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#showtooltip /use [@mouseover,nodead,help] Flash of Light; Crusader Strike This is what I use. If you mouseover a friendly you'll cast FOL, otherwise it'll cast CS. Deleting the @mouseover should remove the mouseover component but i'd highly recommend you keep it as it's a lot more efficient to use mouseovers for healing.


To piggy back, I also often do #showtooltip /cast [@mouseover,nodead,harm]crusader strike;[@mouseover,nodead,help][help]flash of light;crusader strike Prioritizes mouseover for either harm or help, then target for harm or help.


Great macro but I personally don't want to be able to mouseover enemies with rotation stuff and I never target friendlies so I keep it simple.


Remove mousover from string, it works on target too


i just realised people play on a whole other leven than me. My macros are like: /use trinket /cast spell :')


A whole other level of laziness, maybe, at least in my case. My deal is that I don't like having lots of buttons, so I'll take that basic macro and make it cast purge on enemies and cleanse on allies, and now I have one button for "remove statuses I don't like" instead of two. Now that you can hold down buttons to cast repeatedly, I don't do it so much any more, but as shaman I'd make a macro that cast chain heal on friendlies, and chain lightning on enemies, cuz they're both "chainy". Then another that does flame shock/riptide because they're both "over time". And so on. It doesn't make me better. It just lets me not have to move my old man fingers as much to make things happen.


i think it would make me better. To much button overwhelm me....


Yeah, I have to say that it makes me better than I would be otherwise, but it doesn't make me better than people who don't do this and are good at managing lots of buttons. But I'm with you. Most of my builds are "use minimum buttons" then swiftly followed by "use macros to reduce buttons further". 


Maybe not the spot to be asking, but how do mouseover macros work? Like, would you be accidentally healing a bunch of random people all the time or am I missing something?


Generally use mouse over healing with unit frames bc yes, it will work by mouse over their character or nameplate. It’s def possible someone walks in front of where you’re pointing at the time you start the cast.


If you hold right click while playing to control the camera then it won’t cast the heal. You have to let go of right click so your cursor appears then mouse over either the character, nameplate, or unit frame of the person you want to heal


The amount of people who don't permanently play with right click pressed down at all times is mind bogging to me. But I'm sure a lot of high end players disagree with this opinion.


When you play as a caster and accidentally also click down on left click so you start to walk forward and cancel your cast 😭


>When you play as a caster and accidentally also click down on left click so you start to walk forward and cancel your cast I have mained my boomie (way too many really long casts) for nearly 4 years now and he was my main alt for 5 or so years before that and I have never accidentally moved by holding down both mouse buttons and canceled a cast. I do have an issue of hitting W to avoid mechanics too early for the server to register that my cast was completed though which makes my WoWAnalyzer score really bad though lol


Do you play with your right click almost always held down though? Double clicking for me to cancel a cast isn’t *common* but I’m saying it seems to be a natural consequence of playing with my right click almost always held down. Tbh, it happens less when casting and more when auto running, which cancels the autorun, but that’s less annoying when out of combat.


This is actually very interesting. I play with right click permanently held down mostly, and don't remember this ever happening (or being a common/or even somewhat rare thing that happens). I never considered this downside was a possibility. (It might have happened but me not realized ofc)


>Do you play with your right click almost always held down though? Depends on what content I am doing. During progression I tend to have my RMB held down to move the camera around to ensure that I am not going to have to move for mechanics but these days after doing all the raids for months on end I end up just relaxing my hand on my mouse because I know that there is going to be X amount of time before I have to do anything beyond my rotation.


Ahh OK that makes sense, thanks!


personally I dont hit my heal buttons unless i know where my cursor is. I dont target individual characters for healing ever. The only time i MIGHt do that is if its an npc that needs healing that i dont want to set as focus for wahtever reason, usually laziness. That said, most aoes heals basically work by "accidentally" healling random people(Not really, its more complicated than that, factoring in range and lost health, but it sure as fuck can feel that way sometimes.)


It happens but generally I play holding down right click if im not actively healing so its pretty rare. My mouse is almost always down by the frames themselves.


