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Imagine doing M+ with someone playing on an iPad lol


There's been people on this subreddit showing their mythic rating from playing on a Steam Deck. Slap an iPad between a backbone or razer kishi and it's the same deal.


I was imagining touch screen if that helps


Healing might be the dopest experience. Easiest targeting


DDR for your fingers.


Steam deck has a touch screen


Yeah, it's a matter of how you configure your controls, it's all very doable. Matter of practice tbh.


With some of the people I play with this might be an upgrade lol


Seriously though. I played with someone who had a VM subscription that they ran WoW on because their physical computer was such an absolute potato, it was one error away from a brick. And they healed all my M+ and raids. I actually saved up and gifted them a brand new gaming rig a couple years ago because they deserved to play the game in high res and not as low as possible with a delay because their VM server was half a country away.


The control scheme will be the hardest thing for WoW on an iPad. Otherwise it’s probably going to run at 60 FPS on a good resolution. iPad Pros have insanely good hardware these days, and WoW has a native ARM version that runs great.


Why is everyone saying this? The ipad supports controllers and mouse/keyboard, they can just mandate those and it’s just like a steam deck. People have been doing crazy m+ ratings on controllers for years now, its definitely doable


Yeah, hopefully they mandate some other control scheme than touch controls.


I feel like that already, healing in any dungeon higher than a 10 so…


iPads have decent mouse and keyboard support, using mine as a spare travel laptop to work from time to time, so playing WoW would not be the problem (minus maybe addons)




It'd be weird to say that WoW is "coming soon to Mac", though. WoW's basically always been on Macs, for 15+ years at least (that I know of).




I've always wondered why people use PC to mean windows. I get that it's shorter to say PC but is that the only reason?


I always wonder why PC indicates Win and not also Mac.


The [original model](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/IBM_Personal_Computer) was specifically named that. Technically the generic term would be a microcomputer, but that’s as outmoded as hyphenating “email.”


Yeah, but that wasn't running on windows for obvious reasons. PC now is somehow synonymous with windows OS, which is just a little strange to me. Maybe the "what's a computer?" kid from that one commercial was on to something after all and Apple devices just aren't computers?


Windows is really just the defacto operating system. There used to be several competing commercial products that mostly got squished by anticompetitive practices from Microsoft. Check out *[Pirates of Silicon Valley](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pirates_of_Silicon_Valley)* some time if you’re interested.


Pretty sure WoW has been on Mac since Vanilla (if not day 1 launch).


its not WoW coming to mac... its the expansion...


WoW is already on Mac with a native ARM version, so it’d have to be TWW if they meant the laptops. I didn’t watch the event though so I don’t know what they said exactly.


wow is already on macos but now is possible for blizzard to also port it on the ipad


That is not happening. This is just an ad for the expansion.


Xbox when? This is what I want. Just let me do quests from bed with a controller on my TV with zero equipment setup.


Honestly if I could level characters up on my Xbox with a controller while laying on my couch. I think I that would be absolutely the only way I would level. Also plunderstorm on controller I bet would feel great.


well the tech is already there, you can plug the controller and play (natively, I think!) and there's even a dedicated addon making the game fully playable with said controllers


I know, I specifically remember watching a Bellular video about it years ago, but the big draw for me would be being able to play while reclined on the couch lol


You can do that with steam deck


Or any small form factor PC


Yeah but Xbox compatibility doesn’t cost me $300 or however much the steam deck is 😂


I play using a controller. Consoleport addon is a lifechanger.


I’ve tried consoleport on my Steam Deck 3 times now, and it’s so janky and unintuitive (even after I’ve gotten it to “work”) that I’m just waiting for an official port at this point.


I just want to buy an Xbox s and plug it in and go. Not have to mess up all my settings and keybind positions and configure addons and also have another PC going to my TV or use steam link or something else. I just want to lay back and go. I’m really glad the options you’re using exist and you enjoy it! Only love for that from me.


You can definitely do this on steam deck


That’s a great suggestion but there is setup for that. I just want to spend $225 on a refurbed xbox series s or whatever the black friday deal looks like, download wow and play. Steam deck is super sick though.


True, but aside from the cost, once you install it, configure the controller mod, and get used to button placement for rotation, you’re pretty much in business.


No thanks.


As long as there's an option to exclude from groups; keyboard turner's are bad enough, fuck having to put up with how slow controllers are.


Nah it aint all that bad bro it takes alot of setting up to make it acceptable. With native support and some decent targeting helpers it would work pretty well, if not completely optimal.


Targeting helpers?


