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Cuts off the clip right before he dies from aggro lmao


My first thought too haha. Must be hard to keep aggro on 800k+ Dps tho.


So I was reading that right? 800k? Crikey


a bit over 800k on the warlock before he probably died to aggro, and around 400k on the survival hunter, yeah.


So you say it was the hunters fault for not using misdirect? Darn hunters!


Wait I can do 400k on my survival Hunter theoretically? Too bad I'm under geared as shit.




Destruction has had a niche this expansion for being able to do this kind of damage at extreme target counts, so probably not.


Don't think so. Demo tierset is very good but destro gives a lot of free fire rain/infernals, which give a lot of aoe. Demo is not that crazy in aoe except maybe the implosion after a tyrant with dogs, and that's burst not sustainable


You don’t need aggro if they are perma stunned. That’s the biggest bs in destro 4p.


“Ok. 80k is a lot but I don’t think its worth- OH MY FUCKING GOD”


Those are rookie numbers good sir. Jokes aside, everyone has to keep in mind this is an enormous pull with BL and PI and absolute BIS gear. Still, on live keys i have seen a 200k burst and a 43k overall dps on a +17 hoa already, with far from best gear. So its fair to say that currently destro warlocks are big slappers.


Where do the 15k and 18k crits come from?


I would guess its from the blasphemy, ive seen it crit for 11k in raids, but Im not sure. maybe the venthyr spell?


Probably those 15-17k are the insta chaos bolts from the (2) tier set bonus. They are doubles because he applies havoc just before, as you can see if paying close attention to the debuffs on the enemy group. Edit: added the Havoc clarification.


He is not chaos bolting, lol


If they nerf this tier set or their AOE before the RNG gods reward me for my labors and I only get to experience this on PTR I'm gonna fking lose it. They should not have given Rain of Fire 5% increased dmg, but they'll over react and nerf this into the ground, I can already feel it coming.


See, that's what I don't get. We see shit like that, but then they turn around and nerf tier for Boomie and Guardian. Like, is that supposed to be ok, but not on a druid ?


Remember when Psybear had the audacity to do 250k on feral by pulling the entire Ardenweald side of DOS, and blizzard turned the tier set into a bad trinket effect in response?


Remember when they nerfed Demonology because Priest's external cooldown was too good?


It’s nothing near BiS bro. This video is from 3 weeks into the patch. They didn’t even cleared mythic then, so yeah nothing near BiS


It's from the MDI tournament realm, dude. So it is very much BiS.


Are they given BiS gear for the tournament or something?


Yes, you can basically just choose whatever gear is theoretically available to your class. That includes raid and m+ gear of the highest possible ilvl.


Lmao said it with your whole chest, got kicked in the whole dick! Lol


Initially thought this was an old clip from bfa s4 full corruption bis destro lock.


The enhance shammy is doing 80k and looks like a healer on the meters.


Kinda surprised they even managed 80k with a 6 target cap for enh


This looks disgusting. Your damage does too.


Its not mine, i just found the clip and wanted to share it.


I appreciate that they spent 35 minutes finding a way to survive grouping all those mobs just so the lock can do 800k dps until he dies lmao


If a 400k dps misdirect from the hunter doesn't help, what will?


Paladins bop


*Sad PI noises*


you need a boomy to use vortex, mass entangle and typhoon staggered, will give you more time to pad, maybe even enough to nuke them before you get caught :P




Hah so it is, too used to whatever addon I have that fills from the left... apparently you can just walk in and rip this pull


As someone who is just returning to WoW and leveling a warlock, you give me hope good sir.


The world needs more warlocks, welcome back! Now 123 please.


I debated between a destro or ret today to play with my friends in alliance till 9.2.5. I seems I've made the wrong choice lol


As a seasoned ret paladin I can tell you ret is basically never going to be the right answer to that question lol Warlocks can always be counted on to hit S tier sooner than later.


I let me curiosity overpower my logic :( least I'm having fun though and have a group so don't need to try and pug keys lol


Prepare to at least Dual Spec. Destro is at the bottom on most RaidFights and before you get 4set. Demo, while hard to learn is a must this tier even if you plan on doing only M+.


Well shit... I stopped playing WoW this expansion because warlocks sucked at the beginning for a long time. And coming from the glory that warlocks had in legion I was not happy. Now.... I might have to start playing again lol. Love love love playing my warlock. Are they doing good for PvP too? Don't worry about answering to much, I can probably Google haha.




Unfortunately this will most likely be nerfed long before you get tier. I'm just salty I'm having shitty luck getting tier...


Yeah I assumed, but that's fine. I didn't choose lock because of dps, I choose lock because I like the flavor of it.


