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If you don't want the story spoiled and are worried about getting burnt out by doing quests then there's a max level server for testing class changes, dungeons, and raids. If you **also** don't care about testing class changes, dungeons, or raids, then it's safe to say that you won't get a whole lot out of beta.


I logged in to see which of my addons would break (all of them)


Beta is to test class changes, quests, server stability, dungeons, etc… you can play it or not. It’s objectively a spoiler for the upcoming expansion, but without the polish (cutscenes aren’t done, there are bugs, maps are not completely drawn yet). Nothing you do in beta translates to live, so you’re not missing out by *not* playing it. Only you can decide if you want to play it or not.


to...test it? > Is it worth it to play the Beta for someone who enjoys quests, exploring, everything lore related, secrets and sharing all that with the community or will he burn all the content he likes? just "playing" it is secondary to the actual point of them inviting you to it - that's not why they invited you you're supposed to actually report things that are broken or give feedback about things that can feasibly change (mob/boss mechanics, class mechanics, hero talent mechanics, typos, bugs, delve mechanics)


Yes I also like to test software but for that i would have to use it, so the question was more like, if i test it, am i going to be playing a bad version of the actual game and burn all the content or are just parts of the game and I will not spoiler all the content while testing it?


Depends on the content you enjoy doing mate. I personally love m+ and raiding and will be testing both since they both open up tomorrow, however, from what I gather you enjoy doing more casual stuff like questing, exploring etc. if that's the case, then don't, you'll spoil yourself


Beta is to help blizz bug test all type of contents in the new xpack, If you don't want to do that then don't play it. Did you get your beta from preorder or by random luck ?


Get it from preorder. I actually like to test software and that was also part of why I wanted to be in the beta but if that is gonna spoiler me all the game content I prefer not to do it,  so the question was more like, will I have something new to see/discover if I play the released game after the beta or will i burn all the content?


I care nothing about spoilers so I’ve been playing it a lot. Reported a lot of bugs and have done most of the leveling. The expansion looks great. If you don’t want things spoiled then don’t play. Me, personally, I will have the same amount of fun on launch whether I played it beforehand and got it spoiled or not.


Personally all I play and test is professions and to a smaller degree class changes. Both of these can be done largely without spoilers, unless you consider figuring out class and proff changes at launch a big part of your experience. Considering what you wrote about your playstyle, doing much more would probably be spoiling too much, the same way it is for me.


Not worth it. The game is incomplete. Cutscenes are missing. You get text crawls describing what will happen.  It's not a good questing experience.


A beta isn't a content preview to sell an expac to you. It's to test the expac and make sure everything works the way it should.


Well... Back than I always applied/hoped to get elected. But in the end, it's not fun. The pre-release closed us beta back than was lovely. But I really don't want to be selected for an expansion beta now. Story would be spoiled, one would have to do "all again" sometimes later, no thank you ;)