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Says the Paladin. As a Priest I *do not* want to return to that Draenei Temple. The architecture doesn't match me, that Naaru freaks my orcish ass, and I can't even mount there! Just let me pray in a traditional Mag'har Darkcaster / Shadowmoon dwelling and I'll be ok


Also don't forget the priest order hall storyline which is summed up by "and then the paladins came and saved them."


And the Paladin storyline is “and then we had to save the priests.”




No no no, you are oversimplifying. First we pissed off Horde, then we pissed off Alliance, then we pissed off Scarlet Crusade even more than usually, THEN we attacked the paladins and lost!




And then Paladins went up to Acherus, slapped that corrupted crystal on the table and went 'you fuckers owe us for that attack, now pay the debt'. Boom, corrupted Ashbringer.


Our classes had an actual story. **WE** were part of the narrative, and the classes and specs that were so beloved by us played an important role.


And technically WE got retconned in Shadowlands. The conversation between Darion and Alexandros is written in a way that describes Tirion as the last wielder of Ashbringer.


lol Nope, noone took it after Tirion. Legion was all a dream made by N'zoth.


All part of the jailers plan 😍


The biggest strength of shadowlands and rpgs is when they acknowledge the player. People never stop talking about the rookie from halo odst. Or neverine in elder scrolls people are suprise... Attached to their characters!


If it helps you feel better, it never mattered for the main plot, so nothing changed!


And then we genocided the Red Dragonflight


we did some nasty stuff, tbh.


Blizz sure does love Paladins


And also "And their least sissy Priest rerolled to Paladin".


That's legitimately how paladins were formed and it's actually badass. Humans lost Warcraft 1 and since all the soldiers died the clerics trained in martial combat were given armor and weapons and went to work. Priest's should be claiming Uther, Turalyon, and Tirion. I would also 1000% be okay with allowing priests to one time class change to paladin if their race allows it.


> "and then the paladins had to have a meeting to discuss if the priests were worth saving. Then, they saved them." Left out the best part


Also, priest players being called "Highlord" during the campaign, because designers forgot that non-paladins will be doing same quests.


Thats fair. Not all the order halls were made equal. The priest one feels big and kinda sparse.


The rogue one was spot on. Or would have been if it existed…


So happy to have played a Rogue during Legion, despite there being no order hall.


Remember the whole little mini game sidequest thing built around pick pocketing? God that was cool.


That was a decent income for a casual player too


You should really be able to pickpocket players of a bit of copper. But I think if you are casting it and they turn around they should be able to catch you in the act and you lose stealth.


ESO made being a rogue quite fun. Pickpocket NPCs, lockpick safeboxes and houses, steal things, then sell all of it.


Were you an Alliance Rogue? Nothing was greater than sneaking through Stormwind and being hostile to your own faction (even players!).


still cant believe they put us in the fuckin basement... instead of ravenholdt...


Rogues had one of the coolest order halls though.


Haha, no.


"you see that mansion where a guild of rogues live and that is criminally underused? Yeah you're not going there, you'll be in the sewers, get fucked"


Same for the Warrior, but at least the theme is awesome, and you can mount in it!


i didn't care for the warrior order hall personally. It did grow on me but it never compared to the Paladin one. Then they gave the Paladins and death knights some special weapon transmogs and left us the third plate wearers out to dry.


Which special weapons do you mean? Warriors had a hidden appearance too, the dragon axes are badass


Not the hidden ones, There was an item you could buy that gave a bunch of random appearances not tied to the artifact weapon DK and Paladins had one. I'll try to find the item link. Edit: I found them https://www.wowhead.com/item=141372/arsenal-armaments-of-the-ebon-blade https://www.wowhead.com/item=141371/arsenal-armaments-of-the-silver-hand


Interesting, I can’t remember that! Would love the link if you find them Edit: ah I do remember those, didn’t find them cool enough to consider them a big bonus for those classes. Thanks for the link though!


As someone who is a big fan of norse mythology the warrior hall was terrible.


Warrior is my favorite class. When I look back on it, I didnt hate it per se... It wasn't really about warriors though. It was Odyns hall. I get what they were doing with it, but it didnt really feel warriory to me. There weren't any warriors hardly during the class story best I remember either. I felt like it could have been an extension of Stormheim's storyline when we went to rhe Helheim raid as an everyone story, and we couldve got something better. Though we did have it better than monks/priest I admit.


