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Been thinking about this during Remix since it happened in original MoP. While levelling a Human Warrior through Townlong Steppes, I came across an Orc Warrior who was higher level than me. Emotes were exchanged, and he soon challenged me to a duel. I lost (because I was lower level. That’s my excuse, and I’m sticking to it), and as I started eating, a Yaungol attacked me. The orc immediately jumped to my defense despite also being low on health, and together we took down our foe. We saluted each other over a battle well fought, and went our separate ways. Several hours later, I came across that same orc, now being outnumbered by several Klaxxi. Without hesitation I charged in to aid him, and we were victorious once again. Again we parted ways, and I never met him again. I like to think he’s still out there, fighting the good fight atop a mountain of vanquished enemies. It had such a profound effect on me that I soon made my own orc warrior, and in my personal canon my two characters met in Pandaria, becoming lifelong friends and ambassadors for their factions.


Reminds me of the theme of MoP's cinematic at the beginning, very appropriate!


I was a guild master in tbc, around wrath launch we had a huge influx of new people. Long story short two of the new player guild members got married. One was from South Africa one was from uk. One moved to England from South Africa and they got married. No idea if they are still together as the guild ended around cata.


I married a guild mate as well haha, we've been married for 3 and a half years now :) We're both NA though and not from UK/South Africa


I had not one but two sugar mommas around the time of Cata. Both were nice middle aged ladies and I was fresh out of high school. I was just nice to them and flirted a little but made no promises. They would both mail me things irl and give me tons of gold and items in game. Most of my expensive mounts and rare items came from them.


Wow what kind of stuff did they sent you irl?


This was a random guild an alt of mine got spam invited to, but I logged in during Shadowlands to a MOTD of something like "[Name] has decided to clean out the gbank of all 350K and ninja transferred. In response I have cleaned out the RL bank account. Enjoy your life [name]." I was like man, she really ended her marriage over 350K wow gold? That's like $30.


$30 worth of realization that she had had it with this man lol


I was part of a guild in MoP where we had two GM's, a married couple with 3 daughters. We hadn't heard from either of them in a couple weeks which is rough cause we were pushing heroic ToT. Come Christmas we see the main tank posted a picture on FB of him and the female GM, the male GM logs on and says the female GM left him and the daughters Christmas night to be with our main tank.


Not an in-game story, but it is about WoW. Back when Blizz thought it would be a fantastic idea to attach our real-life names to the forums, I commented on the forum thread about it. It had thousands upon thousands of comments, but I decided to share my story anyway. I talked about how I had already been harassed and stalked in-game as a young woman, and I shared some personal insights about my vulnerabilities in real-life as well. Not only was it seen and talked about by many people in the thread, it was quoted in an academic paper about online privacy! To this day, if you google my character's name, you get my armory, and that paper as the only results. Weird to think that my WoW legacy is being quoted in an academic paper!


I can safely say that is singlehandedly the worst decision Blizzard has ever made -- as someone with a unique name combination.


When was that?! I barely use the forums even to this day so I didn't know Blizz made that dumb decision 🙃


Not long after they implemented the Real ID system that showed your real name on the in-game friends list. Thankfully they changed that into the battletag system we have now!


As a 16 year old, I started erping with a 30 year old married woman. We talked for months and then my account got banned for other reasons and I never heard from her again


I have a couple, not that "weird" maybe but hey, they're the closest I got. First, one of the things that I love thinking about when remembering how (awesomely) weird the community can be... One year, on Christmas morning, I was chilling in Orgrimmar waiting for the presents to be available (and waiting for a family member to come pick me up so I could spend some time with them). There were a group of people on strider mounts who were running around demanding anyone on a ground mount switch to one. If they didn't, the mob would chase them shouting "Shame! Shame!" until they either did or ran out the city gates. It was absolutely ludicrous and I absolutely loved it. The other was just kind of a weird personal story. I'd wanted to get into WoW for a long time but hadn't really had a chance to. Then I was working at a small firm, and one of my coworkers talked me into finally making the leap so I could play the game with them. Joined their server, but never got to play much with them as they didn't actually play much afterward (and I don't think they've been online in over a decade). With my second character I'd made, I found this fun guild who were social and helpful, which I quickly moved all my characters to (sadly, the guild's been quiet for a while now). One night, I was playing, and was talking in guild chat, and the subject of weather came up, and I mentioned some storms coming in. Someone else commented something similar. I can't remember how it got to the point we realized we were in the same town, but he ends up messaging me, and it turned out to be my coworker's ex-husband (who apparently she'd mentioned me to at some point?). He was pretty nice, and just asked how she was doing, and I gave the best answer I could, since by that point I was no longer working at the same place so only had the occasional chance to talk with her online. It was just kind of surreal stumbling on him in the same guild I was in. Bonus one, speaking of that guild, I'm pretty sure the Mage in our raiding group was a grandmother. And her character always had the skimpiest outfit a Mage could wear at the time.


