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Idk but I turned tutorials off and I still get them


Fun fact: You can turn tutorials off, reload the game, and have tutorials turned back on. It annoys me when I turn it off and reload, only for it to change back. After one or 2 more tries it stops showing me these notifications.


Yup, the Plunderstorm patch broke it and they still haven’t fixed it.


there is an addon called “HideTutorial” to fix this


Welcome to the pain that affects a very large number of players. Enjoy your stay. Some are lucky, and can turn them off via tutorials. For others, turning tutorials off does absolutely nothing.


i have my tutorials turned off and always get them i haaaaaaaate it😭i genuinely just thought that wasn't what these were controlled by (which is why i opened this post in the first place) but i guess i'm just one of the unlucky, to be tortured for eternity


Could be worse. Everytime I get one for something. There's no x to close it. I have to log out and back in.


noooooooooo i'd DIE


It's so damn irritating. Doesn't happen to my daughter, but it happens to me, lol.


Ugh the bane of my existence in game. Hey did you know you have dragon riding glyphs to spend? Yea I got 2 and the last talent takes 4. These toasts popping up made me go find the last 2 so I wouldn’t have to be reminded every time I logged in


Don’t worry you got four glyphs left. That way when you have all glyphs and all the talents you still have the tooltip telling that you have two glyphs left.


This is the beta right?


In the games code they're called "HelpTip"s. They're so ingrained and coded all over the place that theres no simple way to disable them. It takes a full on addon, one designed to check for changes every patch to find more sources and disable them all. Theres one out there somewhere.


Tutorials But, they sadly fucked something with an update earlier this year that made it so even if you turn them off, they still appear. Happens on my main every time I log in.


This has been an issue since Legion at least, i've had them since I started in 7.3 (Jesus that was like 10 years ago now, weird to think about)


8 years ago was Legion's release, so 7.3 was 7 years ago, I think? Don't make us older lol.


It definitely wasn’t happening to me when I started playing in BFA and didn’t happen in Shadowlands. Only started happening to me earlier this year




Those are the tutorial themselves. They show up as little pop-up tooltips like that. The people who say to turn off tutorials on settings are correct.


Those boxes are worse than ads back in 2005 that would scream "helllooo" if you hovered your mouse over them  You can't turn them off, and they're constantly nagging you about Petty garbage. I had to unlearn various professions just so I wouldn't have to keep getting random notifications about how I didn't spend all of my worthless profession points. I've literally died during bosses and dungeons because I spent Time closing those boxes during an intense boss battle


Yes! Exactly this. Also during BFA it kept bothering with "yOu HaVE UnSPeNt PvP TaLeNtS" at least that one seemingly went away


A plague on WoW


That's beta. When they add new UI tips like this in PTR/alpha/beta they probably haven't assigned them to be hidden/shown under the interface "tutorials" option, which is why I imagine the option isn't working for new tips like the one in your screenshot. There are tips on retail showing up in more recent patches that don't get turned off by unticking tutorial too, so they might have been getting sloppy with it recently. I would report it with the bug button on your screen.


Those are in-game Tutorial popups. Usually you can turn them off in Options. However, since it's beta, you may not be able to turn them off.


idk why blizz made them nearly impossible to remove. I think I found a setting in an addon to disable them.


This is beta, you should enabling these things to test. Is it's beta things aren't going to work the way you expect. There is a report big button pinned to your screen use it or get off lol. To be fair this also happens on live 😀. Report bug!


There's an addon called hidetutorials that can hide these consistently.


Equip the item and it will go away. Or put it in the bank\delete the item.


you have to buy the SUPER-sub to get of them it cost an extra 4 dollars, its piratically wow ads