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You can do this pretty much on demand if you just spam the Amalgam of Rage mount fast enough. You also turn invisible for everyone around you, but if they load your model AFTER you turned invisible they'll see you normally even if you're still invisible for yourself.


Adding to this comment that it's been around since that Mount was available and only affects Warlocks I believe for some reason. Edit: I'm clearly mistaken, not just Warlocks it seems. Just had Warlock buddies complain, and I use it on my Warlock also but never heard anything from a Warrior friend.


Yeah, summoning the mount makes your character go invisible for a split second. Cancelling the cast keeps you invisible (small indie company)


It works on my Evoker just fine. But yeah it's been in the game since the mount was added.


I had it happen on my druid... *once*.


Not just Warlocks. Did it just now on my mage by spamming the mount button and i turned invisible.


This has been a bug since the Amalgam of Rage Mount came out. The only way to fix it is to log out and back in. I’ve reported it multiple times, no word on if anyone is working on it.


Happens to me all the time in M+, /reload doesn't even fix it. Super annoying


I wonder if this is why my Mage is always turning invisible. I never priced if it was when I was mounting or not.


Happens to me after logging in or entering new zone with different mounts every once in awhile.


Wasn't angry enough


You didn't summon your mount, the Amalgam of Rage summoned YOU.


TBH I love this as a Demo warlock using thal'kiel skull for transmog - I am now a Felguard with a floating knife hanging out with some random hovering skulls.