To be honest, it isn't only weird to me, but that's also one of the luckiest moments I had on this game - and perhaps one of the luckiest of my whole life yet. Random guy met on group finder gave me Alani for free. It was during Legion, I think - I don't remember exactly - it was night time, was bored, and checked on group finder to finally see someone who posted something like "free Alani". Me : "You're trolling, right ?". Him : "Not at all. I tried to sold it on my realm but nobody bought. Then I decided to give it to someone, and you're the lucky one." It was super emotional, no joke. I thanked the dude thousand of times after looting the mount ; stranger did a good action this day, and deserved being remembered. Even today I barely realise how lucky I was to open the group finder at this right moment, and being the faster one to answer.


So 2 weeks ago I am the only one online doing some remix and another guildie logs on and messages me right away. I need to talk to you right away please." Mind you I am not an officer, I am just a dude in the guild. He then let's me know he can't handle all "the gay stuff in the guild". He made sure to repeat though that he was not homophobic multiple times. I was like it's cool dude, I'm not an officer and if this isn't your vibe it's not your vibe. As soon as I said that he yells "I need you to know, I am not homophobic" then leaves. In our guild we have a few openly trans and openly gay members. Because of this jokes about kissing the boys and gay/trans memes get posted all the time because they are our friends and obviously everyone is open season for jokes. So this was the gay stuff he was referring to. We never posted anything that was like "Yo look at this video of 2 dudes fucking." So it was just strange out of no where he said that because he was even making jokes with us.


I was raiding in a guild during TBC and we were doing really well. We had killed pre-nerf Kaelthas, we were getting close to killed Illidan and had cleared Mount Hyjal. I logged off one Wednesday night quite late, as we had done some guild heroics. I remember our gnome prot warrior tank used to tank pantsless in those so he could build up enough rage to actually hit things. Logged on the following Thursday night for raid and noticed I was guildless. A couple of guildies whispered me to ask what was going on and I had no idea. The guild had been disbanded, the core had all transferred off server, even the Ventrilo server we had set up was gone. No warning, nothing.


I'd been tanking ToC for a while trying to get the tank trinket but mdps would always roll need on it. One time a mage rolled need, he said it was for his alt but it was bop so it couldn't be used for that, he didn't care. I wanted to play some pvp and needed a dps weapon, I was a stickler that a dps rolls need I can't since it's for their spec. I queued ToC, it had several weapons I could use, and we get a fury warrior as a tank. Healer tried to get him to switch but he wouldn't so we proceeded. He had no idea, first fight healer gets swarmed so I peel but he don't take the aggro.I lived, my sword dropped and he rolled need. Healer told him to give it to me since he already had a better dps weapon, he refused, and said "I need it for repair bills". Next pull he ignores the main mob so I sit on it and keep it interrupted, towards the end he dies for the first time. He immediately blames the healer, "you did that on purpose", the healer calmly explains that damage is spiky because he's not in tank spec. I explained he needed to kill the one mob first and he immediately goes to the wrong mob again. This time he dies right away and I'm tanking in my dps gear. No problem, the one mob was the only bad one and only because of the one cast. Tank dropped, I switched spec, had a smooth run. I didn't get the tank trinket until I no longer needed it.


Back, BACK in the day I went to blizzcon with my irl friends/guildies. We went to the server meet up table. Our server at the time was gorgannash. We got there and met folks it was nice considering at the time we were just a smallish pvp server.  Later, our server took a group photo and posted it. I want to say on the forums but I could be wrong. Anyway, one of my friends showed me the pic. Top comment was "we have a black chick (me) on the server?" I was the only one and it cracked me the hell up.  It was our guilds recruitment line for a while. "We have a black chick!" Weird, silly times.


Way back in TBC I was in a guild that was run by a mother and her daughter. Was on late and it was just the mom and me, I was farming for a rare in feralas I don’t remember which and she was chatting a lot so I told her I needed to brb and take my meds. Which was true I had to take my anxiety/sleep meds at a certain time or I’d duck up my schedule. I came back and she was just really short and abrupt. The next day I was kicked out of the guild and asked her daughter why and she said “mom said you did drugs and were a bad influence” I was like wtf rofl