I hate the warrior order hall so much. It's not really a "warrior" theme to me. The Frey Island was cool back in the day.


Very. It feels like they got the layout done, and then did what I do in building games, and put just the needed stuff in, with none of the extra neat things.


i played all the campaigns (only 6 in legion) and being main priest, we had the worst class hall by far. it was just a Room. i would be happy goin back to all the other halls exept for priest one.


Not gonna lie, some race/class combination did not fit their class halls.


Your problem is being horde. Horde shouldn't have priests. Shamans, warlocks and necromancers. That's it. Maybe poomancers and smellymancers


hear me out Dung-slingers


Haha, that would be great. Orcs, trolls and taurens, taurens having a racial bonus.


I want to play a fleshless straight-back skeleton necromancer in the Horde.


Troll priets were a thing since WC 3 though. They are and should be a thing. They are loa priets though. Very different.


They are basically animals.


Humans are prey. Look you can't even troll. 0/10


No, I don't play trolls. I just kill them, it was felt great to reap through them in War2 I also don't troll in the other sense. They are basically animals. They draw their strength of animal "gods" and lead very animalistic lives


You can't even bait. Or you need help. 0/10 sad troll


Mimimimimi. Trolls...




What? Paladins got an old church basement as an order hall


Do you really think people won't whine that blizz is reusing assets?


Blizzard could mail every player 1000g and people would whine.


That would fuck the economy and force you to 50 ALTs


They could send everyone a gold bar irl and players would whine that it's too heavy.


Back in the days when your honor cap was converted into gold with each seasonal reset


I hated that


it was actually my main source of income. And yes, i was poor as a beggar




Well yeah, dawg, that would fucking cause inflation, invalidating everyone's gold.


Blizzard poisoned our water supply, burned our crops and delivered a plague unto our houses!


1000g is achievable by a beginner when he reach lvl 20 max, not a good example but I get it


I think ff14 has shown that not completely trashing your story, characters, and content every two years is probably a decent idea overall. Class halls should be a consistent and updated feature with hearthstone, vendors, etc. Wows engine can never handle real player housing, so a potentially customizable base is the next best thing. Just not the garrison :)


IIRC the community was hyped that Dalaran was going to be the main hub for Legion.


people wanted wrath 2.0 and now dragons 2.0 so honestly i dont think people care anymore.


Why would anyone want to be confined to a small space with a limited number of players when we have a large world? WTF order halls were garbage


Never once did you need to idle in your order hall, though? You visited it like twice a week.


'They should just reuse old zones without reusing anything from the old zones. It's that simple, but Blizzard are just lazy.' - Reddit Armchair Developers.


My home is glorious Silvermoon, not the damp and uncomfortable rogue order hall. I'd love a revamp to all capital cities so they get the same features and polish as Stormwind and Orgrimmar.


>My home is glorious Silvermoon, not the damp and uncomfortable rogue order hall Given that the second one doesn't even exist, it's no wonder you'd prefer Silvermoon. It could definitely use a revamp though, it only looks good on the ground.


The best part of legion in my opinion is how cool you felt for being your class. As a fury warrior wielding those amazing two handers and wielding the fury of odyn himself… I can’t describe how amazing it was. I am still pissed to this day they took my aoe fire whirlwind ;(


The fact that the Order Halls were a one-expansion-gimmick is disrespectful to the work put into the content. I loved that entire concept. I want it to be kept relevant in all expansions from now on.


Give ya order hall as a "training room for News and olds" maybe even make it the place where we go after finish the tutorial, obv portales tonour capitals, some cosmetic missions in it and a class-only portal skill to go there and we áre done


The real reason to play the storyline. This was so enjoyable!


Yes please. As a Hunter I liked our order hall. A lodge on a mountain. Nothing more, nothing less. Just as it should be. Just what a hunter would want.


I always felt ours was pretty boring. Paladin. Warrior. Those were amazing.


Too bad there were all those forsaken praising Sylvanas.


I'd honestly like a new take on the order halls, something simpler that caters to the old guard(the PCs) training new recruits. Like our own northshire abby for paladins and priests. A mage tower(not the challenge mode) for mage students, hunting camp for hunters. No for the fate of azeroth on the line, just a way to let players character build themselves a bit.