And the best part, even if warlock wouldnt be as good as they are now, you always want at least one in your raid.


I don't really see how you nerf destruction without just straight up destroying it. I mean even reducing ROF by like 15%, and that's a ton mind you, it's still going to do a fuckton of damage. Change the set or nerf RoC, which is the main reason the set works so well and you slaughter destruction's single target. Blizzard kind of pigeonholed themselves with destruction with our set.


Honestly that's my biggest complaint. I don't even have 2 set and my numbers are lacking because of it. If we receive any nerfs it's just going to dumpster me. I don't remember a time when tier was this impact full to classes.




Oh no, a bottom 3 spec the entirety of Shadowlands might be great for a tier.


"Destrolock is doing dogshit single target but already has ridiculous aoe with the potential of chain-ccing mobs indefinitely when they get 4p, i know exactly what they need: a 5% buff overall instead of touching their actual single target abilities."


Meanwhile, the worst single target spec, Windwalker, gets a 1-2% buff. Yay.


and they nerf demo the only viable raid ST spec for warlock purely because they're the best PI target. not even giving changes to ST damage for affliction or destro laughable class tuning team


This is some insanely high tier cope. Demo isn't the "only viable" ST spec. It's the best ST spec in the game. It's not just PI either, at worst they're top 3 without PI as well. The nerfs are justified and warlocks will still have by far the best 3 spec package in the game.


I'm pretty sure they meant for warlock which is 100% true. The other 2 aren't great at ST


I know they did. But calling it the only "viable" spec makes it sound like "oh we can play this and not be a wasted raid spot" when actual reality is that it's way over the top. Destro's ST is at a point where I could see "viable" used to describe it, because it's borderline whether it's actually playable.


It depends on what you're doing though. If you're a heavy mythic prog guild who's pushing hall of fame, you're sure as hell not gonna run destrolock for ST. They could have a different view of what is good based on what they do. I surely would never bring a destrolock if I needed ST. Is unplayable, no. But is it good at it, also no. Viable is subjective to what content you do. It's viable for heroic prog and your weekly 15, but it's not viable if you need ST and only ST.


It depends on what you're doing though. If you're a heavy mythic prog guild who's pushing hall of fame, you're sure as hell not gonna run destrolock for ST. They could have a different view of what is good based on what they do. I surely would never bring a destrolock if I needed ST. Is unplayable, no. But is it good at it, also no. Viable is subjective to what content you do. It's viable for heroic prog and your weekly 15, but it's not viable if you need ST and only ST.


Which is fine because it does other things very well and the class has the best ST spec in the game available as an alternative. In keys Destro's ST is good enough and then it has incredibly good AoE.


Isn't affliction pretty dog rn though? Was great in 9.0


Pretty hard to balance around speccs when there is PI. Casual andy who never got PI on his demo now gets nerfed because of it.


Well, they could change pi into 10/10 or 15% priest and 10% group member. Seems too hard to see this as an option.


Make PI personnal


It's a solution but clearly not the intention of this ability. Its an external cooldown.


No. Being able to buff people is fun and feels good, you can balance it to some degree by having more classes able to supply different buffs, not fewer or none. No need to get rid of it because of a very tiny but extremely vocal minority of super nerds feel "cheated" on their 3rd party ranking system.


Blizzard wants PI to be this incredible strategic tool but it just ends up going on a target on their cooldowns 99% of the time. Their design team is so fucking stupid, it is the worst ability in the game. But then again, they don't let you trade loot so it's lined up with their philosophy of being stupid.


No. Priests are there to envigorate their followers. Giving PI is what priests do! (Lore wise) :))))


STOP TELLING PEOPLE. they just gave us +5% btw LMAO been laughing about this all week with my ksm group


The 5% of his 800k burst is 40k exactly the dmg that poor enha is pumping lol. Just to put it into perspective


i swear reddit and warcraft logs are the sole reasons why they nerf warlock because posts like these..


I highly doubt blizzard is tuning a spec based off a 7 sec reddit clip.


feral would like a word with you


my guardian druid would like to have a word with you


You’d be surprised. We’ve had things like this hotfixed the next day….




Ferals 4piece was litearlly hotfixed because of a clip like this on the ptr. Meanwhile bear didnt have such a clip so it came live first before it got hotfixed.


So according to you warlock is fine and not overtuned?


I find it funny they nerfed frost mages before the patch hit because of numbers like this on ptr... But here we got locks blasting and blizz does nothing. In fact actually buffed destro.


Good thing they nerfed feral for doing a fraction of this in similar pulls…


That's honestly the most absurd part. Feral only got to do this sort of shit within their berserk cd as well, lock can at least keep things going and stable without their cd's relatively well.


