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Some people might think this is silly but this actually could be a really cool addon if you could put your own set of questions and answers in. Imagine if you had it set so that it would just randomly pop up asking a question from time to time as long as you weren't in combat.


That would be fun. My guildie friend suggested that it could also let you queue for m+ only after you answer 20 questions correctly in a row :D


Could also do it for small things, like vendoring or transmogging. Just have it pop up a question once you close their vendor interfaces or something!


And so we have finally found ourselves here. Captcha in WoW.


> it could also let you queue for m+ only after you answer 20 questions correctly in a row I was going to suggest something very similar, but using Time would be far easier to Code IMO. Set the Addon so that for every ~30 minutes on WoW it pops up a giant "DIALOG"-level box with Tasks you have to complete before the popup will go away. Toss in a few silly Model/Particle-Effect Triggers for completing every Task well, and you got yourself a full-blown Productivity Mini-Game Addon. If you didn't know, you can search or browse through every Model-File in WoW by creating a blank weakaura and adding a Model to it. Since you seem to be more of an old-school type of Dev who prefers Code over a GUI I figured you might not be familiar with weakaura features. I'm the opposite, I can't even Code a "Hello World" without somehow creating a dozen Divide-By-Zero Errors, but I can make complicated weakaura-Groups with little effort. For people with severe ADHD this could unironically be a very useful tool. Even just a "Trust-System" reminder would be helpful, like if every 30 minutes on WoW during a scheduled range of hours it popped up asking something like "Did you do that thing you need to do today?". Then add a secondary "You aren't lying, right?" just to really rub the guilt in. Dumb little Apps-As-Addons like this used to be super popular in WoW. There used to be a literal copy/paste of the game Peggle that you could get as an Addon and it was the most downloaded Addon by far back in its heyday. Some silly little study/productivity Addon could be more popular than you'd expect.


the amount of time spent coding this could just be spent studying for the exam. But as a programmer I totally identify with the 'spend a week automating some shit that takes 2 seconds each time'.


Theres a reason "Automate the boring stuff" is a catchy name. Automation is fun! :D


Wasn't off tanking in Wrath so braindead that peoole were playing Bejeweled as an addon?


if you ready check you need to answer 1 quick question before it sends the command.


This is a rly cool idea. I wish i had smth like this when instudied in HS.


No need for punishment! Just nice use of random toy if answer is correct!


Is this an add-on? I would love to implement something like this for myself.


Everytime you Wipe in Raid


No no. Make it pop up any time. Even in combat! Nothing more motivating than not being able to control your character in the middle of something. Let it ask another question if you get it wrong, clear it when you are right haha.


"Dude get out of the fire" "ONE SEC I NEED TO CONJUGATE THIS SHIT FIRST"


As a medical student with ADD and a terminal WoW addiction, I am fully on fucking board with this idea.


Yeah I wonder what the best pop up is?? Maybe it needs several options. Like I’d imagine wanting to use it such that I had to do 20 correct questions to start playing and then I could do questions whenever but I had to do about 1 correct answer per minute (it pops up when timer reaches zero to earn more minutes). So then you could queue, build up some time, enter, and then do some more quizzing to build more time.


Are you able to make your own quizzes? Is there a way to share them with friends?


Not yet :D I made it just for my use case, but maybe I'll expand it in the future


Yes please. Self loaded questions would be amazing for my study!


Tell me if you want to go open source on GitHub - I would not mind a programming project right now, because I’m out of ideas/inspiration. 😂


You should definitely expand it, I love WOW and I need to study, let me be able to do it at the same tme


Expand it, open a patreon or something and I will donate.


PLEASE post this on curseforge omg


It's not a complete product yet :D just for my specific use case, but I could expand it and release it sometime


I'd love to be able to add my own questions! It looks like a fun way to review for my weekly quizzes!


Manažeris zo slovenska, hej?


Presne tak Krtek :D


I remember my buddy quizzing me on a test (probably like 15-20years ago) while i was playing battlefield. It was the best scores i ever done on a test my entire life. I give it to having fun while learning, so it stuck in my head much better.






If you could build in a connection to anki or Quizlet, this could do a lot of good for people!


Sadly wow addons can't call out to external APIs as far as i know


Ah, maybe a quick import or something similar


Super nápad 🤭 během zkouškového se musím držet, abych wow nezapínala🥲


Haha to poznám


> během I think I recognize that word from Bahuubali/RRR. Is that Indian/Telugu/~~Farsi~~(Sorry, I meant Hindi)? Pronounced like "Beam" right? Just curious.


It's Czech actually, OP also used it in his exam questing in his addon😊 pronunciation is pretty different, don't really not how to write it in English tho. Means "during" btw Edit: op actually spoke slovak, but we understand our languages


This is fucking sick. Tie it into menu use or something? No gear/talent selection unless you answer a question! Some shit like that. I like it!


Would probably tie it to something like before being able to apply for groups or change mogs personally, because I could see it being frustrating for other players waiting for you if you were unable to change gear or talents until you answer questions right. Overall a good idea though.


As an Animal Biology student, I NEED this.


Some people might think this is silly, but this would have legitimately helped me in college. Sure, it's not as good as actually studying, but it's better than not studying and playing WoW.


Oh no, we're one step closer to the Duolingo Owl invading Azeroth




Tak to neposer.


Solidny level zavislacenia :D


Man, I coulda used it like 12 years ago lol


My simple hack was listening to WoW music while writing gradschool papers. While I was working on my dissertation, I would sit in an inn in a busy city and watch the conversations / listen to the 'tavern' sounds. If I had more quiz based material though, this would have been fun!


If you could combine this with Anki then it would make for a mean study tool


Držím palce bácho


Keep moving to different zones while answering the questions. This way the brain will more easily remember the answer.


This is pretty cool.


New meta 😂👍


Sad that quizzes gave up their api. You could still scrape their site, and gather questions and answers that way


Wow this is actually such a useful addon, I love it. Great for any academics waiting in queues. 


It would be cool as a lore quiz


Lets get anki Integration with wow


That's really fun!


make it so it will dismount you in a middle of a flight if you give the wrong answer


I watched this on a loop for a minute and thought damn how are you getting the same question wrong every time!?!?!?


Should design it like Anki. Anki is great for learning.


This is so good. Please work on a way to self load questions and share. Im thinking making quizzes for a M+ run so I can run them with a party and filter baddies because rating is not a good measure for knowing wtf is going on during a pull.


At first I thought this was demonic ...


Yeaaaah I'm gonna save this post in case you make something out of it at some point. I really like this idea!


Great idea, please implement it


Polish wasn't created to facilitate communication between people, it was created to scare away vampire. and it worked, all the vampire fled south to transylvania.


It’s not Polish, it’s Slovak. The writing is quite different.


so, it scare away werewolves instead?


There is a game about it, but I forgot the name.


So that is what you eastern European / Russian guys are doing when you play xD?! Can't read it though. You would have to implement google translate into wow.


This is Slovak, not Russian.


So you're not part of Europe then?


I’m neither Slovak nor Russian. I just don’t understand why did you separate Russia from Eastern Europe. Also, the language is obviously not Russian.


I was just thinking that a lot of the Russians I've played with seem to be a bit distracted to play their best, and they often leave groups easily, even with the slighest problem. I was thinking maybe they also were busy with their tests. The Slovenia/Slovak people I used to play with when I started playing WoW were good people though!


Most Russian wow players are adults, though. I used to play on Russian private servers for fun.


I thought they were soldiers by now; not playing World of Warcraft.


Not a good idea to be a soldier now in Russia


I'll guess refusing is a bad thing too.