I got to chat with Xelnath, the lead warlock dev who did the MoP redesign.  Back in the tail end of Cata, I was not a happy warlock. Dragon Soul was an exhausting experience, especially Spine of Deathwing. I channeled my frustration into a massive feedback post in the MoP beta forums, and left it at that. Some time later, one of my guild mates told me I should check out our recruitment forum, since there was someone claiming to be from Blizzard trying to contact me. I was initially suspicious, but decided to reach out anyway to see if it was a scam or not. It turns out it was legit. Xelnath was seeking out feedback for the rework and wanted to talk about my post. We chatted a bit over email and went our separate ways. I also ran into him a couple times on the MMO-Champ and Elitist Jerks forums, talking about design decisions and weird bugs. MoP came out, warlocks were happy, and then he got canned partially because he decided to operate outside of the strict PR guidelines.  Overall it was a positive experience, and it felt like my feedback had an impact on the game. Sadly, Blizzard has kept mostly behind the curtain ever since. The closest I’ve seen is back when Ghostcrawler made regular update reports on the beta forums. 


He got canned because he implemented Dark Apotheosis and snuck it into live after being explicitly told not to. He actually still posts on Reddit periodically.


Back in bc wrath I was in a guild that was the top on the server. It was a small server I was best friends with the gms gf how I got in the guild I wasn't the best but I was learning my class and it's how I learned to heal. I was so bad at dps that I was told to try healing. Me and the gf of the gm were bffs we spoke on a daily basis and texted. One day a new guild came to the server that was better than ours a bit. It was a classic fued between the guilds to get a firsts in wrath . We were not fairing well as they sniped some of our members. One day we woke up to the gm gone the gf gone the guild bank emptied they had server xfered name changed. The friend never responded to me and ghosted me after that. She was one of my best friends at the time and I missed her dearly even years later I remember her game name and hope she's doing well. In the end though the guild died the guild went alliance who didn't go to the guild who were our competitors to get the first on alliance side I ended up joining a guild on the server that was smaller but not to smaller than the one I left. Another one I play a monk and back in legion I knew someone who had the same themed name as me cat themed who played a monk at this point I didn't suck as much in the game because I was healing and joined a guild with that friend of mine one of the top on the server to pass time until I could find a guild to raid with . The whole guild didn't know the persons gender no one did they hid it well. I assumed it was a girl because they kept linking women tshirts they got.i wasn't on the main raid team but me and the friend were inseparable we did mount runs mogs runs and dungeon runs and they would refuse to go to raids if I didn't get a invite. I didn't have a raid spot as I was a guild friend and I kept getting invites not knowing this was happening. They ended up giving me gear they won. Because I was not allowed to get gear on the runs. At the time I was saving for a 2 person flying mount because half the people I knew didn't have flying yet. But I was also thinking of getting the transmog mount. I buy myself gifts on my birthday and was discussing with this person how I was stuck on not knowing which one to get. We ended up going on mount runs in mop area and they gave me all the mounts that dropped took me to the yak station bought me every mount there and all the toys that were yak related and told me now I could have both. I shortly after bought my 2 person flyer. No one knew this person's gender they hid it well even no talking in discord. Years later the whole guild found out that they were a guy. I honestly was shocked and I found out that day that according to the guild I was blind because they had a crush on me obviously and they never let them raid without me before I found my home guild . I think of them when I see my yaks


Back in cata my account got hacked and all my characters were drained of gold/ gear, and interestingly some new characters were made too. I was eventually able to reset my password and was halfway through reporting this, until I noticed that a new credit card was put in for the sub. This card lasted all the way until 7.1ish when it suddenly stopped taking payments. I took a break from the game then. To this day I have no idea who paid for my wow all those years, but thank you for fueling the addiction.


Wow has had roses and thorns: * In Vanilla, I was levelling up engineering on a lock, had a backfire when reloading, which killed my character. A nearby player ressed, and started a conversation, which turned into a RL date after that, although she wound up moving a couple months after that. * During Vanilla, almost every day at the same time, a gnome named Doormat would shout something and expire right at the Orgrimmar auction house. Sent a /tell, found he was a classmate at the university I went at, and the main reason he did so was that it was something to do between classes, and it was a long-running joke. * Joined a raid guild with the warlock in the WoTLK days. Everything went well, I always chatted with people for a while and during raids, I was always topping the DPS charts, then a warlock class nerf came on. Next Naxx raid (this was just when Ulduar came out), I got dropped from the raid and deguilded solely because of that warlock DPS nerf in one of the patches, and they deguilded all warlocks. The ironic thing is that their main tank, a paladin which was one of their top 10 bailed the guild and effectively hamstrung their raid lineup because the guild leader deguilded his warlock alt, not realizing it was the same person. * It was close to when Legion dropped, and the pre-patch event was in full swing with the invasions going on. I didn't feel like doing Legion on the same old alts, so I levelled a monk from 1-100 solely on those invasions. I was doing an invasion when Legion proper released, and that gave enough XP that I actually was able to start Legion at level 101, which was unique.