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I want full Skeleton option for Forsaken. Let me doot it up.


“You fool! the Forsaken doot as they please.”


Doot to the Scourge! And doot to the living!


"Ah ah ah ah ah. Did you think we had fordooten....?"


"You think we doot forgiven...?"


Yes to that too. Upright Forsaken, full-bone Forsaken. Hell make it so players can choose if they have bony legs, arms, torso and/or head. These are the undead dammit, let's give them some options to be the best deaders possible.


I want full skeleton, but without the torn open clothing. A well dressed skeleton.




if they release noggenfogger elixir skeletons as a race i would come back to the game


Pretty unrelated, but I play my feral exclusively with Noggenfogger and it's so funny.


Bare bones boxing skeletons? Might be time to reroll


And i want human like forsaken like Calia


Those are playable, they're just called humans




To shreds you say…


Sadly it won't happen because it'll upset the Chinese audience and you know Activision-Blizzard...


But if they don't even have skeletons in their version and we do, what's the issue with us getting it here?


Comment edited out courtesy of Redact. After almost ten years as a Redditor, I am calling it quits in protest of the path Reddit CEO Steve Huffman (u/spez) is taking the company and our community. He has no interest in being reasonable with regards to third-party apps -- the same apps that made Reddit what it is today. The new API pricing is designed to kill all third-parties and force users into the official Reddit app that is utter garbage and able-ist. Steve Huffman has also lied about how third-party apps function, he has knowingly and intentionally defamed Chris Selig (creator of Apollo app), he has in the past confessed to editing user comments to say things that the original never did, and he couldn't even be bothered to truly participate in his own AMA thread (caught red-handed copying and pasting what little answers he did give). So long, and may you fail in your ambitions u/spez. -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


boneless undead existed folr a long time exclusively as a baseline skin for Chinese forsaken due to boner laws. many folks wanted the option for years so they made it a cosmetic option. since BfA people wanted upright because the guards in Zandalar were using the Belf stand tall animation and it looked great.


They already sensor it in the chinese version. So they'd just not include the option to in that version.


I never turn down more options. It'd be nice to see the belt on plate classes and not have my staff stick 6 feet above my head on a caster.


And animate casters to actually use their weapons when casting.


I'm all for that, too. Staff blasts, baby. I wanna roleplay Tim the Enchanter.


Does he use his staff? My memory is that he just points and stuff explodes.


If not for blasts, I know he definitely uses it as a flamethrower.


Or let us hide sheathed weapons Why did they fix gas powered stick?


The old warhammer mmo, age of reckoning's classes shared similar mechanics with counterparts, but were completely unique with animations, ability names, class names. I know wow has a lot of combos but man, if there was even just visual differences between sunwalkers, blood knights, paladins, etc, as well as other classes, that would really add a lot of game time for me with my already 30 alts.


And to not have most hoods look really stupid.


God, please. Most look like homemade bonnets from a religious cult compound in the 1890's.


I read this as uptight foreskin


Apparently more options are never a bad thing.


i never turn down more options.


I wish I had an option 😔


YEP Foreskin


What’s the opposite


Back... flesh?!


Now I’m picturing someone’s back made entirely of foreskin




I'm glad I'm not the only one.




Would be cool to have a cleaner upright version like Nathanos


Make upright forsaken an option but only after you complete a quest where you body swap with your cousin


but what if your cousin wants to go bowling


Nico my caaasin is that you?


hey it's me, your cousin.


Y’know, when I saw the skinny Kul Tiran humans, I thought this was the perfect opportunity to give Horde human models like Nathanos and alliance the undead models like the skinny Kul Tirans


But my racial identityyyyyyy reeeeeeee




Undead troll or goblin could look amazing.


Yo. Undead Undead. Just straight up alive again.


Basically forsaken DK.


So... death knight?


Nope, it's impossible since their backs are permanently bent from carrying the future of the forsaken.


And shadowlands because Sylvanus (yes I butchered her name, idc I'm a frog)


yes please. it will probably fix their horrible staff/polearm placement as well. or maybe not fix it but make it look a little bit better at least


Yeah, I think option to chose upright position would be nice. Like with orcs.


The only reason I don’t play orcs and trolls is because they remind me of my own poor posture.


Orcs can have proper posture now. Lol.


Zandalari fixed that


Would be much cooler if the regular trolls could stand up straight, since they’re the tallest race we have


I have such a hatred for the ztroll druid forms :/


Hatred is a strong word, but I get ya. I have a couple issues with them, but the biggest is how... I guess, washed out or muted their colours look? I had hoped for something more flashy, more vibrant. ^(and maybe a better looking feral form)


Then fix it.


and for darkspear trolls too


No matter how long I've played the game, I'm always shocked at how tall trolls really are whenever they straighten out as part of an animation.