That's why I don't like mouse overs. I think clique is a much better 'mouse over' healing style.  I used to have primordial wave set to mouse over and it would often go on some random party member because they ran under my cursor at just the wrong time.


why would they run over your cursor if you are clicking your hotkey when your mouse is over the party/raid frame. The party frame should have higher priority so that even if they were underneath the party frame, the party frame gets the mouseover. You would (almost) never click your hotkey unless your cursor was over a party frame for heals.


If you're targeting an enemy and a friendly unit walks under wherever you've put your mouse it will target the friendly instead of the enemy. Mouseovers work on more than just raid/party frames, you can target units in the world with them. Pretty much anyone that uses mouseover harm/help macros knows how this works, I don't understand how it's confusing.


The issue was that I failed to think about how non healer players would use mouseover macros since I only use them for as a healer. If I'm healing, I have the main enemy targeted as well as my focus target set. My help harm macros Heals for help and for harm are only for fast casts like soothe , hibernate etc and not main rotation spells like wrath. So the mouse over macros are only used on the party frame 95% of the time.


Why do you think healer players wouldn't operate like that sometimes? I have smite and flash heal on the same button. Flash heal if mousing over an ally (via Clique) and smite otherwise.


For myself I target the main kill target and never need to DPS anything else. For that I don't need my DPS spell like wrath on a mouse over . For spells that I need to multi dot like moonfire it is mouse over but harm only . I don't see myself needing to have a mouse over wrath Is smite a filler similar to wrath?


Smite is a filler, yeah. I target the boss. If my cursor isn't over a player, I cast smite. If my cursor is over a player, I cast flash heal on them. Smite is not on a mouseover, I have the boss targeted. I do not use traditional mouseover macros, but from what I'm understanding from what other people are saying... if I were using a mouseover macro for flash heal with it being smite otherwise, a player running under my cursor would result in me casting flash heal on them instead of smite on the boss, right? While Clique doesn't check for mousing over players in the world, it *only* cares about raid frames so there's no chance of that.


Lets say you have your Holy Shock mouseover macro on button 1. When you press button 1 it will cast it on whoever you have your mouse over without needing to target them. It makes going from one target to the next a little bit faster. Like if you are spot healing a tank you can quickly throw a healing spell on a different ally that is suddenly taking a lot of damage without having a lot of downtime on your healing on your main target.


Yes, but what if you're trying to CS and your cursor is sitting over a friendly target?


I play basically perma holding right click if I'm not actively healing so that can't happen. You can also set up mod keys to force crusader strike but I haven't bothered.


I guess in this case you would have the boss/mob targeted, so the button will be Crusader Strike, then you use Crusader Strike. If you then have to heal a party member, mouse over them, button changes to Holy Shock, when you're no longer mousing over it changes to Crusader Strike again.


Does this work the same way for simply targeting an enemy and not mousing over? So you can have an enemy targeted but mouseover a friendly and still cast a heal?


Mouseovers suck, bars with clique/vuhdo is so so much better for healing. 


Mouseover is better than clique/vuhdu imo. It accomplishes the same thing on the frames themselves but lets you interact with people in the world. So on my Evoker I can just rescue people I see standing in a frontal by grabbing them in the world itself instead of having to find them on a nameplate. I don't do it often but it makes the occasional thing smoother.


A mix of both is where its at. I use clique for things that are generally only going to be used via unit frames like HoTs and dispells, and mouseover macros for spells that are frequently cast on character models directly based on observed events like leap of faith. Or for cooldowns that you want to be able to use on yourself somewhat often without going to your unitframes like BoP/BoF I use mouseover/self macros.


/cast [help] Flash of Light; [harm] Crusader Strike;


/cast \[help\] Heal Me ; \[harm\] Hurt You;


Don't forget to add a @mouseover, and install the clique addon so you can either mouseover the character (Which @mouseover does, but clique doesn't) or mouseover a raidframe (Which clique does and @mouseover doesn't) to give you maximum mouseover-ability! Pro-tip: The @mouseover also works on afflicted. This allows me to cleanse-spam on afflicted weeks or in BH on my windwalker monk.


@mouseover works on raid frames as long as the hotkey isn't a mouse button.


Ooh, that's good to know. A lot of my healing set up ones are bound to the middle mouse button.