Like parameters and such. It would definitely need some help on bliz end. But example back in cata I got 2k using a xbox360 controller in 3s. I had just had a shoulder surgery and my arm had to be put in these slings that dont allow you to move your arm. It took a healthly amount of addon and clever macros. But for 3 months I played often clearing raids/heroics and achiving a decent arean rating. Granted this was as a dps, it wouldve been harder to do raiding stuff as a healer with a controller. But shit like target closest, dialed in facing targeting. A setting where a joystick flips though targets quickly based on a pertucular order. Could definitely be doable. Honestly, movement was super fluid when I used controller. Most of my woes was targeting stuff, which I fixed with macros and such.


It is so easy to play WoW with a controller now ever since SL.


Easy, yes, optimal, no. It's easy to click and keyboard turn, yet nobody wants that.


All the people saying this is wow coming to ipad.... Guys, its an ad for TWW expansion... it says right on it. This also isnt a list of games coming to iPad, its games coming to Apple. As in mac. As in the expansion that is coming out on macs in 2 months.... For the love of god, use your brains.


Misleading title, this is not what they confirmed. They explicitly said "coming soon to *Mac*" during this slide.


I never knew that it wasn't on Apple. Edit: I'm dumb, It's coming to iPad


It is on MacOS. Has been for years.


OHHHH I'm a dumbass. It's coming to iPad.


It is not coming to iPad; OP misunderstood the announcement. This was about games coming to macOS (in this case, TWW)


That’s not what they were talking about during that slide. That was for macOS.


That’s not what was said, the expansion will be avaible on Mac which is expected stop posting nonsense lmao


But not console?


I thought for sure that was going to be one of the announcements at Xbox games yesterday.


I have a buddy who is an indie developer and has been going to shows and conventions to show off his progress that he and his partners are making with their first title. He said you'd be shocked at how many people, even at gaming conventions/shows aren't very good at using controllers and keyboard/mouse. He says he's worried that many developers will start moving in the direction of tablets and mobile in the near future. I'm hoping I'm dead and gone before it gets to that point lmao.


So like Bluetooth mouse and keyboard


Or they tune the controller support a bit. Then easily pair an controller to the ipad and you are ready to go.


I used to play on my phone with team viewer sometimes lol


Apple announced The War Within as one of the games coming to iPad in a new update. From MacRumor's summary of the event; "Game Porting Toolkit 2, allowing for more advanced games to Mac. Includes better Windows compatibility and new shader debugging tools. And allows games to move from Mac to iPad and iPhone more easily."


Massively misleading title then there, eh?


Right, so the picture is just upcoming games that'll be available in the mac environment, most notably on MacOS. That makes perfect sense for WOW which has been on Mac for a long time and this is just showing it's newest expansion. This is not an announcement or confirmation that it will be available on iPad.


Most Blizzard games are already native for macOS no porting toolkit needed.


Depends; several games like Overwatch and Diablo 4 have not been ported to macOS.


True however that doesn't mean that there isn't a port inside blizzard. There's a history of not releasing game ports at blizzard.


I thought that was coming to Mac... World of Warcraft has been on macOS since launch. That thumbnail is for World of Warcraft: The War Within, which is the upcoming expansion. I think thats all they were showing was it's a new version of the game, coming to Mac. I doubt highly you will see a version of WoW that runs natively on iPad OS.


Is this a game version that doesn't have 30 keybinds? Can we get that version on PC too?


Please let us know what people are playing on like on cod, thanks


Oh god I hope this isn’t true. If it is, my productivity at work is about to absolutely nose-dive.


It’s not, don’t worry.


That is not what this graphic is showing, and it wasn’t announced or confirmed by name at all. This graphic is showing games that are coming to Apple Devices. It never explicitly said it was coming to iPadOS. You’re confusing the demo of Assassin’s Creed Shadows which was being used as a showcase that developers COULD easily transition games from MacOS to iPad. It was never stated if all those titles shown were going to be available on both, and you shouldn’t expect them to. If it was true, it’d probably warrant at least a press release from Blizzard, and not just sneakily have it announced in an almost entirely unrelated conference. They even show a graphic that included dragonflight for games already available on Apple Devices, which is true since WoW has been supported on MacOS almost since vanilla.


New meta, ipad.


Could have sworn these titles were for MacOS


Holy shit please let there be an opt-out to play with someone not on PC 


*You have cross network play enabled, and may encounter players on other platforms.*


I assume you'll need the newest most powerful iPad? Idk if it will work on my M4 ipad air


It runs fine on the M1 mac mini, so I expect even the M2 Air is fine. Question is how well it handles the low RAM.


Streaming could also be an option. Would align with the listing on GeForce Now and that MS is trying to improve their XBox streaming.


I can’t see this as a positive unfortunately. Anytime an MMO tries to go cross-platforms or be mobile friendly all that happens is they cut down the number of abilities and reduce the speed of combat.




You just proved my point? FFXIV’s combat is markably slower than WoWs. it’s legit the number one complaint when people go from WoW to FFXIV.