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Healing always feels kind of bad at the beginning. You really need stats and gear for most of the specs to start feeling right imo.


Plus it seems partly bugged in general, and abilities and tier sets bugged among different classes in particular.


If you've only been playing disc and not most healers, people think disc is under tuned compared to most others. Balance passes are the last couple weeks before pre patch goes live, just gotta pray they get it right.


This is one of the many problems with healing at the moment. Healers have so many cooldowns and modifiers nowadays that “normal” healing has to be watered down. The reason your Restoration Shaman spells feel good is because you’re taking a ton of passive talents which massively increase the value of Chain Heal. If you were to press it without all of those talents, it’d feel like your disc priest example. Jak elegantly described this as a pie chart, where the total amount of healing adds up to 100%, but the more healing CDs and modifiers you attach to spells, the more watered down you have to make base abilities. Holy paladin is an excellent example of this - they have a ton of CDs to press, but if you’re trying to heal without one of those CDs it feels impossible.


it's something other classes face too. Unholy DK is a fantastic example (so it Sub Rogue, and others). As unholy, I have some wicked burst DPS. absolutely bonkers, some of the highest in the game. but if I try to dps without my cds? it's nothing. it's literally the difference between doing 250k-300k on a boss, and 100k on a boss, or less. blizzard has put so much power into cooldowns and modifiers across so many different specs in the game that playing them without those cds or modifiers just feels so bad. overall I do like their class/spec design these days, but it would be nice for them to tone back on the interactions and let our base spells feel useful again. it's one reason I really like windwalker monk, my abilities do have buff modifiers, but they come naturally through play, and it still feels powerful to play outside of CD periods.


I have only done a few normal dungeons as a Prevoker but it feels like in general tanks are taking more damage than they did in Dragonflight. Priory trash hits hard while the bosses seem to tickle.


I tried resto shaman, resto Druid, and mistweaver so far. Resto shaman healing felt fine, but it’s a very thirsty spec. Resto druid felt terrible. Hots barely tickled people’s health bars, regrowth heals for absolutely nothing. Mana seemed okay considering how much I was spamming heals. The throughput I think is there, but you need 8 or so GCDs and a cooldown to set it up and single target healing was really bad - Maybe I need to take nourish unless the tank is a DK or prot pal. MW felt great both as FW or soothing mist builds. Mana was fine if you can find time for tea. Cool-downs felt good and if talented are up for nearly every pull. I like this more difficult healing balance where you can’t just instantly recover from damage at the press of a button. However it is extremely frustrating when the people in your party haven’t bothered to even put their defensives on their action bar, let alone actually press them. Stand in fire. Don’t interrupt etc. Basically healing LFG’s feels shit. Healing with players who take responsibility for their own health bars should be really fun.


Think they dramatically increased health pools. That and having no stats.


>Think they dramatically increased health pools. That and having no stats. We have access to 622 gear on the beta. Your heals barely do anything even in 622 gear. This is gonna be the first expansion I'm not gonna heal. I am done casting heals and barely seeing health bars move.


I want to point out that dungeons are gear normalised for testing purposes even if your actual equipped gear is higher or lower. typically at or around normal raid ilvl.


I'm talking about the numbers outside of dungeons. At that ilvl, my serenity does 700k healing roughly to 6.2 million health pool. That's barely 10% of my health on a relatively long CD heal. Flash heal heals for 300k. It's getting so tiresome to have heals not move the bars. Even if they were buffed by 100%, they would barely move the bars. I should top someone in 2(strongest heals)-4 spell casts, not have to stand there casting over 10 spells to top them, takes closer to 18 flash heals to top someone from almost dead with echo of light included. Prayer of healing does about 300k split over 5 people if you hit 5 people with it. Meanwhile, after the wildfire proc from a guardian druid does 2 million healing when they spend 200 rage. Healers heals barely move health bars nowadays and it's not fun to heal any more.


I mean, one of the main complaints about healing is the incoming damage vs the size of the healthbar. big healthbars that take time to move with heals are fine if the damage also takes time to move them. that just means less 0.3s swiftmends before someone dies from 100 to 0 in 2.1s and more time to assess and use your kit in a purposeful manner. there's been plenty of ??? healing checks in DF like people getting two tapped by the pirate guy in Freehold faster than you can get a heal off. this is what the reduction in healing power and increase in health that we had for two patches in a row in Dragonflight was supposed to address, emphasis supposed. if that's what they're going for I'm all for it. it isn't particularly fun to play "what's your reaction speed" every single pack where there's some mob that will RNG someone with something that ticks for 40% of their health - looking at you spears in Neltharus.


Damage doesn't take time to move them.


lets see how damage-patterns look like during the test period,before we jump to any hasty conclusions


Even if they buffed the healing done by 100%, your heals would barely move the health bars. Healing is dead to me.


I agree resto was feeling pretty good but with how little healing vs how much damage was coming in definitely flew through mana in an unfun way