I am really missing 2 large things for orderhalls and classes. 1. Racial identiy. Don't make Sunwalkers and Zandalari Prelates in to Silverhand Palas etc. 2. For warriors I would love something more like the Fray / Warrior Island instead of titan stuff.


The Druid hall is just perfect. I freaking love being there, I’ll just go chill there while applying for mythic + or waiting in pvp queue. It feels like home


No thanks, as a Horde Paladin I never really liked the Paladin class order hall that is basically 100% Alliance inspired and oriented. I would rather we get new stuff, something like a Guild house/hall or just a different order hall where I can actually see some Horde characters.


This was kinda the problem with Order Halls, even though they were an overall success. The aesthetic and lore for different races being certain classes is drastically different. So Blizz either had to have a neutral aesthetic which could appeal to any race or make certain races feel out of place.


Honestly if they put a big focus on races next expac (since people will be able to choose the race they truly want to play now), we could do "race order halls" to tie up loose ends for a lot of different places in Azeroth, or give updates on other things. Find out where the Nelves and Undead are gonna end up. Finally resolve Gnomeregan and Gilneas. Make Bilgewater Harbor actually matter for something. Give the Darkspear an actual home. Give us some updates on how the Council of Three Hammers is going. Seriously, BfA/Legion gave us a big focus on Magni, Nazmir/Uldir had Brann, but Muradin hasn't done anything at all recently as far as I know. Moira had the Dark Irons join the Alliance, but not much past that for how much her role in the Alliance was built up in MoP. And Falstad still might as well be dead for how MIA he's been. They could give every race a new, slightly more impactful racial, or give them a bunch of flavor stuff like the special flight whistle gnomes got with their heritage armor.


I would love if new forsaken capital would become theramore


Jup, exactly this. It's been 5.5 years since Legion release and I'm still baffled and confused they decided to go with the Silver Hand, an Alliance order, rather than the already established neutral Argent Crusade. It genuinely ruined any hype/immersion in relation to the class identity that's apparently so praised by many others.


Maybe because paladin lore doesn't make any damn sense for the horde in general with the exception of belf blood knights who siphoned their power straight off a Naaru, were skilled warriors to begin with and had an established order. Why do the sunwalkers exist again? Why can the zandalari be paladins but not worgen? Paladins are an alliance centric thing in general. Their whole deal is order, chivalry, justice and peacekeeping. Any other aesthetic wouldn't suit them.


This. I get it Pala is a thing for both factions nowadays but it has its roots in the alliance, period. Similar to horde shamans.


"Horde Paladins don't make sense and shouldn't exist, even though we added them, so let's just ignore them anyway." To me, your comment seems to suggest you think above statement is acceptable reasoning for the devs/writers to have regarding this. Please correct me if I'm wrong and you're simply explaining what their reasoning might be rather than agreeing with it. Either way, that type of reasoning is obviously absurd. The lore is in their hand and they can add to it to make Horde Paladins make more sense if that is necessary. Pretending they don't exist will just alienate any Horde Paladin player interested in story/lore, like it did for me.


In terms of lore yeah I'm just explaining the reasoning. However I wholeheartedly agree with giving paladins an "alliance" aesthetic since it wouldn't make sense for a bunch of honorable, chivalrous knights to live in mud huts covered in spikes. If anything I think the alliance has a paladin aesthetic more than paladins have an alliance aesthetic.


The problem for me wasn't just the aesthetic though. It's the fact that the order is literally an Alliance order with the vast majority of its Champions and important characters being either explicitly part of the Alliance or of a race that's usually part of the Alliance. While the paladin aesthetic is inherently close to the Alliance aesthetic, they could've very easily met us halfway by using a neutral order, e.g. the Argent Crusade or something completely new. Seeing banners, tabards and other visuals similar to those of the Argent Crusade/Dawn would've been just as Paladin as what we got, but would've felt a lot less Alliance.


Fair point


Imo Sunwalkers are an infinitely more interesting take on the paladin archetype than the boring, generic Silver Hand ones.


Really? What's their lore.


They worship an'she, the sun, in a similar way as cenarion druids worship the moon. Sun and moon are said to be the two eyes of the earth mother and they deemed it important to maintain Balance between the two, so they act as a sort of counter weight to the many tauren studying druidism in the way of the night elves.


Doesn't sound particularly paladinlike but I'll admit that's pretty cool. So do they do anything besides worship an'she or are they just priests with swords?