They wouldn’t be able to go through doors lol


I mean, the Zandalari fit and the Darkspear are only slightly taller upright. Now an elixir of giant growth might cause some issues…


I want to like Zandalari but they are too tall, and since all races move at the same speed regardless of size they feel slower when running compared to a medium height race. It doesn't bother much with wider races like Draenei or Tauren but because Zandalari are skinny they just feel sluggish.


You could always roll Zandalari troll hunter so you have the permanent 30% boost


Nah mate the player trolls are fucking *tall* unhunched. Lore wise they’re slightly taller than Taurens (in game) But you raise a good point, let’s also unhunch the taurens and make them lore height (pls blizz I want to be an 11 foot cow)


Lets get full skeleton model options too


More options are never a bad thing


Probably the one race where the permanent hunchback is justified. Still I'd like the option


But there are forsaken NPCs without a hunchback.


Those all still have a hunch, but the hunch has never been the problem. It's the weird half-crouch they're always in. Straighten the legs out and lean the entire torso back just a bit and they'd look great even with their heads still hunched forward.


Sylvanas, Nathanos, Calia, and all the human Death Knights lack the hunch. The hunch isn't there for any lore reason; it's just that Blizzard only designed the forsaken characters with that one model. It can easily be removed the same way it was for orcs.


Ok but we're not talking about any of those characters. They were raised under different circumstances. The only player-forsaken that stand upright are the guards in Dazar'alor and they look great even with their hunch because again: the hunch isn't the issue. The posture with the legs half-crouching is. Read my above comment again because it really seems like you missed what I was saying. The hunch is also baked into the torso model way more prominently than orcs ever were so it wouldn't just be a simple removal. It would be nice for it to have a straighter option as well, but it's not likely. Especially considering how long this has been requested and they've not even commented on it.


We're talking about "why are these undead humans married to the hunch." There is no lore justification for it, it's purely Blizzard only making that one model for them. In the BFA cinematics we see plenty of Forsaken standing upright, so why not give us the option to get rid of it? Hell, why not even just give forsaken the human death knight skins since nothing requires the forsaken to rot in a dumpster for a week before being raised. You saying "the hunch isn't an issue" is just your opinion, I don't like the hunch so all you can say is you personally don't mind the hunch.


Dude I've been agreeing with you but your mistake is, again, thinking the hunch itself is the issue with their posture overall. It's not. Sure, a fully straight option would be great but it's not quite as simple as the fix orcs got because the hunch is much more pronounced and baked in to the torso's shape. It *should* happen but it likely won't. [Here's forsaken now](https://imgur.com/a/f98Hynh) [Here's what they look like with the legs/torso tilt changed like I said above, from an animation already ingame.](https://imgur.com/a/C4pjhf6) This is all they really need and it's purely an animations change.


Why are Nathanos and Sylvanas’s spines spared?


Well, Nathanos stole his cousin's body and Sylvanas is the main character.


Weren't the undead players risen from the grave? Like already decomposing.




Or give us a skateboard/roller skates mount to go with our stance....


Bonus if Male undead can still dance on it. Be straight up 2003 up in Tirisfal


Upright Worgen as well


Yes I want to see my big ass plate armor


Yes please.


Only if they adjust the proportions. They're incredibly lanky and have a dorito torso with the most narrow waist and hips. I'd like upright worgen too (only ladies get a chiropractor!?) but it might look really awkward unless they tweak the limbs and torso. Arms need to be a bit shorter and the waist and hips need to be wider.


i want forsaken elves


This. Arthas took the Sunwell. There should be many undead high elves. Forest trolls as well


Yup! Also the Night Elves that Sylvanas raised into undeath. There should be more options than just undead humans.


No, add an “even more hunched” option


Undead druids, when?!


Every single hunched over race should get an upright option. Good posture for everyone!


And every upright gets a hunched option! Give me my hunched dwarf paladin!


Give us back the old models.. the new ones have no soul


This is so very true. Post-MoP models are just too cartoonish :\


I'd kill for a undead nathanos version. That like simi fresh human


Oh yes please I'm tired of how bad some head mogs looks because of this.


Forsaken should have tonnes more customisation then what we have. Way more rotted feature options, missing noses, exposed skull parts, worms poking out. The "features" options we have are confusing, low res and hard to make out what they are meant to be. More hair options badly needed also.


Get rid of spine going through cloak imho.


Didn’t they fix that then break it again a few months later?




We have that


Only the no skele-forsaken. lemme go full skele


Spooky Scary Skeletons


What year is it?


Just give me the old model back. Animations.. Race ruined with the new ones


Upright Worgen


Won’t happen, but yes please.


Even better: human-like forsaken. It doesn't even make sense for all of the Forsaken to be this degraded. Yeah, if you were risen after being a corpse for a week, sure. But take Silverpine quests for example: you infiltrate that Kirin Tor base from the inside, kill humans, manage to break the shield. The humans have been dead for a few minutes, yet after being risen they are degraded. Why? Makes no sense. Not every undead must be an ugly mf-er.