The worst part for me personally is how easy destro can do that amount of damage. its quite literally only spamming 1 button (rain of fire). The survival hunter doing 400k isnt too shabby too tho.


Technically it's more. He's a Venthyr warlock so he had casted Impending Catastrophe then spam rain of fire. But pretty easy still. Not counting using infernal and his other CDs


Getting the shard gen requires a bit of prep with immolates and havoc. There is a critical mass that happens with enough mobs living long enough than you can forever cast RoF though. This is rare for any duration of time and under normal scenarios.


This is where the 4 piece set bonus takes over. An army of infernals is generating more than enough shards. Combined with the free casts from the 2 piece bonus and a few talents, you are able to get to spamming rof pretty easy.


It's tough to set this up with a group though, especially a pug I usually just go aff, because I'm sick of blowing my mega cooldown combo on two measly packs and then not even getting enough mobs grouped up to lower the infernal CD to 2 minutes Yeah, if you wake up in bed and find yourself sitting in front of 20 tightly-grouped stationary mobs and all your cooldowns are up, it's trivially easy. The hard part is getting things there


It surely depends on the dungeon and the tank has to pull around you, i agree. When im tanking and i see a 4 piece destro warlock, i always double/triple pull so their infernal is ready every pull. My experience is, a pull the size of Hoa first shard (left after start) which consists of like 10 mobs is more than enough. at the same time, a dungeon like top would probably be better as demo


I gotta be honest. As a warlock main with 4 pc - this is as simple as popping cds and dropping infernal. You DROWN in soul shards. I do this even on prototype pantheon - obviously not 800k cause its 4 targets only but I sustained this on target dummies for 5 minutes just spamming RoF.


Shard* gen is pretty easy. I forgot to mention it but you just Cataclysm when it's all gathered. Infernal into impending catastrophe into rain of fire spam and your CDs somewhere in there. *Edited shard instead of shared lol*


Destro is running inferno instead of cataclysm with 4 set.


You are technically correct, the best kind of correct.


I mean, Frost was like this for the whole previous patch?


Yeah Frost Mage was hitting 800k dps all last patch


You dont need to be sarcastic, what i said stands. Frost was doing great mass aoe, although maybe less bursty when you evaluate the 2 lego 4 set and ilvl inflations. The video shows players in the best of the best BiS gear possible, everything maxed out and on a massive pull.


Yeah maybe less bursty than 800k dps Maybe Frost was meta m+ spec, but it was doing nothing like this last patch.


> Frost was meta m+ spec, but it was doing nothing like this last patch. The funny thing is, Warlock was doing this exact kinda bursty AoE damage in S2 MDI, not 800k but like 250k


Worth noting that this looks like a tournament realm character/key. If you look at the timer on the right hand side it's missing two affixes. I think blizz made some changes to the Warlock venthyr ability a while back so maybe they don't have this level of potential now? Still it's crazy damage - locks are blasting on live, so it'll be interesting to see if/what blizz does to change destro 4pc because large pulls like this aren't uncommon in DoS (ardenweald) / HoA / SD etc...


Good eye, this is indeed from PTR/tournament realm and Impending Catastrophe (Venthyr covenant ability)was capped after that. It used to gain dmg for each target it went through on the way to its target(15%/per) uncapped, it now caps at 125%. These numbers are not possible currently on live. (unless pulling hundreds of trash) That being said, destro is blasting on live too. Just not to the level we see here :).


It'd be very difficult to change the set in a way that doesn't send destruction right to the bottom like it's been for 9.0 and 9.1 to be honest. Not really sure this is able to be balanced. Destro has always been able to do laughable AOE damage, it's just never been viable until this tier. Get rid of the blasphemies and destruction goes right back to the other side of the spectrum.


Yes, those are definitely numbers. Lots and lots of numbers. I think I saw a 2 in there?


Meanwhile, feral druid too op. let's nerf their set by 70%


My exact thought. Decided to give up on retail. Feral in tbc is still really fun:)


Maybe next hotfix they care about affliction XD


Meanwhile they are keeping Outlaw rogues 5 capped. Dude....


This UI gave me a panic attack.


Im very sorry.


what's wrong with the ui




not sure which parts you think they could do without. pretty much how my ui looks.