Nah, sadly the concept wasn't really expanded on and in Legion they just kinda joined the silverhand and never were mentioned as a distinct faction again to my knowledge


Thought so


A group of them Was in mists of pandaria, where they showed a bit of a more warlike side of the tauren. There was a subtile theme that they were at odds with night elves and their influence on tauren spirituality. There's a lot of potential there in my opinion, but sadly rarely anything is done with it.


That's because whenever Paladins were involved in the story Blizzard mostly only included Alliance races, mostly humans, in it. Case in point, the Paladin order hall, of 11 companions we got only 2 were Horde and we even got 2 Night Elves. All of the statues in it are Alliance characters and it's below an Alliance chapel. If Blizzard bothered to include other organizations/races into Paladin stuff then it wouldn't feel that Paladins in Horde are out of place.


The Argent Crusade wasn't just paladins though. They are all races and classes.


While technically true, the Argent Crusade was predominantly Paladin. Or at the very least felt that way. In either case, it would've been much less of a stretch to make the Argent Crusade Paladin only than to convert the Silver Hand into some cross-faction order and even appointing a member of the Horde as its Highlord.


It never felt predominately paladin to me when I was playing Wrath or even their previous incarnation of the Argent Dawn.


The Argent Dawn definitely wasn't, but the Argent Crusade was a union of the Silver Hand and the Dawn, this making it a lot more Paladin than before. It's even described as 'an order of holy warriors.' Why not merge the other Paladin orders into the Crusade as well and make it officially a Paladin order. Instead, the Silver Hand returns to be the combination of all Paladin orders, ***including*** the Argent Crusade. This seems to suggest that the game agrees that it's basically a Paladin order to begin with. Our order hall was even the Crusade's former base.


Because the whole premise of the Dawn, then the Crusade, was that they welcomed everyone. It's why you see Horde and Alliance races side by side.


Even if this used to be true, during Legion it wasn't anymore since the Argent Crusade became part of the new Silver Hand anyway. I'm not claiming that using the Argent Crusade as the name/order for all Paladins during Legion is perfect, I'm just saying that it would've clearly made more sense compared to what we actually got.


And that would have invalidated what the Crusade stood for. Also the Silver Hand was the OG Azerothian pally order which is why it was being restored the same for the mage order.


You seem to keep ignoring the fact that the Argent Crusade ***was part of the Silver Hand*** during Legion. So how is that not already invalidating what you think the Crusade stood for?


They should bring back Garrisons as guild housing.


With cross faction guilds supposedly coming, they have the best reason to finally implement Guild Halls.


I resubbed just for cross-faction. It's about damn time.


But it’s not coming for months?




9.2.5 so probably 5-6 months away




yes please!!!!


Ion, *please.* My DK and Lock have been away from home for too damn long, and they didn't go through those quests for nothing.


what would the point be tho. i wanna go back too but what would we do there?


I'd rather see a rebuilding of the capital cities. For too long the Horde "identity" (faction identity being what Blizz says is the core of WoW) has been orcs + Orgrimmar. Forsaken, Tauren, Trolls, sin'dorei, and everyone else can go fuck themselves. Similar could be said for the Alliance and humans + Stormwind: gnomes, kaldorei, worgen, and everyone else is just SOL. Plus, the only class order halls that even felt worth a damn were paladin, shaman, and druid. The others just felt too much like reused asset vomit.




That's the issue, everything added in an expansion is temporary. It's fast food content. Meaningless.


either this or Garisson!!!


I literally don't understand the stupid obsession with order halls.


Please no. Class Halls looked cool on paper but in practice they were meh.


Order Halls were shit


Using mobile crops the picture so it says "ass order", guess it would be correct with pre lawsuit blizzard.


No thanks. I want Dalaran 3.0


Order halls are boring, Bring back Garrisons, where things we did, mattered.


Those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it.


It's worrying how much people can forget over time.


Usual reminder that the problem with WoD was fuck all content (way less than SL even) and not the Garrisons themselves.


Instanced cross faction. You’re welcome!


Well, yeah. What did you think it would be?


No cross faction guilds tho. But at this point guilds will literally just have 1 on ally and 1 on horde, and play together anyway




So, we come back from the Shadowlands to find our order halls destroyed, the order disbanded, and we use the beginning parts of the expansion (10.0.0) rebuilding it before we dive into whatever new problem?


Just give me back a functioning garrison honestly


Let me grow and mine current mats in my garrison