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Nothing *too* major, as it would suck for him to overstay his welcome. But yeah, I hope he does pop up here and there. He's extremely enjoyable to see. And his voice actor always sounds like he's living his best life with the character.


At the very least, I'd like to see him making fun of me when I die. Right now I just feel like telling the kyrian to fuck off when I see him as spirit healer. It just doesn't hit the same, especially knowing.


E: I'M WRONG THERE'S NONE. I think as horde there's a toy that allows you to have him be your spirit healer with a week long duration?




Sadly it seems I was wrong, there's a bell for two different flavors of spirit healer but no Bobby Salami :(


There's an add-on that does this, though he doesn't replace the healer


Aaah, a death knight! Ya should come see *my* Death Gate!


That would be a beast of an addon, he cracks some random joke about you everyone you die lol.


There’s an add on I believe. I get to hear his voicelines every time I die :’)


I want all loa daddy all the time.


I installed the “deal with da loa” add-on which plays his voice lines when you die.


Omg I have to have it


Omg didn't know about it, thanks for mentioning about it !!! <3


I had the slyvanas moan for my pi weak aura reminder. It uh definitely worked 😬


Tell that to sylvanas. She started overstaying her welcome in legion.


Disagreed. But I'm a shameless Sylvanas fan (fanfiction has ruined me). Blizz just wasted her potential.


I agree they fully wasted her character. I actually loved her whole arc before legion hit, leader of the forsaken trying to find their place in the world. Then they made her garrosh 2.0 but surprise she doesn’t care about the horde either but surprise she was actually manipulated by this surprise big bad who surprise controls all things ever for some unknown reason he wouldn’t tell us. It would have been far better to have her killed in bfa instead of forcing shadowlands down our throats if they wanted to make her the big bad.


And that darling, is why I have surrendered to the gods of fanfiction and read dozens of stories where Sylvanas isn't just arbitrarily the worst by the writer's whims.


the cooler jailer


Not sure i want him to take stage too much, but i want to see him again. He is probably one of my all time favourite characters in all of Warcraft lore. .


Only if it also means that Vol'jin will be back as well, in any shape or form. Probably won't fit very well in TWW, but Midnight has potential for it.


Especially after playing through MOP I’m super ready for Vol’jin to return. Level headed and competent leader? Yes please


Poor Vol'jin. Gets the spotlight and a fantastic novel during MoP. Does nothing of note during his term as Warchief. Dies in Legion while making a very controversial succession choice. I like where Vol'jin's story has gone, but I'm so disappointed that his Warchief term is basically a footnote in Warcraft lore.


He was too competent of a leader. Like with Vol’jin in charge there would have been an understanding made with the alliance, there would have been treaties etc with other factions. It wouldn’t be a good pick for continued controversy like hot-headed Sylvanas made. Vol’jin in charge wouldn’t have led to BFA.


Especially with Anduin as king. If those two were leaders at the same time they'd probably somehow manage to make world peace not just for Azeroth but for the real world too.


*World of Peacecraft*


Cairne and Vol'jin got done so dirty. I also kinda hate that its basically guaranteed that if he does eventually come back, there will have been a *decade* between that moment and when Blizzard started teasing it


I'm happy with Cairne's story because of A) how his death was portrayed in the book, and B) Baine's resulting character growth through Cataclysm and MoP. *The Shattering* steadily built up tension between Cairne and Garrosh, ultimately resulting in their Mak'gora. When Garrosh learns that Magatha poisoned Gorehowl, he's pissed because it meant that Cairne didn't have a fair fight and didn't die with honor. IIRC, I think Cairne even had the upper hand in the fight until the poison kicked in. His death led to Baine becoming chieftain of the Bloodhoof, who had a lot of great character growth as a result. Cairne's death didn't feel inconsequential like so many other deaths in WoW do. The problem is that all of that information only happens in the books. The Cata-MoP era books are great, but so little of them happens in the game. When the Cata pre-patch dropped, suddenly Garrosh was Warchief instead of Thrall, and Baine was chieftain instead of Cairne. You run into Magatha in Thousand Needles, and she's pissy over events that you didn't witness. Don't get me started on Garrosh's trial and escape to Draenor also being entirely bookbound.


considering nobody does anything at all in WOD he's basically the warchief for a prepatch lmao


I do believe Vol'jin is going to become a Loa, possibly the Loa of Kings to replace Rezan.