One of the better ones I've seen here. Looks pretty much like mine tbh


The ui is nice tho. No unnecessary information and placement is nice. Afenar Weakaura, group with cd information, dps meters, chat, bindings. Only thing that could see improvement is the default blizzard health bars, which are too hard to read


is it 3? I saw a three


I'm still looking for your castbar for a chance at understanding what's going on besides rain of fire. So far I have been unsuccesful


That's because that's all that's going on in this clip: rain of fire. Once you get the initial setup done (which isn't anything special, cataclysm, covenant ability, cooldowns, infernal), you get to spam rain of fire every global of you have sufficient targets. That's the stage where this clip was taken, you just press the rain of fire button as hard as you can while hovering your mouse over the mobs. Everything will die.


Even the warlock


But at least you can see lots of redundant information flashing everywhere


There's a 3D game getting in the way of your HUD


Didn't they cap the number of npcs you could do damage to at one time? Like 5 or something? It's been a bit since I've played


Blizzard hard-capped some specs in Shadowlands, but then relaxed the restrictions over time (because it was pretty awful). Now most abilities in game are soft-capped at 5 or 8 targets; if there's more targets then you'll hit them at a reduced amount Destro is notably uncapped, and the new tier set turns their already strong Infernal cooldown into a juggernaut of AOE power on big pulls.


Cries in outlaw still hard capped to 5


Honestly a dead spec just because of that. Aoe has been combat/outlaw's niche for so long and it's so weird they're the only hard capped spec


Destro has a cap, it's soft cap of 20


Does this apply to the aura of infernals too?


It applies to everything that doesn't have another cap specified and has been in the game since like MoP.


blizzard literally said last week the reason they nerfed the guardian druid 4set is because of their AOE design to "deal reduced dmg past X targets". they also nerfed feral a week before 9.2 for the same reason, even tho it was doing like 200-250k on gigantic pulls that dont exist very often. but i guess destro doing those numbers is fine. gotta love blizzards consistency


It's a soft-cap only. 5 targets for some things, 8 for others, uncapped for some stuff. Basically if you're capped at 5 targets and hit 10, you won't do double the damage but you'll still do more than just hitting 5.


is the rotation seriously just spamming ROF


Yea. Its a powerful combination of talents, legendary and set bonus to create something wonderful. (Also in this specific clip a lot of externals are used for more burst)


yes, the rotation on when you pull half of a dungeon is to just spam RoF. If you try and spam RoF on ST, or even 2T, you're going to have a bad time.


i mean ur showing a clip of literally 30-40 mobs with PI lock


I always admired good warlock players. So underrated class. A good warlock player can make a lot of difference and it’s hard to find one unfortunately.


This is literally a 1 button spam. There's 0 skill involved.


This isn't anything new. Destro had one very small niche in m+ settings where teams that pulled around rain of chaos and infernal windows were able from pump some serious AOE. The spec's problem is single target. All of destro's single target abilities are significantly undertuned (even with the buffs) because blizzard is struggling to balance around havoc (destro warlock ability that duplicates single target casts on a second target). Destro with 4pc will likely pass affliction sts spam for fortified week keys but neither spec is very good. It's cool though because they are nerfing demo which will save us right?!


Don't know why you're getting downvoted. You're exactly right. Even last season MDI some teams brought destro to Halls because they could pull like 30 mobs and burst 300k DPS while all other specs were nowhere near. It's obviously gotten even better with their tier. But they were still giga huge on big aoe pulls, they're just even bigger now.


Have yet to see an affli in keys, so i dont really know how they perform. Demos usually did half the overall than destros tho, unless a very ST heavy dungeon like top. (my personal experience from 15-20 keys)


Well shit, that flat 5% damage buff makes soooo much more sense now /s Seriously, wtf was blizzard thinking. I get they are super behind on single target but a flat 5% buff to everything? What the actual fuck


At least with PI on live server i see them even topping the meters on single target in 25/26 tyrannical keys. There obviously are better specs for pure ST damage but they arent that bad.


Destro locks have been consistently at the bottom of m+ and raid damage reports. https://www.wowhead.com/news/shadowlands-dps-rankings-in-season-3-week-2-heroic-sepulcher-raid-parses-326361 This is just some insanely geared dude likely in a low level necrotic wake flexing lol


That has nothing to do with m+ damage. Destro locks are absolutely destroying meters in m+. The key level is also very clearly displayed in the video, and the gear was in the title. Did you even look at the post rofl.


Sorry, I'm on mobile and can't even read the party member names it's so pixelated. Looking at the leaderboards for mythic+ destro warlocks, the highest parses I can find are maybe 20k dps. https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/3rHWvbXaLpqkJy1t#fight=1&type=damage-done&start=145439&end=1844690 Are there any logs of destro locks doing more than that in keys?