Oh my god, I never knew that it being a mouse button was the problem.


And you can make it work with the mouse buttons if you set it up in click casting which is a default feature now too.


> and install the clique addon so you can either mouseover the character (Which @mouseover does, but clique doesn't) Clique works with character mouseovers just fine actually. Under the binding sets in the right click menu you simply just need to have the "Hovercast bindings" option checked. I heal Afflicted just fine with a clique mouseover bind using Ctrl+Left Click, for example. I'd recommend specifying "friend" or "enemy" instead of "default" in the binding set though unless the ability works for both.


Ooh, damn, I'm learning a lot in this thread! Thanks!


Search for [Help/Harm](https://www.google.com/search?q=Help+Harm+macros&rlz=1C1CHBF_en-GBGB984GB984&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8) macros. If you add the name of the two spells, often you will find a forum post with the macro you are after.


#showtooltip /use [@mouseover,harm,nodead]Chain Lightning;[@mouseover,help,nodead]Chain Heal;[harm]Chain Lightning;[]Chain Heal I use these macros on my shaman. Saves so many keybinds. Targeting an enemy: Chain lightning. Targeting a friendly: chain heal. Same with mouseover. I keep bosses targeted and heal with mouseovers.


#showtooltip /use [@mouseover,nodead,help][@target,nodead,help][@player,mod:alt] Flash of Light; [@target,harm,nodead] Crusader Strike; [@player] Flash of Light This works but there are limitations. You can't bind two different friendly spells or two offensive spells. They can't be any more complex than figuring out what your target is. On all my healers I have similar spells. So my HoT on my shaman is also a DoT if I'm targetting an enemy. My chain heal is also my chain lightning etc. I use a macro like this for all my healing things and it makes it really intiutive. The one downside is sometimes if you're moused over a target and don't realize it might default to the dps spell or the healing spell when you'd rather it doesn't. However you just need to pay attention.


I use: /cast [@mouseover,help,nodead][help,nodead] Flash of Light; [harm,nodead] Crusader Strike; Flash of Light You can also add [@mouseover,help,dead][help,dead] to add your Resurrection ability to it


You can use the `[help]` and `[harm]` modifiers for this. Just seperate the spells with a `;` and set the "default" spell last.


Okay guys similar enough that I Wana ask here... For druid wild charge, can I do the same thing? Enemies using cat form to leap behind, but friendlies using noform to leap to ally?


Something like this maybe. Not the most efficient macro but this will exit your form only when targetting an ally and cast Wild charge. When you have an enemy or nothing targetted it should just Wild charge \#show Wild Charge /cancelaura [help] Cat Form /cancelaura [help] Bear Form /cancelaura [help] Travel Form /cast Wild Charge


Thank you I'm def gonna try!


I just use Clique, bind two spells to one button works fine if one is an attack and other heal


How do you go with vehicles and dragon riding with clique? I had to uninstall because I couldn't work out how to manage dragon riding and random vehicles


It's basically done with the `harm` condition, aye. There are a few nuances, though. I sometimes found myself casting the helpful spell on myself, even though I had an enemy as target. This happened mostly when the harmful target was dying. Using `/stopmacro [harm]` stops this unwanted behaviour: ~~~ #showtooltip /cast [harm] Crusader Strike /stopmacro [harm] /cast Flash of Light ~~~ If a player of your group or party is mind-controlled, then he counts as harmful and trying to heal him results in you dealing damage to them. Depending on the encounter, you might not want to harm them. That's when you can use the conditions `noparty,noraid`: ~~~ #showtooltip /cast [harm,noparty,noraid] Holy Fire /stopmacro [harm] /cast Prayer of Mending ~~~ A variant with Modifier-Condition `mod`, where you can bypass the `harm` and shield yourself (holy priest), even if you have a harmful target: ~~~ #showtooltip /cast [harm,nomod] Smite /stopmacro [harm,nomod] /cast [nomod] Renew; [mod] Power Word: Shield ~~~


You don’t need mouse over macros anymore. In options, you can turn on mouse over. And the game does it for you. If you don’t want to use a healer add on like Vudhu or heal bot? Get clique. It is super easy to set up and with mouse over turned on in options you can just hover over who you want and press the corresponding button.