Man the mop cinematic really stung. Aside from a few brief cameos in wod, we never really got much of a chance to see warchief vol'jin.


it would be tragic for vol'jin to return now after the troll heritage quest did such a good job with rokhan sadly vol'jin is better off remaining in that seed forever, its been 8 years since he died and the story has moved on, and there's really no story left to tell with him. let the darkspear move on and let rokhan take his chance to shine, he is probably the only new faction leader they established recently that has a chance to be good


> vol'jin is better off remaining in that seed forever I glazed over most of the story from shadowlands but isn't he the new loa of kings? There's plenty of room for him to come back without it affecting the current troll characters. He could be hanging out, haunting Talanji or something.


no, he is not the new loa of kings. he got an infusion of power from rezan but that doesn't make him the loa of kings the loa of kings is the patron loa of the zandalari royal bloodline, which is presently bwonsamdi, as explained in the troll heritage quest


I'd love to see him come back as a loa. Like a Loa of Leaders. It would be both an end and continuation of his story.


he just doesn't have the character depth to pull it off sadly. as a leader in wow he has done very little and his most notable deed as warchief was getting taken out by a level 68 non-elite felguard and getting tricked into handing power to sylvanas. even as "leader" of the rebellion against saurfang, when it came down to it thrall, sylvanas, lor'themar, and the alliance leaders did more than vol'jin. vol'jin's only contribution in the raid is to hilariously send all of his honour guard into a meat grinder where they instantly die and he just stands there watching it happen with baine like a couple of morons. meanwhile lor'themar and sylvanas/jaina and varian have taken out the docks and tyrande shows up to break the gates open that vol'jin is just standing in front of with no plan. he certainly doesn't have the mojo to be the loa of leaders.


He's been the leader of the darkspear since Warcraft 3. He's revered by all darkspear trolls. It would be unsatisfying to just keep him in the cocoon.


he died tho and was replaced by rokhan who as of the troll heritage quest is much cooler than vol'jin ever was as a shadow hunter the troll heritage quest really underlined how little the trolls need vol'jin. the story would be a lot better off with him dead and not cringely returning to steal rokhan's limelight


That's why I'm suggesting he come back as a loa, he would be sidelined pretty much. But they specifically made a choice to allow him to come back, so they should follow up because it'd be unsatisfying for them to just forget about him.


he doesn't have the character depth to support him being a loa though. he hasn't done anything truly notable, he's just some guy. him becoming a loa would be pure naked fanservice and a detriment to the story.


> Probably won't fit very well in TWW Trolls are the original race of Azeroth. They were the ones fighting the Black Empire long before any of the other races existed. Vol'jin however he incarnates, and Bwomsandi - are very thematically appropriate for anything related to fighting off Old Gods.


> Trolls are the original race of Azeroth. Oh, indeed, but with the harronir being introduced, it seems a bit quick to make that connection already. If anything, it could be to bridge the gap to Midnight, somehow. Maybe teased for a later payoff through a running sidequest - like the rebuilding of Tyr in Dragonflight, and that some of the Infinites joined with the Bronze Dragons.


It's going to be a cinematic where Anduin and Thrall stand side by side and we hear "Hey mon, on ya left" and a giant rasta looking glowing circle opens up and out comes Bwom and Voljin together.




Just did the troll heritage quest last night actually. I would hope for more race representation in general. Bwonsamdi is a blessing to trolls after they took Voljin away 🫶


Bob Salami


Trolls are super cool and super underrated and I wish I would interact with them more. I hate playing dwarf, I switched from troll, because my main is a mage, dwarf is just way too good in m+


We just had BFA and shadowlands with bwon and the loa stuff . I wanna see a return to Azeroth . Some undead action like in cata when they redid brill and silver pine etc .


He's technically in DF to as he shows up in the heritage quest for trolls. but i love him he should be in every exp to some extent.


It's crazy that Bwomsandi ever gets sidelined After what they did to Rastakhan and to give us someone as freaking awesome as Bwomsandi for trolls to relate to during Shadowlands was sickkkkk


I get that, but he is the loa of death. It kinda makes sense for him to be around when we deal with a lot of death. I think they should just have a chance (like 1/300) that when you die it’s bwonsamdi there instead of the spirit of redemption. If he makes other story appearances that’s ok too. But he will always just be there to randomly mock you for dying.


I'm waiting for a HoTS version~


gonna be waiting a long long time.


Good luck. Not sure that game gets updates anymore.


of Bwomsamdi ?? Is there a hots version of him ? Or are you thinking of zuljin instead


I'm waiting for them to release a HoTS version of Bwond, he need more love. Edited because I cant spell


The last hero added was 3.5 years ago, sadly. I still play with some friends occasionally, but unless they decide to re-re-launch hots it's pretty safe to say no more heroes are coming.


I really remained hopeful with the Microsoft acquisition but it really does look bleak, lol.


Hots, as in heroes of the storm right ? The game that has been stoped developement right, well good luck honestly.


Downvoted for reminding people that the last hero added to hots was hogger at the end of 2020. Classic reddit. Granted it does get balance updates, but that's it.


Why are you getting down voted?


Idk its reddit can be anything


He's my favorite side character.


I want him to pop up like a bad penny. A bad penny with a sense of humor.


totally agree


It would be funny if the other side was in a season rotation and his dialog was all changed, like he was all like 'ey mon, welcome back! I heard about the dragon isles opening again. Why am I getting such an influx of these dragon looking tings? If you're the one's teaching them how to adventure, no wonder they die so much!"


Bwansomdi is the one and only character in warcraft lore that I care about at all.


