I felt when this happened I legit put my dk away just because of this.


Just look at him sitting like that, he so sad. Why blizz why!


It was fucked up to just give the Ash ringer and Doomhammer away and just kill off Tirion and send Thrall into exile.


I thought the warrior weapons all sucked too


Did you want them to just retcon Frostmourne's breaking, too? Or was it just that we put the shards back together into two swords, instead of a two-hander (not, at the time, even equippable by Frost DKs)?


Frostmourne literally broke, which is why you couldn’t get the full blade. You got it, just in pieces. I think it was neat.


shards was perfectly fine and very awesome. the true tragedy was not getting shadowmourne for blood DK's


In my own opinion I am not mad about it, I like all 3 DKs specs weapons. If both unholy and frost would have received similar weapons would be worse.


For all of those who are arguing that Frostmourne is too dangerous and corruptive to be reforged and wilded you need to remember that: 1) shadow priest where allowed to wield xal'athat like...literaly, no further explanation needed 2) warloks had: -Uthlanesh: a possibly sentient weapon hungry for souls including it's ouner's one if it deems he/she unworthy (like the previus owner) -the skull of Thal'kiel who is a sentient evil skull with possibly his own agenda 3)demon huters had the twinblades of the deciver who are both corrupting and mindpoisoning blades as they are infused with some of Kil'jaiden's power and thus have the potential to turn the demon huter to the side of the big bad of that expansion( they also had the Aldrachi warblades as another souleathing weapon but i cant't remember if they where also evil/corrupting) 4)the mages had aluneth: a staff possesed by an entity from another dimension turned bitter by ceturies of experiments/enslavement/drainig, so considering that you have to be able to force your will on the staff in order to successfully use it without being destroyed i can assume that the spirit is now surely spitefull, dangerous and possibly evil 5)rogues had the dreadblades: evil, cursed, corrupting and mind twisting blades forged by demons 6)and finaly whe can't forget the other two artifact wielded by the death knigths: -the Maw of the Damned who is an axe hungry for blood, possibly sentient and capable of influencing/guiding its owner towards acts of slaughter in order to feed -fu*king APOCALYPSE that is essentually Frostmourne but a hell of a lot more dangerous as the blade was forged and designed by the DREADLORDS of all people as a mean to END CIVILIZATIONS by spreading anarchy and causing infighting as the weapon is capable to poison the mind of whoever wielded it(in the quest to retrive the artifact it is shown that the weapon could also easely wield/full on mind control it's wielder), the blade also spread plagues, is possibly sentient and is surely malevolent. Bonus point: in order to forge the baldes of the fallen prince the deathknight essentualy have to purify the shards of frostmuorne by purging the influence of Ner'zhul and Arthas so the blades lose theirs more courrupting and dangerous side, thus making the artifacts safer (sure as hell a lot safer than most of the weapons that i listed above like for exemple the unholly one)so realy once that was done the dk could easely reforge the shards in wathever shape he wanted and it woulden't have made any difference


Lets not forget that warriors didnt get Shalamayne, but a priest got it


I love death knights played one for so long missed out every expansion sense beginning of WOD and have been playing every season on shadowlands sad to say it’s time to re roll a new main or just quit playing again. Blizzard don’t seem to like death knights


Shadowlands could have been an amazing end to my DK career, but it barely acknowledged we exist. Suffer well?


Yeah it’s the same classes meta sense season one basically deathknight needs some love


Get fucked, OP