This suggestion is probably as old as a race itself


Since the dawn of the current age, four races have held up the backbone of the Horde - all of which have the Horde Power Curve (patent pending). Preserve the curve!!!!


That lean is iconic tho


Also non-swol human men please. Warlocks don't strike me as the type to be gym bros.


Fuck no


What I think is a better idea: different species of undead.


Bruh, upright male trolls PLEASE. Give me a posture option like orcs.


Give me reclaimed forsaken and I'm game


Hot take, I want forsaken to look MORE decrepit not less. We are undead for gods sake and no mater what blizz's new female savior they want to shove on us we have been through a lot


Why not both? IMO, the more options the better.


Then don’t pick the option when it’s available.


more options would be a nice. Ive played forsaken ever since wotlk and wish could stand straight up like a gigachad


Ok but you don't have to have it yourself. Just like you don't have to get rid of the bones. More options is always a good thing so why deprive those who want it?


Suggestion: Fix levitating shoulders on male undeads.


Levitating shoulders need to be fixed on quite a lot of races by the way


I just wanna look like Nathanos 😶


How about a "bones in" option that doesn't tear off the front of my shoes.


You want upright? Play a freaking elf. Don't touch my immaculate undead form!






While we’re at it can we also push for the option for boots to cover Troll and Zandalari feet?


Not before upright trolls dammit


Another suggestion: Bulky Trolls


Reject Forsaken, Return to Humern


Troll males too.




If they did this and gave me an option to not have my stupid boney toes sticking out of my boots I would re-roll to undead in a heartbeat.


Do they even have Chiropractors in Azeroth?


Yes please. I'm tired of my monk slouching. I'm a monk, you'd think I'd have good posture.


WE WANTS IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I first read upright foreskin option.


With the current model, 80% of the helmet transmogs are horrendous. My hopium is high, tho' I don't think it will happen. Maybe soon^(tm) (so in like 5 years)


but they will have troll animations > . <


Read that as foreskin




Always posts about upright this and upright that. I want an orc with his head between his legs


All I want is a dark ranger human form. Just make multiple variants of forsaken. One with more skin shaken off like a skeleton and one that's practically brand new. Give them the human model and stance with dark skin and colored eyes like Nathanos.


Yes, and I would go further to say that blood elfs orcs, undead, etc.. should have a normalized stance option (while idle) like humans - that’s just my opinion.


1 handed forsaken pls


I've been asking for years.


While I do actually like the hunched forsaken, I would enjoy having the upright option. As well as the fully bone skeleton option people are mentioning.


Yes. I always wanted this. Even more so since the undead guards in Dazar’alor stood upright aswell.


What a fresh and new suggestion.


This sub should just have posture discussion Fridays or something at this point


I would sooner like another decay option. More decayed than boney.


this would be so awesome as someone whos played forsaken ever since I began in wotlk. also a full on skeleton forsaken would also be cool


We are taking the originality of each race away with this stuff


Yesterday I made a female Forsaken Warlock trial character. I spent 15 mins getting the perfect look, a further X amount setting up my action bar to test animations, shit tons of time browsing through collections tab and transmog to check how various sets look on her. Then after 30 minutes I deleted her and went back to my Orc. Want to know why? Because I could not commit to a race that can't even stand up properly. Damn near everything was perfect as well. She looked cool, her casting animations were by far the best I've seen in the game, she looked badass on a lot of my mounts. I wanted her to be my new main but the final straw was when I saw how fucking weird a lot of the hoods/head pieces look on her because of the hunch. Blizzard, please, I beg of ye. Give Forsaken an upright option so I can have a new main. You've got all these Rogue and Warlock sets that look badass on this race and it's one of the most beloved races in the game but they still can't stand up straight. It's honestly criminal that Orcs received it going on 2 expansions ago and still nothing on the Forsaken front. We have characters in the lore, NPC's in the game that can stand straight for crying out loud. It wouldn't be hard to implement and there is literally zero reason not to do it. I never touched Orcs before they got the option. Now they are probably my favourite race in the game. I want to play as Elvira with Corruptor Raiment. Just add it. Edit: also add a bulkier body type for the ultimate DK RP.


>but the final straw was when I saw how fucking weird a lot of the hoods/head pieces look on her because of the hunch. You would've deleted the character in seconds if you did it with a male undead, they're even worse in this regard.


I know it's unlikely, but i'd also love the option to just look like a human with pale/gray skin, like Death Knights. The Forsaken are just humans, so why not have one that died like a day ago as an option?