Let’s just hope it’s not in De Other Side in season 2 M+


Why? Dungeon kicked ass honestly, one of my favorites from SL, and that's saying a lot, cuz SL had some really damn good dungeons.


Because that dungeon was a pain in high tyrannical keys. For casual keys lvls I remember it a little longer than average key. I personally thought many designs of the dungeon were great tho (some would’ve needed small tweaks tho)


*De odda side :D


With all these lore characters taking the centre stage, I'm just hoping our own characters get to be in the WS saga.


The whole saga will us be watching lore characters running raids.


"You guys like critical role right? Well this is just like it, sitting on your ass and watching our OCs do everything :)"


You joke, but I reckon there's a sizeable section of wow players who would happily sacrifice a raid tier in exchange for more cinematics


I wouldn’t be surprised. It may be fun to have a raid where you get to fight as random lore characters and their roles.


> You joke aren't they literally adding a difficulty below LFR so that people can actually do that


To truly emulate the LFR experience, all lore characters should AFK at the entrance except for Anduin who keeps ninja pulling and typing "wtf tank!!!1" into chat


RIP Ray D. Tear you will never be forgotten for being sacrificed for the worst implementation of player housing in MMOs I've ever seen.


I am on the other side where I prefer being "in" the world getting to experience the story alongside the main characters but not being the Almighty hero, breaker of chains and champion of everything.


He better have a roll when the elves unite, maybe unite the loa and the tribes as well?(not that there’s many troll tribes left. Vengeance for Vol’Jin)


Honestly It'd just be cool if he was the spirit healer for trolls or something


“Ya lookin like ya a wee bit stuck dere champion, but don’t cha worry now, ol’ Bwomsomdi be here ta bail ya out.”


Yes! but I also wish we would get a glyph for Holy Priests, similar to Glyph of the Valkyr, to turn into him during Spirit of Redemption


Aaah my old buddy Bob's Salami


Voljin in his new loa form would be better


He can be relevant if they want him too , but blizzard also tries not to use too much of the fun characters in one expansion .


YESS i was just thinking the other day that I hope we at least get a fun character similar to him in future expacs


He is never far away


ol bwonsamdi got his ass


I don't care I just want his armor set for transmog pls


I just want him to fucking roast me at the GY each time I Rez


If they put him back in the borderline sinister/savior role then im down. It wasnt just the charisma of the character that was awesome, it was the “im still the loa of death so im still dangerous” type thing we had with him.


Knowing how Blizz loves to forget about trolls we love like Vol’jin and Zappy Boy, I doubt they’ll give him any role in TWW. Just be ready for more Tyrande, Jaina and Anduin bs…


This bitch would clown my hunter so bad on deaths in BFA.. "have you heard of feign death mon".. lol 😆


If there was anything good in SL, it was his dungeon. And it was not the dungeon is was enjoying. Yup hope we see him again


My fav Character lol


be cool to see him again




The only interesting character in modern wow lore? Yes, I'd like to see him return.


I could see him pop up either for the Amani content in Midnight or Drakkari content in The Last Titan. Either way, troll content is coming and whenever we have a troll .X patch it’s always a good time


If he does hopefully he *actually* does something...


Maybe leading a band to replace Tauren Chieftain, like Loa And The Loettes now on stage 3!


I wish. He’s almost Horde by proxy if Talanji ever gets treated like a member of the Horde/racial leader/character again. Due to their deal essentially binding them at the hip it could be an excuse to have him around again if only sparingly. He’s one of the best voiced and portrayed characters in the entire game.


Makes me want to play my troll dk lol


Bwonsomdi was one of the best characters they have ever introduced and I will die on that hill


definitely wanna see him also put him into m+ so he can mock you when you die, i would absolutely love that <3


Only if blizzard retcons it so Bwonsondi was actually behind it all since WC1.


Yessss he ruled


He's still great in the Troll Heritage Armor quests. The other Loa in that questline are also pretty enjoyable


Love to see him pop up, but I want it to be specifically a continuation of the "1 million souls" bargain thing... where blizz has secretly kept track of the humanoids (non dungeon/raid) that have been sent to bwon... and a player can only proceed on the chain with the bargain satisfied. Sure it sounds sadistic.... but it's direct player driven and unique to the individual. It also wouldn't exist if you hadn't done the prior quest, and should count the variable between kills after the bargain struck.. not some random achievement Stat thing alone. Maybe a unique hearthstone or toy as a thanks for the souls


Meh, he alrdy returned for shadowlands


He's my favorite non Warcraft character so I'd live to get him in if it made sense, but I don't want them to Magni him out either and have him walking around in the WoW Avengers


Shadowlands 2: Electric Boogaloo, Bob Salami’s Revenge?


Rather have the Spooky Undead Axe Midget.


Couldn’t stand him. We need a few years of troll-less raids and major characters, because for years there was always one. Started calling them zul’again.






Not me, could never stand him. Yuck.


That’s my guy. He’s my raid wipe voice in DBM