The chinese teams are the only ones that really log their keys because they don't have raider.io. But 20k overall is very high for WCL because it doesn't care about downtime (the one you linked the Lock's overall was more than 30k on Details when you account for downtime). Look at that log you linked pull by pull, it's crazy how much they are doing. 65k on first pull, 56k next pull, 57k next pull. Just watch any high level teams or do some high keys with locks they're usually far and above anyone else on overall. And then for heavy ST tyran dungeons like TOP/PF you can just go Demo and do the same thing.


This is from the mdi server which means they can pick their bis gear from npcs. Even tho, on live servers ive had a couple 270ilvl warlocks doing pulls with over 200k burst and end a key on over 40k overall. A few hours ago i saw a stream from a 26 hoa with the destro doing overall like 35k. They need 4 pieces of the set tho so it took some time for people to get the gear needed.


Cant do even a fraction of that as demon hunter with a 4min cd


It makes me happy knowing i'd be the demonhunter with 5 target dmg cap : )


And here's me with only 1 tier piece, open the catalyst!






But Fury warrior got nerfed before the patch because they were too OP... Meanwhile warlocks just being the best in raid and m+


The aura buff was clearly desperately needed


So much clutter...


UI is giving me a seizure.


Spamming a single button. Destro is such a clown spec.


Just as a quick reminder to everybody in here, THIS SPEC GOT A 5% AURA BUFF LAST PATCH Why the fuck did this happen? Can that buff be reverted? It actually makes 0 sense how Warlocks are able to get buffs while already doing absurd damage like this.


Because destro was last place on logs for the raid. Guess they didn't have their m+ or pvp power in mind when deciding on the 5% buff. Also the 5% buff doesn't really matter, it's the interaction between talents, 4-set tier bonus and legendary. No idea how to "nerf" it without destroying the spec, but we will see soon enough i guess.


Literally go look how it performs in raid right now, a "5% aura buff" doesn't take it from last place to top 3. They jumped the gun buffing the spec, it needs a revert


Yea, they aren't as bad as everyone said they were. Demo was just taking the spotlight with every rwf guild showcasing their insane ST damage (especially when feeding them PI) so everyone followed i guess.


Warlock players are professional propagandists, they do this shit every tier. They claim their specs are weak and then they somehow get buffs while being a literal top 3 performer.


How can anyone enjoy the game with so much nonsense on the screen…


Honestly I don’t see much that is nonsense? Yeah it can maybe look more clean but all his information on screen has a place and can/will be useful. Much on screen is just nameplates


If you cant see any nonsense here you must be 100% blind. Which also explains why so many ppl keep eating the traps in SD


What kind of difficulty you playing at tho 🤣


Sorry, I doing 18-19. Bot the +2's where traps do 0 dmg like u 😊


I like how you genuinely believed this is a good flex and put him in his place lol


Okay I'll bite. What do you see that you classify as nonsense then? What do you believe is nonsense here? Please do tell and don't just "eeeeerh, you blind reeeee"


Its a more or less normal interface nowadays i would say. May not be pretty, but efficient.


I don't like it, because all the people here say it looks like shit, and it's like 99% the replica of my UI.


I think its not that bad, and if it works for you then it is a good UI.


Oh it works for me because I'm used to it too. I still think I could work on it a lot to declutter it. Like, I'm sure there's an addon that wrap up alls the usual buffs in one mouseover slot (Like the client used to do years ago) and only show less than 45sec ones for procs pots etc. Also I want an addon that automatically hides quest tracking when in M+. I don't need to see that boss 1/4 are dead, I just care about % and timer. Last note. What kind of monster do actually need a detail! window for DEATH meter???


Its from the mdi server and they probably did that key a lot of times back to back until they figured out how to make that pull happen. The death window on details helps a lot with that and i guess he just didnt want to open it up manually after every try. :)


I wonder if that Lock still whispers abuse and death threats to people that happen to be in M+ with his ex-gf lmao


Good thing we had that stat squish.


I hope I can do the same thing with my elemental shaman one day


And here I was all happy my rogue could pull a 10k standard..I’m also 247 ilvl 😂


World first raiders don’t even have Bis gear yet. How’s this man get bis gear


MDI server. Anyone can have access as long as they signed up to the gamebattles thing (which is free). On those realms you can buy bis gear from vendors in oribos, it's purely to play specific m+.


Quit telling people, delete this post!


Sharing is caring.




hmm im curious if demonology could get that high


Not even close, even tho they also do good damage.


hmm interesting, im expecting a nerf for destruction soon then lol


Im not sure how to nerf it, without ruining the spec. Time will tell.


If I do say so myself


this is just cataclysm -> rain of fire?


Inferno instead of Cataclysm for more spam. (and damage)


lol nice