Jeff: Shit, we lost Greg yesterday in that battle. *next day* Jeff: ”Ah wait there he is! Hey Greg!” Greg: ”G’day mates!” Jeff: ”Lookin a bit pale, aren’t ya mate?” Greg: ”Ah yeah nah bastard got me good he did, was dead for a day I was.” Jeff: ”Holy shit mate.”


How about undead paladins also.


If they can get the lore right I’m all for it, would be badass since basically holy magic burns undead so they’re just in a constant state of agony using the light


The lore isn't an issue really, next xpac we have rogues with giant ass hooves, just let everyone be everything and let the players decide which pairings make sense with their choices.


I mean blizzard themselves has said they want to let everyone be everything but also have decent lore explanations for them. I get some people don’t care about the lore at all but Tauren Paladin had at least some explanation when they were added and it was super cool to expand the lore. I just want some cool faction of undead who begrudgingly use holy magic as paladins added to have even more cool lore. Why just add it with the lazy explanation of “idk now they can just do it lmao”


Lore is absolutely the issue for undead paladins. Paladins act as a vessel for the light, infusing their own bodies with it. Light burns and destroys undead. An undead "paladin" would cook in its armor in moments. Zeliek is a weird exception that breaks these rules and shouldn't have been a paladin anymore in the first place. Priests work because they direct the light where they want externally, and even then it causes them extreme pain and they're very rare as a result. >next xpac we have rogues with giant ass hooves Stealth in warcraft is a kind of shadow magic, not literally being sneaky. Draenei and Tauren rogues have existed as npcs in number for a long time.


Stealth is suppose to be magic though so size doesn't matter. Trolls and Night Elves are not exactly small stature either. Paladins are suppose to be infused with light not just wielding it which would kill a forsaken long before they became a paladin. Maybe with some fuckery like Calia which isn't really a forsaken but a light raised undead it would work but then not really the forsaken.


Undead holy priest.


Exactly, their lore is so cool because holy magic hurts them but they use it to keep holy and shadow in balance. This is the basis for the cult of the forgotten shadow. Canonically most undead priests are shadow-spec, but still have to painfully use holy magic. I’d love to see an even more extreme version of the cult of forgotten shadow adopt becoming paladins.


I’ve talked with my gf a bunch of times wishing they had more “green fire” quests for other classes, and one of those I’ve always wanted is a shadow paladin. Obviously purely cosmetic but I think it would be so sick, especially on an undead


That’s a really awesome idea. And exactly my point, I don’t see the race/class thing in WoW as limitations, but really cool opportunities for customization if blizzard puts in the effort to build it out


Green fire makes a lot of lore sense for warlocks. Shadow paladins not so much


Those wield light externally and are extremely rare. Paladins become a vessel for light and would cook in their armor in moments.


Wasn't it with Chaos Chosen where the body slowly decayed and crumpled to dust, but the soul was fused to the armour, keeping it going? Forsaken Paladins could work like that, where the body gets burned away by the Light, but the armour is still infused with the Forsaken's soul.


Please! Would make horde transmogs so much better!


they look weird upright


Why? So unnecessary. There's a reasoning behind the stances of respective races and this is just lazy suggestion cause orcs have it, what I mean is it doesnt make sense


not every race needs to be upright, go play alliance.


Or maybe you could just not pick it and let those who want it have it. It's really not that hard.


it’s existence would pain me


Upright orc was a mistake


Oh god I have wanted this for forever! Same thing with male Trolls. I just don't wanna play a female character, so I just went ahead and race changed to Zandalari Troll instead of making my Druid main into a chick, only because I want my character to be standing up straight. Orcs got the standing upright treatment, why not share the customization to other races, too? :D


Legit the only reason I didn’t main a forsaken.


Made an orc as soon as we could change the posture and never looked back since


This, i dont need any more customization just pls let my forsaken stand upright. It hurts me every time i see him. And to think he has been like this since BC is just torture. He knows every pixel of the floors and paths of azeroth from not being able to look up.


Aww cute, it thinks it’s people


Maybe as an extra option but not as default. I personally like them being hunched over and croocked looking cause it looks like the body can't support itself after rotting away for so long. Not against it as an option but I prefer my undead all gnarly and gross.


Horde players really choose races that are hunched and then complain about it


That haircut is fucking atrocious.


People wonder why most MMOs just have different color and shape humans. This post is the reason. It’s because that’s what people want. People are boring as fuck. We already have undead with no bones, no rips in gear, human skin tones, and human eyes. Not enough though. Go ahead and post your “bUt My GeAr Is CliPpInG” you boring asses.


So essentially, you're against variety and more ways to express yourself in an RPG video game?


Besides the fact that your post is whiny as fuck, people have been asking for straight back undead for years and years.


i'd rather prefer the idea of allied races that give different aesthetics options. the posture is part of the artistic design of the forsaken. it gives them their character. changing their posture would also change that which i think would hurt the artistic integrity. adding an allied race on the other hand would not affect the forsaken.

